I Love Renjun :))) - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

hey sisters

update on trying to find a renjun photocard:

an amazing angel on twitter hit me up and i think i’m finally getting to trade!! i’m too energetic rn it’s 10pm i’m so happy dndnnddnbdndjdj

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3 years ago


HUANG RENJUN always carries around your favourite snacks on him. he doesn't know when it began but whenever you need a pick-me-up sugar fix, he gotchu

HUANG RENJUN has a section of notes in his phone dedicated to you. things you like, poems that remind him of you, songs to put in playlists for you, things he thinks you'll like. it just shows how much he thinks about when you aren't there.

HAUNG RENJUN intertwines his pinky with yours because he is too shy to hold your hand completely but wants to hold hands anyways. no matter how long you've been togther, he still feels like his heart will spill when you wrap your entire hand in his.

HAUNG RENJUN rolls his eyes with a scoff whenever someone looks your way because he knows you're hot and the audacity they have to look at you. anger issues aside, you love it when he is obviously ticked off when someone checks you out.

HAUNG RENJUN only wears colognes he knows will get a reaction from you. while he does like smelling nice generally, if he knows you like the scent of a certain perfume, oh boy will he wear it just to get your attention.


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3 years ago
9:48pm Shoulders Pressed Against Each Other, Warm Blanket Tied Around Your Intertwined Legs, Warm Mug

9:48pm — shoulders pressed against each other, warm blanket tied around your intertwined legs, warm mug of tea sitting soundly on your bedside table. this is how you find yourself spending your friday evening, with a boy so dear to your heart occupying the left side of your bed and his breathing synced with yours in a beautiful melody.

lively conversations move to quiet hums as you whisper out the news of the week to each other, finding comfort in the safety of your warm bed after the long week. both of your social batteries run out quickly, leaving the two of you being happy with just the fondness of it all, the idyllic silence of the room and your bodies pressed against each other. renjun has always felt safe to you, like the anchor that pulls you down to the earth again, shielding you from going into overdrive and turning absolutely crazy.

somewhere along the way, you hold his hand with yours, bringing it up above your heads and shielding your eyes from the orange light radiating from the lamp right above your bed. your hands intertwine for a second before you pull your fingers apart and opt to gently play with his, a gesture so fond renjun finds himself melting into the touch. 

your smooth skin glazes his own, the warmth of his hand bringing you comfort once again, like many times before, as you twirl with his fingers and examine his hand as if you're holding it for the first time ever.

your fingers meet the metal of one of his rings, sitting brightly on his pointer finger, grasping it and turning it around, admiring the way it glimmers under the light. the cold material always made you jump in surprise whenever you held his hand, but now, it's like you're grounding yourself whenever you hold it and search for the feeling of silver on your palm.

renjun stops you in your antics, moving his hand from yours, taking the ring off. disappointment fills your veins when you see the gesture, but warmth fills your stomach with warm sun and comfort when he brings his hand back to yours, placing the ring onto your finger and glazing over it with soothing fingers, admiring his work.

he finds himself looking at you, seeing you watching him with wide eyes full of surprise, stars glimmering in the shocked orbs as he grins at your expression, admiring you.

"cute," he mumbles.

he thinks he might just get you a matching one. 

9:48pm Shoulders Pressed Against Each Other, Warm Blanket Tied Around Your Intertwined Legs, Warm Mug

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3 years ago
Dreamies And Their Oddly Specific Love Languages

dreamies and their oddly specific love languages

Dreamies And Their Oddly Specific Love Languages

・゚✧ MARK

only leaves after you lock the door

likes to make stupid slang words just to make you laugh

gives a side-eye when its time to leave

blinks a few times before mumbling a "wow" when you decide flex your fit

likes it when you use his basketball shorts

swings his legs like he's in a teen movie when he texts you


deliberately leaves his sketchbook out for you too see he's been sketching you

shares a spotify account with you just so he could listen to songs you like

knows how you like your coffee done

conspiracy theories about existence itself

oddly touchy when behind closed doors

late-night sketches + painting, followed by an exaggerated bidding of 2 Million imaginary Won


always makes obnoxious smooch noises before ending the call

holds his breath while waiting for you to say "i love you" back when he says it first

puts his hand in your back pocket when you go for a walk

plays Apex with you from time to time without calling you a "noob"

always asks if you want to travel spontaneously, and sometimes plans happen


late night facemask + selfcare hours!!!

tries to stay awake to keep you company when you can't sleep

though he can be cocky most times, he gets flustered when you do anything intimate out in the open

a scheduled hour everyday of watching your favorite shows-- oh you're going out? he's got it downloaded on his phone.

his fingers have to touch yours-- whether it be hand-holding, or flicking each other, as long as he feels your skin he's content <3

occasionally treats you like a baby as a teacher; "sit down, please.", "your mom is coming to pick you up soon~", "oh! did you color in the lines this time? yay!"

・゚✧ JENO

little kithes <3

likes to massage your neck or shoulders

finds it funny when you wear his glasses

is always there when theres something you can't reach from the cabinet

sleepless nights consist of deep conversations in the bathtub

small spoon despite his big guns wrapping around you like a beast



repeated late-night fried chicken runs

always asks if you can pay despite having enough money to buy the whole ass restaurant

"if you pay this time, i'll give you a kiss!!!"

massage chair buddies + going 'aaaaa' when the chair starts vibrating

while he bullies jisung, you end up hyping him up, which makes chenle jealous and pouty


he was shy at first, but he loves it when you watch him practice his choreography

laughs whenever you try copy a move he did

cries harder than you when you cry about something

denies the fact that he wants to cuddle that night, but always ends up waddling to your room and forcing himself into your bed

only lets you touch his hair + likes when you adjust his hair style

only enjoys his lunch when he picks food from your plate, vice versa

Dreamies And Their Oddly Specific Love Languages

jaemjenjam, 2021

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3 years ago

love languages ~ huang renjun

Love Languages ~ Huang Renjun
Love Languages ~ Huang Renjun
Love Languages ~ Huang Renjun

how you show your love

late night talks about life on other planets

kissing his birthmark and wrist

painting together and switching canvases

putting paint on his cheek

only to gently wipe it off

running your hands through his hair when he's too tired to complain

playing with his fingers

knowing he actually loves it

despite his complaining

and eye rolling

you know he would be sad if you stopped

helping him put his earrings in

knowing exactly how he likes his tea and coffee

keeping every little doodle and sarcastic note he gives you in a box under your bed

even the napkin doodles he leaves laying around

cleaning his glasses for him

telling him how proud you are of him

taking off his makeup when he's too tired to

saving the flavours he likes when you have a bag of candy

putting his head in your lap and reading to him until he falls asleep

buying him flowers

loving him unconditionally

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3 years ago
RenhyuckDive Into You
RenhyuckDive Into You
RenhyuckDive Into You
RenhyuckDive Into You

Renhyuck ♡ Dive Into You

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3 years ago
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls
Lemme Hold Hand Pls

lemme hold hand pls

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3 years ago
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf
Renjun Soft Cuddly Bf

Renjun ー soft cuddly bf ★彡

For @scintillasofbeomgyu <3

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3 years ago
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1
What Renjun Does Alone In A Waiting Room Ep1

what renjun does alone in a waiting room ep1

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3 years ago

round ♡

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3 years ago
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(
I Miss Renjun So Bad :(

I miss renjun so bad :(

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3 years ago
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun
Tiny Renjun

Tiny renjun 😭

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