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Teen Wolf Au Ideas
( ) = You can consider this bit extra.
❥ Au where Boyd, Erica, Allison and Aiden live.
Them, Jackson, Isaac, Ethan and Peter all stay in the pack.
The McCall pack becomes the strongest one around.
❥ Au where Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Isaac, Kira and Liam are all vampires.
Peter, Derek, Boyd, Erica, Aiden, Ethan, Danny and Malia are all werewolves.
The Hale pack and the McCall flock are competing over the same territory.
(Ethan and Danny are mates. Boyd and Erica are mates.)
(Scott and Allison are mates. Lydia and Jackson are mates.)
(Peter imprints on Stiles. Malia imprints on Kira. Aiden Imprints on Isaac.)
❥ Au where everyone is a son/daughter of a Greek god/goddess.
Lydia and Erica are daughters of Aphrodite. Liam is the son of Apollo. Aiden and Ethan are the sons of Ares. Allison and Kira are the daughters of Artemis. Stiles is the son of Athena.
Jackson is the son of Dionysus.
Derek is the son of Hades. Boyd is the son of Hephaestus. Malia is the daughter of Hera. Isaac is the son of Hermes. Danny is the son of Hestia.
Scott is the son of Poseidon.
Peter is the son of Zues.