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3 years ago

Dudes will be like “FUCK the police? Who are you going to call when you’re in trouble?” and then post about how their dick is really small

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okay, 44 days ago, life was going great.... wow a lot can change in a little bit of time....

I started moving in with my best friend.

we were doing really well actually. then September 4th(ish) came around and everything went to shit.

Our friends were helping us clean the house because it was her 22 year old brothers house but he went to jail. so were living there til he gets out in 6 months.

he left it in such an utter disarray that it took 2 weeks to clean it.

on top of that, I've had the worst month of my life so far, and here's how it's gone.

on the 7th I paid for my tags on my new car and spent $270 on that.

I paid my half of rent for this month and I had a little extra to get a TV because I didn't have one before moving out.

On the 8th, I had a meeting with my job and I didn't think anything of it. I should've... they opened an investigation against me because I had 3 incident reports written towards me.

I left that meeting and cried in my car, and was stupid and decided to drive before I was fully ready....

I ran a red and totaled my car...

my car that I still owed over $9600....

the car I bought tags for the day before. I hadn't even had time to put on the new tags.

we were both okay, but now I never wanna live another September 8th again.

anyways I told my job I wouldn't be in and then they told me I was suspended for 3 days

I got called back in Tuesday after not going to work Monday either because I was still in pain from the accident, and they had fired me. so now I'm insuranceless again. I'm jobless, I'm car less, and I'm moving out of my mom's house.

oh that's the other thing. my friends brother was so behind on his bills, his mom had to work almost double what she usually does to be able to pay for all his bills he let lapse.... we had a 3 day eviction notice because of him.

we still have no utilities, but, we're thinking about selling his stuff to make money.

oh, and then my friends family got into stuff so bad cops were almost called and now she has to give her car back to her dad and take her brother's beat to shit car that won't even make it across town....

so it's been a month..... and the month is not over yet....

oh and I'm in a major Harry Potter kick again

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8 months ago
Data Sluts - Filmmaker
Data Sluts - Filmmaker
Data Sluts - Filmmaker
Data Sluts - Filmmaker
Data Sluts - Filmmaker
Data Sluts - Filmmaker
Data Sluts - Filmmaker

data sluts - filmmaker

bionic program - filmmaker

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2 years ago

Ok so like this is my first post and I wrote this for my English class and I’m really proud of it so enjoy.

Idk if I need to put warnings but mild blood and gore, self harm, panic attacks


She was so graceful and polite. Never once has she stumbled, she danced through the halls of home, school, anywhere she went. A smile plastered on her lips continuously. One so bright and welcoming anyone would blush, regardless of attraction. Anyone in need would come to her for assistance, she was always willing to help. Her are grades higher than the sky. Every test aced. Her clothes a tight fit on her skinny body sculpted from clay, framing her delicately. She is the perfect daughter. The perfect student. The perfect girlfriend or wife. The perfect person. Yet here I am, her contrasting, embarrassing, underweight, foolish, basic, flawed part. Her failure. 

We could once coexist. Perfect and I, an amazing team. I would show when I trip over my own feet, rushing to school after I miss my bus. Perfect would come out when she hid the pain in my newly scraped knees and palms and proceeded to run. An impeccable duo working together to make me appear normal. 

Before I knew it though, middle school had started and suddenly I became locked away. The only side anyone could see, would be Perfect. Everyone saw her smile. Everyone saw her as the entity of grace. Everyone liked her. Someone would be falling behind in math and she would go help them. She wasn’t afraid to talk to people, nervous about their opinions. She was who everyone wanted to be friends with, a colleague with. Everyone wanted to be her. The only time I was let out would be when I would cry alone in my room, door locked and blade out, exhausted and drained from the strain Perfect had caused me. 

Everything went smoothly for a long time. Perfect in control and ready to seize another day. But I was only getting stronger while locked away. More and more Perfect would crack and I could shine through. It started subtle, a missed assignment here, a stutter there. By the beginning of high school, Perfect was solely held together by glue and scraps of tape. It didn’t take long for everyone to break her. 

Perfect’s friend, Lilyana, left her. Lilyana was as perfect as her, only with a bit more fake drama. She claimed that Perfect wasn’t enough for her. She found someone better to associate herself with, Sharon. Both of them said that Perfect was too ‘flawed’. An ironic twist that the one that Perfect despised and locked away, was the one she was told to be.

In my mind, Perfect unlocked my cage. 

“You did this! You’re the reason that no one likes us! You made her leave me!” The power in Perfect's voice, if tangible, would have formed lightning and struck me down. 

“Me? You locked me out. You made it so that I was only seen when I hurt myself. You made it so I was invisible! How are you blaming this on me?” I spoke calmly yet firmly to counteract Perfect’s screaming. 

“We have no one! Lilyana left us! She called me flawed,” her voice broke at the end and her screaming ceased. 

A bit of sympathy for Perfect temporarily flooded my mind. “We don’t need her anyway, she wasn’t good for us. She made us someone we aren’t. Lilyana always made us jump through hoops to be her friend, even before you took control. Don’t mourn the loss of someone who was killing us. We can join together again. It’ll be better for everyone,” Perfect searched my eyes frantically. Searching for the lie in my voice. There wasn’t any. “You and I, working together. We can run together. We can be equals again.” a soft smile spread across my face, encouraging Perfect to agree. She didn’t.

“Of course. That’s what you want. You want to be the superior side.”

“Did you not hear me say ‘We can be equals,’?”

“No. No,” a manic laugh ripped from her throat. “You’re lying. I know because that’s what I’d do. You’re manipulating me!”

“No, I’m not manipulating you. I’m not you. Please, just listen to me.”

“No, you want to be better than me. But that’s my job to be superior.”

Perfect conjured a dagger and uncoordinatedly slashed it towards me. I easily dodged, conjuring a knife of my own in the process. Perfect roughly ran forward with both hands clutching the knife, aiming for my head. Swiftly, I drove the knife into Perfect’s lower chest, right in between her left rib cage. Removing the dagger, I stabbed her again, in the same spot but now on the right side. Then again in her stomach. 

“I wasn’t going to do this. I really wasn’t,” my voice was shaky like I was going to cry. Even though all the pain Perfect inflicted, I knew she couldn’t run my mind alone. 

“Just finish it. Live alone and in pain for the rest of your life. You need me but I don’t need you. So go on, finish it. Let everyone see how flawed you truly are,” her voice too was shaking but from pain rather than emotions. Perfect knew I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t be strong enough without her.

Perfect’s bloody body was barely clinging to life. All I truly had to do was leave her there for twenty minutes, let blood loss do the job for me. But I have to do as she says, as I always have had to. I rested the knife to her throat and muttered a brief ‘as you wish’ and slit her throat. 

Opening my eyes, I glance around my room. I was coming down from the emotions of my third panic attack this week. But I finally won. I have no one to lock me away anymore. No one to degrade me anymore. No one to call me flawed anymore, because I had killed her.

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4 years ago
My Friendo, @crypticcryptidx, Asked Me If I Could Draw A Skull And Roses And I... Got Carried Away. So

My friendo, @crypticcryptidx, asked me if I could draw a skull and roses and I... got carried away. So yeah, you’ve seen this already but HERE (again) THANKS FOR THE REQUEST BRO

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