Chenle - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



pairing; Chenle x reader

genre; enemies to lovers au, ‘American high school’ au, angst, fluff

word count; 10.8k

summary; ‘The moment you laid eyes on Zhong Chenle, you had flipped.’ You had known that you were in love with Chenle, your next door neighbor, since you were 7 years old. Chenle wanted nothing to do with you. Until of course, ten years later he starts to realize that perhaps there’s more to you that meets the eye, unluckily just as you began to realize, perhaps Chenle was less than you had chalked him up to be.

warnings; insensitive language regarding illness, death, female reader, heavily inspired by the movie flipped, some scenes are near word for word from the movie, so credits to the movie for those parts, although parts of the main narrative differ, as well as scenes. A large majority of the characters are not similar to their real life counterpart. 

tag list; @sunflowerhae​ @byunbaekby​​ @mikasrecs​(if you asked to be on the tag list and i didn’t tag you, i’m very sorry, i was terrible at tracking who was on it cause im an idiot)

a/n; Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon Appetit.

It all began in the Summer before second grade. In Zhong Chenle’s eyes, it was the beginning of a decade of strategic avoidance, awkward encounters, and a lifetime worth of what he deemed to be, discomfort.

For you, it was true love.

The moment you laid eyes on Zhong Chenle, you had flipped. It was something in those eyes, those dazzling brown eyes which bore into you. Or maybe it was something about his smile. There was something about him which made you realize that at 7 years old, you had met your soul mate. His family had just moved into your neighborhood, a long cul-de-sac of identical, modern two-story houses, the majority of which had the same identical clean cut lawns and typical nuclear well off family who owned the house and prided themselves on how their petunias were better than the house across the streets. That was except for yours, of course. Deemed the ‘embarrassment of the neighborhood,’ the yellow paint on your house was flaking off, the grass dry and grey and the fence encasing the yard, which had at one point been white was now a dull grey, not to mention falling apart in some places. This was attributed to the fact that your father simply did not have the time. As a painter, he had to work extra hard to provide for his family, especially considering your mother’s situation.

It was a hot summer’s day, the day Chenle moved in. You could remember the feeling of the sun on your face as you basked in its warmth, the pavement on which you sat almost boiling as the moving van pulled up to the house opposite yours. You had recalled that your father had told you to always be kind and helpful, which is why you had thought it appropriate to skip across the road to the nice looking family and offer a helping hand.

Little did you know, your help was unwanted. Chenle remembered watching the girl skip – skip? As if anyone had done that since kindergarten – from the odd-looking house across the way and when she confidently stated,

“Hi, I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Need any help?” He looked to his father for confirmation that this girl was strange. He noticed the judgmental look which was written on his father’s face as he surveyed the girl with the messy hair and grubby clothes, no doubt from playing in the unpleasant yard which she came from that juxtaposed with their clean, green yard. He recognized the exact moment that his father deemed them better than her, a switch in his face where he knew where she stood on the social ladder. Acting according, he too looked at the girl with disdain.

“There’s some valuable things in those boxes. Don’t touch them.” His father had scolded as you reached for one of the boxes that were stacked on their lawn.

“What about this one?” You suggested, reaching for another one. This was the moment that Chenle had realized that this girl could not take a hint. His father had pushed the box away with his foot before you could even touch it.

“Maybe you should run home? Your moms probably worried about you.” He sneered, staring down his nose on you. Resilient, you stared back.

“My dad knows I’m here.” You had replied simply, before turning to Chenle.

“Want to push one together?” You asked, pointing at one of the heavier ones. Chenle scrunched his face up at you, looking to his father for answers.

“I think your mom wants your help in the house, Chenle.” His dad had replied, not so subtly winking at him, as if to say, ‘escape from the crazy girl while you can.’

 He seized the opportunity, turning on his heel and running towards the house, where his mother stood in the doorway, when the most ridiculous thing happened. Not only did (Y/N) (Y/L/N) follow him, but you grabbed his hand.

“Oh, hello! I see you’ve met my son.” His mother had called out, a small smile growing on her face as she observed the sight of the two 7-year olds connected by their hands.

Chenle, having no clue how to escape the situation, did the most mature thing a 7-year-old boy could do. He hid behind his mother.

Keep reading

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NCT Dream - what makes them go Glitch Mode? aka their turn-ons and turn-offs

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NCT Dream - What Makes Them Go Glitch Mode? Aka Their Turn-ons And Turn-offs
NCT Dream - What Makes Them Go Glitch Mode? Aka Their Turn-ons And Turn-offs

In order to celebrate the release of GLITCH MODE (yay!), I wanted to do a reading on our dreamies, so I hope you all enjoy this one! I originally was planning on doing just a standard ideal type reading (there were a couple requests for this), but I hope you all don't mind me switching it up a little and doing their turn-ons and turn-offs based on astrology! What can I say? I was inspired by the teasers hehe.

Disclaimer: I consulted their whole birth charts for this, but I have highlighted their moon, venus, and mars signs as these placements can tell us a lot about what makes us tick, or rather what makes us glitch. Those with the asterisk* mean I used a confirmed or speculative birth time, so house info is included. Some of these are more general, but some will be romantic and/or sexual, so 18+ and explicit content ahead!!


aries moon, virgo venus, scorpio mars


people who have a significant drive/passion - if his scorpio mars is in his 2nd house (11 am birth time), then he will want someone who mirrors his own drive for making money and creating stability in his life. someone who is working towards their own goals will understand that he is busy and still cherish the time they can spend together

cleanliness and being tidy - classic virgo venus stuff. if he's coming over for a hookup you better put your shit away and wash your dishes. and your ass.

someone who is underrated for their looks? - sort of hard to explain, but he won't be as turned on by someone who is super flashy with their looks or turns every head when they walk into a room, he likes people who are more low-key. he might even get obsessed with one detail about a person that he finds attractive, not really focusing on their overall "hotness"

them making the first move - he's a little shy with his venus and mercury placements, and his leo sun would be really turned on by someone letting him know they are interested first


being called daddy - don't shoot the messager y'all! but his eros in cancer points to a mommy kink, as well as maybe liking big boobs/ LOTS of cum. he might call someone else daddy but I don't see him being super into being called it himself

not being direct with feelings in an argument - with his aries moon in his 7th house and scorpio mars, if he has gotten to the point where he is full-blown arguing then he better get direct communication from you, even if it's screaming. if you can't handle confrontation or being honest then it will drive him crazy

things that could get his bed dirty during sex - again thanks to his virgo venus. think fake nails that might pop off, fake tan, lots of hair gel or makeup lol

public sex/exhibitionism - people are so obsessed with the idea of scorpio mars being sex demons or whatever but they forget that scorpio is about intimate, one-on-one connections. so I don't think he would be super open to public sex (although I see him as a pleaser so if you really wanted to maybe he would try). I do think he would be turned off by someone bragging about their sexual exploits together too - as a leo, he would rather be the one bragging lol


scorpio moon, pisces venus, taurus mars


high sexual stamina - lilith and eros in capricorn, get ready for a looooooooooooong night

creativity and/or spirituality - his pisces venus would like people interested in music, arts, or who have some sort of spiritual aspect to their lives. the type of dude to take you star gazing on your first date the night he asks you out and get turned on if you start talking about your dreams.

similarly, someone who has similar taste as him in music or art - I could even see him being a tiny bit of a snob about this stuff, but honestly, that can be attractive if he really knows his stuff and is good at sharing his opinions!

nice feet - pisces venus. men with pisces placements seem to be more prone to foot fetishes so

taboo relationships or those that have to be hidden/secretive - based on the combo of scorpio and pisces. to be honest, this might be kind of a good turn-on for him given his job as an idol haha, but I could see his aries self doing something impulsive or his stubborn taurus mars getting involved and exposing his relationship accidentally lol


being bad at dirty talk - instant boner killer for him, due to his mercury being sextile mars and conjunct his venus

pretending you are close with him when you've just met - kinda random, but you know those people who you meet once at a party or whatever and then you see them on campus and they act like you are best friends (libra energy tbh)? His scorpio moon opposite his taurus mars would HATE this, he is very slow to open up and craves emotional intimacy, not people running up and hugging him when they have met twice. *however, if his mars is actually in aries this might change this

being late - classic taurus mars turn-off. they hate being rushed or when things are going too slow, so being punctual is a must

not playing into his fantasies/roleplay - his taurus mars is square neptune, and that combined with the pisces energy means he is VERY turned on by taking his fantasies and grounding them, making them real and sensual with another person. If someone isn’t game or good at that it would turn him off


sagittarius moon, aries venus, taurus mars


play-fighting/bickering - with his aries venus and sag moon, don't be overly sweet when trying to flirt with this guy! I could see him in the middle of bickering with his partner about who is going to do the laundry or something and suddenly wanting to fuck on them on the washing machine

making someone blush - again, aries venus/mercury thing. he would love acting all cute and innocent and then saying something filthy out of the blue to make you blush super hard

setting the mood - taurus mars is all about indulging the senses, so I think he would be really turned on if you set the mood, like lighting candles, putting on your best sex playlist, or tbh pull out some food to use in foreplay I think that would make him glitch real hard lol

why are these all sexual sorry my mind is in the gutter, I didn't realize until this reading how much me and jeno would FUCK (our venuses are conjunct by less than a degree and his mars is exactly conjunct my eros)

exploring/adventures - I think he would really enjoy people, both romantically and friendship-wise, who are adventurous and like to go on little trips where they can explore with him, to balance out the more chill nights at home he also enjoys


not being funny - okay so I find it fascinating how he's joked that he blamed his family for his lack of humor, I think he actually IS funny (no sag moon is 0% funny), I just think his taurus placements obscure it a little. but yeah someone who couldn't make him laugh would turn him off big time

different values - obviously, this can be a general turn-off for most people, but I think taurus energy especially want to be around people that share their values since they are often much too stubborn or "bull-headed" to change their minds. remember, taurus is ruled by venus which oversees love but also values

people rushing him - similar to what I said for Renjun, think Jeno would be super turned-off by people who try to rush him, especially who try to rush him into having feelings. Aries venus' can get attracted easily, they love to feel that instant spark, but before it can turn into a forest fire in his soul (that his sag moon needs), his more slow-moving mars needs time to get there. and anyway, he seems like a very laid-back kind of guy, so I really don't think he would tolerate the opposite type of energy from other people

super vanilla sex - aquarius eros, he needs someone to indulge his kinky and experimental side


leo moon, gemini venus, gemini mars


praise kink - leo moons deep down just want attention and to be told how good they are

dirty talking - his chart literally screams that he loves dirty talk. I truly think he gets the most stimulation from mental connections and words, so I see him and his partner almost constantly talking during acts unless their mouths are full or gagged lol

someone who can see through his bravado and into his vulnerable side - look, he is a very outgoing and bubbly guy, but with his leo moon and especially his cancer mercury in the 8th, I think he gets deep wounds from his interactions with people who assume he is never sensitive or insecure about anything, and I think he would really love and appreciate someone who is able to pick up on these subtleties and be a bit more gentle with him emotionally (big water sign energy)

switching - straight up, this dude is a hardcore switch who loves trying new things and mixing it up. I can even see him being a dom and sub like at the same time???? don't even know how to explain it but he loves having the freedom to experiment

someone make an edit of this hottie to venus in gemini by dezi !!!


super traditional values - he also has aquarius eros and juno. I think he rejects a lot of super traditional rules and values and would not be fond of that in another person, platonic or romantic (side note, I would actually love to hear his take on politics, I think it would be very interesting)

pillow princess/prince/etc. - listen, this guy needs his ego stroked (as well as other things) and would not put up with someone who is not really participating or just there to look pretty

lack of physical touch (outside of sex) - As we can see with his own behavior, those with lots of gemini placements can be VERY handsy and affectionate because this sign rules the hands. He is constantly lavishing attention on others, but since gemini is also represented by the twins he expects it in return, so someone who isn’t touchy or into pda would turn him off

underestimating his intelligence - he could turn cold in an instant if you insult him in this way. he may not be traditionally “book smart”, but he’s constantly aware of his surroundings and taking in/synthesizing information, and with his mars in gemini, his motivation comes from his thought process and making logical decisions


capricorn moon, virgo venus, leo mars


someone who takes good care of their body - they don't have to be perfect-looking or anything, but having a good daily routine that promotes your overall health is attractive to virgo venuses

respecting his authority - his capricorn moon loves when people look to him for advice and respect his opinions on things, especially things where he feels he's in control of it (soft dom energy), but also in other types of relationships too. if you want to get close to him, ask him to teach you something he knows how to do well

classic lingerie/makeup/suiting - on top of his cap moon, he also has a cap eros and lilith which means he gets really turned on by things that are a bit more traditionally sexy or even hint at being "old-fashioned". so show up in your classiest black teddy and red lip or a really nice suit and knock his socks off!

daddy kink - if you want to call one of the dreamies daddy, this one is your best bet

restraints - ropes, handcuffs, the tie he just pulled off his neck, etc. (don't be surprised if he wants to get tied up sometimes too!)


being overly flirty - I actually think someone like this would turn him off because he is a little insecure with his virgo venus (square pluto which is conjunct chiron) and could become VERY jealous if his person isn’t directing their attention all to him

people only being interested in him for his looks - this is more of an intuitive thing, but I get this really strong feeling that he would actually be interested in someone who doesn't fall all over him right away, or who doesn't only want to fuck him because he's, well, incredibly hot and sexy. but astrologically, I think this is supported by his cap moon and virgo venus. both are earth signs so he would want to take things slow and cultivate a connection that's grounded in something other than sexual attention (which he's very used to getting with all of his leo placements).

being TOO freaky - yes, this is a thing. while I think he has his kinks and stuff he would be interested in trying out, I think someone who is extremely sexually open and experimental would turn him off a bit. I'm going to be honest, I think people project a lot onto him because he is talented and good-looking, but I think he is probably more likely to be vanilla and reserved sexually, especially when getting to know someone. if you want him to get real crazy and nasty you're going to have to do so slowly and respectfully my dream tbh, Jaemin I'm down for the job


aquarius moon, scorpio venus, aquarius mars


sexy or revealing outfits - interestingly, I think he's really the only dreamy who would be super turned on by someone showing a lot of skin/cleavage or wearing a sexy outfit that turns heads, due to his scorpio venus. they especially love dark colors and lace/chains btw

quirkiness - I try my best not to enforce basic astrology associations like aquarius = super weird!! but I think in this situation, his aqua moon is conjunct uranus, so I think he really does gravitate towards things and people that are a little different or quirky. I can also see him being interested in people who have very different experiences than him or can show him different and interesting movies/music/shows/etc.

group sex - classic aqua mars turn-on. however, I would tell him to tread very lightly because he might let his dick make the decisions without really thinking about how it would hurt him emotionally to see his partner with other people (his mars is square his scorpio venus). so maybe a sex doll for a threesome instead? other people watching him and his partner over webcam? lol

laughing during sex - to him, it should be fun! get goofy with it!!


ugly feet - pisces lilith, enough said

clinginess/jealousy - his chart is super interesting because, well, first of all, we can’t be sure of his sun sign since we don’t have his birth time and it was a day when the sun changed sings, so that’s stressful on its own. but then we have his competing scorpio and aquarius energy, and while his scorpio venus would crave emotional intimacy, his aquarius moon and mars would HATE someone expecting too much of him or being clingy. especially if someone is jealous to the point where they try to limit his time with friends. honestly, he needs someone who is mature enough to be able to form a deep connection with him while still being independent and open with him, but for a (fairly) young guy that might be hard if he only looks in his age bracket or younger

laziness - his aquarius mars is aspecting almost every major planet in his chart except for his sun, which is either scorpio or sagittarius (two signs that are very high energy and driven), so I don’t think he just chills out very often. even if he does, I think his thoughts are still very much ON. so, I don’t think he would like someone who is super lackadaisical about life, it just wouldn’t match his vibe


scorpio moon, aquarius venus, aries mars


sex toys - okay I have to say I still feel weird writing sexual things about him since he’s a good amount younger than me, so sorry if I’m awkward here BUT aquarius rules technology and other societal advancements, so in the world of sex that means internet stuff and sex toys. like I said he’s pretty young so he may not have gotten here yet, but once he takes an interest in using them and comes across a partner who isn’t open to them he’s going to be like "why tho?" very much a gotta try it once just to see! kinda guy

games or competitions - I think generally, he has a competitive spirit due to his domicile aries mars, and his moon also being ruled (traditionally) by mars, so friendships or relationships where they have friendly competition would be fun and fulfilling for him (side note, I bet he does this with mark all of the time, like making little bets or competitions). but I think he would also be sexually turned on by it, so whip out your board games and when the game gets heated maybe he'll whip something out as well! lol

dates that are both active and intimate - could even apply to hangouts with friends too, but he would like something that appeases his restless aries mars while also letting him and his partner work on their emotional bond for his scorpio moon. think a hike with just the two of you or him teaching you his newest choreo when you have the practice room at to yourselves


super sensitive people - with his cap mercury and his other aqua placements, I think he is probably extremely direct with his feelings and would rather just get something out in the open so you can talk about it instead of holding it in, so I think he would get annoyed with someone who couldn't handle that kind of energy or who was too sensitive

gossipers - I once had a scorpio moon deadass say to me that if I ever shared their secrets and hurt them like that they would hurt me back by exposing all of the personal or private stuff I had told them… if a scorpio moon opens up to you, you better not share that stuff around! Jisung probably wouldn’t open up to someone like this if he picks up on this energy anyways, but if it did happen and you betrayed him, with that aries mars the scorpio sting of revenge would happen quick!

not liking his friends - some of the other members would be okay with a partner not getting along with their friends and keeping their romantic relationships separate, but he definitely wouldn't. I see him really cherishing his friendships and would need his partner to be integrated into the group for it to work

leave your sex playlist at home - aries mars can actually be turned off by super slow or sensual music, like they don't want to hear "baby-making music" they just want chill music that won't entirely ruin the mood

Hope you all enjoyed this reading lovelies 🖤 Make sure to stream Glitch Mode while reading this too!!!

btw please let me know what the appropriate tags are for readings like this that have 18+ or sexual content, I just want to cover my bases so minors can stay away, or so people can filter it out if they want to - I tagged suggestive and smut but I'm not sure if that's right. Please let me know!!


copyright © 2022 stellar-yoongi. all rights reserved.

I try to be as inclusive and respectful with my readings as possible, but if you notice anything that I might have overlooked, please let me know!

These readings are for entertainment purposes only and are based solely on my own knowledge of astrology and tarot, I do not personally know any idol I read for!

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4 years ago

do y’all ever think about how chenle and jisung would have been in the class of 2020 (chenle: dec 2001, jisung: feb 2002)

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6 months ago

um yeah so maybe i sang better than gold with fucking chenle and mark at 1st row for tds 3 in brazil. WHAT THE FUCCIKKKK

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2 years ago

bf!chenle x reader

Bf!chenle X Reader

[5:47pm] ࿐

“baby!!! awww i missed you so much!!!” you gasped, running in for a hug.

“i missed you too!!!” chenle held his arms out, waiting for you to run into his embrace…until he was pushed aside, budged by your shoulder as you ran right passed him.

“daegal!!! you cutie!!! did you miss me???” you smothered daegal in kisses, holding her up to your face.

chenle stood there and watched, feeling defeated.

Bf!chenle X Reader

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3 years ago

tag game!!

your ults but meme ver.

tagged by this angel @leemika <3

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tags;; @kiidyne @citysweet @mochiable

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