I Love The Idea Of Service Pokemon - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Batfam’s Pokemon Teams

Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, & Duke

Batfams Pokemon Teams

[Batgirl: Noctowl, Metang, Zubat]

Batfams Pokemon Teams

[Oracle: Rotom, Metagross]

[Barbara Gordon: Noctowl, Elgyem, Rapidash]

As Batgirl she used Noctowl, Metang, and Zubat as her pokemon

She also uses Noctowl as her civilian pokemon, but thankfully no one connected the dots, largely due to Babs erasing all the info about Batgirl she could find

After her spinal injury, she was given an Elgyem as a service pokemon. It uses its psychic powers to help with her mobility

She also has a Rapidash with a special saddle she can ride around on. It’s a retired mounted patrol pokemon her father requisitioned to assist her

Babs gave her Zubat to Cass when she became the next Batgirl and it flourished under her care

As Oracle she has a Rotom who infiltrates electronic devices for her, and her Metagross who acts as her body guard/muscle

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