I Love This Hellsite - Tumblr Posts
Where is the petition op?
starting a kickstarter for tumblr to collectively buy the CW
Op, are you my FBI guy because, this was my morning and I still don't know whats going on
Live slug reaction and it’s me boy I’m the ps5 are so fucking funny because they became tumblr favorites in literal hours and the posts hadn’t even gotten to every blog yet imagine going to sleep thinking you’re used to tumblr’s bullshit then waking up to everyone slapping some nasty ass slug on pictures of gay people like ok guess we’re doing this now

Overly Sarcastic Production's Apollo, the god of prophecy.
And the dodgeball he throws at random internet users.
somebody described this place lovingly as an Junkyard. I´m so proud of our home
(sitting in the pit) you guys really make this hell-hole a hell-home 😊

we've done it again folks
to anyone who missed it:
blorbo - a favourite character
glup shitto - star wars names are fucking nonesense
eeby deeby - youre going to hell
plinko horse - a horse that was stuck in a plinko board
scrimblo bimblo - super smash bro fans can be very angry when characters aren't in a game
to anyone who missed it:
blorbo - a favourite character
glup shitto - star wars names are fucking nonesense
eeby deeby - youre going to hell
plinko horse - a horse that was stuck in a plinko board
scrimblo bimblo - super smash bro fans can be very angry when characters aren't in a game

Not me highly amused at all the peeps crawling back to Tumbls as Twitter goes up in flames. Burn, baby, burn! 🔥🔥🔥 🤣🤣🤣
Why do you use tumbrl as your main social media? Is not a bit outdated and filled with weird ppl?
Very much so! It's definitely outdated and filled with weird people. But I'm afraid it has some downsides as well.

This website is elite. This website is the blueprint, it's the pinnacle. There is no website like it. I lwill never leave this website
i take it back
i love the bird app now
i love tumblr, nothing makes me quite as giddy as my tumblr moots or just the people i follow
love this site sm
When I am emperor, I will make everyone who refers to women’s leg hair removal as “basic hygiene” fight to the death in my coliseum.
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
Tumblr is so fun bc I’ll just share my thoughts on fandoms no one cares about irl and everyone on tumblr is like ‘wow this is so real, like & reblog.’ AMD IM LIKE OMG ITS SO REAL I THINK SO TOO LETS BE BFFS AND I JUST FEEL SO SEEN