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6 years ago

Vou escrever isso porque sinto que de alguma forma ainda tenho muito coisa de ti presa em mim. Eu admito, tem sido mais difícil do que nunca tentar esquecer um pouco do pouco que tivemos, pois eu me agarrei a esse 'nós' de uma forma em que os 'nós' de tudo isso ficaram mais embaraçados do que meus fones de ouvido. Olha, eu entendo todos os seus motivos, mas ainda dói, dói de uma forma que está fodidamente me matando, meu coração dói a todo momento, e tudo me lembra à você, você veio tão de repente pra minha vida e nesse meio tempo se tornou tanto que só Deus pode explicar, porque nem mesmo eu consigo, e é realmente triste que esteja acabando dessa forma, é realmente triste que você está se desprendendo tão fácil enquanto eu de certa forma ainda te quero mais do que tudo. E foi previsível, não? Eu sabia que ia acontecer, porque eu estou acostumada com pessoas indo embora, mas eu me permiti me apaixonar por você, e me apaixonei de corpo e alma, você teve tudo de mim para você, espero que ao menos tenha gostado de quem eu sou, mesmo que não tenha sido o suficiente. Eu tenho tanto para por em palavras, mas eu simplesmente não consigo, fico me perguntando se algo te lembra a mim como tudo tem me lembrado a você, fico me perguntando se aquela música ainda vai te fazer pensar em mim, e principalmente, me pergunto se foi REALMENTE amor, eu conheço sua sinceridade, mas ainda assim, foi realmente amor? Porque eu realmente acreditei, mas de qualquer forma, eu sinto muito por ter entrado na sua vida, eu sinto muito por ter te amado com toda a sinceridade do mundo, eu sinto muito...

Pensamentos de Noora.

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9 years ago

Teen Wolf Au Ideas

 ( ) = You can consider this bit extra.

❥  Au where Boyd, Erica, Allison and Aiden live. 

Them, Jackson, Isaac, Ethan and Peter all stay in the pack. 

The McCall pack becomes the strongest one around.

❥ Au where Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Isaac, Kira and Liam are all vampires. 

Peter, Derek, Boyd, Erica, Aiden, Ethan, Danny and Malia are all werewolves.

The Hale pack and the McCall flock are competing over the same territory.

(Ethan and Danny are mates. Boyd and Erica are mates.)

(Scott and Allison are mates. Lydia and Jackson are mates.)

(Peter imprints on Stiles. Malia imprints on Kira. Aiden Imprints on Isaac.)

❥ Au where everyone is a son/daughter of a Greek god/goddess.

Lydia and Erica are daughters of Aphrodite. Liam is the son of Apollo. Aiden and Ethan are the sons of Ares. Allison and Kira are the daughters of Artemis. Stiles is the son of Athena.

Jackson is the son of Dionysus.

Derek is the son of Hades. Boyd is the son of Hephaestus. Malia is the daughter of Hera. Isaac is the son of Hermes. Danny is the son of Hestia.

Scott is the son of Poseidon.

Peter is the son of Zues.

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9 years ago

Disney’s Descendants Au Ideas

( ) = You can consider this bit extra.

❥ Au where Auradon has a system in place to discretely match soul-marks when people reach a certain age. But when the time comes, four of the students’ marks don’t match anyone else’s in any of the kingdoms. The only place the system doesn’t check is ... the Isle of the Lost.

(Jane’s mark matches Mal’s. Doug’s mark matches Evie’s. Lonnie’s mark matches Jay’s. Ben’s mark matches Carlos’.)

❥ Au where everyone is a different mythological creature. 

Malificent and Mal are witches. Jafar and Jay are demons. Cruella and Carlos are fallen angels. Evil Queen and Evie are sirens.

Beast and Ben are werewolves. Fairy Godmother and Jane are fairies.

Doug is an elf. Audrey is an angel. Chad is a vampire. Lonnie is a centaur.

(Ben imprints on Carlos.)

❥ Au where they’re all in famous bands. 

Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos make up a rock band called “The Lost Kidz”.

Audrey, Lonnie and Jane make up an all girls pop band called “Auradon Angels”.

Ben, Chad, and Doug make up an all boys pop band called “Dreams of Descendants”.

(On posters/other advertising material their band names are sometimes shortened to TLK, AA and DD.)

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9 years ago

Young Dracula Au Ideas

( ) = You can consider this bit extra.

❥ Au were both Will and Bertrand live. Will and Ingrid get to go on double dates with Bertrand and Vlad.

❥ Au where Malik, Ingrid, Vlad and Wolfie were all raised together. They’re all such close siblings that they form their own “clique”.

❥ Au where Renfield secretly saved everyone’s ashes. Will, Bertrand, Ryan, Erin and Malik are all brought back through the Lazarus Spring{a hidden fountain that has the power to bring vampires back from dust}.

❥ Au where Vlad, Ingrid and Robin are siblings. Erin and Chloe are sisters. Will, Malik and Wolfie are brothers. Bertrand and Talitha are siblings.

❥ Au where everyone is a different mythological creature{than they are on the show}.

The Count, Vlad, Ingrid, Malik and Wolfie are witches/warlocks. Eric, Jonno, and Mina Van Helsing are demons. Will, Bertrand, and Talitha are werewolves. Robin and Chloe are vampires. Alex, Ryan, and Erin are fallen angels.

(Will imprints on Ingrid. Bertrand imprints on Vlad. Talitha imprints on Erin.)

❥ Au where Vlad is the son of the devil{the Count} and Bertrand is a centuries old warlock who makes a contract with Vlad in order to get revenge on a new, powerful witch{Erin} that has wronged him.

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9 years ago

Soulmate Au Ideas

( ) = You can consider this bit extra.

❥ Animal Shapeshifters - A person shifts into their animal form for the first time when they meet their soulmate. 

(It happens when they first touch.) (A person’s animal form is in the same category as their soulmate’s : mammal, reptiles, amphibians, or birds.)

❥ Computer Chips - Everyone is born with a chip in their chest. When a person meets their soulmate, both of their chips play the same song.

(The chips only play songs that existed before those people were born.) (No pair of soulmates share the same song as another pair of soulmates.) (The songs play when they first touch.)

❥ Lyrics - Everyone is born with two or more lines from a song somewhere on their skin. Their soulmate has lines from the same song that come directly before or after those.

(They only come from songs that existed before they were born.) (OR they only come from songs that are released the year before they meet.)

❥ Ancient Language - Everyone is born with a word in ancient Greek (or Latin) on the wrist of their dominant hand. Their soulmate has the same word on their own dominant hand.

(OR instead of just one word - it’s a group of words/a phrase/a sentence.)

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9 years ago

Halloween OTP Au Ideas

❥ Character A is a soul reaper just going about their daily life of leading souls to their right places. Character B is the demon that keeps trying to convince them to quit (in order for all of the souls to go to hell instead).

❥ Character A is a human-turned-vampire that thinks drinking blood is gross. Character B is a supernatural creature fanboy/girl that dreams of having their blood drank by a real-life vampire.

❥ Character A is a werewolf that owns a pet dog. Character B is a werecat that own a pet house cat. Character A’s pet chases B’s when A and B first meet (in their human forms). Later at night, when both character A and B are transformed - A chases B (before realizing who they are). 

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9 years ago

Ways To Meet Au Ideas

High School:

❥ We have lockers next to each other but never visit them at the same time. I came in late today and...Wait a minute, why are you trying to open my locker?

❥ I’m rushing to get to class on time. I’m rounding a corner really fast and...Oh no, I just ran into someone.

❥ I tripped on the stairs and now...I’m bringing you down with me.

❥ We both caught the “bug” that’s going around and now...We’re stuck together in this office waiting for the nurse to get here.

❥ You’re a star athlete and I’m in our school’s news crew...Can I get an interview?

❥ I run errands for all of the teachers but I’ve never been to this class before. I need to talk to your teacher and...Hold on, what do you mean he/she isn’t here right now?

❥ I’m talking to the lunch ladies about needing to pay my dues and they’re just letting you get a lot of extra, free food...Are you related to them or something?


❥ We both have different medical problems and...the pharmacist just mixed up our prescriptions.

❥ We’re the only two that ever sit down to read in our public library...Do you maybe want to start a two person book club?

❥ I go by the same drive through every morning and you’ve just recently started working that shift...How have you already memorized my overly complicated order?

❥ We’re both at the mall during the weekend and...We’re the only two people who didn’t know there was going to be a flash mob here today.

❥ I’m a single parent and you’re the ice cream truck driver my kid(s) always force me to buy ice cream from...Have you hypnotized them or something? 

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8 years ago

Supernatural AU Ideas

❥ The Winchesters are the ruling family of hell. Sam, Dean, Adam, and Charlie are all royal demon siblings. God and the four archangels are the ruling family of heaven. In order to establish a new found peace between heaven and hell, God promises his four children to John’s children. Michael is to be given to Dean, Lucifer to Sam, Gabriel to Adam, and Raphael(female version) to Charlie. {Chuck is God, obviously.} {Mary is alive and is the queen of hell.}

❥ The Winchesters and their friends are all high class demons. So when hell takes over both heaven and the earth, they each get their own “pet” angel. Dean gets Castiel, Sam gets Lucifer, Adam gets Michael, Charlie gets Anna/Anael, Keven gets Samandriel, Bobby gets Balthazar, Garth gets Gabriel, Ellen gets Gadreel, Jo gets Hannah(male version), and Rufus gets Raphael(female version). {Lucifer and Anael never fell.} {Gadreel never got locked up.} {Gabriel never ran away.} {Crowley is the devil.}

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8 years ago

Hobbit and LOTR AU Idea

The humans are werewolves and the dwarves are werebears. All werecreatures imprint on their soulmate(s) when they see them. The elves are vampires and the hobbits are ghouls. (Thorin imprints on Bilbo. Bard imprints on Thranduil. Kili imprints on Tauriel. Gimli imprints on Legolas. Aragorn imprints on Frodo and/or Sam. Faramir imprints on Pippin.) 

{Extra: Eowyn and Merry get together.}

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8 years ago

OTP Prompts

❥ You’re my neighbor and you just saw me crying beside my trashcan because the bouquet of flowers I had died and now I have to throw them out. I swear I’m not usually like this! AU

❥ I see you volunteering at the recreational center all the time since I have an aunt/uncle/grandparent/etc that goes there often so I tend to visit as well. I never see anyone thanking or being nice to you so one day I rush up to you and say “Thank you for the hard work!” then scurry away as fast as possible. I hope you don’t think I’m a lunatic now. AU

❥ You’re in a pretty good local teen band but for some weird reason you all are here playing at a birthday party that I brought my little brother/sister/etc to. Now my kid sibling is dragging me up front to get your autograph. Why do they have to be so embarrassing? And why do you have to be so cute/hot/etc?!

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8 years ago

Thing I Want To Happen In The Next Avengers/Civil War Movie

✪ For Bruce/Hulk and Thor to be there.

✪ For Pietro/Quicksilver to be brought back to life. (They brought his body with them and still have the technology they used to make Vision!)

✪ For Agent Coulson to walk in beside an alive Pietro and blow everyone else’s minds.

✪ For Vision and Wanda/Scarlet Witch to get together. (They’re the first straight Marvel ship that I am 100% for!)

✪ For Scott/Ant-Man to become good friends with Clint/Hawkeye, Peter/Spider-man, and especially Sam/Falcon.

✪ For everyone to team up and stop fighting among themselves. T u T

✪ For Bucky’s/Winter Soldier’s mind to be healed completely.

✪ For the “newbies” to officially join the Avengers. (Ant-Man, Spider-man, and Black Panther...)

✪ For everyone in the group/team to become protective of the youngest members, (Wanda/Scarlet Witch, Pietro/Quicksilver, and especially Peter/Spider-man.)

✪ For the Steve/Captain America is a Hydra member not to be true in the movies’ universe.

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8 years ago

CA:CW Thought #1

I was not expecting the three “newbies” to steal the show like that but dang am I glad they did! I can’t wait for the new Spider-man and Black Panther movies. I’m also praying that there’ll be an Ant-Man 2 (preferably with his same friend group of fellow thieves because they were great).

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8 years ago

CA:CW Thought #2

I was so excited when I found out that Martin Freeman had been cast as Everett Ross but then when I finally watched the movie this version of the character kinda seemed like a jerk. Hopefully Ross will be “fleshed out” and “redeemed” in the Black Panther movie...

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8 years ago

CA:CW Thought #3

After the Ant-Man movie I was shipping Sam/Scott in my head as a joke/crack ship but now that Falcon has nicknamed Ant-Man “Tic-Tac” in Civil War I’ve legitimately started shipping them LORD HELP ME.

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8 years ago

Couple of OTP Prompts

❥ Person A gets dragged to a nail salon by their mom/aunt/sister/etc. and is worried that the workers will be too rough with their hands. (A has watched before but has never gotten it done themself because they think it’s too girly.) Despite their fear, A goes through with it this time either as a dare by or a favor for their mom/aunt/sister/etc. Person B is a worker at the salon that just so happens to be both extremely gentle and a great conversationalist.

❥ It’s Person A and B’s first date and B knows that A prefers weird/strange things over the normal, so B plans their date accordingly: They start by having a picnic in an abandoned mansion that’s rumored to be haunted, then take a stroll through some ancient ruins, and finally they watch the sun set together while sitting under a willow tree in a graveyard.

Bonus#1❣ They both play Pokemon GO during the stroll part of the date.

Bonus#2❣ They dance together before their picnic in the ballroom of the haunted mansion and/or after the sunsets on the hill overlooking the graveyard.

Bonus#3❣ Instead of playing Pokemon GO during the stroll, they search for hidden artifacts in the ruins together. They both find small, carved stone statues/figures and give them to each other in order to remember the date by.

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8 years ago

Halloween OTP Prompts Part 1

☠ Person A has been the only serial killer in their town/city/etc. for a few years. Person B, an up-and-coming killer moves in on Halloween week. A and B accidentally cross paths one night when they attempt to take the same victim home.

☠ Person A is a warlock/witch/etc. that needs a black cat for spell/potion/etc. they’re about to make. (But NOT to kill or torture it. They just need one present at the time or something small/harmless from it.) Person B is a neighbor who happens to own the only black cat in their town/city/etc. A tries to ask if they can borrow B’s cat, but B is suspicious and turns them down. A then starts trying to steal/cat-nap(lol) B’s cat, but B always catches them in the act. A then stupidly decides to distract B with a love spell/potion/etc. Their plan succeeds when B happily hands the cat over to their newfound love. A’s plan then backfires, however, when they realize that the anecdote is going to take longer to make than they previously thought. B follows A around and tries to spend a lot of time with them. (B’s absolutely smitten but still themselves/in control of their actions.) A gradually, much to their chagrin, starts falling for B.

☠ Person A is a vampire who tends to isolate themselves because they have trouble controlling their thirst for blood. Person B is a zombie who also shuts themselves away because they have trouble reining in their hunger for flesh. Despite this, however, they both still yearn for company and companionship. Upon meeting, A realizes that B’s blood is too old and dry to make them thirsty and B realizes that A’s flesh is too cold and dead to make them hungry. Because of this, they quickly become awesome undead friends(maybe even more).

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8 years ago

Halloween OTP Prompts Part 2

☠ Person A is a headless horseman/woman/etc. who accidentally looses their head on Halloween night. Person B is the normal human who ends up running across it while taking a random stroll through the woods. A finds B and takes their head back. A likes B so much, however, that they put him/her/etc. on the back of their horse and ride off with them.

☠ Person A is a siren(/mermaid/etc.) who lures trespassers to their deaths. Person B stumbles upon them when they get lost/separated from their group. A makes B fall for their trap and successfully kills them. Or so they thought. When B shows back up a little while later calling A rude and saying that they seriously need directions, A demands to know how they survived. “I didn’t.” It turns out that B is a phoenix who turns to ashes when they die then reincarnates(but still has most of their memories in their new life). 

☠ Person A is a seller of supernatural creatures on the “black magic market”. They normally capture the creatures they sell themselves along with the help of a crew. While on a trip to a mountain range, their crew runs across Person B, who is a benevolent yuki-onna. A and their crew try to capture B, but B ends up creating a landslide to protect themselves. A is the only survivor from their entire crew, but is pretty injured. B is weakened from using up a lot of their power/magic/etc. A natural snowstorm starts approaching that forces A and B to work together in order to get to safety. During their time together, B manages to reach A’s heart and causes them to realize how morally wrong their current job/line of work/etc. is.

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1 year ago

i would rather get poked multiple times until the vampire gets it right than have them wiggle the needle around even once. the wiggling hurts so much more. like, i’m icing my arm because that’s how much it hurts 😖

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2 years ago

Hi. Would be nice if you read this.

Let me be honest. Instagram, where I'm usually active, is getting kinda uncomfortable for me to use. Some people there are really mean about me drawing what i want (shippy art for example). I remember i posted Brinky doodles on my alt account and someone commented "good. Now draw them fucking" i know it wasn't meant to be serious but i was so uncomfortably caught off guard so i deleted that post and lost motivation to draw at all. i just want to remind i am A REALLY young minor, and i don't want anyone to make weird jokes about me or my art, please be respectful to me and other people in general. Also sometimes i take jokes way too seriously so be careful with your words 💀

Tho last time i posted shippy art on insta no one really said it was cursed. Quite the opposite. But I'm still not sure.. I'll be more active here for a while anyway.

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2 years ago

Hi what are the rules involving requests and are you open for doing outside fandoms by any chance

The rules for requests are pretty simple!

When requesting please don't ask for anything suggestive/nsfw or anything problematic. I may accept ship art or slight gore/angst but nothing too graphic please!

I may go outside the fandoms, but there's no 100 percent possibility of me knowing or being into fandom you ask for, however you can feel free to request anything!

Also wanted to say that sometimes it takes me a lot of time to do requests, but im trying my best to finish them asap, so please be patient <:D

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