Game Development - Tumblr Posts

So, I attended to Gamercom this Saturday. It was a really cool experience. Had opportunity to listen to a lot of indie devs, and even talk to some of them. That experience confirmed some of my opinions and beliefs I had about the industry, but also changed some of them. Anyway, here are some game assets I'm working on with couple of my friends.

My first pixel art walking cycle, 8 frames

Running preview

The work never ends!

In combat idle animation. The works keeps going.

I just finished working on the strike movement. I also made a more refined version to see how much I could improve on the looks of the character. What do you think? Any feedback is appreciated.

The art I produced so far is starting to take the shape of a game now that is being exported to Unity, but that is not all. We are working on the mechanics, so we need an enemy. I started working on a simple one, so I went for a goblin first. Why?
It's because I had a drawing of it already. As all my other characters, it comes from way back when. And also because I started reading Goblin Slayer.
The animated one was very much inspired by the ones from the board game HeroQuest. I played a lot when I was younger and I like the simplicity of it.

I have being quiet lately because there is a lot happening on my personal life that demands attention but I still working on tiles and animations. The game mechanics are starting to be implemented on Unity. Slowly but surely things are taking shape.

Some character portraits I am working for my game.

Not much different of myself in the end of the day. =)

I just finished the basic movements for my character. Considering I started learning to animate recently, I got good results. Still, bet there is a lot of room to improve yet.

I just finished the basic movements for my character. Considering I started learning to animate recently, I got good results. Still, bet there is a lot of room to improve yet.

Quick illustration I did yesterday, around two hours. Speed paint is not really my thing. In any case I was trying to get a feel of the environment I want to go for on the game level I am working on.
New enemy in the works. Has I nice bite I think.=)

Hey, hey people! I've been working on this wolf animation for a while now, and it was quite a challenge. This was the first time I ever worked on a non-humanoid model, which is going to be one of the enemies for the game I'm working on.

I started tackling codding a game by myself on GameMaker Studio 2. At the moment, I'm trying to make a side scrolling shooter like Blackthorn and other on that same vein.
Here some of the character sprites I made for it.

My first asset pack. Hope it is helpful for anyone that might need it. =)
I’ve been vey busy to the point I seldom have anything to post, though I am working a lot. So I decided to post this short from the Statera Studio Channel. Studio where I currently work. It is from the character I am currently working on.
Dev Insight #25
When to add delta in GoDot?
So I am slowly eating my way though the tutorial for GoDot. I already have some experience with moving things in space and calculating inputs for individual objects.... That is essentially half of robotics software. So in every frame, a function called _process is called. this function takes a number called "delta", which is the amount of time passed since last frame ins seconds (Usually close to 1/30 or 1/60). You add delta to the calculation of certain variables. The first example usually found is position, which is done like so:
position += velocity * delta
To me that was all good and obvious. But I found a lot of posts of people being confused when to multiply delta and when not to. And apparently doing it in wrong places is a quite common bug in GoDot games. Here is to figure it out! Think in term of units
Velocity is distance/time Position is distance
So you cannot add velocity to position. They are 2 different units. How to fix this? Remove the time component.
Since time is distance is divided by time, we simply multiply time onto it. You know what have the unit of time?
delta is time
Meaning it is obvious why you need delta in the line! :D position += velocity * delta
Because distance += distance / time * time