I Went Insane - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


the dialogue that would result from this...

the absolutely beeeee-aUTIFUL art the supergiant team could conjure...


Hypnos: "Weighted Blanket Cape" : reduces movement but causes less damage in the back

Cerberus: "Spiked Belt" (It was a collar but the dread prince's neck is too small for it) : close proximity to enemies while dashing will cause slashing damage

Charon: "Stygian Hat of Shades... hah" : Larger hitbox but thrown projectiles from above give less damage.

"Oh hello boss! It seems like my private associate has given you quite Ithe accessory. I'd say keep it in tip top shape, or I might have to deliver that with more than just a heartfelt sorry."

Orpheus: "Merry Minstrel" (... it's a clown outfit): Makes you more prone to traps... cartoon physics but! ✨cartoon physics✨ aka. enemies who fall out of the bounds will be able to levitate before falling to their doom

Dionysus: "Party Rockers in the House TONIGHT(?)" (A silk croptop that is cut completely open in the back with a gold chain keeping it all together... business in the front, party in the back): More damage when attacked from behind... but increases movement and better chances at dodging whilst dashing.

Poseidon: "Hot Girl Summer(?)... wait what's summer?" (A combination of bright hawaiian shirt with a speedo): Better at dodging, more damage to Zagreus if exposed to lava

Aphrodite: "Look Like a Girl, Think Like a Guy" (A combination of a cloud covering his body or booty shorts that read "my eternal punishment on the back): Takes more damage but makes higher chances of good boons. Also (shoutout to my friend), idle animations have the cloud around his parts. If you're idle for too long, it disappears and shows off the shorts or he does the "birth of venus" pose

Asterius: honestly did not think of one but... I can feel Theseus getting shocked and going

"You- you sly BLACKARD, how dare you rob my dear Asterius of his noble garb. What monstrous intentions does a dread wretch like you have with wearing it?"

"Um- style?"

Hermes: "Shoes with Wings? Now that IS Awesome!": Added faster dash movement and has Charon make a comment along the lines of "Huhngghhh~" in a loving way

Sisyphus: "Bould-ed to the Ground": Reduces movement... but in a flow state allows you to make close enemy dashes with extra damage.

... Bouldy: "... I got a rock": a random amount of rocks you can use to distract enemies.

Every Hades encounter with a new accessory starts off with a variation of:

"What does my son pick up on his misadventures? Do you wish to hold onto keepsakes that you will inevitably lose in the blood?"

"*angry huff* "they. are. called. TRINKETS. FATHER. AND I WILL CHOKE THE LIFE OUT OF YOU WITH GRANDMA'S SWEATER" (Zagreus' sprite appears with a HIGH-turtle neck with a large cute pattern of people dying of the cold and starving)

I think Hades would be the best game of all time if there was a dress-up feature.

In this essay I will explain how dressing up Zagreus in stupid armor/ Nyx's dresses would be benef-

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9 months ago
Me When I Die

me when i die

this is like a drawing of her if she got executed!!

Me When I Die

the reason monokuma would be throwing banannasnansns at her is bc shes always slipping on them!! and like i thought it would be funny. the trumpet with teeth references how when she was younger she was so consumed by trying to make music but ultimately failed in the end so like basically its literally going to eat her!!! and her slipping on the bananas and falling to her death is like showing how unlucky she is!! <33 shes also allergic to bananas and like instead of tomatoes being thrown its bananas

Me When I Die

i wanted to finish this buttttttttt it takes wayy too long to render but basically its her falling off the conveyor belt lol

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2 years ago

hello everyone ❤️ i have many thoughts but i will shorten them for this post!

1. i watched the new criminal minds evolution episode finally! ................... it was something! (the most intruiging part of the entire episode was elias' backstory and im not even sorry for saying it, ive been so hyped about this and he READS ROSSIS BOOKS and i NEEEEEED . MORE INFO ABOUT CYRUS IMMEDIATELY!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!)

(also ive never been more of a jj stan for gods sake guys😭 give her a HUG)

(i will not be mentioning tynelope <3. Pentyler? .. OR TARA AND REBECCA. WHAT THE FFFFUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!?????)


my next thoughts sorta bleed into my new episode thoughts, but bare with me, because it takes a second! (its because rossi's books are featured in both❤️)

2. ........ i was doing my annual rewatch of "zoe's reprise", as you do! and i have a lot of things to say about it (i dont care if you dont like him the episode genuinely brings out a very interesting facet of rossi's character in such an intruiging way and ive always been very curious as to how he actually Handles being a famous author over such a horrid subject matter- not to mention he has a very obvious ick with idol worship, especially directed towards himself! take "limelight" for example, he is so uncomfortable that entire episode because the whole precinct KNOWS him. hell, its only mentioned once, but he literally had a mentee BREAK INTO HIS HOUSE like SIX TIMES😭!!!)

anyways, that episode is . So good. and YES i know that not everybody who reads this post ships hossi (welcome to my personal rarepair hell everyone, take a seat❤️), but Ohhhhhhh my god bare with me. hotch and rossi have an "omnivore" moment. they do this semi-often, i've noticed! i can't count the episodes, but it essentially goes like this :

- one of them gets emotionally unstable during a case and has to "take a breather", which usually means going outside all emo

- the other IMMEDIATELY follows. no hesitation. in "zoe's reprise", hotch quite literally tells the team to deliver the profile without him. all rossi did was say "hey im gonna go outside and take a breather" and hotch Knew.

- they do that old married couple bickering. "you think this is YOUR fault, aaron?" "i know it is" / "i was the one who told her to never stop chasing the trail" "dave, what are you doing?"

- and they eventually arrive on a compromise! that compromise is always "no matter what, this is still a case, and we're gonna solve it".

and that is one of my Many favorite things about them!

3. hossi aside, though, i just wanted to dump a couple images i found😭

Hello Everyone I Have Many Thoughts But I Will Shorten Them For This Post!

❤️❤️❤️ rossi books. oh how i would kill to read all of them. also its super intruiging that, stuffed in between them, is a book covering jack the ripper!!! obviously its foreshadowing to the unsub of the episode (WHO READS ROSSI'S BOOKS!), but it would be very silly if he wrote a book dealing with that case.

now this next one is the blurriest ugliest image in the world because i took it very excitedly while watching the episode on my TV, so 😭

Hello Everyone I Have Many Thoughts But I Will Shorten Them For This Post!

AAAAUAAAAGHJJJHGHSSSHGGJFRRNDJDHDGSDHJT (silence of the lambs poster Silence Of The Lambs Poster). you dont know HOW many times ive giggled about the fact that david rossi and clarice starling have the same "i hear screams" trauma😭.

also i would kill for zoe's room tbh. need that poster so bad, and the little skeleton???

OKAY. post FINALLY over, i hope someone had fun reading my brain dump<3

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7 months ago

When I first got into the fandom:

Me: yeah so I started watching this really cool show on YouTube yesterday

Friend: oh yeah? What's it about?

Me: *proceeds to list every single character and most events in AvM*

Friend: bro what- I thought you said you started yesterday???

Me: Dont underestimate the power of a H Y P E R F I X A T I O N

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