I Love Bts - Tumblr Posts
Sooo namjoon's insta handle is named rpwprpwprpwp because of his upcoming album: right place wrong person
happy new year!!! I know i’m new to stanning bts, but I can’t wait to see what 2024 will bring to this account 🥹 luv u all so much already<3
(I am wine drunk and getting sappy don’t look at me)
Hello! I am the anon who requested the single dad!joon Drabble, I just read it and I’m so happy! That’s almost exactly what I envisioned when I sent you the ask, and you wrote it so well! You are an amazing writer, and I love how interactive you are with your followers :) I’m really glad I found your blog and I’m looking forward to reading more of your works! I hope you are doing well, thank you for accepting my request, you made my day🥰 Take care, xoxo
Oh my mochi-
Ok but... WHY SO SWEET?!!! AYY~
Why chu so sweet, dear anon? 🥺😭💙 I am so, so, so, so, so happy that you like my work, this was my intetion from beginning, to give you all something I can make, something I love to do and do it for you all, maybe brighting up your day with it!
I really love interacting with my readers/followers/moots, they are all my mochis. 💕☺️ It means a lot to me to know when someone loves my work 🙊😽.
P.S.: I am so sorry for making his son a daughter 👉🏼👈🏼 I forgot you asked for a son. But hey!! I guess you can have one now😏*winks winks*

I'm sorry, we all have some weaknesses and mine just happen to be dreaming abt getting forehead kisses from Hoseok and being loved and cherished ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😂 I guess it's pretty tame still 😅 also I'd have never guessed you ain't a native speaker, you are doing amazing 💜 (also English isn't my first language so I get the struggle 😊) 💜💜💜💜

That's damn sweet!!! 🥺💕
O-Oh... well, thank chu so mochi, I am glad my grammar errors aren't that visible.
I actually got an ask once, from an anon, correcting me about one of my Jimin drabbles, I used brand names and I was way too excited to post it, so I didn't even re-read it, to correct the mistakes.
(I tend to do that when I am excited about my work).
It looks like I wrote Yve instead or Yves. I got mad back then, not because someone corrected me( btw, feel free to correct my grammar mistakes), but because someone was so intrigued by a name brand, to actually send me something about that, but no one corrected my grammar mistake, or the fact I sometimes write o instead of i (by mistake) and stuff like that.
Your English is pretty well, too💫💕
jimin and taehyung are only two months apart but jimin sounds like hes 12 and taehyung sounds like he’s gone through puberty twice and this is why i have trust issues

We YOUNG forever
K, but all of their reactions in the fourth gif are priceless... JK’s all like, “Awww yeah, international playboy, that’s me.”
RM’s like, “Omg, stop, you’re making me blush.”
Tae’s like, *gasp* “You made my hyung blush, wtf.”
And Suga’s like, “Pffft, this interviewer’s cute... doesn’t she know we’re already North American heartthrobs?”
Amiright or amiright??


Literally actually me bc you guys are so sweet??? Like wtf???
Thank you guys for 100 followers. It may not seem like much but I’ve only had this account for like two weeks and the fact that 100 of you like my writing enough to follow me??? Its making me smile like an idiot. I feel so good knowing people are enjoying my stuff. Thank you so so so much. 😭💜 you’re all so sweet and precious and lovely and ahhh!!!
happy birthday sunshine. I'm not good at expressing myself lmao. Please know how much we love and adore you. Thank you for bringing sooo much joy and happiness to ARMY. Thank your for your unconditional love and hard work. I hope you get to wake up each day happily with a bright smile on your face. PLEASE never let that beautiful smile of yours fade away. (I love especially how you smile with your eyes first) Oh and please don't be so hard on yourself, you are a magnificant singer & dancer - take it easy. 🥺
Not to sound corny, but everytime when I listen to your voice during a song, I feel like I'm sitting on clouds surrounded by a million of stars. Bruh, you have know idea how much I cherish you!!!
P.S. I wanna high five your parents for their incredible work xD for having such a precious son duh! :P

are we seeing this????

940912 — Happy Birthday, Kim Namjoon! ♡