Bts Dragon - Tumblr Posts
Ethereal Masterlist

“She’s mad but she’s magic.
There’s no lie in her fire.”
~ Charles Bukowski
Summary: After leaving your home in need of a fresh start, you open a bookstore with the hopes that the words you read could bring you solace. You never realized that the books you loved would bring you home instead.
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Genre: Mafia/Dragon AU
Status: Complete
Warnings: depictions of violence, smut, death, sexual assault, insecurities, anxiety, polyamory, trauma, mentions of blood, yandere depiction.
Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters.
*Please remember that this is a mafia fan fiction. There will be violence, blood, and other dark themes. If you cannot handle the dark themes, please do not read.
The Kim Clan
Preview 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Finale
Hocus Pocus

“I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you.”
summary: The realm under King Min’s rule had been under war for over thirty years, a war within the inhuman species with origins no one knows. Your presence was brought into awareness when found by the king under the rubble of your home. You are plunged into a world you had only ever seen from the outside, and don’t know how long you can last.
genre: soulmate au, fantasy au, dragon au,
pairing: Dragon King Yoongi x Human MC
status: coming soon (random updates)
warnings: starts in the middle of war, violence, angst, death, supernatural creatures, smut, dragon customs, dragon instincts, more to come
masterlist // taglist // playlist
Grabbing the supplies you needed and the soiled cloths, you begin to head for the river, since Lady Ahn refused to have you clean the sheets in the sinks. You were lucky not to run into any of the Lord’s family on your way out, your lungs able to breathe easier once you made it outside and away from the prying eyes of the family.
Oddly enough, you loved being outside, where only the trees and the stream could be heard. It helped you be calm, to ease your thoughts and feelings. It was something your mother used to do whenever you got too into your head. She would take you outside, to the lavender patch that resided just outside your small cottage.
“Darling, the earth beneath our feet can do so much more than just grow our food and provide shade from the sun. It can give power to our very souls.” Your mother would tell you as she braided daisies into your hair, something that always managed to calm you down.
“What power, mama?”
“The power to be calm, like the river that runs through the forest. To keep steady even in the face of destruction. But most of all, it gives you the power to live, to face whatever comes your way.” You never understood what she meant, but over time, you realize the peace you felt in the forest was more than enough to understand and take in.
You felt truly at peace when surrounded by the earth and her makings.
And it seemed as though the forest felt the same way, like it listened to your heart beat. You never had trouble walking, unlike your friends who always tripped over roots or broken branches. The flowers you picked always seemed to look the best or give off the strongest scent.
Even now, as you walked down the hill and to the river, the ground seemed to flatten as you advanced. You just figured you and the earth had some kind of understanding with each other.
Éternel: Wings of Fire [BTS Dragon!AU]

Pairings: BTS x OC Genre: Fantasy, Angst, Drama Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, lowkey hate it but lowkey proud of it at the same time???

Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Word Count: 8.9K
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
As my eyes slowly peeled open, I began to feel the warmth of the sun's rays falling onto my skin. My sight had quickly adjusted to focus on the brightness of the pastel sunset plastered across the sky, thin clouds trailing along the soft hue above. I groaned and diverted my gaze, moving my head to the side to avoid the sunlight only to feel the blades of grass tickling the skin on my cheeks. My head turned for itself and I saw two people lying just a couple feet away from me. I propped myself up on my elbows only to fall back onto the ground again due to the sharp pain shooting through my shoulder and back.
Standing up slowly, I observed my surroundings to see a total of seven familiar people lying scattered around the area. Seven very familiar people. Ignoring the pain rushing through my body, I cursed under my breath and rushed over to the person closest to me.
“Jin? Jin!” I gasped, dropping down to Seokjin’s limp body, vigorously shaking him. “Come on, come on.” Only a few seconds passed when he suddenly jolted up, his breath heavy and scattered. With a soft sigh I dropped my chin to my chest in relief, thanking the heavens that he was alive.
“Maya? What… what happened?” Seokjin questioned after finally catching his breath.
“I don't kn-” I quickly cut myself off with a soft gasp as I recognized the environment around us, a huge castle standing strongly before us, the aura surrounding me all too familiar. “Oh my gods.”
“What? What's wrong?”
“Nothing.” I looked around to see six of my other friends lying in the grass, limbs sprawled and bodies appearing lifeless. “Help me wake them up.”
Seokjin nodded and stood up, rushing over to Jungkook to tap his cheek a couple of times, causing him to abruptly jerk awake. I moved over to Namjoon who was lying on his side. I checked for his heartbeat, and once I made sure he was actually alive and breathing, I lightly shook him. His eyes shot open and he sat up, moaning as he held his head. "Maya, what's going on?" Namjoon inquired. "Where are we?" "Shh, don't stress about that now. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked. He responded with a low grunt as he clutched his side, but he declined my help and gently pushed my hand away when I attempted to look at whatever he was hiding.
"I'm fine," He said as his breathing began to regulate. "Okay. I need you to wake Hoseok up." "He's with us too?" "All eight of us are together. Now, please, go help him. I'll get Yoongi." He nodded and stood up quickly, jogging over to Hoseok, who was already awake, but obviously freaking out. I crawled over to Yoongi and hurriedly shook his body, but he didn't react in the slightest. I tried everything in my power to wake him up, but he laid still and motionless, barely breathing.
“Shit, you're bleeding,” I heard Namjoon curse.
“He's not waking up,” I said, desperation filling my voice. I clutched onto Yoongi’s shirt as tears spilled down my face, landing on the soft skin of his arm. His eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up, his hand reaching up to the back of my neck with his nails creating crescent shaped dents in my skin.
“Maya- agh!” He winced as he grabbed his thigh and pulled it close to his chest, and that's when the rest of us realized he was bleeding heavily. I gasped and pulled his leg out to attempt to stop the bleeding, but he resisted due to the pain.
“Yoongi, stop moving!” I practically yelled, and that's when everything went silent - until a loud roar erupted from the distance, following thumps as whatever was causing the noise neared closer to us. The boys completely froze, but being the only one knowing what to expect, I gently let go of Yoongi and arose to my feet, walking forward to the cluster of trees leading into a forest of which the noise was coming from.
“What are you doing?!” Jimin shouted as he began to run towards me, but he stopped dead in his tracks once the source of the noise emerged from the forest.
A dragon.
Thick, black scales covered its body. Its jade eyes pierced into our souls, as if it were trying to evaluate us one by one. It was quite intimidating to say the least, but as soon as it saw me, it purred and happily ran over to me, nudging its head against my body.
“Hey. It's okay, bud. I'm okay,” I whispered, softly running my fingers across the dragon’s rough, dark scales. Of course, I was extremely happy to see my dragon again, but at this point, I knew there was no hiding from the boys anymore. I turned around to face them, but they were surprisingly calm - even Yoongi, despite his heavily bleeding leg. They were all in too much shock to notice anything else happening around them, including one of my servants running through the gates beside us, gasping at my injury once she was close enough to see the extremity of it.
“Mistress! Come, This One must get you cleaned up,” D’Vorah said, her crystallized eyes scanning over my covered injury as she gently pulled at my opposite arm, her yellow, chitinous hide chafing against my soft skin. When she looked up, she had realized that we were not alone, and I could already predict her course of action. She growled and jutted out her four extensive stingers from her back, proceeding to bury the two bottom ones into the ground and point the two top ones towards the boys. At the same time, her withered and delicate bug-like wings sprouted from her back, supporting her body that was now elevated.
“D’Vorah, no. They are with me,” I told her, moving to stand in front of her so that her stingers were just mere inches away from my face. Her expression softened and she pulled her stingers from the ground, retracting both them and her wings into her back.
“You are hurt, Mistress. Come, This One will tend to your injuries,” She insisted, extending her arm out to me.
“No, I'll take care of myself later. Yoongi is my priority.” My eyes wandered over to him, who was still lying in the grass, blood slowly seeping out of his open wound. I quickly walked over to him and dug my arms under his arms while Jungkook took his legs, lifting him up so we could carry him inside. We hurriedly carried him up the stairs, into the castle, and through the long, empty hallways, eventually laying him down on one of the beds in the infirmary as the boys and D’Vorah followed me. “D’Vorah, you may go.”
“Are you certain, Mistress?” She asked, unsure.
“Yes, we’ll be alright.” She bowed and exited the room, leaving just me and the boys. I was scattered. I was disoriented. I was a mess. As I searched for a small glass vial, I continuously knocked over other supplies. However, the boys were kind enough to help me put them back where they belonged. As soon as my eyes landed on the small vial full of a clear, glittering liquid, I snatched it out of the wire stand and opened it up, simultaneously picking up an eyedropper beside me as I made my way back to Yoongi. I was ready for this, but all I needed was a little cooperation from the mint-haired boy.
“Maya-” Namjoon tried to speak, but I had cut him off - unintentionally of course.
“Yoongi, I'm going to need to take off your jeans.”
“Is this your excuse to finally get laid?” He chuckled in a stiff tone.
“How can you even be joking at a time like this?” I huffed and rolled my eyes as I quickly unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down so his thighs were exposed. I grabbed the vial and dipped the tip of the eyedropper into the liquid, sucking just a few drops in, then taking it out and applying it to Yoongi’s wound. He hissed in pain as the skin began to regenerate rapidly, the liquid spreading to close up the wound in just mere seconds like he had never been injured in the first place.
I had expected questions to start plummeting in, but there was only silence. After dressing Yoongi, I placed the supplies back where they belonged, proceeding to take out a small ceramic cup and a few natural herbs, after putting on a cup of water to heat up in the kettle.
“How… how did you do that?” Yoongi stammered.
“It's complicated.” I mentally slapped myself for answering his question so vaguely, but I wanted to have to slowly break it to them instead of just throwing it right at them.
“Maya, where are we?” Taehyung questioned, looking around the room to inspect every little tool and gadget laying around.
“Tae, this is where I grew up.”
“In… in a castle?” Jimin voiced, trying to make sense out of the whole situation as I crushed a few plump berries with the stone pestle in my grasp. Silence overtook the room for a few moments, but I eventually broke it as I realized I had finished with the medicine. I poured the water and herbal mixture into the cup and stirred it for a few seconds before handing it to Yoongi.
“Here, this will make you feel better.” I could tell his eyes were full of reluctance and fear, but I knew that deep down, he trusted me with his life. He slowly took the cup and took a sip, only for him to immediately spit it out. “I'm sorry, I know it's bitter.” My voice was unexpectedly assuring, and I didn't realize its effect until Yoongi downed the medicine without hesitation. I took the cup and began to clean it out when Yoongi decided to speak up.
“What was that?” He asked, a slight tone of disgust in his tired voice. I simply shook my head and ignored his question. “Maya, what's happening?” His soft voice made my arms weak, urging me to gently set down the cup and turn to face them. This was it. I couldn’t hide the truth any longer.
“I'm not who you think I am.”
“Noona…” Jungkook began, but I interrupted him with urgency.
“No, don't. I need you to listen to me.” I took a deep breath, flashing my eyes up to meet theirs, not even taking a moment to blink, as I wanted this to be as sincere and personal as possible. “Right now, we’re in The Embrace, a series of islands within a different realm, known as The Claim. I'm the ruler of The Embrace, and there are thousands of dragons living here under my name for safety and protection from the other areas in the realm. Only certain people are allowed here, and others aren't allowed to leave once they've come here. It’s for our safety and protection, and since I can't make any exceptions, that means you boys have to stay here too…”
I could feel my eyes welling up with tears, but I continued to speak, even though I knew I was silently crying at this point. I had to get everything out.
“I mean, it isn't too bad here in my opinion. We've got everything you'd have in the normal world. Running water, AC, heating, working pipes, electricity, Wi-Fi, modern food… you get the idea.” My tears were overflowing, and though I couldn't hold them back, I just wiped them on my sleeve and kept talking. “You don't know how sorry I am to have to put you through this. I don't even know why we’re here, but I can't do anything about it. I would take you back home, but I'd have to wipe your memory, and I haven't found a way to do that without getting rid of everything else. I'm so sorry, this is my fault, I-” Before I could finish my sentence, Yoongi had me enveloped in his arms, holding me tightly as I tried to hold back my sobs.
“It's okay,” He whispered, practically making me burst at the seams. I sobbed into his chest as he gently embraced me, and eventually, the others joined in to comfort me. A few minutes passed, and I had finally calmed down. Everyone pulled away from each other, and I apologized under my breath, hoping that no one would hear.
“Don't apologize. You said even you don’t know why we’re here. It's not your fault,” Seokjin consoled with a soft smile. I nodded slowly in agreement and he wiped away the rest of my tears before speaking up. “We’ll stay, right guys?” The others nodded immediately in approval with reassuring smiles.
“I have to admit, it'll be hard to stay away from family and friends…” Taehyung said truthfully.
“I'm sorry,” I apologized, feeling just as bad as I was a minute ago.
“No, no, it's okay. Really.” The room was tense for a moment, so I decided to ease up the tension by speaking up.
“Um, so, I guess if you have any questions you can ask me now,” I mumbled, shyly scratching behind my ear with my fingernails.
“Well, first of all, shouldn't we put some of that glittery stuff on your shoulder? You're still hurt,” Yoongi suggested, going to grab the same vial and eyedropper I had just set down.
“I'm fine, really-”
“Maya, you're hurt. Just let me do this.” I sighed and turned my back to him, pulling my shirt down to provide access to the wound, allowing Yoongi to squeeze out a drop of the liquid onto my wound, eliciting a hiss from me as the skin quickly worked to repair itself. As Yoongi placed the supplies back where they belonged, Jimin took the chance to ask a question.
“What is that stuff anyways?” He asked curiously.
“They're tears of an extremely rare dragon. They can cure anything, from broken bones to certain diseases, but they're hard to obtain,” I explained.
“So what do you use for smaller injuries?” Namjoon asked.
“Like what?”
“Well…” He shyly lifted up the hem of his shirt to reveal a small but still moderately bad cut on his side.
“Joon, why didn't you say something?” I stepped over to him and placed my hand over his wound, focusing my energy until a soft violet light began emitting from my palm, healing his laceration in a quick minute.
“Shit, man,” He laughed in amazement as he looked down, with no wound or scar in sight. “You're amazing.”
“Ah, I'm not that special.”
“Are you royalty?” Jungkook asked me bluntly.
“Jungkook-ah, don't be rude,” Hoseok scolded.
“Oh, sorry, Noona. I got a little excited.” A soft shade of pink spread across his puffy cheeks, and I smiled in response.
“I am,” I verified.
“A princess?” Jimin guessed.
“A queen.”
“Wahhh! Our little cutie is a queen!” Seokjin screamed, picking me up and spinning me around in his arms.
“Jin, stop!” I giggled as he set me down.
“Does anyone else live here?” Yoongi asked.
“Yes. I have four servants: D’Vorah, Mileena, Tashi, and Luthais. My other friends Sam, Hyunae, Minjun, and Fawn are also with me.”
“There's other Korean people?” Namjoon asked, a bit of relief in his deep voice.
“Yes. Everyone on this island speaks Korean, English, and Draconian.”
“It's my native tongue, the language of the dragons.”
“Maya, not to be rude, but do you actually have any space for us?” Seokjin questioned politely. I smiled and made my way over to the door, signaling for the boys to follow me as I spoke.
“This castle wasn't built for nothing. Come with me.” I led them upstairs and around the vast, royal halls, pointing out the rooms we were passing by as well, in case they ever wanted to go check them out. I opened the door to a spare bedroom and took Jungkook’s hand, tugging him inside. “This will be your room, Kook.”
“The entire thing?” He gawked, taking in the golden color scheme, every corner and every piece of furniture dazzling with rich embellishments. The chandelier’s diamonds sparkled in the glistening light, giving the maknae his true golden look.
“Yes, it's all-” Jungkook excitedly cut off my sentence with a breath-quenching hug, spinning me around wildly as I begged for him to stop before either of us got too dizzy.
“Thank you, Noona.”
“You're very welcome, sweetheart.” His cheeks quickly turned a bright shade of pink. He jumped on the bed, after hugging me one last time, and curled his body underneath the blankets. I turned off the lights as I gripped the doorknob tightly, pulling the door in slowly. “Rest up, Kook.”
The rest of the boys continued down the hallway to be led to their rooms until only Yoongi and I were left alone, roaming around the halls. An awkward silence took over us. To my surprise, instead of stopping when we came to his room, he kept walking forward.
“Yoongi? Your room is right here.” He turned his head over his shoulder to look at me with a sly smile.
“I know, but I wanted to stay around you for a little more,” He said.
“Am I hearing you correctly? The Min Yoongi doesn't want to sleep? What has the world come to…” I joked, walking towards him, eliciting a fake laugh from him as he sharply flicked my forehead. I winced from the sudden impact and pushed his shoulder with annoyance, a playful smile spreading across both of our faces.
“I'm still a little confused about all of this.”
“Like what?”
“I mean, how were you able to keep this hidden for so long? Didn't it get tiring?”
“Yes, it did, but it was for my own safety - and yours too. I couldn't let you find out about this, but now…” My eyes fell to the ground in guilt.
“It's okay. None of this is your fault, sugar.” I was a bit taken aback by his sudden use of my nickname. My head slowly rose so our eyes met. I smiled but the silence returned and lingered in the air for a few moments when Yoongi decided to speak up again, breaking the awkward tension surrounding us as he began to walk forward, my body automatically trailing beside him.
“So, that black dragon we saw earlier, is that yours?” He asked.
“Mhm. His name is Toothless. Do you want to meet him?” Although he nodded hesitantly, I eagerly grabbed his hand and pulled him to a nearby balcony, where a marble platform connected to the floors beneath our feet, elegant glass double-doors separating the two. I pushed open the doors and led him outside. Understandably, he was terrified, considering that we were thousands of feet in the air, even though there were railings on both our left and right to prevent us from falling off. I pulled out a slim silver whistle and blew it, which echoed throughout the mountains.
“Your dragon seems pretty close to you.” Yoongi spoke, discreetly pulling his hand away.
“I’ve been with him ever since I was a kid. He’s a Night Fury, the fastest species known.”
“Wow. I-” Before he could finish his sentence, Toothless suddenly landed in front of us with a loud thud, causing both me and Yoongi to fall over, our foreheads clashing together. “Damn, sorry.”
“No, it's fine.” A long pause finally pulled us both into the realization that Yoongi was positioned on top of me, his hands either side of my head. He awkwardly cleared his throat and stood up, pulling me up as well. As soon as I got to my feet, Toothless rubbed up against my body and purred loudly, my hands immediately attracting to his black, scaly body. “Hey, bud. I missed you.”
“Hey, what happened to his tail?” Yoongi observed, pointing to his two tail fins, one of which was replaced by a makeshift leather fin.
“Oh, that. I found him when he was wounded from a fight. At first, he couldn't fly without me, but that little contraption lets him fly freely."
“You made this?” He asked as he knelt beside the leather fin, raising it with his palms. I nodded shyly, but my smile returned as Toothless nudged my body with affection. I nearly flinched once I shifted my eyes back to Yoongi due to his intense stare and wide grin.
“You're amazing…” After such a confusing and short statement, he stayed silent for a moment, an awkward tension filling the air.
“Yoongi, you're staring.”
“Oh, sorry,” He mumbled, looking away, a shade of red painted on his cheeks.
The dark slender dragon took this empty moment of time as an opportunity to bond with Yoongi. Toothless chittered and dug his way under Yoongi’s arm, earning a small giggle from the mint-haired boy. Whining, he rolled over and smiled, his toothless mouth being displayed to match Yoongi’s signature gummy smile. Yoongi laughed, but was quickly cut off when the dragon playfully pounced on him, his pupils fuller than the moon.
“Aish, he’s a playful one.”
“Come on, bud. Get off him,” I laughed, prying him off of Yoongi. “So, you wanna go for a ride?” I asked rhetorically as I quickly ran inside to grab something, leaving Yoongi behind with Toothless.
“What do you me-” Before he could even finish his sentence, I had returned, a leather saddle in my arms. As I began to latch his saddle on, Yoongi stood off to the side, a glint of curiosity and fear in his milky brown eyes. I adjusted the last strap and stepped back to Yoongi, extending my hand out. Although he was reluctant, he enveloped his hand in mine and allowed me to lead him onto Toothless’ back. I climbed on afterwards and sat in front of him, my back facing his chest. I turned my head over my shoulder to look at Yoongi after he hooked his feet in the stirrups.
“You ready?”
“I guess so.”
“Hold on tight.” I slid my hand down to Toothless’ shoulder and gave him a little pat, prompting him to gently spread out his wings and lift himself into the air. As expected, Yoongi immediately gripped at my waist, snaking his arms further around my body as we flew higher into the air, and came to a steady glide. “Hey, you can look up now.” I teased as he slowly moved his face out of the crook of my neck and opened his eyes to see the beginning sunset, hundreds of miles of land spread underneath us with dragons sprouting from every corner, all jovial and safe. Bundles of trees hid tiny hatchlings playing and running in the forests below, their mother chasing after them with a wide grin and perked spines. The silhouette of a gargantuan beast overlooking the mountains stood out from the soft and serene colors of the sky.
“This is…” Yoongi gawked, unable to gather the rest of his words, and before I could speak, the feeling of his hands roughly gripping my waist messed with my ability to speak as well. I froze in place for a moment, peeking over my shoulder to look at him, and then his hands, hoping he’d get the message.
“Yoongi-ah, your hands-“
“Oh! Sorry.” He mumbled, fumbling to find somewhere else to put his hands.
“I-It’s fine. Just try to loosen up a bit.”
Toothless continued to carry us around the island, practically giving Yoongi a grand tour from a different perspective he never could have dreamed of. Eventually, the pale-haired boy spoke up, startling me slightly in the process.
“I have to admit, this is pretty cool. It’s amazing. He’s amazing,” He smiled, gently patting Toothless’ side with praise. As the deafening silence returned, I quickly thought of an idea and tapped Toothless in excitement, whispering for him to fly upwards on my command.
“Yoongi, you may wanna hold on,” I advised. “Let’s go, bud.”
“Wait, wha- Maya!” Yoongi had cut himself off and held onto me for dear life as Toothless began to climb up into the clouds, flapping his large wings in powerful bursts as we rose further up, and eventually above cloud level, where a whole other world was waiting for us. Just as we broke through the thick clouds, Yoongi had dared himself to look up, yet when he did, he didn’t regret his decision. Dozens of silver and white dragons pranced and perched along the clouds, the sunset's rays reflecting off of their scales, producing an odd but gorgeous array of colors into the skies. It was just as incredible as the view on the ground.
As intended, we were nearing closer to the castle, and my focus fixed on a particular silver dragon, isolated away from the others, resting on top of a cloud. Toothless must have known what my intention was as he flew closer to the dragon and called out, only briefly catching the loner’s attention. It turned away, quite obviously shy. I sighed then whistled sharply, which caught and kept the dragon’s attention. Dapples of silver swirled around its ruff as it tilted its snout towards me. I gestured for it to follow Toothless, and it obeyed, diving alongside us until we reached the front gates of the castle.
I slid off of Toothless and helped Yoongi get off after, then guided him over to the shy silver dragon. With our hands still clasped together, I moved behind him and nudged him slightly forward to the creature, and although hesitant, he obliged and walked slowly along with me.
“Hold out your hand,” I said suddenly, causing Yoongi to snap his head back in confusion.
“What?” He questioned, clearly afraid but slightly intrigued.
“Trust me.”
The dragon bowed its head as Yoongi moved forwards, the two nearing closer until his hand was mere inches away from the dragon's snout. Slowly, I guided Yoongi’s hand to its snout and gently pressed his palm against its scales, a warm purr emitting from its throat. I felt the boy’s body relax and removed my hand from his, leaving him with my hand still on the dragon's snout. The ends of his mouth turned upwards almost immediately, and a sense of euphoria took over what seemed to be the entire island. His gummy smile soon made an appearance as the dragon moved closer to sniff his snowy hair.
“He likes you,” I smiled, walking over to the dragon to give him a pat on the shoulder.
“Does he have a name?” Yoongi questioned, still entranced by the dragon’s grace and beauty.
“He could say the same for you, Yoongs.” The dragon stepped back, allowing for Yoongi to step closer to me, not even attempting to disconnect his eyes with mine until a shrill-like scream rang throughout the air and instantaneously drew us away from each other.
“Unnie! I can’t believe you’re back!” A young girl shrieked as she and another young man flew down on their dragons to land and come running over to us.
“Hyunae!” I laughed in glee, but it was cut short as the girl proceeded to pick me up and squeeze me tightly. She was small, but she could definitely pack a punch. I practically had to beg her to let go before she suffocated me. As she set me down, the other man picked me up again and swayed from side to side roughly, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles, eventually his own joining in. “It is so good to see you, Minjun.”
“I missed you,” Minjun whispered so that only I could hear him, eventually pulling away from me. “What are you doing back so early?”
“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain-“
“Wait, is that Suga? From BTS? Am I dreaming?” Hyunae gasped, pointing her finger to a very stiff and uncomfortable Yoongi.
“Yes, he’s here with all of the other members. They’ll be with us from now on.”
“Waahh, this is the best day ever!” Suddenly she jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, his eyes wandering over to me with a look that was a clear cry for help.
I laughed at Yoongi’s suffering then leaned over to Minjun and whispered in his ear.
“By the way, don’t mention to the boys that they’ll be getting their own dragons just yet. They need time.”
Hyunae squealed again and pulled away, still freaking out over her idol that was standing in front of her, in the flesh.
“Sorry, she’s excited. She’s a big fan of BTS… as you can probably see.” I muttered the last part so nobody could hear what I was saying. “Don’t get off duty though, Hyunae, you still have to finish your surveillance with Minjun!”
“Oh, right! Sorry, unnie. Come on Jun-Jun, I’ll race you!” She quickly mounted her dragon, not even hesitating to take off into the sky, leaving Minjun behind, slightly irritated.
“For god’s sake, Hyunae! Don’t you have any respect?!” Minjun yelled, quickly mounting his dragon to follow after her. It was only until they were out of our view when Yoongi decided to break the silence.
“How old is that girl?” He asked, almost with a tone of disgust.
“She’s only 15, it’s a part of being young,” I sighed.
“She’s 15?”
“Five years ago, I rescued her from a slave trade in the Northern Markets of The Claim.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, she’s found a new life.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back. “She’s like a daughter to me - ironic, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I never told you I can’t have kids?”
“No, I don’t think you’ve ever brought it up.” Defined eyebrows arched imperiously as he put a hand on his hip. He looked stiff and his eyes were blank, as if holding back a certain emotion.
“Well, now you know. Come on, we should go. It’s getting late and tonight’s a full moon.”
“What’s so bad about a full moon?”
“You really don’t wanna know.” I grabbed his hand and led him inside the castle after dismissing Aenaes and Toothless so they could roam freely for the night, giving his saddle to D’Vorah to put back while we roamed the halls. Inside, the rest of the boys were chatting away in the kitchen, all of them working, cutting vegetables and seasoning dishes. As Yoongi and I made our entrance into the room, they all froze in place, and, being the clumsy guy that he is, Namjoon dropped the glass he was holding in his hand, shards flying and scattering all over the tile floor.
“Really, hyung?” Jungkook huffed, crossing his arms like a disappointed mother.
“I didn’t expect them to come in so suddenly!” Namjoon whined, causing all of us to erupt into laughter.
“Don’t worry, the dragons tend to break everything they see too,” I consoled.
“Hyung would blend in perfectly with them,” Taehyung muttered, earning a smack from the eldest boy.
“We were going to cook you a surprise dinner. It’s the least we could do,” Seokjin said as he began to clean up the shattered mess that Namjoon had inevitably created.
“Oh no, I should be the one doing this. After all, you guys have to put up with this,” I said apologetically.
“Well, we’re almost done. Mind helping out?”
I assisted them with the preparation of the rest of the food, and when the meal was finished, all eight of us carried the numerous amount of dishes to the dining room, setting them down on the long, wooden table. As if on cue, Hyunae and Minjun walked into the room, returning from surveillance, stomachs rumbling and mouths drooling.
“Wow! Who made this?” Hyunae exclaimed, and the seven boys proudly raised their hands, at least until Jin quickly swatted Yoongi’s hand down, causing him to hold back a stiffened laugh. “Thank you so much!”
“Yes, thank you,” Minjun added, bowing deeply along with the younger girl.
Everyone took their seats and began to dine into the food, while simultaneously conversing with one another. Eventually, a short girl with platinum blonde hair entered the room, halting everyone’s conversations and averting their attention to her.
“Maya, you’re back,” She smiled, taking the empty seat beside Hyunae.
“Hi, Samantha. I see you’ve gotten taller,” I joked, the dining hall echoing with everyone’s laughter. As I began to take a sip of my water, Minjun spoke to the boys.
“So, I heard Maya is going to give you all dragons,” He said in a quite monotonous tone, causing me to choke on my water and cough it up as Seokjin comfortingly patted my back until my breath steadied again.
“Minjun, I specifically told you not to say anything about-“
“Jungkook, right?” He said innocently, pointing to the youngest boy, who looked utterly confused and lost at the moment. “You look like you could train a Monstrous Nightmare. Maybe even a Red-Eyed Ravager! Those things are absolutely vicious, let me tell you-“
“What? You don’t think I should warn them of the dangers they’re exposed to if they’re gonna live here? I think they have the right to know what could happen to them-“
“Em pleni!” I yelled, pushing back my chair as I slammed my palms against the table, a familiar sting returning to my eyes, which was not exactly my main concern at that moment. “Dison laik son swima op ona rein.”
With a defeated huff, Minjun smoothly stood up and left the room without another word, leaving the dining room with complete, utter silence. Before the boys could turn their heads to me, I covered my face with my hand and began to leave the room when I felt someone gently grab my wrist, a soft voice following:
“Why are you hiding your face?”
“Yoongi, don’t,” I pleaded, and he unexpectedly yanked my hands away, but I was quick enough to shut my eyes as tight as I could. As his hands traveled up to cup my cheeks, I pressed my palms against his chest, desperately trying to make him give up.
“What are you hiding?” He asked, his voice gentle yet concerned.
“You guys will get freaked out.”
“Noona, we won’t,” Jungkook spoke in the most reassuring voice he could muster up.
“God, you’re impossible,” I sighed and muttered under my breath as I slowly fluttered my eyelids open, the boys simultaneously exclaiming in admiration and surprise at my glowing white eyes.
“Woah! Are those real?” Taehyung asked excitedly, quickly rising from his seat along with the others to take a closer look - even Hyunae joined in, despite the many times she’s seen my secret, haunting eyes.
“They’re gorgeous,” Yoongi commented, the heat flushing to my cheeks as his gaze intensified.
“I think hyung meant to say ‘you’re gor-‘“ Namjoon teased, but he was quickly shut up by a kick to the shin from a very agitated Yoongi.
“Maya, why do your eyes… you know?” Jimin questioned shyly, purposefully avoiding eye contact with me from the sheer, overwhelming intimidation I was sending off.
“Chim, please don’t be scared. It’s just me. They usually turn white when I get frustrated or scared,” I explained with a soft smile.
“I’d be damn furious just looking at that bratty kid again,” Yoongi commented in a bitter tone.
“Well, Yoongs, that kid is actually 29, so maybe you’ll have to hold back on your personal feelings and be a little bit nicer to him,” I sighed, an obvious disappointment covering Yoongi’s face as he realized he’d have to call Minjun ‘hyung.’ “I gotta say though, he’s acting strange.”
“Is what he said true?” Namjoon asked, taking me aback by his question. “About us getting dragons?”
I opened my mouth to speak, yet no sound escaped, as I wasn’t even sure what the answer was yet. Yes, it was common for newcomers to get their own dragon to tame, but it was different for the boys. Their hearts were forgiving and nurturing, and I honestly didn’t think they had the right heart to handle this kind of stuff. I was practically heartless compared to them.
“I-It’s true - but I wanted you to settle in first. I just thought it’d only be right to let you guys have a dragon of your own. It’s a stupid idea, I’m sorry-“ I began to speak, but Hoseok was quick to cut me off.
“Hey, I think it’s a good idea. Don’t put yourself down so much,” He said with a gentle, reassuring grin that shined brighter than the sun. “But maybe we should start off small so I don’t get a heart attack right away.”
The group laughed at Hobi’s comments, lifting the room’s depressing mood to a more bright, cheerful one. Suddenly, I had an idea that I knew the boys would agree to.
“Hey, how about we go for a swim? I’ve got an indoor pool on the other side of this floor,” I suggested, and as expected, the boys did indeed agree, rushing to eat and clean up the leftovers. While Hyunae decided to go upstairs to her room to study, I led the boys to the pool, which once it came into sight, the younger ones began to strip and jump in without hesitation, the others following quickly, with the exception of Yoongi, who stood beside me unfazed by his members’ actions. “Oh my god, guys! I have swim shorts you could’ve used.” I covered my eyes and jokingly looked away in disgust.
“Come on, where’s the fun in that?” Seokjin laughed as he and Jungkook swam to the deeper end.
“Hyung! Why don’t you come in?” Taehyung said, his boxy grin appearing.
“Too much effort,” Yoongi simply retorted and began to walk towards the sofa sectional in the corner. I took this moment to focus my attention on the pool water, and flipped my hand towards the ceiling, slowly raising it as my fingers curled, the water quickly deforming and splitting into a messy sphere floating in the air. I moved my hand so that the sphere followed my movements and was positioned right above Yoongi. Just prior to reaching the corner, I opened my hand and the sphere of water instantly broke, soaking him completely.
“Holy shit!” Jungkook yelled in excitement, clapping his hands like a little child. As I faced the other boys in the pool to do a couple bows, Namjoon spoke up, pointing to Yoongi, who was frozen still but clearly waiting for the right moment to move.
“Maya, you better run,” He advised, and as soon as I turned my head to look at Yoongi, he was standing right in front of me. He lifted me up bridal style and hovered my body over the water, threatening to throw me in. I screamed and clung onto his wet, white t-shirt, my eyes traveling down to see a faint outline of his abs, heat intensely rushing to my cheeks at the sight.
“Yoongi, please don’t! I’m sorry, I swear! Please-“ I cried out helplessly.
“Cute, she’s begging~” He cooed in an oddly seductive voice. As a simple but clever way to tease me, he pretended to drop me by quickly letting go and catching me before I hit the water, making me scream and hold onto him even tighter.
“Fuck, Yoongi! Please!”
“Hmph, you’re no fun.” He quickly set me down, giving me a sense of safety. Without allowing me to even take a single breath, he grabbed my waist and jumped into the pool, dragging me along with him. I broke away from his grasp and surfaced up above the water, Yoongi following shortly after, not that I even cared as I began to attack him.
“Hey, don’t curse!” Seokjin scolded.
“My island, my rules, sweetheart.” I lifted my hand out from the water and flicked my finger upwards, causing a tentacle-like stream of water to spike up and strike Jin’s back, shortly dissolving afterwards. He yelped and rubbed the stricken area to soothe the sudden vicious contact, the rest of us laughing at his reaction.
“How do you even do that?” The elder boy pouted, automatically drawing me closer to him to embrace him and apologize, making sure he was alright.
“It’s something I like to call waterbending.”
“You are incredible,” Yoongi giggled.
“Ah, I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Maya! Catch!” Hoseok shouted from behind me. However, as soon as I turned around, an inflated beach ball hit me in the face, almost as if karma was calling my name.
“Attack!” Taehyung screamed as he dunked me underneath the water, the others quickly joining in to grab at my flailing limbs. Every time I tried to rise up from underwater, one of the boys pushed me back down. After what seemed like hours and hours, they finally stopped and I was able to rise up and breathe properly.
“And that, my friend, is what we call karma,” Seokjin gushed innocently as I eventually regained my breath.
“Maya, I wanted to ask if your parents are here. I’d love to meet them,” Namjoon said, smiling, however his smile dropped as he saw my expression darken at the mention of my parents.
“They… aren’t with me anymore.”
“Shit, I’m sorry, I-“
“No, it’s okay. You should know about them. It’s just been so long since I’ve talked about them.”
“You don’t have to talk about it, Noona,” Jungkook consoled.
“Yeah, we don’t want to pry,” Jimin added.
“It’s alright. My father passed away shortly after I was pronounced as the ruler of The Embrace. He made a deal with my enemy, that if he sacrificed himself to them, they’d leave us alone. He wanted to make me queen as soon as possible. I was only 12 years old,” I said, speaking as clear and slow as I could to prevent myself from tearing up. “He was executed that day, but the enemy kept their promise. It’s been seven years and there hasn’t been any sign of them.”
“I’m so sorry,” Taehyung whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder for comfort. “What about your mother?”
“Oh, I’ve never met my mother. She left the Embrace a few weeks after I was born. I don’t even remember her name…”
“Hey, sugar, you don’t have to say anything else,” Yoongi stated, moving closer to embrace me, to which I happily accepted, wrapping my arms around his figure as his arms snaked around my waist. Eventually, when the depressing mood subsided, we got back to messing around in the water and playing with each other. We were having so much fun, I didn’t even notice how late it had gotten.
We left the pool, wrapped ourselves in warm towels, and I sent each of the boys to their rooms, where a fresh pile of clothes was waiting for them, which was generously chosen by my servants Mileena and D’Vorah. I went to my room to change, and Yoongi waited for me to walk him back. However, Yoongi asked for me to stand by, and quickly went inside his room, stepping back out within a minute wearing a black sweater, sleeves lined with red and black stripes, along with ripped skinny jeans, the same outfit that had been laid out on his bed.
We stood there facing each other, standing awkwardly without saying a word or making eye contact. I opened my mouth to speak, but Yoongi was faster and unintentionally cut me off.
“Hey, can we just stay together for a little longer?” He said suddenly, his words coming out more like a beg rather than a request.
“Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?” I asked, notably concerned as I gently grabbed his arm to get his attention.
“I just…” He sighed and looked away, leaving me with a heavy feeling of guilt. No doubt about it, he was probably broken inside, having to stay away from friends and family to live a whole new life. Without saying anything, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room, and to the connecting balcony, where a perfect view of the night sky was awaiting us.
I sat down close to the edge, our hands still clasped together as he slowly sat beside me, inching closer to me as the moon finally began to reach its peak. Although I hesitated, I rested my head on his shoulder, moving up against him so his arm was draped around my shoulder, resting comfortably as he held me close. Minutes passed in silence, the overbearing beauty of the dark shades painting the sky speaking for us.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I whispered, looking up to admire the sky, outlines of dragons soaring against the twinkling stars. Yoongi simply nodded and hummed in agreement, the deafening silence returning shortly. I glanced at him quickly, his eyes fixed on the distant stars.
“I still can’t believe this all existed, and we never even knew about it,” Yoongi suddenly said with a sigh.
“I’m sorry, but it was for good reason, though. If people in Earthrealm learned that this place exists, we’d all probably be caged in a zoo or taken into a science lab for experiments.”
“That’s why we decided to stay. It was clear that going back would just harm you.”
“Thank you, Yoongi,” I said sincerely, looking up as his obsidian orbs connected with mine.
“No problem, sugar,” He smiled, ruffling my hair lightly, his gummy smile creeping onto his lips.
“When are you going to stop calling me that?” I quietly laughed as flashbacks of our first meeting came to my mind.
I remember how embarrassed he was when he knocked open a sugar container onto me while I was kneeling beside him in the baking aisle, looking for a bag of chocolate chips on the bottom shelves. He was so cute when he was flustered, blushing like crazy and apologizing over and over again. He even tried to brush all the little specks of sugar out of my hair, and even though I told him it was fine, he insisted on paying for my stuff to make up for his clumsy act. After helping me with my bags back to my car, he asked for my phone and quickly typed something in my notes, then handed it back to me as he walked off with a wave. I’ll never forget how wide I had grinned at his few, sweet words.
My name’s Yoongi. Text me sometime, sugar.
I still can’t believe my quirky nickname came from such an embarrassing but memorable moment for the both of us. Now we look back on it and just laugh it off as if it was destined to be.
“Yah! Are you even listening to me?” Yoongi’s voice snapped me back into reality.
“Huh? What, oh sorry,” I sputtered, shaking my head as my mind finally wandered back to me.
“Were you daydreaming about me?” He teased, poking at my shoulder.
“What? No! God, you’re an idiot,” I groaned, swatting his hand away.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not, dumbass.”
“Hmm, I might just have to tickle the truth out of you.” He suddenly began to ruthlessly attack my sides with his fingers, causing me to squeal and stand up to evade his attacks, yet his hands kept following. I giggled and pushed his hands away, running away from him as he chased after me. With all of this excitement, I didn’t notice that I was nearing towards the edge of the platform, and when I did, I was too late, frantically trying to balance myself. Luckily, Yoongi was quick to catch me by my waist and pull me back away from the edge protectively, one of his hands traveling up to my cheek as worry overtook his dark, loving eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, thank you,” I mumbled as he pulled me closer, pushing my head so I was now burying my face in his chest, his chin resting atop my head.
“God, you scared me. You almost got yourself killed.”
“I would’ve been fine, Yoongi.”
“Come on, let’s go inside.” With that, he gently grabbed my wrist and led me into my bedroom, which connected directly to the platform that was previously underneath our feet not too long ago. He was about to let go of me and exit the room, but I gently pulled him back, looking at him straight in the eyes.
“Is there anything else you wanted to know or ask for?”
“Uh, well… me and some of the others left their phones back in the dorm, and I was wondering if you could possibly get them.”
“Of course. I can send a retriever to collect them and be back by tomorrow morning. I could even tell them to get your laptop so you can still work on your music here.”
“Seriously? Thank you!” The smile on Yoongi’s lips was wider and brighter than any other smile I had ever seen. He suddenly threw his arms around me and lightly pecked my cheek, but quickly pulled away once he realized what he had done. “Ah, I-I’m sorry, I got excited.”
“It’s okay, Yoongs. You should go get some rest.” He nodded and left the room after hugging me one last time, leaving me alone with my overwhelming thoughts.
I sighed and fell onto my bed, not even making an effort to clean myself up. Pulling the vanilla scented blankets over myself, I let my eyes close, but sleep wasn’t able to come to me. My mind was busy running hundreds and hundreds of miles, filled with concerns and questions about the new future I inevitably brought to the boys.
They were innocent and untroubled, despite their heavy schedule and constant pressure from companies and the media. Here, they were free, but the emotional toll could be more grave than it was when they had normal lives.
With them living here, the world just got a whole lot bigger. I recited the skills and protocols they’d have to learn to be able to survive, and that’s when I realized what was in store for me. I’d have to teach them how to fight, how to fly, how to survive - but I didn’t even know myself if they had the heart to follow in my steps. They’d even eventually have to learn how to-
My thoughts were quickly cut off by a soft knock on my door. I propped myself up on my forearms and quickly fixed my hair, calling out to the person standing outside, their shadow seeping through the bottom opening of the closed door.
“Yes?” I yawned, shifting my eyes to the balcony doors when I realized how late it had gotten, the bright stars shimmering against the utter darkness of the sky. The person outside spoke.
“Maya, it’s Yoongi.”
“Oh, come in.”
The door slowly creaked open, and lo and behold, Yoongi stepped into the room, his tousled hair and pouty lips making him look irresistibly adorable, the white sheet wrapped around his body only adding to his softness. He closed the door behind him and adjusted the sheet as I spoke up to ask him what was bothering him.
“I can’t sleep,” He mumbled, rubbing his half-lidded eyes with his sweaty palms.
“Well, what do you want me to do about that?” I teased, but immediately recognized my mistake as I remembered how impossible it was to deal with Yoongi when he was grumpy - which was almost always when he was tired.
“Cute. Now move over.” Before I could say anything to protest, he threw his sheet over me and climbed onto the bed, crawling over me and collapsing beside me, pulling the sheet back over him, along with a good portion of my blanket I was previously covered with. I groaned and tugged it back, leaving him with only the sheet. As I was just beginning to fall asleep, I felt a shift in weight on the bed and realized that Yoongi had moved closer to me, his chest pressing against my back and his breath tickling the skin on my neck. “It’s cold.”
“Take some of my blanket and go to sleep,” I whined, throwing half of my blanket over to his side. Even with the extra warmth, Yoongi moved closer and slid his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me into his curled figure. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him off, and before I knew it, my eyes had closed and I had fallen fast asleep in his arms.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Masterlist • YouTube • Instagram
Éternel: Wings of Fire [BTS Dragon!AU]

Pairings: BTS x OC Genre: Fantasy, Angst, Drama Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, lowkey hate it but lowkey proud of it at the same time???

Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Word Count: 9.7K
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I awoke with a strange warmth encasing me. Curious of the source, I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the bright morning sun. I peeked over my shoulder, only to see Yoongi sleeping directly behind me, his lips dangerously close to my neck and his hands gently holding my waist, pressing me close to his body. With the immediate flush of heat to my face, I attempted to move and stand up, but I was quickly pulled back down, causing me to scream from the sudden action.
“I was sleeping just fine. Why did you have to move?” Yoongi muttered in his trademark sleepy, grumpy voice, probably pouting as well. I turned my head to look at him and my eyes met with his, although they looked like they were about to close any minute.
“Yoongi, come on, we’ve gotta get up,” I said, trying to stand again when Yoongi unexpectedly moved on top of me, pinning me down to the mattress, but still in a sleeping position. My face was probably hotter than a furnace at this point.
“Mmm, better…” The way he spoke was so seductive I swear I was going to explode right then and there. I eventually was able to wriggle out of his grasp and roll over onto the floor, and as I scrambled to my feet, Yoongi spoke up again, this time sounding more like a whine. “Ahh, you’re no fun, Princess.”
“W-What did you just call me?” I stuttered, my mouth slightly hanging open, but I quickly shook my head and regained my focus. “I’m serious, get your ass up.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Don’t act like a child. It’s an important day today.”
“If it’s so important, then let me sleep in so I have more energy.” Yoongi slowly pulled the covers over his head, only for me to yank them off, revealing his bare, milky chest.
‘When did he take off his shirt?!’ I thought, trying my hardest to look at anything else other than the faint outline of his abs.
“You’re so annoying. Get up before I bring the boys in here.”
“That the best you got, Princess?”
“Min Yoongi!”
“Yes?” He looked up innocently, flashing a small smirk with a discreet wink.
“I don’t have time for your shit!” I threw a pillow at him, yet he laid there, unfazed.
“Too bad. That’s what happens when you wake up the devil inside of me.”
“I’ve already tamed that son of a bitch a long time ago. Now get up.”
“I’ll get up if you gimme a kiss.”
“I swear to god, I’m going to kill you.” I sent him a death glare, and he returned an equally scary look, one that almost made my knees buckle beneath me.
“It’s just on the cheek.” He raised an eyebrow at my clearly unimpressed expression. “I guess I’m not getting up then.” He rolled his eyes, turning his back to me, snoring obnoxiously loud just to irritate me.
“God! Fine, come here.” I sighed in defeat and made my way over to the bed as Yoongi turned over with the smile of a champion. I took a breath and leaned in close to his face, ready to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek when he suddenly grabbed me and flipped me over onto my back and climbed on top of me, pinning me to the bed by my wrists as he carefully straddled my waist.
“I win,” He smirked, leaning just close enough that I could feel his breath on my lips.
“Maya! Good morning-“ I heard a voice say as the door to my bedroom swung open, revealing Hoseok who was standing in the doorway, the rest of the boys lurking behind him. As soon as their brains comprehended what was happening, both Namjoon and Seokjin scurried to cover Jungkook’s eyes, while Hoseok screamed and Jimin and Taehyung just giggled at the scene.
“Don’t you know how to knock?!” I yelled, my heart running at a million miles per hour and my face fuming with heat. I quickly pushed Yoongi off of me once his grip loosened from shock and stood up, wanting to bury my face in my hands in embarrassment. While I was busy getting all flustered, Yoongi just shrugged and picked his shirt up from the floor and threw it on.
“Namjoon-ah, I told you it’d be a bad idea to go to her room!” Seokjin argued, punching Namjoon’s chest, causing him to uncover Jungkook’s eyes and chase after Jin, who was now running away like a maniac.
“If anyone ever brings this up again, I’m throwing you out with Balki’s Nightmare,” I muttered, grabbing Yoongi’s hand to yank him out of the room and down the hall, the other boys following until we eventually caught up with Namjoon and Seokjin, the whole group now together.
“Uh, Noona, I wanted to ask earlier, what’s Balki’s Nightmare?” Jungkook asked curiously.
“Oh, well, how do I put this… it’s a dragon with nine heads.”
“Nine?” Jimin gasped, his mouth hanging open in such an adorable way.
“Don’t worry about it, there’s only one and she lives all the way up in the mountains. Anyways, forget that. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us. My servants left clothes in your wardrobes in each of your rooms. Please wear long pants and boots, but still choose something comfortable. We’re going to be traveling quite a bit today.”
With that, the group broke up and each of us headed back to our rooms to pick out our own clothes and change into them. As I changed, I found my pair of sturdy, metallic fans in my closet, and decided to bring them along, placing them in a matching holster. I met back up with the boys in front of my bedroom, as I instructed. I led them to the kitchen, where, surprisingly, breakfast was already awaiting us. A familiar dark-skinned woman with hot pink hair was standing in front of the sink, washing some dishes when I suddenly jumped onto her from behind, laughing from excitement and joy.
“Oh my god, Maya! You’re back!” She said, immediately recognizing me as she embraced me.
“It’s so good to see you, Fawn,” I smiled, pulling back to see her equally bright smile.
“Oh, who are these men?”
“Fawn, meet BTS. Boys, this is Fawn Potter.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Fawn greeted politely, bowing to the boys.
“Likewise,” Namjoon said, returning the gesture. After Hyunae, Samantha, and Minjun came down to join us, we all sat and ate breakfast, first thanking Fawn for going out of her way to cook, of course. We talked and laughed, even Minjun, who was now acting normally and more cheerful than the last time I saw him, and the boys appreciated that. Once we finished eating, Samantha and Minjun offered to clean up so I could get the boys moving, and I thanked them then led the seven outside to the nearby stables.
“Woah,” Jimin gawked in awe at the gigantic barn standing before him. I softly laughed at his reaction and headed to the door, grabbing the chain at the side to pull it down, the door slowly rising up to reveal at more than two dozen stalls lined up, a soft yellow light illuminating the inside of the barn, shining on the animals that were stationed in their stalls.
“Horses?” Taehyung pondered, looking at the animals, their coats shiny and their spirits high.
“We use the horses when we need to lay low. Plus, I don’t want you to get on dragons just yet. Might as well get you used to riding on the ground first.”
“Aw, no fair, hyung has a head start,” Jungkook pouted as he pointed to Taehyung, referencing to the past lessons he took.
“We’ve got the whole day ahead of us, Kook, don’t you worry.”
“Mistress! You’ve returned,” A familiar, fair skinned woman exclaimed as she quickly exited the tack room, jogging over to me to give a polite bow.
“Ah, Zenobia, no need to bow. It’s good to see you. We’re just gonna go for a ride.”
“I am always here for assistance,” Zenobia said as she turned to the boys, bowing deeply once again as she returned to the tack room. Castilla, the other stablehand, peeked out and greeted me and the boys, quickly returning to her task.
“Such strange names…” Seokjin commented, walking up to one of the stalls as he gently ran his fingers over the metallic nameplate screwed onto the stall door.
“Sorry about that,” I said, fumbling with a strand of my hair.
“No, it’s cool. Eros sounds beautiful,” He replied, glancing back at the nameplate to make sure he didn’t completely butcher the name. “A beautiful name for a beautiful horse.” The tall, noir horse peeked his head out and looked towards Seokjin, nudging his head against the boy’s body, practically shoving him, but in a loving way.
“He likes you.”
Seokjin smiled as he rested his hand on Eros’ muzzle, gently rubbing it while the young stallion perked his ears and flicked his tail in joy.
“I would say he’s more handsome than me, but I just don’t think that’s possible, don’t you agree?” Jin said cheekily, striking a confident pose, earning groans from the entire group.
“Oh, you two will definitely get along,” I sighed, face palming myself as I turned to the others to see which horses each of them gravitated to. I walked over to Jimin, who was petting a gray, speckled Arabian horse. “Zeta has a strong spirit. She kind of reminds me of you, Jimin.”
I could see his cheeks flush into a light tint of pink at my words, and couldn’t help but giggle at his flustered reaction. Ruffling his hair, I flashed a small smile and headed off to the others. Jungkook was entranced by the muscular horse in front of him, who was resting at the moment, but still full of grace and beauty. As I spoke to Jungkook about Gene, the horse resting right in front of us, I decided that I might as well just let them choose their own horses. After all, I probably would have chosen the same for them anyways.
I made my way over to Taehyung, his eyes wide but his smile bright as he locked his eyes onto the beautiful Azteca standing in front of him, the horse busy grooming itself to notice the gawking boy. I grinned and placed my hand on Taehyung’s shoulder, keeping my eyes locked on the horse, Juno, as I spoke up.
“He’s the pretty boy of the group. You two even have the same hair,” I commented, Taehyung gasping as he realized that in fact, both he and the gelding shared the same wavy, silver hairstyle. Eventually, Juno raised his head and stepped over to Taehyung, resting his large head on the boy’s shoulder after nuzzling his hair with his muzzle. I left them alone and headed over to Hobi, who was practically throwing heart eyes at the buckskin mare. “Hoseokie, I see you’ve chosen Vente.”
“She’s so beautiful,” Hoseok cooed, scratching behind Vente’s ear, earning a cute nicker from her, who was clearly enjoying the special treatment.
“Maya! Can you come here?” Namjoon shouted, my body traveling towards his voice immediately. “He’s a Thoroughbred, right?”
“Yes, Rani’s a Thoroughbred. He’s strong-willed, like you,” I confirmed as I subconsciously pet Rani’s dark muzzle that was poking out from the stall. “And unfortunately, he spooks easily and is also a bit of a klutz.”
“I guess that’s something we can bond over together, then.” Namjoon flashed a quick smile, turning his attention back to Rani, giving me the chance to wander off to Yoongi, who was standing in front of the Clydesdale’s stall, motionless.
“What’s wrong, Yoongs?”
“I just wanted a proper introduction with you around. Someone has to make sure this big girl won’t bite my hand off,” He chuckled as I rolled my eyes, but I was still happy he wanted to wait for me. I clicked my tongue, catching the Clydesdale’s attention. She turned towards us and stuck her head out, briefly sniffing me just to focus entirely on Yoongi, nudging him and playing with his pale blue hair.
“Wow, I’ve never seen Rhoda this affectionate.”
“What can I say? I have that effect,” Yoongi smirked, and I couldn’t help but groan at his cocky remark.
“Aren’t you the charmer? Wait here. Let me get Agro.”
“Agro?” I jogged over to the stall with the nameplate which was engraved with the word Agro in gorgeous cursive letters. Without warning the boys, I opened the stall door and began to walk down to the tack room, the gigantic Gypsy Vanner exiting the stall to follow me.
“Noona! You left the-“ Jungkook began to warn me, but I interrupted him before he could finish.
“It’s okay, I do this with her all the time,” I explained as I lifted up her tack, quickly walking to her side to raise it onto her back. As I adjusted the girth, Taehyung decided to speak up.
“So, should we get the saddles?” He asked.
“Sure. Just put it on with the pommel facing forwards and pull it up slightly behind their withers.”
“Uhh…” Namjoon droned, obviously very lost at the foreign language I was using.
“Their shoulders, Joon.”
“Ah, okay.” With that, the boys went to get their saddles and returned to their designated stalls, tacking their horses, with the help of Zenobia and Castilla, and I showed them how to bridle, which they did as well, not afraid to receive assistance from our stable hands. I grabbed Agro’s reins and tugged her outside, the rest of the boys following me. After we all gathered outside, I took Agro’s reins and threw them over her head, positioning my foot in the stirrup, proceeding to mount her perfectly from the ground. I looked up after checking to see if everything was secure, and all I could see were the boys’ shocked faces.
“You never cease to amaze me,” Yoongi laughed as Zenobia dragged a nearby mounting block to Rhoda, allowing the snowy haired boy to quickly climb on. The rest of the boys followed in his steps, and in a matter of minutes, we were all mounted and ready to go. I went over the basic riding rules, and after they all verified they understood, we set off into the forest, our horses clumping close together so we were traveling as a group.
As we leisurely trailed through the forest, we all messed around and had a few laughs, talking about normal things we’d always talk about - at least until Hoseok practically screamed when a dragon came into sight, his shrill nearly scaring me right off of Agro, even though the dragon was barely bigger than my hand.
“For god's sake, Hobi! My ass is going to go into cardiac arrest one of these days!” I scolded, turning to glare at him.
“I think I might join you,” He whimpered as he pointed forwards, hiding his face in his jacket while I looked in the direction he was pointing to. Only a few yards away from us was another multicolored dragon, resembling a dragonfly, but of course, larger and more ferocious. Tranquil jade eyes sat high within the dragon’s thick, plated skull, which gave the creature a truly frightening appearance. A slim neck ran down from its head and into a wide body, its wings standing high and proud. Its eyes bored into the boys’, but they softened once they came across the sight of me. I nodded towards the dragon, and it skittered off somewhere deeper into the forest, an eerie clicking sound following, becoming more faint as it strayed further away from us.
“I think I just wet myself,” Taehyung said jokingly, wiping off the sweat from his forehead. He leaned over to Hoseok, who was frozen still, poking him and waving his hand in front of his face, yet no response was elicited. “And Hobi-hyung passed into another life.” We laughed at his comments as we ventured deeper in, Hoseok eventually loosening up, his fear turning to joy every time we passed by a dragon. Our conversations continued as normal, until Jungkook noticed the fans on my hips and changed the topic.
“Noona, what are those?” He asked, pointing to the golden weapons holstered on either side of me with one hand, his other still holding the reins.
“Oh, these are my weapons, Kook,” I explained, causing all of the boys to widen their eyes at my confession.
“What would you need weapons for?” Seokjin asked curiously.
“As you know, every fairytale has a villain. Usually it’s just one person, but sometimes there can be pairs, groups, or even armies. And they will do everything in their power to get what they want.”
“I-I don’t understand. Why are you talking about fairytales?” Taehyung questioned.
“This life of mine is like a fairytale. My villain, Magister Mortalis, is constantly after me, but it’s not one person. It’s a whole team, and they all have one goal: to assassinate me and burn this island to the ground. Because of this, I’ve learned to fight and defend myself, and, more importantly, the island. Almost every dragon has some sort of defense mechanism, and they’re ready to fight at all times. For myself, I’ve only had to use these fans a few times in the past few years, but not for anything too serious.”
“Does that mean you’ve…”
I pulled back on Agro’s reins, the other horses shortly stopping behind her. My breath hitched and my body shriveled as I realized there was no avoiding the truth anymore. Without looking back at them, I answered coldly.
“Yes. I’ve killed,” I revealed as I lightly kicked Agro’s sides, urging her to walk, the rest of the horses automatically following.
For a moment, we all rode in silence, not daring to look at each other the entire time. I sighed quietly to myself and ran my fingers through my hair, noticing the weight being pressed on my chest. Eventually, as we neared closer to our first destination, I spoke up, my voice surprisingly quiet and reserved.
“Jungkook, can you dismount?”
Hesitantly, the young boy removed his feet from the stirrups and slid off of Gene, slowly walking over to me as I got off Agro. Before us was a small opening, leading into a cave.
As I stepped into the cave, I could feel Jungkook’s presence behind me, and I immediately stopped, turning around to gently push him all the way back to the horses.
“I need you to stay back here,” I ordered, the boy only being able to nod and gulp nervously, unable to produce any words. “Listen. Please, no matter what; don’t speak, don’t move, don’t intervene.”
I gently patted his shoulder, returning to the cave’s opening as I withdrew my fans, hitting them against each other, the sound echoing through the vast walls. Within a matter of seconds, a loud snarl replied to the sudden intrusion, which was my cue to step back into the sunlight, hold my fans in front of my body, and prepare for the creature to approach me.
An albino claw emerged from the darkness, piercing red eyes glowing as the dragon stepped out, its muscular frame and vicious appearance elevating the hair on my skin, and undoubtedly, also the boys’, who were standing by, watching as I came face to face with the ferocious beast. I stepped back as the dragon neared closer, its shoulder movements resembling that of a lion’s, ready to pounce on its unsuspecting prey.
“Jungkook, meet Quinn,” I said bluntly, causing the youngest to widen his eyes, coming to the realization that this would be his dragon. My words provoked the dragon, a loud roar erupting from its chest as it came closer to me, baring its teeth, still stained with blood from its last meal. Its wings stood proudly, spreading unconsciously as it roared again, with more ferocity than the last. “The Red-Eyed Ravager, one of the best hunting dragons in The Claim you could ever hope to find.”
I stopped in my tracks and dropped my fans, letting them clatter on the ground, prompting a questioning look from Quinn, but nevertheless, he continued to pursue me, with more caution. I dropped to my hands and knees, stretching my left leg back out as I bent my right, planting one hand on the ground, by my waist. With Quinn only a few feet away from me, I closed my eyes and reached out with my free hand, closing the distance between us as I gently placed my palm onto his snout, the steam rising from his nostrils filled with rage, but it quickly transitioned into tranquility. I fluttered my eyes open, and there the beast was, his eyes closed with a certain softness that assured me he was calm.
“Jungkook, it’s okay. You can come now,” I insisted, standing again to face him, a perplexed but intrigued expression on his face. Noticing his hesitation, I patted Quinn as I walked over to Jungkook, the beast following me over to the boy, who was now more stiff than a metal post.
“He won’t hurt me?” Jungkook questioned suspiciously.
“Of course not. That whole thing just now was for respect because I woke him up from his sleep.”
“Reminds me of someone else,” Namjoon joked, eyeing Yoongi, who was looking at the dragon with enriched eyes, but only when I shifted my gaze to him I realized he was now staring at me.
“Yoongi-ah, you’re staring.”
“Hyung’s got a crush~” Taehyung teased, earning a smack from Yoongi who then swiftly returned his attention to me.
“You have such a way with the dragons… it’s amazing,” He said, a small smile creeping onto his lips from the impressive show.
“I grew up with them, Yoongs. It only makes sense,” I smiled, gently rubbing Quinn’s head, earning a low grunt in return.
“Noona, can I?” Jungkook queried, reaching out to the dragon, prompting his question if he could pet him.
“Go ahead, he’s yours.”
Jungkook cautiously placed his hand on Quinn’s snout, a friendly purr returning from the action, causing a wide smile to appear on Jungkook’s golden face. He gently kneeled and continued to shower Quinn with love and adoration, sounds of affection eliciting from the dragon due to his actions.
“Oh, wow,” Jungkook whispered, taking in the sight of the creature before him while I grabbed my fans and secured them into my holsters.
“Quinn might seem scary at first, but once you get to know him, he’s a real sweetheart,” I said as Jungkook stood up, his smile unable to leave his lips, my eyes wandering back to the dragon. “Gyon au.” Quinn happily obeyed and ran back into his cave, disappearing into the darkness as Jungkook and I mounted our horses again, continuing on the path to the next dragon. Not even waiting a second for us to depart from the cave, the boys began to bombard me with questions. I laughed as I tried my best to listen and answer all of them.
“How many dragons are on these islands?” Hoseok asked.
“About 13,000.”
“What other hunting dragons are there?” Namjoon joined.
“Eurasian Rubyhides, Frostbiters, Japanese Vipermuzzles-“
“Don’t these species fight a lot with each other?” Jimin questioned.
“Sometimes, but they know there’ll be consequences if they do.”
Before I knew it, I had answered at least a million questions and we were standing right in front of Taehyung’s dragons’ territory, a large burrowing hole right beneath my feet after I slid off of Agro, calling Taehyung to join me.
“Jesus, how big is this thing?” Taehyung babbled, intimidated by the size of the gaping tunnel standing at his feet.
“She’s a Titan Wing - still pretty small compared to the others - but I think she’ll be good for you,” I replied, leaning into the tunnel to let out a sharp, short whistle, urging Taehyung to step back immediately after the ground began to shake. From the tunnel erupted a gigantic, white, snake like dragon, covered in frills and spines with blank, hostile red eyes jutting into the boys standing underneath her as she rose into the sky. She opened her mouth, ready to let out a deafening scream, when I suddenly yelled out for her, notifying her of my presence. Her expression softened and she landed beside me, curling her body around my figure to hug me. I laughed and gave her a little pat before turning to Taehyung, who she had now noticed and was creeping towards.
“Uh, Maya, help me out here!”
“Hold out your hand.”
“Do what?!”
“Just do it Tae!”
Reluctantly, he tightly shut his eyes and followed my advice, but it turned to his favor as the dragon gently bowed her head, pushing her head so Taehyung’s palm was now resting against her scales. He peeked with one eye, and let out a loud sigh of relief, realizing he was safe.
“I think I wet myself again,” He groaned, earning a chuckle from the rest of us, even the dragon.
“Taehyung, meet Phaedra,” I introduced them to each other. “Phaedra, em ste Taehyung.”
The dragon gently nodded and blew a puff of smoke in Taehyung’s face, chuffing shortly afterwards at his awe stricken face.
“I can’t believe you can actually communicate with dragons,” Taehyung marveled, stepping back to look at me as I tended to Phaedra, brushing dirt and such off of her scales.
“Eventually you’ll have to as well,” I lied, immediately bursting out into laughter at his terrified expression. “I’m kidding, Tae. Unless one of you wants to learn Draconian.” I turned to eye the boys mounted on their horses, all of them jokingly whipping their heads away, whistling innocently and ignoring me. “Alright, alright, I get it. Languages are hard and I’m a buzzkill.” I gently pat Phaedra to let her know she could go. She nodded and slithered back into the tunnel while Taehyung and I mounted our horses, trotting off to the next dragon.
“Am I next?” Jimin asked, raising his hand politely with a small smile.
“Ah, you’re so cute, Jimin. Yes, you’re next. Come on, let’s see how well you guys can ride.” With that, I squeezed my knees together, prompting Agro to start trotting, swiftly transitioning into a canter as the boys yelled and hurried to catch up to me. Exiting the forest, we cantered into the connecting grasslands, nearby dragons whizzing their heads towards us or jumping away to avoid the path of the horses. I stood in my stirrups and grabbed a good portion of Agro’s mane, using my free hand to quickly pull out the slim whistle I had used previously to call Toothless.
As soon as I heard the familiar roar growing closer, I jumped out of my stirrups and stood on Agro’s back, holding the reins as Toothless soared in from the clouds, flying next to me, giving me a clear path to jump off of Agro and onto his back. I quickly positioned my feet and we rose into the clouds, leaving the boys and their horses to continue cantering, with Agro leading the way. As soon as Toothless broke through the clouds, my eyes landed on a Cloudjumper resting atop a cloud, stretching gracefully having just woken up from a morning nap.
“Indra, mafta ai op!” I shouted, catching the dragon’s attention fast enough that she was able to follow right behind Toothless after he looped and dived back down to the ground. I pointed to the boys, and Toothless flew down with Indra following on his tail to stop and land in front of them, of course, giving them enough space and time to react. The Cloudjumper stayed hovering in the air, twisting her head much like an owl when she noticed Jimin’s admirable stare towards her, his eyes not leaving hers even as he dismounted his horse. She softly landed and crawled over to him as he walked over to her, almost as if they were being attracted to each other by some sort of magnetic force.
“What’s her name?” Jimin beamed, showing his signature eye smile as he studied the dragon’s features.
“She’s so pretty.”
Indra chirped happily at his words, slowly encasing him with her warm body - in an affectionate way of course. We laughed as she tried to snuggle up against him, but I pulled her back and sent her on her way after letting Jimin pet her for a few more minutes.
“So, are we going to talk about what you just did?” Namjoon gushed, cupping his own face in his hands, his mouth hanging wide open.
“What, the jump?”
“‘What, the jump…’ aish, this kid is going to kill me,” Seokjin groaned, burrowing his face in his palms as he let out a loud, fake sob. “It was amazing!”
The boys instantaneously nodded like their lives depended on it, bright smiles appearing on their faces.
“So modest,” Yoongi laughed, shaking his head.
“Hyuuuung-“ Jungkook tried to tease him, but was abruptly shut up with a pale hand over his mouth.
“Say one more word and I end you.”
“Don’t kill him, Yoongs,” I chuckled as I whispered into Toothless’ ear, sending him off to bring back a dragon. “Hoseokie, you’re up next.”
“Oh my god,” He whimpered, anxiously sliding off of Vente to stagger over to me.
“Hey, don’t worry. I chose the calmest dragon I know.”
“Well, at least we won’t need a medic on standby,” Seokjin snorted, teasing the dancer over his fears. However, I embraced him and wrapped my arms around him tightly, whispering a few words to encourage him.
“Don’t listen to him. You’ll be fine.”
After a few minutes, Toothless returned with Hoseok’s dragon, her vibrant yellow and violet scales standing out from the pale blue sky. The two landed in front of us, waiting for one another to move when I suddenly grabbed Hoseok’s hand, causing him to scream. The dragon flinched and cowered, instantly causing Hoseok to calm down and drop to his knees to comfort her, the reaction tugging at his heartstrings.
“No, no, don’t be scared! Here, look!” Hoseok cheered as he stood up, doing his usual silly dances and routines. The Skyburst, now intrigued, lifted her head and chuffed when she saw his movements in an attempt to cheer her up. She purred and rubbed her head against Hobi’s chest, pushing a smile onto his lips. “Wah~ So cute.”
“Her name is Leia. She’s pretty shy, but I think she’s already warmed up to you,” I said.
“Do all dragons have names?” He instantly face palmed himself at his question and apologized. “Sorry, that was a stupid question.”
“No, it’s not. All dragons have names, but they’re assigned by me when hatched. Maybe you guys could help me name some of the newcomers, hm?”
“I’m naming one Kumamon,” Yoongi cajoled, his lips rising into a sweet gummy smile.
“Oh, for the love of god,” I mumbled as I sent Leia and Toothless off, mounting up with Hoseok and Jimin to continue our travels, this time, heading back to the castle, but on a different route, following the largest river, The Trail Of Tears.
As we passed by the wild dragons, I noticed that the boys were no longer scared, and were now pointing out the dragons they wanted to meet, naming them as we rode past, and even interacting with them on their own.
“Namjoon, you ready?” I suddenly spoke up, prompting a surprised but soon steady expression on his sun-lit face. An explosion in the distance, but not too far away, indicated that his dragon was nearby. “All-Mother help me,” I whispered to myself as I kicked Agro’s sides, urging her to trot forward to the source of the explosion, the boys leading their horses to trail behind me.
Through the thick canopy of trees, we turned and came across a young, rocky dragon, ember glowing from its crevices as it continuously fired at the mountain’s feet, little specks of dust and rocks flying everywhere with every blast. I groaned and dropped my head in frustration, hopping off of Agro to lecture the dragon, now caught red handed.
“Phelan, krei? Nodotaim? Yu get klin mou beda.” I scolded, placing my hands on my hips. The dragon whimpered and backed down, bowing deeply to me in an attempt to ask for forgiveness. I sighed, resting my hand on his skin, made entirely out of rock, then called Namjoon over, who gleefully bent down to the dragon.
“Seems like a troublemaker,” Namjoon chuckled, turning his head to me while staying crouched in front of Phelan.
“Oh, definitely, but it can actually be useful sometimes. Just try not to destroy the entire island when you’re together, yeah?”
Phelan chuffed at my joke, but ultimately knew he had to be responsible or he would have to face the consequences. Namjoon nodded and stood up while I dismissed Phelan, lecturing him one last time to not blast any more mountains.
“Jinnie, you’re the last one!”
“Is my dragon a boy or a girl?” Seokjin asked as we began to travel along the river, the horses now in a single file formation.
“Kira is a girl, but to be honest, you can’t even tell because she acts completely different than most female Riverside Serpents.”
“Riverside Serpent? Did you come up with all of these names?” Namjoon wondered.
“Oh, no. I only named the species I discovered during my rule.”
“I still can’t believe you’re a queen, Noona,” Jungkook sighed, a shy smile creeping onto his lips.
“It all feels like a dream,” Jimin commented, observing his surroundings as he spoke.
“Ah, there she is,” I said, pointing to a white and green serpentine dragon kneeling by the river, drinking from the fast stream.
“She looks more traditional,” Seokjin observed as he quickly slid off of Eros to stand by me while I caught Kira’s attention, asking her to come closer. Her eyes roamed and scanned each of the boys until they came across Jin’s face, and an immediate purr followed, along with a gentle head butt.
“Wow, she loves you,” I snorted, surprised that she instantly took a liking to him. After a few moments of playing with Kira, Jin replied.
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Alright, Casanova, let’s get moving.” I sent Kira back to the river as Jin and I mounted up again, riding back to the castle as a group, now in a more scattered formation, with the younger boys lined up behind me, Yoongi and Namjoon on either side of me, and the other two slightly ahead, as they didn’t need me to lead since the castle was already in our sight.
“Yoongi doesn’t get a dragon?” Namjoon suddenly asked, tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention first.
“He already got one yesterday, after you boys went to your rooms,” I explained, Namjoon nodding in acknowledgement. Yoongi began to move further ahead, now out of earshot between me and Namjoon, who decided to take advantage of this opportunity.
“Soo… you and Yoongi-“
“Joon, don’t even start. It’s not like that.”
“I see the way you look at each other. What you two have is special, and I think you’d be good for each other.”
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, pressing my palm on my forehead in an attempt to relieve some of the pain forming in my head as I tried my best to gather my thoughts.
“Even if he did like me, I couldn’t let that get in the way of my duties. If something happened to him…” I began to express my concerns, but Namjoon simply smiled and replied in a gentle voice.
“Baby, I get it, but just think about it, okay? I promise, I’m not lying when I say that you two were made for each other,” He reassured me. Before I knew it, we had already arrived at the gates of the castle. I led the group back to the stables and we all dismounted, putting away our horses after untacking them, with the help of Zenobia and Castilla.
As we walked up the stairs of the castle, I heard distant footsteps that surely didn’t belong to either me or the boys, so with caution, I gripped onto one of my fans and discreetly unholstered it. Without warning, I turned around to whiz it at the area of the sound, the metal clanging against stone, just mere inches away from Minjun, who was hiding behind a stone pillar to protect himself. I gasped and rushed to pick up my fan, running to check if he was hurt.
“God, you’re fast,” Minjun laughed, looking over his slightly bruised hands.
“Jun, what happened?” I questioned, rubbing my fingers over the bruises.
“Agh, I ran into some assholes from the Northern Markets. They taunted me with shit about Hyunae, I couldn’t stand it.”
“Those motherfu-“
“Woah, love, watch the language,” He chuckled, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Sorry.” I looked down sheepishly, embarrassed of my sudden, minor lash out.
“Oh, and by the way, kids, the Tramplers brought back your stuff from Seoul. They’re on your beds.” Minjun cocked his head towards the boys, a clearly insulted expression falling onto Yoongi’s face.
“What did he just call us?” Yoongi fumed to Namjoon.
“Minjun, can you check on Luthais to see if he needs any more Dreamwillow?” I asked, quickly changing the subject as Minjun nodded and left for Luthais’ hut for his task. “You’re welcome, Yoongi.”
Yoongi simply stood there with his jaw tightened as I walked past him coolly, his body trailing behind mine soon enough once he had snapped out of his shock. It was quite rare for me to perform favors for him, especially for ones he never asked for, but the ones I knew he needed.
“Hey, so, quick question. Are we getting weapons soon?” Seokjin asked suddenly, causing me to trip and fall backwards, conveniently into Yoongi’s arms, that were quick to catch me.
“You okay, sugar?” Yoongi said, concerned as I looked back at him, still in his grasp.
“Yeah, thanks,” I mumbled, clearly embarrassed as I continued walking, more carefully this time. “What the hell makes you think you’re getting weapons?”
“We are, aren’t we? I overheard your servants talking about having to give us weapons soon,” Seokjin explained.
“You are one sneaky little-“
“Don’t curse!”
“Ugh, fine. You caught me. Yes, you’re getting weapons. Armor, as well - but don’t even think for a second that’s going to be within the next 48 hours. You boys have to take flying lessons.”
“Flying lessons? As in flying on dragons, thousands of feet in the air?” Taehyung worried, his voice wavering.
“Tae, I know it seems scary, but I’m confident you boys will get the hang of it.”
“I’ve got a head start, by the way,” Yoongi bragged.
“Really? No fair!” Jungkook whined, throwing his head back in frustration.
“Suck it up, kid,” Yoongi scowled, rolling his eyes.
“Well, you guys can go explore or something, I’m heading to the studio,” I said abruptly, turning on my heels only for the boys to follow after me, all the way to the studio, tired and waiting to be used after months of neglect.
“Hell yes!” Hoseok preached, dropping to his knees to perform a fake prayer at the sight of the glorious dance studio.
“Noona, you dance?” Jungkook wondered, tilting his head slightly along with his question.
“Of course. Maybe it’s good you didn’t know - now we can have dance battles,” I smirked, winking at Hoseok as I ran over to the stereo to select a song. “What do you think I should do? No Limit by G-Eazy?”
“What about Mic Drop?” Namjoon suggested jokingly.
“Never heard of that,” I teased as I set up the music and jogged back to the middle of the room, taking my jacket off to discard of it, flying to who knows where in the room.
As the song began, I performed my best moves and let the rhythm of the beat move for me. I danced with certainty, speed, and agility. With my movements fluent and confidence sharp, I couldn’t help but smirk at the boys’ sudden shocked expressions, Yoongi’s intense stare making me unconsciously bite my lip in anticipation. They gazed at me, completely captivated by my undoubtedly sensual movements to the music, and even though the song had soon ended, they stayed speechless with their eyes wide open and jaws dropped.
“That’s it. Let’s do this,” Jimin said quickly, rushing to play Dionysus as the dance line hopped in and began to move with me to the music, all of our bodies perfectly coordinated with one another, the bass of the beats vibrating off of the walls of the studio. Within just a few minutes, the four of us had sweat dripping down our bodies, causing us to shed more layers as we continued to dance.
Once we had unanimously decided to stop for the day, I threw a water bottle to each of them after grabbing them from the conveniently placed mini fridge, sitting under the shelf holding a few white towels.
“Maya, I would have danced with you a long time ago if I knew you were that good,” Hoseok smirked, screwing the cap off of his bottle.
“Well, thanks, Hobi,” I smiled, chugging the half full bottle of water in my grasp. “You okay, Yoongs? You haven’t said anything or moved for a while.”
I glanced over at Yoongi, who was leaning against the wall, holding his jacket nonchalantly in front of his abdomen, looking off somewhere into the distance.
“I think hyung has a-“ Taehyung snickered, but was quickly shut up by Seokjin, who slapped his hand over the younger boy’s mouth.
“Don’t even say it, V,” Seokjin groaned, hiding his face in his other palm in embarrassment. I laughed and took one last sip of my water, tossing the bottle into the trash can, hidden in the far corner of the studio.
“Let’s go,” I said, slinging my jacket back over my shoulder before exiting the room, the others following me.
“So, where to next, Mistress?” Yoongi suddenly whispered in my ear, rightfully earning a kick in the shins from me.
“Shut up! You don’t speak for an hour and the first thing you say to me is that?” I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I scanned his face, full of pride with a cheeky smirk to compliment it. “Wipe that stupid smirk off of your face.”
“Maybe if you give me a kiss-“
The boys laughed as we continued to bicker back and forth, until I realized we reached where I had planned to go next. With Yoongi’s constant teasing, I needed something else to focus on before I went completely insane.
I opened the door and stepped into the room, the long chandeliers hanging from the ceiling immediately blinding me. I adjusted to see the light illuminate the cases of books built inside the walls. The royal blue couches rested on every side of the room, overlooked by the second floor, a gorgeous golden railing standing to protect the above level. Sunlight shone in through the windows, flexing across the linoleum floors, intricate floral designs softly carved into the material.
“Go crazy, Joon,” I whispered to Namjoon, who smiled brightly and stepped in, gravitating towards the bookshelves lined with old but beautiful books.
“What a nerd,” Seokjin muttered, but Namjoon had heard.
“If we’re going to stay here, we should learn about the dragons and history as much as we can,” Namjoon argued.
“He’s got a point, you know,” I agreed, shrugging slightly. “Do you guys want to check out the Book of Dragons? It’s got information on all the species - even though it’s a little outdated.”
“Yes!” The boys instantaneously replied, a small smile creeping onto my lips at their enthusiasm as I quickly stepped over to a special showcase, opening it to remove a large, leather book. I was about to sit down when someone grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me down onto their lap. I gasped and tried to move, but they kept me pinned down.
“Really, Yoongi?” I groaned, glaring back at him.
“I want the best view,” He simply replied, leaning the both of us back as he rested his chin on my shoulder, the rest of the boys gathering around me, standing, sitting beside me, or on the couch armrests. Yoongi snaked his arms around my waist as I opened the book to a random page, landing on the bio of the Night Fury, coincidentally.
“‘The Night Fury is the fastest, smartest, and rarest of the known species of dragons, commonly described as the ‘Holy offspring of lightning and death itself,’” Jungkook read aloud, his eyebrows cocking up as he read the last part.
“It says it’s trainable here,” Taehyung said, pointing to the written factors of the species, one of them informing that the Night Fury can, indeed, be trained. “Are there dragons that can’t be trained? Like, ever?”
“Yes, but I’ve found a way to work with them,” I answered.
“Which ones?” Hoseok asked.
“Exterminators, Frostbiters, and Venomtails are good examples. Those are just a few I can think of right now off the top of my head, sorry.”
“It’s okay. I just wanted to know what dragons I should avoid,” He grinned, sticking his tongue out playfully.
“Don’t be worried. The dragons will come around to you, eventually.”
“What does this mean?” Yoongi questioned, moving his hand to point to the words that printed Strike Class, however, I was rather focusing on how he dragged his fingers back across my thigh, waiting for an answer. “Maya?”
“Hm, what? Oh. Sorry, I got distracted, uhh… that’s the classification. Every species is placed into a class based on their characteristics or abilities.”
“So, what class is Aenaes in?” This time, alongside his question, he tightly squeezed my thigh, traveling closer to where my legs parted. I had to bite my lip to suppress a soft moan from coming out.
“H-He’s in Strike Class, too.”
“And that is…”
I quickly flipped to the page that had displayed information about the subject.
Strike Class dragons are characterized by their blazing speed, vice-like jaw strength, and extreme intelligence, as well as pin-point accuracy, powerful attacks, explosive firepower and a unique ability to allow them to navigate in their respective environments/atmosphere. The dragons in this class are some of the rarest of all dragons, some are close to extinction. They are also the most difficult to train but the most loyal once they have been trained. They are also generally among the most powerful dragons.
“Mm, cool,” Yoongi mumbled, pulling his arm back to rest around my waist. I let out a quiet sigh of relief and continued to read to the boys, informing them of the behavioral patterns of dragons, their senses, and habitats. After teaching them about a dozen species, I placed the book back and called it a day. Honestly, it was because I couldn’t stand Yoongi’s teasing anymore, so I needed to break away. I muttered a few things as I left them in the small library to escape to my room, one of the few safe havens I had here.
I groaned and pushed my messy hair back, my fingers running through the strands as I closed my eyes, throwing my head back in frustration. With a defeated sigh, I fell onto my bed and laid there, my arms spread and my knees crossed as my chest rose and fell quickly, bringing me to the realization that I was practically begging to breathe all this time. My chest tightened and my guts churned, both with embarrassment and excitement.
‘Get it together,’ I thought to myself, lifting my hand to rest my palm on my sweaty forehead. I rose from the mattress and made my way over to the double doors, pushing them open to step out onto the cool marble platform. With a deep breath, I stepped forward until I was close to the edge, and looked down, the distance between me and the ground almost immeasurable.
I pushed my hand in my pocket, pausing for a moment even though I desperately wanted to call for Toothless. I honestly didn’t want to bother him, but I did need to escape from the mess my emotions were. Hesitantly, I blew the whistle and Toothless came quickly, hovering by the platform, allowing me to leap onto his back and let him lead me wherever he desired, something I only ever did when I had too much on my mind.
Soon enough, I had come out of my thoughts to realize that Toothless was just landing on the soft sand of Talon’s Shore, a large beach just west of the castle. I smiled as I dismounted Toothless and slid off my shoes before running over to the shoreline, the waves slowly rolling in as the water parted between my toes, completely flooding my feet.
From the corner of my eye, I saw a blue and white speckled dragon emerge from the water, its wings folded neatly and its frills cleanly defining its elongated face. With a tired yawn, it shook off the water like a dog would after a bath, and turned my way, finally noticing me, now sitting in the dry sand. As it came closer, I recognized it was an adolescent female Thunderdrum, probably returning from a weary journey. She waddled over to me with her stubby legs and plopped down beside me, burrowing her way underneath my arm for attention. I laughed and gladly rested my hand on her snout, a happy chitter returning from her throat.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and allowed my other senses to overtake me, the sound of the waves crashing and the feeling of the Thunderdrum’s soft skin calming me down over time. As Toothless curled his body around us, I spoke to him, obviously not expecting an answer, but I did it anyways.
“Bud, I think I’m going insane,” I sighed, leaning back onto the black dragon’s body. He simply snorted in response, resting his head on his arm, his eyes leisurely shutting as he quietly rested. “I think I love him…”
The Thunderdrum chirped at my words, a cute smile accompanying her now perked ears. I huffed and gave her a small pat as I spoke up again.
“So, what do you think I should do, Yvette?” I asked, the young dragon tilting her head at my question in confusion. I giggled and translated for her, and she simply blew a puff of her hot breath in my face, proceeding to stand up and head back into the sea, her warmth leaving my side. With an exhausted sigh, I stood up and woke up Toothless, initiating a walk on the beach with him once he fully awoke. Every couple of minutes, he nudged my hand, checking to see if I was okay. I halted in my path and kneeled, rubbing his chin with affection, a sweet rumble eliciting from his throat.
After about ten minutes, I decided to head back. Toothless dropped me off on the same marble platform connected to my bedroom before soaring off into the distance, a proud roar following. I fell face first on my bed, closing my eyes as I audibly screamed out my frustration into the mattress.
There was no denying it - I loved Yoongi - yet I didn’t even know how to go about it. Knowing that he only recently broke up with his near 2-year girlfriend Sunmi just last month, even if it was forced by their companies, I couldn’t just jump on him right away. He was probably heart-broken, and I doubt he had any similar feelings to mine, so there was no point, really. It would have just gone horribly, so why bother?
I rolled over to the other side of the bed and changed out of my clothes, slipping on a mere oversized tunic that met my thighs mid-way and a pair of boy shorts. As I dragged myself to the bathroom, I flipped on the light switch and looked at myself in the mirror, almost gagging at the sight of my revolting appearance.
“God, I look like a fucking mess,” I mumbled to myself, trying to fix up my hair and wipe off the remaining smudged makeup that I had applied from yesterday. When I stepped back into my bedroom, I heard a gentle knock on the door, almost making me trip over my own feet at the sudden intrusion.
“Maya? It’s Namjoon. I wanted to talk to you,” The outside voice said, relieving me of my stress as I opened the door to reveal Namjoon, smiling sweetly to showcase his beloved dimples.
“What’s up?” I yawned, trying my best to sound more unbothered than I currently was.
“Here, sit down.” Namjoon entered and closed the door, turning the lock prior to grabbing my wrist to lead me to the bed, where he sat me down. He crawled onto the bed and laid down, his back resting comfortably against the headboard, supported by pillows, with his arms crossed in his lap.
Due to my stillness, he decided to take matters into his own hands and turned me around, pulling me back to sit in between his legs, my back now against his chest and our arms linked. I hummed and gently rested my head on his chest, turning slightly so I was more curled up than lying straight. His arms slowly moved around my waist to support my body as he spoke up.
“Where were you?”
“Down by the beach with Toothless. I needed some time alone,” I answered.
“So, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“Nothing much,” I said, shrugging my shoulders slightly.
“Baby, how many times do I have to remind you what a terrible liar you are? Something’s bothering you.” I clenched my jaw at his words, trying to find the best way out of spilling the truth.
“It’s nothing.”
“Then why did you run out of the library like it was on fire, especially after Yoongi was getting touchy with you?”
“You saw that?!” I whipped my head back with my eyes wide in shock. He simply nodded and pulled me back down in the previous position, raising one hand to play with my hair.
“I told you, he loves you.”
“Very funny, Joon.”
“Baby, I’m serious.”
“So what, are you going to tell me I can shapeshift into a dragon now?”
”Maya, I’m-“
“No. I’m sorry, but I refuse to believe that. He literally broke up with Sunmi last month, his girlfriend of 2 fucking years, and you want me to think he’s now in love with me? You’re crazy,” I snapped, stumbling to my feet as I headed for the door. Namjoon grasped my wrist and pulled me back, ceasing my movements.
“Do you hear yourself right now? Yoongi was miserable with Sunmi. He never loved her,” Namjoon explained, a glint of frustration in his obsidian eyes.
I yanked Namjoon’s hand away, walking out of the room, slamming the door behind me. My feet began to move for me, elevating from a fast walk to practically a sprint down the hall as I heard the door open again, Namjoon calling out to me, footsteps soon following. My glance whipped back at him as he chased after me when, suddenly, I bumped into someone, causing me to stumble backwards, but whoever it was had caught me before I could fall. I shifted my gaze forward, almost screaming when I saw Yoongi standing right in front of me, holding me by my waist in a dip position, protecting me from falling.
“Woah, you alright? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” Yoongi said, concerned as he brushed my bangs away from my eyes. I really wanted to swat his hand away and storm off, but I couldn’t even bring myself to move or speak, which ended wonderfully for me as Namjoon finally caught up to me, now hunched over and gasping for air.
“You… you are fast,” He huffed, straightening his body as his eyes wandered to Yoongi, obviously worried. “Hyung, can I talk to you?”
“Uhh, sure,” Yoongi hesitated as Namjoon led him off into another room, of which I eventually recognized as the lounge. I groaned and headed back to my room, locking the door, softly closing it behind me. I tore off my shirt, throwing it into the corner of my room, then fell onto my bed, once again yelling out my frustrations.
‘I really can’t take this anymore,’ I thought, mentally sighing. I rolled over to lie on my back when my thoughts drifted back to what Namjoon had said. I didn’t want to believe it, but maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe Yoongi never liked Sunmi. Maybe he was just pretending. Maybe he was actually in love with me all this time. Maybe.
Before I could even notice my weariness, I closed my eyes with my body still hanging off the edge of the bed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, my mind finally blank.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Masterlist • YouTube • Instagram • Discord
ah dragon tannies
Ethereal Masterlist

“She’s mad but she’s magic.
There’s no lie in her fire.”
~ Charles Bukowski
Summary: After leaving your home in need of a fresh start, you open a bookstore with the hopes that the words you read could bring you solace. You never realized that the books you loved would bring you home instead.
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Genre: Mafia/Dragon AU
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: depictions of violence, smut, death, sexual assault, insecurities, anxiety, polyamory, trauma, mentions of blood, yandere depiction.
Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters.
*Please remember that this is a mafia fan fiction. There will be violence, blood, and other dark themes. If you cannot handle the dark themes, please do not read.
The Kim Clan
Preview 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Finale
Hocus Pocus
Rose & Thorns: 01

— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
— pairing: dragon!jungkook x reader / future!bts x reader
— genre: angst, slight fluff / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au
— word count: 3.4k
— warnings: orphan reader, bits of insecurities kicked in here and there

“Hi there.”
In the dark and deep dungeon where Jungkook laid, his head perked up at the sound of a lady’s voice and his brows furrowed. A girl? What was a girl doing in a part of the village where the villagers have deemed to be the most dangerous zone? Surely guards must have surrounded the area with tough security, right? So how did you manage to go past it?
“I’m Y/N,” he heard the voice again and a soft scoff left him.
You were probably just there curious to see the dragon those infamous soldiers have managed to catch.
“I am…” you trailed off and he found himself waiting for what you had to say, “I am the keeper of the dragon.”
Keep reading