I Have Practically 0 Experience With Romance Lmao - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Someone taps you on the shoulder, and you turn around to see Graham O’Brian, with a sandwich in one hand and a slip of paper in the other. He looks out of breath and done with the Doctor’s shit, he hands you the piece of paper, and when you look at it you can see it has the numbers 9, 53, 67 and 130 written on it in messy handwriting, “The Doc wants you to answer these questions” he says, turning to leave, “Oh, and she mentioned something about a cat you really shouldn’t be talking to...”


Wait, Doc didn't say anything about not petting the cat... Can I pet the cat?? Can I??? As long as I don't talk to him it's good, right???

Thanks Graham ^^!

9: My best first date

I've only been to a date once in my life so... I guess that one?

We went to the cinema. There aren't any in my hometown so we went to the fanciest one that we had near and spent the afternoon moving between places.

Even though it wasn't the original plan, we ended up watching Warcraft. He picked the film and, honestly? I loved it. I'm still glad that he got which style of movies I like XD. We talked a lot and really had a great time but I may or may not have friendzoned myself the day after lmao XD (which turned out to be for the best because looking back now, my feeling that I wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment turned out to be spot on and we managed to stay good friends. I doubt I would be the person I am today if I had chosen differently, and I'm glad I took that decision. I've really changed a lot these past years XD)


Congratulations, you officially know more about it than most of my friends irl XD

53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?

If you're talking about romantic kisses, my friend, there's no one kissing in a thousand miles radius XD

67: What was the last book I’ve read?

I?? Can't recall???

Fuck me, I used to read non stop!!!??? As a kid I had to go weekly to the library because my parents were tired of how fast I'd finish every new book and wouldn't buy me more!!! What the hell happened QwQ?

I think it was either "Morning Star" by Pierce Brown (I'm not a big fan of space settings nor interplanetary wars in novels but god, I loved the Red Rising trilogy. I'm waiting for my cousin to lend me the sequel) or "No sóc el meu ADN" ("I'm not my DNA") by Manel Esteller (I had to read this one during winter holidays for college, so go figure XD). I don't know which one went later.

I started reading "Carmilla" a long time ago, but I get lost easily and I can't understand half of what they're saying QwQ

130: Been fishing?

Once, when I went to Ireland to study abroad for like three weeks. The foster family loved fishing. It was way more entertaining than what I expected and we would return the fish immediately.

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