Ianthe Regem - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

One Thing

Ianthe sits on the main couch of the Rose Bouquet’s dorm, relaxed and comfortable. She watches Rose scramble about in rage, pulling open cabinets hard enough to rip them off their hinges and throw defenceless chairs over. Even poor Lindy was bothered, covering her sensitive ears. Not that Ianthe particularly cared as she cooly sipped her warm coffee. Hoody seemed to take it the worst, curled up on the ground, begging for death to take her swiftly. 

The music was rapturous for Ianthe, blaring loudly at 1 AM in the morning. She had finally found it. A piece of music that resonated with her. Ianthe let her grin grow sinisterly wider as Rose’s frustration grew. 

“I don’t get no sleep cuz of y’all! Y’all not gonna sleep cuz a me!” The speakers blared. From where, only Ianthe knew, and she wasn’t particularly interested in sharing. 

Truly, Ianthe had never felt connected or even inspired as she had to this music. All those nights of Rose, Hoody and Lindy blasting unwanted 90′s music on nights Ianthe was meant to be sleeping for their private slumber parties ... Last night had been the last straw. Ianthe had an important test today, a test she valued very much, and those three foxes in a fit of intoxicated carelessness, played music ...

And didn’t stop playing until 3 am in the morning. Ianthe felt vindicated by their subsequent hangover but it was nothing compared to the sleepless nights and the sheer stress she went through. 

As the song went: kill for kill, eye for eye, blood for blood, it’s time to die. 

“TURN DOWN THE MUSIC!!!!!” Rose shrieks, fully prepared to murder Ianthe if needed. “WE HAVE A TEST FREAKING TODAY!”

“Then perish,” Ianthe said maliciously. 


Sorry @littlemisssquiggles, @che1sea-xiao-long, @lythecreatorart, @lookyeekiti your OC’s suffered for their transgressions against @miki-13‘s Ianthe. 

Sometimes you have trash roommates and you reach of so done with them that you don’t care anymore. Ianthe has reached that state. She has stopped caring. Everybody, run. 

The music Ianthe has on loop for 6 hours is this

Oscar and Ruby have to come in later like exhausted parents and sort everything out

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5 years ago
Messy Thing I Did Of The Daddys Little Kits AU.

Messy thing I did of the Daddy’s Little Kits AU.

We got @beaver-sen‘s Arrosa running away, @nykamito-x‘s Schatter looking up in concern, @littlemisssquiggles‘s Rose snuggling up to her daddy, @cloudburst-paint-water‘s Tova being the definion of comf (like how I don’t understand how anyone could look that snuggled 24/7), @che1sea-xiao-long‘s Lindy sleeping on Ruby, @miki-13‘s sleeping on her Mommy’s chest (this is her favourite spot, nobody move her or she will pull your hair) and @lythecreatorart‘s Hoody being Hoody. Again. 

Rip Oscar’s crotch. At least he already has kids. 

Click for full resolution. 

EzRoar © 2019 Do not repost without permission

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5 years ago
@miki-13 Look What I Did. I Turned Ianthe Into A Freaking Christmas Tree. I Know You Said She Already

@miki-13 look what i did. I turned Ianthe into a freaking Christmas tree. I know you said she already had a weapon. But honestly I think a whip sword suits her better. It’s elegant like a gymnast’s ribbon but with its sharp edges, it reminiscent of Ianthe’s own biting tongue. Ianthe can have a multi-dust whip and may I just say ... It hurts like a B1TCH

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5 years ago
@miki-13 Aaannndddd Here Are The Original Images! Related To This
@miki-13 Aaannndddd Here Are The Original Images! Related To This
@miki-13 Aaannndddd Here Are The Original Images! Related To This
@miki-13 Aaannndddd Here Are The Original Images! Related To This

@miki-13 aaannndddd here are the original images! related to this

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