I Really Sat There For 20 Minutes Thinking About Whether I Should Post This - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Éternel: Wings of Fire [BTS Dragon!AU]


Pairings: BTS x OC Genre: Fantasy, Angst, Drama Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, lowkey hate it but lowkey proud of it at the same time???




Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 

Word Count: 8.9K

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

As my eyes slowly peeled open, I began to feel the warmth of the sun's rays falling onto my skin. My sight had quickly adjusted to focus on the brightness of the pastel sunset plastered across the sky, thin clouds trailing along the soft hue above. I groaned and diverted my gaze, moving my head to the side to avoid the sunlight only to feel the blades of grass tickling the skin on my cheeks. My head turned for itself and I saw two people lying just a couple feet away from me. I propped myself up on my elbows only to fall back onto the ground again due to the sharp pain shooting through my shoulder and back. 

Standing up slowly, I observed my surroundings to see a total of seven familiar people lying scattered around the area. Seven very familiar people. Ignoring the pain rushing through my body, I cursed under my breath and rushed over to the person closest to me.

“Jin? Jin!” I gasped, dropping down to Seokjin’s limp body, vigorously shaking him. “Come on, come on.” Only a few seconds passed when he suddenly jolted up, his breath heavy and scattered. With a soft sigh I dropped my chin to my chest in relief, thanking the heavens that he was alive.

“Maya? What… what happened?” Seokjin questioned after finally catching his breath. 

“I don't kn-” I quickly cut myself off with a soft gasp as I recognized the environment around us, a huge castle standing strongly before us, the aura surrounding me all too familiar. “Oh my gods.”

“What? What's wrong?” 

“Nothing.” I looked around to see six of my other friends lying in the grass, limbs sprawled and bodies appearing lifeless. “Help me wake them up.”

Seokjin nodded and stood up, rushing over to Jungkook to tap his cheek a couple of times, causing him to abruptly jerk awake. I moved over to Namjoon who was lying on his side. I checked for his heartbeat, and once I made sure he was actually alive and breathing, I lightly shook him. His eyes shot open and he sat up, moaning as he held his head. "Maya, what's going on?" Namjoon inquired. "Where are we?" "Shh, don't stress about that now. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked. He responded with a low grunt as he clutched his side, but he declined my help and gently pushed my hand away when I attempted to look at whatever he was hiding.

"I'm fine," He said as his breathing began to regulate. "Okay. I need you to wake Hoseok up." "He's with us too?" "All eight of us are together. Now, please, go help him. I'll get Yoongi." He nodded and stood up quickly, jogging over to Hoseok, who was already awake, but obviously freaking out. I crawled over to Yoongi and hurriedly shook his body, but he didn't react in the slightest. I tried everything in my power to wake him up, but he laid still and motionless, barely breathing.

“Shit, you're bleeding,” I heard Namjoon curse.

“He's not waking up,” I said, desperation filling my voice. I clutched onto Yoongi’s shirt as tears spilled down my face, landing on the soft skin of his arm. His eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up, his hand reaching up to the back of my neck with his nails creating crescent shaped dents in my skin.

“Maya- agh!” He winced as he grabbed his thigh and pulled it close to his chest, and that's when the rest of us realized he was bleeding heavily. I gasped and pulled his leg out to attempt to stop the bleeding, but he resisted due to the pain.

“Yoongi, stop moving!” I practically yelled, and that's when everything went silent - until a loud roar erupted from the distance, following thumps as whatever was causing the noise neared closer to us. The boys completely froze, but being the only one knowing what to expect, I gently let go of Yoongi and arose to my feet, walking forward to the cluster of trees leading into a forest of which the noise was coming from.

“What are you doing?!” Jimin shouted as he began to run towards me, but he stopped dead in his tracks once the source of the noise emerged from the forest.

A dragon. 

Thick, black scales covered its body. Its jade eyes pierced into our souls, as if it were trying to evaluate us one by one. It was quite intimidating to say the least, but as soon as it saw me, it purred and happily ran over to me, nudging its head against my body.

“Hey. It's okay, bud. I'm okay,” I whispered, softly running my fingers across the dragon’s rough, dark scales. Of course, I was extremely happy to see my dragon again, but at this point, I knew there was no hiding from the boys anymore. I turned around to face them, but they were surprisingly calm - even Yoongi, despite his heavily bleeding leg. They were all in too much shock to notice anything else happening around them, including one of my servants running through the gates beside us, gasping at my injury once she was close enough to see the extremity of it. 

“Mistress! Come, This One must get you cleaned up,” D’Vorah said, her crystallized eyes scanning over my covered injury as she gently pulled at my opposite arm, her yellow, chitinous hide chafing against my soft skin. When she looked up, she had realized that we were not alone, and I could already predict her course of action. She growled and jutted out her four extensive stingers from her back, proceeding to bury the two bottom ones into the ground and point the two top ones towards the boys. At the same time, her withered and delicate bug-like wings sprouted from her back, supporting her body that was now elevated.

“D’Vorah, no. They are with me,” I told her, moving to stand in front of her so that her stingers were just mere inches away from my face. Her expression softened and she pulled her stingers from the ground, retracting both them and her wings into her back.

“You are hurt, Mistress. Come, This One will tend to your injuries,” She insisted, extending her arm out to me.

“No, I'll take care of myself later. Yoongi is my priority.” My eyes wandered over to him, who was still lying in the grass, blood slowly seeping out of his open wound. I quickly walked over to him and dug my arms under his arms while Jungkook took his legs, lifting him up so we could carry him inside. We hurriedly carried him up the stairs, into the castle, and through the long, empty hallways, eventually laying him down on one of the beds in the infirmary as the boys and D’Vorah followed me. “D’Vorah, you may go.”

“Are you certain, Mistress?” She asked, unsure.

“Yes, we’ll be alright.” She bowed and exited the room, leaving just me and the boys. I was scattered. I was disoriented. I was a mess. As I searched for a small glass vial, I continuously knocked over other supplies. However, the boys were kind enough to help me put them back where they belonged. As soon as my eyes landed on the small vial full of a clear, glittering liquid, I snatched it out of the wire stand and opened it up, simultaneously picking up an eyedropper beside me as I made my way back to Yoongi. I was ready for this, but all I needed was a little cooperation from the mint-haired boy.

“Maya-” Namjoon tried to speak, but I had cut him off - unintentionally of course.

“Yoongi, I'm going to need to take off your jeans.”

“Is this your excuse to finally get laid?” He chuckled in a stiff tone.

“How can you even be joking at a time like this?” I huffed and rolled my eyes as I quickly unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down so his thighs were exposed. I grabbed the vial and dipped the tip of the eyedropper into the liquid, sucking just a few drops in, then taking it out and applying it to Yoongi’s wound. He hissed in pain as the skin began to regenerate rapidly, the liquid spreading to close up the wound in just mere seconds like he had never been injured in the first place.

I had expected questions to start plummeting in, but there was only silence. After dressing Yoongi, I placed the supplies back where they belonged, proceeding to take out a small ceramic cup and a few natural herbs, after putting on a cup of water to heat up in the kettle.

“How… how did you do that?” Yoongi stammered.

“It's complicated.” I mentally slapped myself for answering his question so vaguely, but I wanted to have to slowly break it to them instead of just throwing it right at them.

“Maya, where are we?” Taehyung questioned, looking around the room to inspect every little tool and gadget laying around.

“Tae, this is where I grew up.”

“In… in a castle?” Jimin voiced, trying to make sense out of the whole situation as I crushed a few plump berries with the stone pestle in my grasp. Silence overtook the room for a few moments, but I eventually broke it as I realized I had finished with the medicine. I poured the water and herbal mixture into the cup and stirred it for a few seconds before handing it to Yoongi.

“Here, this will make you feel better.” I could tell his eyes were full of reluctance and fear, but I knew that deep down, he trusted me with his life. He slowly took the cup and took a sip, only for him to immediately spit it out. “I'm sorry, I know it's bitter.” My voice was unexpectedly assuring, and I didn't realize its effect until Yoongi downed the medicine without hesitation. I took the cup and began to clean it out when Yoongi decided to speak up.

“What was that?” He asked, a slight tone of disgust in his tired voice. I simply shook my head and ignored his question. “Maya, what's happening?” His soft voice made my arms weak, urging me to gently set down the cup and turn to face them. This was it. I couldn’t hide the truth any longer.

“I'm not who you think I am.”

“Noona…” Jungkook began, but I interrupted him with urgency.

“No, don't. I need you to listen to me.” I took a deep breath, flashing my eyes up to meet theirs, not even taking a moment to blink, as I wanted this to be as sincere and personal as possible. “Right now, we’re in The Embrace, a series of islands within a different realm, known as The Claim. I'm the ruler of The Embrace, and there are thousands of dragons living here under my name for safety and protection from the other areas in the realm. Only certain people are allowed here, and others aren't allowed to leave once they've come here. It’s for our safety and protection, and since I can't make any exceptions, that means you boys have to stay here too…”

I could feel my eyes welling up with tears, but I continued to speak, even though I knew I was silently crying at this point. I had to get everything out.

“I mean, it isn't too bad here in my opinion. We've got everything you'd have in the normal world. Running water, AC, heating, working pipes, electricity, Wi-Fi, modern food… you get the idea.” My tears were overflowing, and though I couldn't hold them back, I just wiped them on my sleeve and kept talking. “You don't know how sorry I am to have to put you through this. I don't even know why we’re here, but I can't do anything about it. I would take you back home, but I'd have to wipe your memory, and I haven't found a way to do that without getting rid of everything else. I'm so sorry, this is my fault, I-” Before I could finish my sentence, Yoongi had me enveloped in his arms, holding me tightly as I tried to hold back my sobs.

“It's okay,” He whispered, practically making me burst at the seams. I sobbed into his chest as he gently embraced me, and eventually, the others joined in to comfort me. A few minutes passed, and I had finally calmed down. Everyone pulled away from each other, and I apologized under my breath, hoping that no one would hear.

“Don't apologize. You said even you don’t know why we’re here. It's not your fault,” Seokjin consoled with a soft smile. I nodded slowly in agreement and he wiped away the rest of my tears before speaking up. “We’ll stay, right guys?” The others nodded immediately in approval with reassuring smiles. 

“I have to admit, it'll be hard to stay away from family and friends…” Taehyung said truthfully.

“I'm sorry,” I apologized, feeling just as bad as I was a minute ago.

“No, no, it's okay. Really.” The room was tense for a moment, so I decided to ease up the tension by speaking up.

“Um, so, I guess if you have any questions you can ask me now,” I mumbled, shyly scratching behind my ear with my fingernails.

“Well, first of all, shouldn't we put some of that glittery stuff on your shoulder? You're still hurt,”  Yoongi suggested, going to grab the same vial and eyedropper I had just set down.

“I'm fine, really-”

“Maya, you're hurt. Just let me do this.” I sighed and turned my back to him, pulling my shirt down to provide access to the wound, allowing Yoongi to squeeze out a drop of the liquid onto my wound, eliciting a hiss from me as the skin quickly worked to repair itself. As Yoongi placed the supplies back where they belonged, Jimin took the chance to ask a question.

“What is that stuff anyways?” He asked curiously.

“They're tears of an extremely rare dragon. They can cure anything, from broken bones to certain diseases, but they're hard to obtain,” I explained. 

“So what do you use for smaller injuries?” Namjoon asked. 

“Like what?”

“Well…” He shyly lifted up the hem of his shirt to reveal a small but still moderately bad cut on his side. 

“Joon, why didn't you say something?” I stepped over to him and placed my hand over his wound, focusing my energy until a soft violet light began emitting from my palm, healing his laceration in a quick minute. 

“Shit, man,” He laughed in amazement as he looked down, with no wound or scar in sight. “You're amazing.”

“Ah, I'm not that special.”

“Are you royalty?” Jungkook asked me bluntly.

“Jungkook-ah, don't be rude,” Hoseok scolded.

“Oh, sorry, Noona. I got a little excited.” A soft shade of pink spread across his puffy cheeks, and I smiled in response.

“I am,” I verified.

“A princess?” Jimin guessed.

“A queen.”

“Wahhh! Our little cutie is a queen!” Seokjin screamed, picking me up and spinning me around in his arms.

“Jin, stop!” I giggled as he set me down.

“Does anyone else live here?” Yoongi asked.

“Yes. I have four servants: D’Vorah, Mileena, Tashi, and Luthais. My other friends Sam, Hyunae, Minjun, and Fawn are also with me.”

“There's other Korean people?” Namjoon asked, a bit of relief in his deep voice.

“Yes. Everyone on this island speaks Korean, English, and Draconian.”


“It's my native tongue, the language of the dragons.”

“Maya, not to be rude, but do you actually have any space for us?” Seokjin questioned politely. I smiled and made my way over to the door, signaling for the boys to follow me as I spoke.

“This castle wasn't built for nothing. Come with me.” I led them upstairs and around the vast, royal halls, pointing out the rooms we were passing by as well, in case they ever wanted to go check them out. I opened the door to a spare bedroom and took Jungkook’s hand, tugging him inside. “This will be your room, Kook.”

“The entire thing?” He gawked, taking in the golden color scheme, every corner and every piece of furniture dazzling with rich embellishments. The chandelier’s diamonds sparkled in the glistening light, giving the maknae his true golden look. 

“Yes, it's all-” Jungkook excitedly cut off my sentence with a breath-quenching hug, spinning me around wildly as I begged for him to stop before either of us got too dizzy.

“Thank you, Noona.” 

“You're very welcome, sweetheart.” His cheeks quickly turned a bright shade of pink. He jumped on the bed, after hugging me one last time, and curled his body underneath the blankets. I turned off the lights as I gripped the doorknob tightly, pulling the door in slowly. “Rest up, Kook.” 

The rest of the boys continued down the hallway to be led to their rooms until only Yoongi and I were left alone, roaming around the halls. An awkward silence took over us. To my surprise, instead of stopping when we came to his room, he kept walking forward. 

“Yoongi? Your room is right here.” He turned his head over his shoulder to look at me with a sly smile.

“I know, but I wanted to stay around you for a little more,” He said.

“Am I hearing you correctly? The Min Yoongi doesn't want to sleep? What has the world come to…” I joked, walking towards him, eliciting a fake laugh from him as he sharply flicked my forehead. I winced from the sudden impact and pushed his shoulder with annoyance, a playful smile spreading across both of our faces.

“I'm still a little confused about all of this.”

“Like what?”

“I mean, how were you able to keep this hidden for so long? Didn't it get tiring?”

“Yes, it did, but it was for my own safety - and yours too. I couldn't let you find out about this, but now…” My eyes fell to the ground in guilt.

“It's okay. None of this is your fault, sugar.” I was a bit taken aback by his sudden use of my nickname. My head slowly rose so our eyes met. I smiled but the silence returned and lingered in the air for a few moments when Yoongi decided to speak up again, breaking the awkward tension surrounding us as he began to walk forward, my body automatically trailing beside him.

“So, that black dragon we saw earlier, is that yours?”  He asked.

“Mhm. His name is Toothless. Do you want to meet him?” Although he nodded hesitantly, I eagerly grabbed his hand and pulled him to a nearby balcony, where a marble platform connected to the floors beneath our feet, elegant glass double-doors separating the two. I pushed open the doors and led him outside. Understandably, he was terrified, considering that we were thousands of feet in the air, even though there were railings on both our left and right to prevent us from falling off. I pulled out a slim silver whistle and blew it, which echoed throughout the mountains. 

“Your dragon seems pretty close to you.” Yoongi spoke, discreetly pulling his hand away.

“I’ve been with him ever since I was a kid. He’s a Night Fury, the fastest species known.”

“Wow. I-” Before he could finish his sentence, Toothless suddenly landed in front of us with a loud thud, causing both me and Yoongi to fall over, our foreheads clashing together. “Damn, sorry.” 

“No, it's fine.” A long pause finally pulled us both into the realization that Yoongi was positioned on top of me, his hands either side of my head. He awkwardly cleared his throat and stood up, pulling me up as well. As soon as I got to my feet, Toothless rubbed up against my body and purred loudly, my hands immediately attracting to his black, scaly body. “Hey, bud. I missed you.” 

“Hey, what happened to his tail?” Yoongi observed, pointing to his two tail fins, one of which was replaced by a makeshift leather fin.

“Oh, that. I found him when he was wounded from a fight. At first, he couldn't fly without me, but that little contraption lets him fly freely."

“You made this?” He asked as he knelt beside the leather fin, raising it with his palms. I nodded shyly, but my smile returned as Toothless nudged my body with affection. I nearly flinched once I shifted my eyes back to Yoongi due to his intense stare and wide grin.


“You're amazing…” After such a confusing and short statement, he stayed silent for a moment, an awkward tension filling the air. 

“Yoongi, you're staring.”

“Oh, sorry,” He mumbled, looking away, a shade of red painted on his cheeks. 

The dark slender dragon took this empty moment of time as an opportunity to bond with Yoongi. Toothless chittered and dug his way under Yoongi’s arm, earning a small giggle from the mint-haired boy. Whining, he rolled over and smiled, his toothless mouth being displayed to match Yoongi’s signature gummy smile. Yoongi laughed, but was quickly cut off when the dragon playfully pounced on him, his pupils fuller than the moon.

“Aish, he’s a playful one.” 

“Come on, bud. Get off him,” I laughed, prying him off of Yoongi. “So, you wanna go for a ride?” I asked rhetorically as I quickly ran inside to grab something, leaving Yoongi behind with Toothless.

“What do you me-” Before he could even finish his sentence, I had returned, a leather saddle in my arms. As I began to latch his saddle on, Yoongi stood off to the side, a glint of curiosity and fear in his milky brown eyes. I adjusted the last strap and stepped back to Yoongi, extending my hand out. Although he was reluctant, he enveloped his hand in mine and allowed me to lead him onto Toothless’ back. I climbed on afterwards and sat in front of him, my back facing his chest. I turned my head over my shoulder to look at Yoongi after he hooked his feet in the stirrups.

“You ready?”

“I guess so.”

“Hold on tight.” I slid my hand down to Toothless’ shoulder and gave him a little pat, prompting him to gently spread out his wings and lift himself into the air. As expected, Yoongi immediately gripped at my waist, snaking his arms further around my body as we flew higher into the air, and came to a steady glide. “Hey, you can look up now.” I teased as he slowly moved his face out of the crook of my neck and opened his eyes to see the beginning sunset, hundreds of miles of land spread underneath us with dragons sprouting from every corner, all jovial and safe. Bundles of trees hid tiny hatchlings playing and running in the forests below, their mother chasing after them with a wide grin and perked spines. The silhouette of a gargantuan beast overlooking the mountains stood out from the soft and serene colors of the sky.

“This is…” Yoongi gawked, unable to gather the rest of his words, and before I could speak, the feeling of his hands roughly gripping my waist messed with my ability to speak as well. I froze in place for a moment, peeking over my shoulder to look at him, and then his hands, hoping he’d get the message.

“Yoongi-ah, your hands-“

“Oh! Sorry.” He mumbled, fumbling to find somewhere else to put his hands. 

“I-It’s fine. Just try to loosen up a bit.”

Toothless continued to carry us around the island, practically giving Yoongi a grand tour from a different perspective he never could have dreamed of. Eventually, the pale-haired boy spoke up, startling me slightly in the process.

“I have to admit, this is pretty cool. It’s amazing. He’s amazing,” He smiled, gently patting Toothless’ side with praise. As the deafening silence returned, I quickly thought of an idea and tapped Toothless in excitement, whispering for him to fly upwards on my command. 

“Yoongi, you may wanna hold on,” I advised. “Let’s go, bud.”

“Wait, wha- Maya!” Yoongi had cut himself off and held onto me for dear life as Toothless began to climb up into the clouds, flapping his large wings in powerful bursts as we rose further up, and eventually above cloud level, where a whole other world was waiting for us. Just as we broke through the thick clouds, Yoongi had dared himself to look up, yet when he did, he didn’t regret his decision. Dozens of silver and white dragons pranced and perched along the clouds, the sunset's rays reflecting off of their scales, producing an odd but gorgeous array of colors into the skies. It was just as incredible as the view on the ground.

As intended, we were nearing closer to the castle, and my focus fixed on a particular silver dragon, isolated away from the others, resting on top of a cloud. Toothless must have known what my intention was as he flew closer to the dragon and called out, only briefly catching the loner’s attention. It turned away, quite obviously shy. I sighed then whistled sharply, which caught and kept the dragon’s attention. Dapples of silver swirled around its ruff as it tilted its snout towards me. I gestured for it to follow Toothless, and it obeyed, diving alongside us until we reached the front gates of the castle.

I slid off of Toothless and helped Yoongi get off after, then guided him over to the shy silver dragon. With our hands still clasped together, I moved behind him and nudged him slightly forward to the creature, and although hesitant, he obliged and walked slowly along with me. 

“Hold out your hand,” I said suddenly, causing Yoongi to snap his head back in confusion.

“What?” He questioned, clearly afraid but slightly intrigued.

“Trust me.”

The dragon bowed its head as Yoongi moved forwards, the two nearing closer until his hand was mere inches away from the dragon's snout. Slowly, I guided Yoongi’s hand to its snout and gently pressed his palm against its scales, a warm purr emitting from its throat. I felt the boy’s body relax and removed my hand from his, leaving him with my hand still on the dragon's snout. The ends of his mouth turned upwards almost immediately, and a sense of euphoria took over what seemed to be the entire island. His gummy smile soon made an appearance as the dragon moved closer to sniff his snowy hair.

“He likes you,” I smiled, walking over to the dragon to give him a pat on the shoulder.

“Does he have a name?” Yoongi questioned, still entranced by the dragon’s grace and beauty.



“He could say the same for you, Yoongs.” The dragon stepped back, allowing for Yoongi to step closer to me, not even attempting to disconnect his eyes with mine until a shrill-like scream rang throughout the air and instantaneously drew us away from each other.

“Unnie! I can’t believe you’re back!” A young girl shrieked as she and another young man flew down on their dragons to land and come running over to us. 

“Hyunae!” I laughed in glee, but it was cut short as the girl proceeded to pick me up and squeeze me tightly. She was small, but she could definitely pack a punch. I practically had to beg her to let go before she suffocated me. As she set me down, the other man picked me up again and swayed from side to side roughly, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles, eventually his own joining in. “It is so good to see you, Minjun.”

“I missed you,” Minjun whispered so that only I could hear him, eventually pulling away from me. “What are you doing back so early?”

“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain-“

“Wait, is that Suga? From BTS? Am I dreaming?” Hyunae gasped, pointing her finger to a very stiff and uncomfortable Yoongi.

“Yes, he’s here with all of the other members. They’ll be with us from now on.”

“Waahh, this is the best day ever!” Suddenly she jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, his eyes wandering over to me with a look that was a clear cry for help. 

I laughed at Yoongi’s suffering then leaned over to Minjun and whispered in his ear.

“By the way, don’t mention to the boys that they’ll be getting their own dragons just yet. They need time.”

Hyunae squealed again and pulled away, still freaking out over her idol that was standing in front of her, in the flesh.

“Sorry, she’s excited. She’s a big fan of BTS… as you can probably see.” I muttered the last part so nobody could hear what I was saying. “Don’t get off duty though, Hyunae, you still have to finish your surveillance with Minjun!”

“Oh, right! Sorry, unnie. Come on Jun-Jun, I’ll race you!” She quickly mounted her dragon, not even hesitating to take off into the sky, leaving Minjun behind, slightly irritated. 

“For god’s sake, Hyunae! Don’t you have any respect?!” Minjun yelled, quickly mounting his dragon to follow after her. It was only until they were out of our view when Yoongi decided to break the silence.

“How old is that girl?” He asked, almost with a tone of disgust.

“She’s only 15, it’s a part of being young,” I sighed.

“She’s 15?”

“Five years ago, I rescued her from a slave trade in the Northern Markets of The Claim.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, she’s found a new life.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back. “She’s like a daughter to me - ironic, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“I never told you I can’t have kids?”

“No, I don’t think you’ve ever brought it up.” Defined eyebrows arched imperiously as he put a hand on his hip. He looked stiff and his eyes were blank, as if holding back a certain emotion. 

“Well, now you know. Come on, we should go. It’s getting late and tonight’s a full moon.”

“What’s so bad about a full moon?”

“You really don’t wanna know.” I grabbed his hand and led him inside the castle after dismissing Aenaes and Toothless so they could roam freely for the night, giving his saddle to D’Vorah to put back while we roamed the halls. Inside, the rest of the boys were chatting away in the kitchen, all of them working, cutting vegetables and seasoning dishes. As Yoongi and I made our entrance into the room, they all froze in place, and, being the clumsy guy that he is, Namjoon dropped the glass he was holding in his hand, shards flying and scattering all over the tile floor.

“Really, hyung?” Jungkook huffed, crossing his arms like a disappointed mother. 

“I didn’t expect them to come in so suddenly!” Namjoon whined, causing all of us to erupt into laughter. 

“Don’t worry, the dragons tend to break everything they see too,” I consoled.

“Hyung would blend in perfectly with them,” Taehyung muttered, earning a smack from the eldest boy.

“We were going to cook you a surprise dinner. It’s the least we could do,” Seokjin said as he began to clean up the shattered mess that Namjoon had inevitably created.

“Oh no, I should be the one doing this. After all, you guys have to put up with this,” I said apologetically.

“Well, we’re almost done. Mind helping out?”

I assisted them with the preparation of the rest of the food, and when the meal was finished, all eight of us carried the numerous amount of dishes to the dining room, setting them down on the long, wooden table. As if on cue, Hyunae and Minjun walked into the room, returning from surveillance, stomachs rumbling and mouths drooling.

“Wow! Who made this?” Hyunae exclaimed, and the seven boys proudly raised their hands, at least until Jin quickly swatted Yoongi’s hand down, causing him to hold back a stiffened laugh. “Thank you so much!”

“Yes, thank you,” Minjun added, bowing deeply along with the younger girl.

Everyone took their seats and began to dine into the food, while simultaneously conversing with one another. Eventually, a short girl with platinum blonde hair entered the room, halting everyone’s conversations and averting their attention to her.

“Maya, you’re back,” She smiled, taking the empty seat beside Hyunae. 

“Hi, Samantha. I see you’ve gotten taller,” I joked, the dining hall echoing with everyone’s laughter. As I began to take a sip of my water, Minjun spoke to the boys.

“So, I heard Maya is going to give you all dragons,” He said in a quite monotonous tone, causing me to choke on my water and cough it up as Seokjin comfortingly patted my back until my breath steadied again.

“Minjun, I specifically told you not to say anything about-“

“Jungkook, right?” He said innocently, pointing to the youngest boy, who looked utterly confused and lost at the moment. “You look like you could train a Monstrous Nightmare. Maybe even a Red-Eyed Ravager! Those things are absolutely vicious, let me tell you-“


“What? You don’t think I should warn them of the dangers they’re exposed to if they’re gonna live here? I think they have the right to know what could happen to them-“

“Em pleni!” I yelled, pushing back my chair as I slammed my palms against the table, a familiar sting returning to my eyes, which was not exactly my main concern at that moment. “Dison laik son swima op ona rein.”

With a defeated huff, Minjun smoothly stood up and left the room without another word, leaving the dining room with complete, utter silence. Before the boys could turn their heads to me, I covered my face with my hand and began to leave the room when I felt someone gently grab my wrist, a soft voice following:

“Why are you hiding your face?” 

“Yoongi, don’t,” I pleaded, and he unexpectedly yanked my hands away, but I was quick enough to shut my eyes as tight as I could. As his hands traveled up to cup my cheeks, I pressed my palms against his chest, desperately trying to make him give up. 

“What are you hiding?” He asked, his voice gentle yet concerned.

“You guys will get freaked out.”

“Noona, we won’t,” Jungkook spoke in the most reassuring voice he could muster up.

“God, you’re impossible,” I sighed and muttered under my breath as I slowly fluttered my eyelids open, the boys simultaneously exclaiming in admiration and surprise at my glowing white eyes. 

“Woah! Are those real?” Taehyung asked excitedly, quickly rising from his seat along with the others to take a closer look - even Hyunae joined in, despite the many times she’s seen my secret, haunting eyes.

“They’re gorgeous,” Yoongi commented, the heat flushing to my cheeks as his gaze intensified.

“I think hyung meant to say ‘you’re gor-‘“ Namjoon teased, but he was quickly shut up by a kick to the shin from a very agitated Yoongi.

“Maya, why do your eyes… you know?” Jimin questioned shyly, purposefully avoiding eye contact with me from the sheer, overwhelming intimidation I was sending off.

“Chim, please don’t be scared. It’s just me. They usually turn white when I get frustrated or scared,” I explained with a soft smile.

“I’d be damn furious just looking at that bratty kid again,” Yoongi commented in a bitter tone.

“Well, Yoongs, that kid is actually 29, so maybe you’ll have to hold back on your personal feelings and be a little bit nicer to him,” I sighed, an obvious disappointment covering Yoongi’s face as he realized he’d have to call Minjun ‘hyung.’ “I gotta say though, he’s acting strange.”

“Is what he said true?” Namjoon asked, taking me aback by his question. “About us getting dragons?”

I opened my mouth to speak, yet no sound escaped, as I wasn’t even sure what the answer was yet. Yes, it was common for newcomers to get their own dragon to tame, but it was different for the boys. Their hearts were forgiving and nurturing, and I honestly didn’t think they had the right heart to handle this kind of stuff. I was practically heartless compared to them.

“I-It’s true - but I wanted you to settle in first. I just thought it’d only be right to let you guys have a dragon of your own. It’s a stupid idea, I’m sorry-“ I began to speak, but Hoseok was quick to cut me off.

“Hey, I think it’s a good idea. Don’t put yourself down so much,” He said with a gentle, reassuring grin that shined brighter than the sun. “But maybe we should start off small so I don’t get a heart attack right away.”

The group laughed at Hobi’s comments, lifting the room’s depressing mood to a more bright, cheerful one. Suddenly, I had an idea that I knew the boys would agree to.

“Hey, how about we go for a swim? I’ve got an indoor pool on the other side of this floor,” I suggested, and as expected, the boys did indeed agree, rushing to eat and clean up the leftovers. While Hyunae decided to go upstairs to her room to study, I led the boys to the pool, which once it came into sight, the younger ones began to strip and jump in without hesitation, the others following quickly, with the exception of Yoongi, who stood beside me unfazed by his members’ actions. “Oh my god, guys! I have swim shorts you could’ve used.” I covered my eyes and jokingly looked away in disgust.

“Come on, where’s the fun in that?” Seokjin laughed as he and Jungkook swam to the deeper end.

“Hyung! Why don’t you come in?” Taehyung said, his boxy grin appearing.

“Too much effort,” Yoongi simply retorted and began to walk towards the sofa sectional in the corner. I took this moment to focus my attention on the pool water, and flipped my hand towards the ceiling, slowly raising it as my fingers curled, the water quickly deforming and splitting into a messy sphere floating in the air. I moved my hand so that the sphere followed my movements and was positioned right above Yoongi. Just prior to reaching the corner, I opened my hand and the sphere of water instantly broke, soaking him completely.

“Holy shit!” Jungkook yelled in excitement, clapping his hands like a little child. As I faced the other boys in the pool to do a couple bows, Namjoon spoke up, pointing to Yoongi, who was frozen still but clearly waiting for the right moment to move.

“Maya, you better run,” He advised, and as soon as I turned my head to look at Yoongi, he was standing right in front of me. He lifted me up bridal style and hovered my body over the water, threatening to throw me in. I screamed and clung onto his wet, white t-shirt, my eyes traveling down to see a faint outline of his abs, heat intensely rushing to my cheeks at the sight. 

“Yoongi, please don’t! I’m sorry, I swear! Please-“ I cried out helplessly.

“Cute, she’s begging~” He cooed in an oddly seductive voice. As a simple but clever way to tease me, he pretended to drop me by quickly letting go and catching me before I hit the water, making me scream and hold onto him even tighter.

“Fuck, Yoongi! Please!” 

“Hmph, you’re no fun.” He quickly set me down, giving me a sense of safety. Without allowing me to even take a single breath, he grabbed my waist and jumped into the pool, dragging me along with him. I broke away from his grasp and surfaced up above the water, Yoongi following shortly after, not that I even cared as I began to attack him.


“Hey, don’t curse!” Seokjin scolded.

“My island, my rules, sweetheart.” I lifted my hand out from the water and flicked my finger upwards, causing a tentacle-like stream of water to spike up and strike Jin’s back, shortly dissolving afterwards. He yelped and rubbed the stricken area to soothe the sudden vicious contact, the rest of us laughing at his reaction.

“How do you even do that?” The elder boy pouted, automatically drawing me closer to him to embrace him and apologize, making sure he was alright.

“It’s something I like to call waterbending.”

“You are incredible,” Yoongi giggled.

“Ah, I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Maya! Catch!” Hoseok shouted from behind me. However, as soon as I turned around, an inflated beach ball hit me in the face, almost as if karma was calling my name.


“Attack!” Taehyung screamed as he dunked me underneath the water, the others quickly joining in to grab at my flailing limbs. Every time I tried to rise up from underwater, one of the boys pushed me back down. After what seemed like hours and hours, they finally stopped and I was able to rise up and breathe properly.

“And that, my friend, is what we call karma,” Seokjin gushed innocently as I eventually regained my breath.

“Maya, I wanted to ask if your parents are here. I’d love to meet them,” Namjoon said, smiling, however his smile dropped as he saw my expression darken at the mention of my parents.

“They… aren’t with me anymore.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, I-“

“No, it’s okay. You should know about them. It’s just been so long since I’ve talked about them.”

“You don’t have to talk about it, Noona,” Jungkook consoled.

“Yeah, we don’t want to pry,” Jimin added.

“It’s alright. My father passed away shortly after I was pronounced as the ruler of The Embrace. He made a deal with my enemy, that if he sacrificed himself to them, they’d leave us alone. He wanted to make me queen as soon as possible. I was only 12 years old,” I said, speaking as clear and slow as I could to prevent myself from tearing up. “He was executed that day, but the enemy kept their promise. It’s been seven years and there hasn’t been any sign of them.”

“I’m so sorry,” Taehyung whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder for comfort. “What about your mother?”

“Oh, I’ve never met my mother. She left the Embrace a few weeks after I was born. I don’t even remember her name…” 

“Hey, sugar, you don’t have to say anything else,” Yoongi stated, moving closer to embrace me, to which I happily accepted, wrapping my arms around his figure as his arms snaked around my waist. Eventually, when the depressing mood subsided, we got back to messing around in the water and playing with each other. We were having so much fun, I didn’t even notice how late it had gotten.

We left the pool, wrapped ourselves in warm towels, and I sent each of the boys to their rooms, where a fresh pile of clothes was waiting for them, which was generously chosen by my servants Mileena and D’Vorah. I went to my room to change, and Yoongi waited for me to walk him back. However, Yoongi asked for me to stand by, and quickly went inside his room, stepping back out within a minute wearing a black sweater, sleeves lined with red and black stripes, along with ripped skinny jeans, the same outfit that had been laid out on his bed.

We stood there facing each other, standing awkwardly without saying a word or making eye contact. I opened my mouth to speak, but Yoongi was faster and unintentionally cut me off.

“Hey, can we just stay together for a little longer?” He said suddenly, his words coming out more like a beg rather than a request.

“Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?” I asked, notably concerned as I gently grabbed his arm to get his attention.

“I just…” He sighed and looked away, leaving me with a heavy feeling of guilt. No doubt about it, he was probably broken inside, having to stay away from friends and family to live a whole new life. Without saying anything, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room, and to the connecting balcony, where a perfect view of the night sky was awaiting us. 

I sat down close to the edge, our hands still clasped together as he slowly sat beside me, inching closer to me as the moon finally began to reach its peak. Although I hesitated, I rested my head on his shoulder, moving up against him so his arm was draped around my shoulder, resting comfortably as he held me close. Minutes passed in silence, the overbearing beauty of the dark shades painting the sky speaking for us.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I whispered, looking up to admire the sky, outlines of dragons soaring against the twinkling stars. Yoongi simply nodded and hummed in agreement, the deafening silence returning shortly. I glanced at him quickly, his eyes fixed on the distant stars.

“I still can’t believe this all existed, and we never even knew about it,” Yoongi suddenly said with a sigh.

“I’m sorry, but it was for good reason, though. If people in Earthrealm learned that this place exists, we’d all probably be caged in a zoo or taken into a science lab for experiments.”

“That’s why we decided to stay. It was clear that going back would just harm you.”

“Thank you, Yoongi,” I said sincerely, looking up as his obsidian orbs connected with mine.

“No problem, sugar,” He smiled, ruffling my hair lightly, his gummy smile creeping onto his lips.

“When are you going to stop calling me that?” I quietly laughed as flashbacks of our first meeting came to my mind.

I remember how embarrassed he was when he knocked open a sugar container onto me while I was kneeling beside him in the baking aisle, looking for a bag of chocolate chips on the bottom shelves. He was so cute when he was flustered, blushing like crazy and apologizing over and over again. He even tried to brush all the little specks of sugar out of my hair, and even though I told him it was fine, he insisted on paying for my stuff to make up for his clumsy act. After helping me with my bags back to my car, he asked for my phone and quickly typed something in my notes, then handed it back to me as he walked off with a wave. I’ll never forget how wide I had grinned at his few, sweet words.

My name’s Yoongi. Text me sometime, sugar. 

I still can’t believe my quirky nickname came from such an embarrassing but memorable moment for the both of us. Now we look back on it and just laugh it off as if it was destined to be.

“Yah! Are you even listening to me?” Yoongi’s voice snapped me back into reality.

“Huh? What, oh sorry,” I sputtered, shaking my head as my mind finally wandered back to me.

“Were you daydreaming about me?” He teased, poking at my shoulder.

“What? No! God, you’re an idiot,” I groaned, swatting his hand away.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not, dumbass.”

“Hmm, I might just have to tickle the truth out of you.” He suddenly began to ruthlessly attack my sides with his fingers, causing me to squeal and stand up to evade his attacks, yet his hands kept following. I giggled and pushed his hands away, running away from him as he chased after me. With all of this excitement, I didn’t notice that I was nearing towards the edge of the platform, and when I did, I was too late, frantically trying to balance myself. Luckily, Yoongi was quick to catch me by my waist and pull me back away from the edge protectively, one of his hands traveling up to my cheek as worry overtook his dark, loving eyes. “Are you okay?” 

“Yeah, thank you,” I mumbled as he pulled me closer, pushing my head so I was now burying my face in his chest, his chin resting atop my head.

“God, you scared me. You almost got yourself killed.”

“I would’ve been fine, Yoongi.”

“Come on, let’s go inside.” With that, he gently grabbed my wrist and led me into my bedroom, which connected directly to the platform that was previously underneath our feet not too long ago. He was about to let go of me and exit the room, but I gently pulled him back, looking at him straight in the eyes.

“Is there anything else you wanted to know or ask for?”

“Uh, well… me and some of the others left their phones back in the dorm, and I was wondering if you could possibly get them.”

“Of course. I can send a retriever to collect them and be back by tomorrow morning. I could even tell them to get your laptop so you can still work on your music here.”

“Seriously? Thank you!” The smile on Yoongi’s lips was wider and brighter than any other smile I had ever seen. He suddenly threw his arms around me and lightly pecked my cheek, but quickly pulled away once he realized what he had done. “Ah, I-I’m sorry, I got excited.”

“It’s okay, Yoongs. You should go get some rest.” He nodded and left the room after hugging me one last time, leaving me alone with my overwhelming thoughts. 

I sighed and fell onto my bed, not even making an effort to clean myself up. Pulling the vanilla scented blankets over myself, I let my eyes close, but sleep wasn’t able to come to me. My mind was busy running hundreds and hundreds of miles, filled with concerns and questions about the new future I inevitably brought to the boys. 

They were innocent and untroubled, despite their heavy schedule and constant pressure from companies and the media. Here, they were free, but the emotional toll could be more grave than it was when they had normal lives. 

With them living here, the world just got a whole lot bigger. I recited the skills and protocols they’d have to learn to be able to survive, and that’s when I realized what was in store for me. I’d have to teach them how to fight, how to fly, how to survive - but I didn’t even know myself if they had the heart to follow in my steps. They’d even eventually have to learn how to-

My thoughts were quickly cut off by a soft knock on my door. I propped myself up on my forearms and quickly fixed my hair, calling out to the person standing outside, their shadow seeping through the bottom opening of the closed door.

“Yes?” I yawned, shifting my eyes to the balcony doors when I realized how late it had gotten, the bright stars shimmering against the utter darkness of the sky. The person outside spoke.

“Maya, it’s Yoongi.”

“Oh, come in.”

The door slowly creaked open, and lo and behold, Yoongi stepped into the room, his tousled hair and pouty lips making him look irresistibly adorable, the white sheet wrapped around his body only adding to his softness. He closed the door behind him and adjusted the sheet as I spoke up to ask him what was bothering him.

“I can’t sleep,” He mumbled, rubbing his half-lidded eyes with his sweaty palms.

“Well, what do you want me to do about that?” I teased, but immediately recognized my mistake as I remembered how impossible it was to deal with Yoongi when he was grumpy - which was almost always when he was tired.

“Cute. Now move over.” Before I could say anything to protest, he threw his sheet over me and climbed onto the bed, crawling over me and collapsing beside me, pulling the sheet back over him, along with a good portion of my blanket I was previously covered with. I groaned and tugged it back, leaving him with only the sheet. As I was just beginning to fall asleep, I felt a shift in weight on the bed and realized that Yoongi had moved closer to me, his chest pressing against my back and his breath tickling the skin on my neck. “It’s cold.”

“Take some of my blanket and go to sleep,” I whined, throwing half of my blanket over to his side. Even with the extra warmth, Yoongi moved closer and slid his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me into his curled figure. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him off, and before I knew it, my eyes had closed and I had fallen fast asleep in his arms. 

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