Id Totally Do It - Tumblr Posts
Reposting this one because i put a lot of effort into it. Remember that we gotta reach 30 followers on Gamejolt for the release date. You people should get to it. You wouldn`t want us to reach the goal only to find out that the game has been out for months already, would you?
We have officially reached 20 follows on gamejolt. Which means you people earned the character page for irredeamable main antagonist.
Keep following Irredeamable and i' ll do something once we reach 30 follows.

Ursula Valenhart:
Ursula is the daughter of the great Uther Valenhart, Owner of Valenhart Industries and wealthiest man in New Eden. She is the latest descendant of Boris, the legendary hero who defeated the great calamity centuries ago. Working directly under her father, Ursula acts as an unofficial leader to the New-Eden Peacekeepers in their mission to protect the city from thieves and ruffians. Ursula is a bold, proud, and fierce woman, showing no mercy to her opponent and taking great pride in her work as the city's finest champion.
Having grown in the city slums as a young lass, Ursula is very fammiliar with the grimy bowels of the city and the many gangs of criminals that occupy it. She had acted as a local hero in her youth, but was eventually discovered by her father who raised her as proper heir to the Valenhart name and the Thunder Dragon Title. She rarely frequents the lower city anymore, finding it to be a shameful reminder of her less than remarquable past…
This character profile was sponsored by Valenhart Industries and the New Eden peacekeepers.