I Would Just Rip Lines From Mvc And Put Them In Heroes - Tumblr Posts

“Why be a king… when you can be a god?”
I FINALLY finished this. I’d have done it sooner, but I was too sick to even bother. And, as you can tell, I didn’t feel like painting the patterns on the Anankos hearts. So yeah, have a Corrupted Gunther. This would probably be his critical art, because it’s a bit too much for a standard (Fire Emblem) character. And even though I came up with dialogue, I don’t feel like being fucked to think up stats (and yes, it’s very much inspired by Wesker because I thought that was the entire point if DC Douglas voicing him)
Gunter: Vallite King 5🌟 exclusive Calvary- red Dragonstone
Weapon: Dragon Breath (mt- 16 Allows unit to counterattack regardless of distance) (Refined effect- Inflict Res-5 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions at the start of each turn)
A slot- Dragonskin (Nullifies “super effective” damage. Uninheritable)
B slot- Quick Riposte 3 (Unit automatically makes a follow-upattack if attacked at HP ≥ 70%)
Special- Luna (Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res -50%)
-Summoned- “I am the forgotten dragon. The betrayed king. The entombed god. You must be very brave to call upon me… or exceedingly stupid.”
-Info Screen- “I am the forgotten dragon. The betrayed king. The entombed god.”
“Ugh! You’d dare be so flippant with a god?”
“Did I care for Corrin? ……n-no….. All I care for is the vengeance I’m owed…”
“These royals best not expect formality. I no longer need to feign respect.”
“What asanine reason do you have for pestering me now?”
“I… had a family once… I had everything… and then it was taken away…"
“This body belongs to Anankos. I am him and he is me.”
“Once, the king of Nohr sought to give me the power of the First Dragons. Ha… as if I needed him for that…”
“You’re lucky I don’t dislike you- otherwise, I’d rend that optimism from your very being.”
“I may be old, but make no mistake, the Silent Dragon chose me as his vessel for a reason.”
“In the past, I fought in war to seek their end. Now? Nothing makes me happier than watching kingdoms destroy each other. This one should be interesting.”
“You fool yourself, caring for these royals. To them, we commoners are little more than pawns in their schemes… Or weeds to be killed on a whim.”
“(Summoner) cared enough to send you a greeting, so I’m surprised the royals haven’t killed you yet as a message. Though I suppose there’s still time…”(visiting another castle)
“You again? I can’t even count how many times you’ve come to speak to me. What do you gain by befriending me? Who do you seek to use me against? No one, you say? Then you’re stupider than I thought. That’s what I would do. What I have done. Why I do everything. Because of the man who took everything from me. My wife… my child… everyone and everything I ever knew… Hm? Is that pity I see? Hahahaha… BWAHAHAHA! You think I need your pity?! I don’t need anyone else! I have Anankos! He will make everything right…" (level 40 conversation)
-Map- “Hmm?” “Finally.” “Move out.”
-Stats increased- “What more would you expect from a god?” (5-6 stats increased) “Oh, it feels good to be strong again.” (3-4 stats increased) “I suppose even Anankos can’t restore what was lost…” (1-2 stats increased) “Even more strength? You have my gratitude.” (New skill learned)
-Critical/Skill activation- “You don’t stand a chance!” “I sentence you to DEATH!” “Even kings bow to gods!” “This ends now!”
-Defeat- “A-Anankos…”