I Mean They're Brothers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hi. Hello. I’m here today to talk about Swegory.

This fic (Jelly Babies and other signs that your roommate probably isn’t a demon by @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​) and this pairing has absolutely stolen my heart. It features a teen Swithin Grimm and his roommate Gregory Petty (with whom he is secretly in love), and elder queers Baz and Simon there to help them along a bit, even if it’s just to listen patiently while one or both of them has either a mini breakdown, a realization, or both?

I want to do more art of these babies, but I just had to get a sketch out tonight. PLEASE give this fic a read, I promise you’ll fall in love with these characters. Get all cozy when you do it, get a warm drink, and a snuggly blanket, because that’s what reading this fic already feels like. COZY.

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