I Looked Up What The Singer Said Ab This And While I Accept Her Take On The Meaning Of The Song I Think That The Listeners Are The Ones Who - Tumblr Posts
people point at me
they point their fingers at me
whisper behind my back
and i don’t give a damn
what does it matter to me?
if i’m different from them
i am no one’s
nobody owns me
i know they criticize me
i’m aware that they hate me
envy consumes them
my life overwhelms them
why could that be?
it’s not my fault
my circumstances insult them
my destiny is the one i decide
the one i choose for myself
who cares what i do?
who cares what i say?
this is who i am, i’ll keep being like this
i will never change
who cares what i do?
who cares what i say?
this is who i am, i’ll keep being like this
i will never change
maybe the fault is mine
for not following the rules
it’s already too late
to change now
i will stand
firm in my convictions
will reinforce my positions
my destiny is the one i decide
the one i choose for myself
who cares what i do?
who cares what i say?
this is who i am, i’ll keep being like this
i will never change
who cares what i do?
who cares what i say?
this is who i am, i’ll keep being like this
i will never change
who cares what i do?
who cares what i say?
this is who i am, i’ll keep being like this
i will never change