This Is Incredible - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Yesh, mine should be coming soon as well! I'm currently working on it as best as I can! Hopefully it won't be too long before I post it!

Also, thanks for asking me too! I get too shy sometimes and that kinda restricts me in what I want and can do.. I really appreciate it!

Finished Art Collab With @dazzysdailydoodles!

Finished art collab with @dazzysdailydoodles!

She came up with the idea of drawing the Snowdin Shopkeeper and Grillby, which look awesome, and made the sketch. I just made the lineart and colored while smiling like a kid the whole time XD (The sketch was really well made tho - go check her out! She’s amazing!)

Hope everyone likes it!

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2 years ago

I love this artwork. Incredible symbolism

Der Astralmensch (The Astral Man), Sascha SchneiderThe Language Of The Birds, Richard Siken

Der Astralmensch (The Astral Man), Sascha Schneider The Language of the Birds, Richard Siken

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5 years ago

Oh my god, this is amazing!!!! I was almost shaking while reading through it, awesome job!!

i wrote a short story ^_^

so i finally finished editing the story i had written last night!

i had seen @pyralart 's drawing (see below) of corrupted steven and i couldnt help myself, it had such story potential even if the story is short.

I Wrote A Short Story ^_^

note that i didnt immediately notice certain details other did so some were added after the initial writing ^_^;

any criticism is appreciated as im still learning and please forgive me if this story isnt the best oof,

(insert weird attempt at a seperation i hope it doesnt look weird when i post this)


Steven lay lashing in his bed. He was having harsh nightmares he'd only vaguely remember when he woke up, but they were enough to leave him sweating and groaning as he tried to escape them desperately in a plane of existence outside of his control.

It was only with a jolt of physical pain did he finally awake, and he had just about screamed when he did. It took him a moment to remember where he was and that he was okay....or well...mostly okay. He was feeling physical pain actually?

He yawned and stretched, not planning on returning to such painful sleep just yet. He stood up and went to go turn on the lights when he saw a patch of darkness on his arm. A bruise? he thought, wondering how much he'd been moving around in the night. He flicked the switch to the lights and got a better look at the splotch. Looked like a bruise....but when he poked it, it didnt hurt.

He inspected his other arm to see...another spot? And another! Were these spots....spreading? He looked at his legs. There were more there, growing and growing faster. He started panicking which only made it worse.

It took all of his willpower to not start crying or screaming. He didnt want to alert the others. This is probably nothing after all right?? maybe hes just hallucinating, or ate something weird and is having a reaction! Yeah, just something along those lines surely.

He wasnt entirely convinced by his panicked excuses though. He was breathing heavily and went to go put his hands on his head to ease the headache he was suffering from and squeaked at what he felt upon his head. Sharp horns. HORNS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

Now he was ready to scream, but he still didnt want to be bothersome. He could fix it! Just go to the bathroom and use the diamond essences! Those will surely stop this!

He quickly walked to the bathroom, having a hard time seeing straight and walking straight too. He just about fell on his face trying to open the bathroom door.

He didnt bother turning on the light, he ran straight for the mirror and gripped the mirror with a much too tense hand as he just about slammed it open. His hand was so tense in fact that you could hear the mirror crack. He winced, the noise being louder than life yet impossible to hear over the pounding of his head. He turned the sink on and grabbed the bottles and quickly poured a few drops into the water, hands shaking. He went to go turn off the faucet but he had broke the handles before. He didn't have time for this!! He grabbed the faucet and twisted it. it kept rumbling but he would deal with it later once he was better, surely. He then splashed some water in his face, just about poking his own eye out with a claw that had sprouted from his hand.

He took a moment to pull the mirror back, accidentally cracking it some more as he finally saw himself with the help of the waters glow. He couldn't help but gasp loudly and just about pass out. His eye. Black sclera with a pink pupil. horns sticking out of his head and purple splotches ever so slowly growing and mocking him.

He stuck his face in the sink water trying even more to make it work. It did nothing. He went for the bath and started it full of panic, and tried to settle his beating heart while he waited but to no avail.

He stopped the faucet and went to go grab the diamonds bottles and ended up knocking everything off the rim of the sink in the hurry, crashing and crashing. He hoped no one could hear but the fear of them seeing him at any second was overwhelming. His mind raced like a horse as he poured the entirety of the diamond essences into the bathwater, desperately. They couldnt see him like this. They couldnt. No one could. It would be the end of the world and they'd know how much of a monster he truly was. He couldnt hide it anymore now.

He climbed into the tub, the water swirling calmly around him and illuminating the entire bathroom softly. He didnt bother to take off his clothes that he'd been wearing. He put his hands to his face, trying to not see what was happening but he wanted to know. He peeked between his fingers and watched, fearing the worst that was only getting even more worse.

The splotches still kept growing and spreading. He wanted to keep the tears from falling but the lump in his throat betrayed him and his vision blurred with tears and pain. He tried to choke out a sob uncontrollably but he couldn't even do that.

He lay paralyzed in place, uneven breathing and shifting water being the only noise in the whole universe to him. His mind spinning out of control as he drowned in his own trauma all swelling back to him like a tsunami.

He could see through the blur just enough to see his skin was almost entirely purple now. He felt pain all over as strange extra parts were ready to fly out of his painfully small skin, and he felt himself slipping away into a consciousness that he couldn't anymore comprehend. He finally let out a loud, piercing scream before succumbing to the pain and transformation.

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1 year ago

Wow wow wow wow. Wow. Wow! wow WOW wow WOW

Needed to see this

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Title: The Hand That Feeds

Title: The Hand That Feeds

@ddeck’s prompt: Padme in her role as child queen

Part 1 of 2 in an art-trade with the wonderful @ddeck !! THANK YOU for such a good time trading ideas and drafts and getting jazzed over them; I’ve loved it. Can’t wait to dive into part 2!

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7 months ago


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5 years ago
I Keep Saying The Worldisolation Over And Over Again In My Head

i keep saying the world “isolation” over and over again in my head

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Dirty Girl(s) Soup

Dirty Girl(s) Soup✨🙏🏻

Hatchetfield Femslash Fortnight Day 1: Make it Sapphic👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 have some HolyGhost🫶


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"We Could Build A New Kind Of Polaris."

"We could build a new kind of Polaris."

click for quality! details & process below the cut!

I just had to draw Hershey and Nova (aka the Besties Ever) for @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024's science prompt, so here they are brainstorming the Satellite project.

redbubble || ko-fi

"We Could Build A New Kind Of Polaris."
"We Could Build A New Kind Of Polaris."
"We Could Build A New Kind Of Polaris."
"We Could Build A New Kind Of Polaris."
"We Could Build A New Kind Of Polaris."

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6 months ago

Talented friends are talented!

I Finally Finished! (started 7/29/23)

I finally finished! (started 7/29/23)

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8 months ago
 : Miku + Webcore Themed Simply Plural Template! :

♬ : miku + webcore themed simply plural template! : ♬

no credit required | template provided by 🥖

✃ —--— prns / prns

☛ role / role


![]( ꗃ : ur fav robo ! : gay-ace

— # : name : nickname

♬ : ![](![](![](

. . . .

*♬ : you cant see me, i cant be beat! :*

⬱ *: i'm half human, and half machine! : ♬*



![]( ![]( ![](

. . . .

#### *: ✂ boundaries :*

☆ ◡interact : (y / n)

☆ ◠flirt : (y / n)

☆ ◡dm : (y / n)

☆ ◠touch : (y / n)

☆ ◡nicknames : (y / n)

☆ ◠vent : ( y / n)

☆ ◡befriend : (y / n)




. . . .

*♬ : [insert short description] :*

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5 months ago

oh my god this is so impressive im just gonna sit and fucking stare at it, it's so amazing

16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint
16 Frame Shooting Star Animation.January 2022-September 2024Needlepoint

16 frame shooting star animation. January 2022-September 2024 Needlepoint

Frames from my shooting star gif. 16 frames total. Each frame is 8x6.5 inches on a 10” mesh. Designed and animated in photoshop and needlepointed by me. I started drafting this 1/14/22 and finished animating it 9/25/24. It took approximately two years and eight months to finish. This is one of the largest projects I’ve ever worked on and I’m very happy with how it turned out.

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1 year ago

He looks gorgeous! I love how you've done the outfits, they look so detailed and full of life, but easy on the eyes, and his face looks so kind. I don't know how to really describe the rest, but you've done an absolutely wonderful job!

Chintan (he/him)
Chintan (he/him)

Chintan (he/him)

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7 months ago

This is legitimately off-the-charts incredible. I cannot put into words how amazing this is.

Two years on this? And it’s that BIG?

OP you are incredible and you should be VERY proud of yourself. Well done and hats off.

Heart Of The Labyrinth [acrylic On Canvas]

Heart of the Labyrinth [acrylic on canvas]

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1 year ago

Part 1!

..of the C.A.S. animated project:D

So...this is basically a little animation test we did to see if we can replicate the style of the original show. Turns out we can haha. And now that we know that, we want to do more~

Solid Helium Lizart Lotte

Aaand I put this thing on Tiktok and YouTube :D

Also. If you want you can help me pay these people for their work by making a donation. Yes, I'm paying them. This animation wasn't made just on enthusiasm.


Quick Q&A: Yes, you can use this animation for gifs/icons/edits/headers/profile pics/redraws and other stuff. Just include the credits. Please:)

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