I Love Snape - Tumblr Posts

More Snape!! Tried to remember what I originally imagined Snape looking like before Alan Rickman stole my heart.
I have no idea how to do hair texture.
I rewatch Harry Potter just for Alan Rickman's scenes.
Without a lot of the everyday snarky Snape i can clearly see his protectiveness over Harry.
One of my favourites is the Troll scene from The Philosopher's Stone. Snape comes running in like a madman, out of breath and annoyed to find he got all worried over nothing... Like a dad who's real tired of his kids doing stupid dangerous crap. He just angry cuz you made him scared.
OMG!!! I just realized Snape was also injured in this scene! Like, just got bit by a massive dog kind of injured.
So either the sheer amount of adrenaline in his body numbed the pain enough for him to run across the castle and down 2 flights of stairs or he was in incredible pain and pushed through it to make sure everyone was okay... and still managed to be the second person in the room to help despite the fact that the other teachers had far more time to track down the troll and were uninjured.
I feel like nobody appreciates this. But I do! Snape is my grumpy hero.
I rewatch Harry Potter just for Alan Rickman's scenes.
Without a lot of the everyday snarky Snape i can clearly see his protectiveness over Harry.
One of my favourites is the Troll scene from The Philosopher's Stone. Snape comes running in like a madman, out of breath and annoyed to find he got all worried over nothing... Like a dad who's real tired of his kids doing stupid dangerous crap. He just angry cuz you made him scared.
Yayy!!! I found this, it's amazingly well-done!
Watch it.
This is beautiful ❤️ Just gonna go die now.
Can someone recommend me a Snape fic where he has a kid?

Please reblog this it took me 10+ hours

Can we get some more Snape fans in the comments.
There are way too many James fans and they're being toxic.
Why I love Snape: Reason #1
His nose.
His nose is big and lots of people seem to think it is ugly... But they are wrong.
Roman noses or hooked noses are very handsome. 🥰
I'm not sorry that Snape doesn't fit beauty standards. It makes him unique and he makes me feel better about the fact that I don't have an upturned nose.
Why I Love Snape: Reason #2
His fashion sense. Snape's clothes are so dramatic and he is very dedicated to his look.
He's probably got a wardrobe filled with duplicates of completely black outfits.
Maybe owns a few grey or dark green items but that's only for when he's feeling adventurous.
Wish I could see him in a deep purple tho...

Just a little doodle of Snape.
...might have made him too pretty 😔

I like to imagine that Snape comes homes, flings his teaching robes across the room and pulls on an oodie. 😂
@potion-daddy You inspired this.
reblog if you agree Snape was the fucking best character in the HP series

«Мне кажется что будущего нет,
Его стереть сумело безразличие,
И мне уже не важен так рассвет,
День или ночь – не нахожу отличия.»
me: hey it kind of sucks that snape got brutally murdered via snake and i don’t think he deserved to have the most vicious and painful death of the series
some bozo the clown crawling out of the gutter: ACTUALLY brutal murder is fine as long as it’s happening to a character i don’t like. how dare you be have any sympathy for snape at all. he deserved to be drawn and quartered for having the gall to *checks hand* be a mean teacher and make terrible life decisions as a young adult.
But before he could finish this jinx, excruciating pain hit Harry; he keeled over in the grass. Someone was screaming, he would surely die of this agony, Snape was going to torture him to death or madness —
“No!” roared Snape’s voice and the pain stopped as suddenly as it had started; Harry lay curled on the dark grass, clutching his wand and panting; somewhere overhead Snape was shouting, “Have you forgotten our orders? Potter belongs to the Dark Lord — we are to leave him! Go! Go!”
But this is a very visceral reaction. Harry starts howling in excruciating pain, and Snape reacts instinctively: he roars "No!" immediately. And there he was telling Dumbledore that he didn’t care for Harry?
So Luna sleepwalks pretty often. Says so herself, wears shoes to bed even.
You cannot tell me that teachers on nighttime patrol haven't found Luna wandering around.
Can you imagine, Snape's out on the hunt for students out of bed and hears someone walking around, he turns the corner and finds Luna sleepwalking. Then he's stuck trying to decide whether to wake her up or not. Does it actually hurt to wake a sleepwalker? Is that just an old wives tale? Then he spends the rest of the night following Luna around to make sure she doesn't hurt herself cuz he's indecisive.
He probably spends the next day researching sleepwalking so he can be prepared next time.
Severus Snape's father.
Tobias Snape was likely a veteran.
Tobias Snape was born early 1920s and was probably 14-19 years old when ww2 started in 1939.
The war lasted from 1939 to 1945, in which time Tobias definitely made it into the 18 to 41 age range at which british men were conscripted.
He spent at least 2 years as a soldier.
He came back and 15 years later he had Severus Snape.
Tobias might've dealt with PTSD and possibly drank quite a lot. He was definitely not a very pleasant man as it was hinted that he abused his wife and was neglectful towards Severus.
In my mind, Snape grew up with a extremely toxic masculine influence in his father and it made him afraid to show vulnerability and be himself openly.
Snape probably hates being called just Snape because that's what his dad was called and that's why he insists on be called Professor Snape.
Snape likely doesn't like the smell of muggle alcohol and doesn't like to drink too much. If he ever struggled with alcoholism he probably beat himself up all the time with 'i am just like my abusive father' thinking.
He dislikes violence and avoids raising his voice because it reminds him of his father. He never wants to be like his father.
I think Tobias likely had a 'you will never be worth anything' sort of thing towards Severus and that's what gave him the determination to prove himself to get back at his father. His father might be one of the reasons why Severus Snape is a Slytherin.
Why I Love Snape: Reason #3
His hair.
His hair is shoulder length and greasy. Why is his hair shoulder length and greasy? Is it because it is wizarding fashion? Is it because he avoids haircuts? Or is it because he grew up in the 60s and 70s when long hair was on the rise? Who knows.
Honestly I like his hair because of the possibilities. And the drama. His hair is just a vibe. I love it.
Though I wish I could help him wash it. He needs some shampoo and conditioner. Maybe even a double wash. Then some hairstyles he might find more comfy.
A grumpy man with long hair is the best image.
Just imagine Snape in a flower crown.