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9 months ago

Weird potential cryptid au thing?

I've had this idea for a while now, I don't know if you can really call it a "cryptid au" but I didn't know what other name to give it.

So imagine a universe where certain humans or animals can enter into connections with an element (example Bruce with Gotham) to become a kind of creature that represents it. To give you an idea, imagine if by devoting his life to Gotham Bruce BECOMES Gotham. Like he loses a little of his humanity and Batman literally becomes a mystical creature with strange powers that people talk about like an urban legend. And if we follow this path, imagine that the Robins, the Batgirls and other sidekicks become the same by joining the Batfamily? Which now leads me to my basic idea:

Ra's could not stop, for years he bathed in the Lazarus Pits with the hope of entering into connection with them, but never succeeded. It drove him crazy. Then Ra's had a daughter, a daughter he thought worthy of the one thing he was not capable of, but a daughter who also failed, rejected by the healing waters of their family. This girl also had a child, a glimmer of hope, the son of an assassin and a being who managed to link himself to what was dear to him, but a son who attached himself to something different. And when all was lost, when Ra's sank into madness, Talia did not accept: she took a courageous soldier, a soldier who died for nothing, a soldier who would have a chance, a soldier who was welcomed with open arms.

Red Hood, incarnation of the Lazarus Pit was born.

(Anybody wants more of this?)

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6 months ago

Hi guys ! I was just wondering if any of you had a good fanfic about Jason struggling with his new body after the Lazarus Pit?

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6 months ago

Happy birthday to my favorite batboy!

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!
Happy Birthday To My Favorite Batboy!

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1 year ago
Titus Petrosyan
Titus Petrosyan

Titus Petrosyan

His face is a little wonky, but I like how the hair and the freckles came out =D

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5 years ago

Blue Collar

Jason Todd x reader

Reader: Female

Warnings: Pet death (dog), angst, sad reader, my writing cause that’s a ALWAYS a warning

Why I wrote this: Because I had to put my dog down on Saturday 25 January 2020

Blue Collar

Jason Peter Todd wasn’t known to be a light sleeper. In fact if he did wake up early it was only because he’d had a nightmare but you would always be there to calm him down and reassure him that everything’s alright. You’d never wake him up early anyway as he nearly always came home late from patrol. He’d come home at 2am tonight.

Jason wasn’t awake, not fully at least, but awake enough to know that something was wrong. It was like a sixth sense. His brain kicked in making the sleep Jason was clinging to evaporte like mist. He opened his eyes to see you huddled over, back rising and falling erraticly. The sleep was still in his ears and he couldn’t hear anything which made him panic more.

Pushing the covers away he frantically pulled his way over to you and sat next to you on the bed. He saw the tears before his hearing finally kickstarted like an engine. His face turned to a frown and his heart broke at the sight of his beautiful girl crying.

“Baby? Y/n what’s wrong?” He questioned. She opened her mouth but no words came out just a choked sob. She grasped whatever she had in her hands tighter. Jason’s eyebrows furrowed until he made out what it was. A dogs collar.

“He’s gone Jay. “ She finally managed to utter out before the tears came back. Jason placed his arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to his chest as she sobbed staring at the collar through blurry eyes. “His kidneys were going when my parents took him they said he wouldn’t of lasted much longer anyway.” She sobbed again and Jason tightened his hold on her. “They said we did the right thing we ended his suffering earlier but why does it feel so wrong?”

“It’s because you loved him and he loved you. You didn’t do the wrong thing and it’s natural that you should feel like this. He’s never gone anyway he’s always going to be in your heart. You wouldn’t want him to hurt would you?” She shook your head “I know it’s hard babe but he’s in a better place now.”

“Yeah.” She muttered tears slowly stopping and her grip on his collar slowly loosening. Jason smiled at her and she smiled back, it was full of sadness and pain but it was a smile.

“I’ll always be here for you y/n I’ll make sure you get through this.”

“Thanks Jay.” She said wiping the tears from her eyes. He pecked her lips noting how salty they tasted.

“How about we go back to sleep yeah? I’m sure all that cryings probably made you feel wiped out.” She chuckled and it sounded like music to Jason’s ears. They both got back under the covers and she laid her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he traced random patterns on her. Eventually they fell asleep. Y/n still held onto his blue collar, she’d bought when she first got him, knowing that although her dog may not be here physically he’d always be with her in spirit.

Ok wow that was a shitty ending sorry. But I couldn’t write much more on this cause I was crying so much. The pictures below are of my dog Dougal. Love you so much pal I hope you’re having loads of fun in doggy heaven

Blue Collar
Blue Collar

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5 years ago

I Need My Girl

Jason Todd x fem!reader/ (Slight) Garfield Logan x reader

Inspiration: Song: I Need My Girl by The National

Summary: The reader (Jason’s crush) pushes him out of the way to save him. The reader goes to hospital and while Jason’s and the rest of the Titans are waiting for any news Jason’s guilt eats him alive.

Warnings: One swear word, angst, fluff, first kiss as a couple, reader almost dies, Jason crying cause he’s my baby and I don’t want him to cry but I make him cry anyway and I should really make a happy thing with Jason but I just don’t ???

I Need My Girl
I Need My Girl

“Jason look out!” She shouted pushing him away mere seconds before she took the blast. Everything froze and Jason couldn’t hear himself scream but he felt it. The burning of his throat like he’d swallowed a wildfire slowly turned to coal that weighed in his stomach as he made his way to her. He fell to his knees and pulled her softly so that her head rested on his thighs. He just stared at her with blurry eyes that seemed to her blurrier. That’s the last thing he remembered before he was waiting in the hospital.

Dick, Rachel and Kori sat on the scratchy and uncomfortable hospital chairs. While Jason and Garfield paced around the waiting room.

"Guys could you please sit down you're making me more nervous." Rachel said as her head was in her hands.

"No we can't. Look I'm sorry Rach but I'm not going to sit down. I can't. I can't-" Garfield put a shaky hand through his green hair as he let out an even shakier breath. Kori stood up and made him sit down.

"Why is no one saying anything?! Jesus Y/n could be dying or dead because of me and no one-" Jason shouted

"Jason don't talk like that." Rachel muttered, eyes brimming with fresh tears.

"But it's the truth." Jason countered

"Would you two shut it." Dick said. Everyone jumped that was the first thing that Dick said since they'd been in the waiting room.

“No Dick I’m not shutting up. Y/n is one of us. If she wasn’t so fucking selfless then I would be in the hospital bed that she’s in and to be honest I’d trade places with her in a heartbeat. I’m not bothered about people dying. People die everyday but I don’t want her to die today." Jason got up and walked off. The cold air bit him but he couldn’t care less. His mind was whirling. Why him? Why did you save him? Out of all the team why would you save him? He didn’t have powers like Kori or Raven or Gar. He was a shadow to Dick. He knew he’d never be what Bruce wanted him to be. Bruce wanted him to be like Dick but he wasn’t.

I can't get my head around it

I keep feeling smaller and smaller

I need my girl

After what felt like eternity one of the nurses came.

"Excuse me are you all here for Y/n Y/l/n?" A nurse said everyone looked at her.

"Yes we are. Is anything wrong?" Kori asked. The nurse smiled warmly

"No nothing's wrong, your friend is lucky to have survived that." Garfield nervously chuckled putting his hands behind his head and resting on the back of the seat

"Yeah she is a lucky charm."

"You're free to see her now." The nurse informed them, everyone got up quickly.

"I'll go get Jason." Kori said everyone nodded as she went out the door to find him.


Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of a heart monitor was the sound that filled her ears as she woke up slowly. Y/n slowly blinked and groaned at the light. As her eyes adjusted she could make out three figures; Garfield, Dick and Rachel. Her voice was hoarse.

“Where’s Kori and Jason?”

"Kori went to find Jason. He couldn't handle it." Rachel said her chin length bon was slightly messy. Guilt filled Y/n. Y/n and Jason has always been close since she’d first joined the Titans. She’s seen sides of Jason none of them ever would. She didn't even want to think about what could've happened if she hadn't of made it. She shook her head.

“You have no idea how happy I am that you survived.” Dick spoke she chuckled slightly.

“You and I both Dicky.” They smiled at each other.

“Y/n/n." She heard a voice say barely above a whisper, the team made way for Jason as he hugged her.

"C'mon guys lets leave Jason and Y/n for awhile. Glad to see you’re better Y/n." Kori said. Everyone left but Garfield cast one last look at Y/n before Kori gave him a quick, swift kick in the shin. He let out a soft groan before leaving. Jason and Y/n laughed. They both nodded in thanks. She returned the gesture before walking out.

"I'm guessing the team have already said how glad they are to have you back." Jason said

"Yeah." There was a silence. "Rachel told me how you couldn't handle it." Her voice was sympathetic. Jason chuckled as a few tears streamed down his face. Y/n laid a hand on his cheek and he nuzzled into it.

"I am sorry you know. I thought I'd be stronger but when the doctors weren't telling us anything it hit me like a truck that I might be losing my best friend and when I thought I'd lost you. You have no idea how scared I was when I thought I would never be able to tell you how much I-" Jason cut himself off before he went any further. He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and broke eye contact. Y/n raised a questionable eyebrow but said nothing.

“Now you know how I feel when you get hurt.” Jason chuckled “besides it’s gonna have to take a lot more than that to finish me off. I am a Titan after all.”

"To right you are. No wonder your nickname’s lucky, you've always been lucky you know ever since you came into my life I feel like it’s become a better place.”

“I know Jay.” The air was filled with a comfortable silence except for the beeping.

“Jason.” He hummed “what were you going to say before you cut yourself off?” Jason looked like he’d just been caught doing something he shouldn’t of been doing.

“You know the usual sappy stuff when you nearly lose someone.” He said taking his hands out of his pockets and using one to rub the back of his neck.

“So say it.”


“Say the sappy stuff that people say when they nearly lose someone.” There was a mischievous glint in her eye and Jason chuckled.

“Fine. Y/n Y/l/n I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Everyday you make my life a better place and I feel so much happier with you by my side.”

“No offence Jay but that sounded more like a marriage proposal and you can’t propose without dating a girl gees Jason.” She said laughing. He grabbed her face and pushed his lips to hers. They moved in sync as she grabbed his wrist. They broke apart and Jason opened his mouth "I feel the same bozo don't worry." He smiled.

"Which is why I've decided on something that will keep you out of harms way. You're never going on a mission again unless you're with me," Jason told Y/n in a half joking, half serious tone.

"Well you are the reason I’m in here anyway. But if I don't go how am I supposed to help you out. The whole team knows you never think of a plan." Jason laughed.

"So you never look behind you. Is there a reason for that or did you just do it?" Y/n shrugged.

"I guess if I look back then I'm scared I'm gonna get lost in the past and I won't be able to do anything 'cause I'll be stuck there. I’ve been stuck in the past for to long and I need to change it but no matter how much you want to change something in the past it's stuck there now forever and there's nothing you can do about it. " Jason was left speechless he never though there would be an actual reason as to why she never looked back. It scared Jason how she never had any emotion in her when she said that or in her face. "Besides I didn't want to see how far you were behind me." She added with a light laugh.

“More like how close I was.”

"Yeah right. I was faster than you and you knew it." They both laughedz

"Sir I'm sorry but visiting hours are almost over and Miss Y/l/n will need to get some rest." Jason nodded and pressed a long chaste kiss to the crown of Y/n’s head.

“Soon as your out of here I’m taking you on a date.” He whispered

“Can’t wait.” She whispered back and Jason broke out into a boyish grin. She chuckled. “Right go come on Jay I need my beauty sleep.”

“Trust me baby you really don’t.” She blushes and Jason chuckled. "See you tomorrow.”

“Bye handsome.” He excused himself past the nurse and towards the team.

"Do you know how long she's gonna be in here for?" Garfield asked Jason shook his head. Garfield’s demeanour slumped.

“I hope it’s not long though I’ve got to take her on a date.” Jason said everyone stared at him wide eyed. Garfield lightly punched his shoulder and Dick ruffled his hair.

"We'll visit her everyday though." Rachel said

"For sure." Jason said

"Let's get going." Kori suggested the team hummed in agreement before walking out of the hospital where Y/n wouldn’t be in for much longer.

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4 years ago

Batboys + their S/O dogs headcanons



-Dick and his s/o get a golden Labrador

-Getting the dog was easy but naming it was harder

- Dick has strange unusual names for dogs

-“How about Francois? Hamilton?” Dick asked the dog seeing as he had any reaction while his s/o was staring at him smiling and stifling a laugh

-Suddenly Dick's eyes went wide

-"I've got it, you're going to be Alfredo."

-*que s/o face palm*

- Finally you both decided on Milo

-After like two weeks of Dick calling him Alfredo

Batboys + Their S/O Dogs Headcanons


-Jason wants a dog who can protect his s/o when he's out on patrol

-Jason has to go to Spain to stop dog fights it was there that he saw an Alano español he brought it home where you welcomed him with open arms you welcomed Jason as well

-Jason had a name picked for him since the beginning

-"His Name is Corazón." Since it means heart in Spanish and both yours and Jason’s hearts melted at him

-"Do you like it?” You asked him as Corazón just barked “I’ll take that as a yes”

-Jason is so happy he starts screaming “WOOHOO” at the top of his lungs and rushes out the kitchen with Corazón running after him.

Batboys + Their S/O Dogs Headcanons


-Timmy and his s/o get a small dog aka a Beagle

-When his s/o's asleep and Tim is working because everyone knows he's a workaholic your dog will jump on the chair and curl up into a big ball on his lap

- The first couple times she did this he spilt his coffee over himself oh Timmy but he's grown used to it now

-Her Name is Tawny

Batboys + Their S/O Dogs Headcanons


-You don't get another dog you've already got Titus

-But that's not to say that Damian wouldn't mind getting another he loves animals it's just he loves Titus and thinks he would get jealous of another dog

-You respect that decision *he told you on your second date*

-On your third date you walked Titus around the park and when you got there and interacted with Titus he knew that you wouldn’t mind just having Titus.

-But if you did get another dog, it would be another Great Dane

-You'd either get it as a birthday present from Damian or it was a stray and you adopted it like how Bruce adopts children I'm just saying

-But Titus has to like them otherwise something bad's going to happen

-Luckily Titus likes your female Dane (so does Ace)

-Like Titus, she's fiercely protective of her owner.

-It must be a match made in heaven becuase your Damians s/o and your Dane is Titus’

-She's called Tamora another character in Titus Andronicus which Titus is named after

She’s the one of the left while Titus is the one of the right

Batboys + Their S/O Dogs Headcanons

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4 years ago

Jason, standing outside an apartment with a prom sign:

Roy, leaning out of the window: Oh my god YES!!!

Jason: No! Tell Y/n!

Roy, yelling: Y/n! I’m going to prom! WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND!

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4 years ago

Tim: Ah yes my train of thought.

Y/n: Or as we like to call it;

Conner: The anxiety coffee obsessed express.


Dick: My future spouse is probably fake laughing at their significant others jokes right now.

Dick: Don’t worry and be patient my love. A true clown is on his way.


Y/n: Jaybird, can you turn on the lights?

Jason: I don’t have to. You’re the only light I need in my life.

Y/n: Jay, that’s sweet, but I can’t see.


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4 years ago

Damian, externally: As a hero in training, I don’t believe senseless violence is how my father would want me to solve things



Tim: I almost got surprised adopted yesterday

Bruce: What?

Jason: He almost got kidnapped.

Bruce: Oh okay



Dick: It’s not illegal.

Police officer staring into Dick’s car boot which is full of bread because Kori had pregnancy cravings: It’s just... there’s so much...

Dick: But it’s not illegal.

Police officer:


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3 years ago

Jason: I learned some very valuable lessons from this

Y/n: Let me guess they’re all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away

Jason: Death isn’t real and I’m a god


Store worker: Would a Y/n y/l/n please come to the front desk?

Y/n arriving at the front desk: Hello, what’s the problem?

Store worker, points to Jason and Roy: I believe they belong to you?

Jason and Roy simultaneously: We got lost

Y/n: I didn’t even bring you guys with me


Y/n: I want to wake up with you everyday for the rest of our lives

Jason: I normally wake up at 4:30

Y/n: ...

Y/n/ I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives

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3 years ago

Jason, talking to Roy unaware that Y/n’s in the apartment as well: Hello fellow idiot

Y/n: Hey Jay

Jason: No, no, not you, you’re not an idiot

Y/n: You underestimate me


Jason: Okay I get it. You’ve had a hard time lately, you’re stressed, seven people died-

Y/n: Twelve actually

Jason: Not the point. Look they’re dead now and really whose fault was that?

Y/n: Ours!

Jason: That’s right: no one’s


Roy: Truth or dare

Y/n: Dare

Roy: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room

Y/n: Hey Jay

Jason blushing furiously: Yeah?

Y/n: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Kori

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3 years ago

Y/n: Someone’s trying to break in! Call the cops

Jason: (loads shotgun) I got this

Y/n: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-


Wally: What colour is a mirror?

Y/n: Here’s a better question. What are you doing in my room?


Y/n: What goes up but never comes down?

Bruce: The amount of stress you bring to this family


Y/n: Last night I found out that Wally is a sleep talker

Dick: Oh really?

Y/n: “The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.” Right. In. My. Ear. At 3AM

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3 years ago

*Y/n holding their toddler*

Artemis: Oh god I can’t believe one of us has one of these

Conner: I know I still am one of these


Dick: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to the unsuspecting public

Y/n: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?


Will: Are you mad?

Y/n: No

Will: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?


Y/n: I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. Black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers.

Kaldur: Y/n, for the last time we’re at a funeral

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10 months ago
Eddie Nygma- Speakeasy Edition!

Eddie Nygma- speakeasy edition!

oswald coming soon ;)

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10 months ago
Don't You Hate When You And Your Murder Husband Are Sent To Prison For 10 Years And Both Your Natural
Don't You Hate When You And Your Murder Husband Are Sent To Prison For 10 Years And Both Your Natural

Don't you hate when you and your murder husband are sent to prison for 10 years and both your natural hair colours grow out.

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10 months ago
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized

The riddlefactory is SUCH a good set piece that is CRIIMINALLY underutilized

But i hope yall like this mini comic n ill be putting the nongif versions of panel 1 and 4 underneath :D

The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized
The Riddlefactory Is SUCH A Good Set Piece That Is CRIIMINALLY Underutilized

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10 months ago

I saw @terrorgatt 's comment... I couldn't help myself, the image has been burned into my minds eye. Thank you XD

I Saw @terrorgatt 's Comment... I Couldn't Help Myself, The Image Has Been Burned Into My Minds Eye.
I Saw @terrorgatt 's Comment... I Couldn't Help Myself, The Image Has Been Burned Into My Minds Eye.
I Saw @terrorgatt 's Comment... I Couldn't Help Myself, The Image Has Been Burned Into My Minds Eye.

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5 months ago

nah i got it

brucehog the shatman

Shadow the Bathog NO—

Bruce the Hogbat WAIT NO—

Shaduce the Wayne NAH—

Brucedow the Hedgebat—


i’m having a stroke

Shadow The Bathog NO

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