I Have To Work On My Pencil Sketches - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
"How Would You Like Your Hair, My Little Ladyship?" "Ummm... Pretty!" "Heh Heh... Very Well. I Will Try

"How would you like your hair, my little ladyship?" "Ummm... pretty!" "Heh heh... Very well. I will try my hardest to make it 'pretty'..." Gunther had two younger sisters growing up, and with their mother constantly working to support a family of four on her own, things like doing their hair fell to him. Of course, as a ten year old boy with no practice in such matters, the most he could do was ponytails and simple braids, but they appreciated his efforts nonetheless. Fast forward forty years, and he still never bothered to expand his styling repetoir, but Nerr and Jakob didn't mind. My point? Nerr and (to a lesser extent) Jakob are very sentimental and still wear their hair the way Gunther used to do it for them as children. Of course, Jakob would die before admiting that, and even Nerr tends to be a bit evasive when it comes to explaining why she doesn't want to try new styles.

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