Idk What Is Going On - Tumblr Posts
i actually made a lot of AUs to my own oc universe but just a few to my fav media. i guess the time has come -w- (I'm listening to soooo while typing this, i love their music)
note: in this au xingqiu is 14/15^^
note note: sry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language
Teyvat is on the verge of life. The world is dying due to pollution that started in Fontaine. It's not a normal pollution, obviously. It's like a virus and it infects human body and causes abnormal pain. In the late stages of it the limbs are going numb resulting in one dying.
Those with a Vision were given a chance to fight the plague. Scientists modified the vaccines so that they could be injected into one's body. Vaccines contain a sample of the virus and a micro device that neutralizes powers that one gains after the injection.
Four archons had a meeting to discuss the whole situation. Ei, Zhongli, Nahida and Venti.
Snezhnayan archon rejected the idea and decided not to get involved. Natlan was too busy with cleaning up after an unexpected volcanos' eruption.
The four archons decided that they'll deploy strong and promising Vision holders.
There were two teams:
Xingqiu, Ayato, Alhaitham, Heizou
Keqing, Diluc, Dehya, Kaeya
No one really knew what they were supposed to fight. what is the cause of world's collapse? a monster? other nations have lost contact with Fontaine so the only way in was to illegally cross the border. Thus the teams began to prepare. For Xingqiu, it was his first big mission. He wanted to prove his worth in the name of chivalry. When he first met up with his companions after saying farewell to his friends and family, he realized that he's all alone. Xingqiu was the youngest, the most inexperienced, fooled by his childish visions of justice. He didn't know or he didn't want to know the true face of the plague. He's never seen this many corpse in his life. Ayato and Heizou seemed less disturbed. Alhaitham looked at the deceased with close to none emotions. Xingqiu felt as if he was being oversensitive.
Team 1 finally arrived at Fontaine. Xingqiu didn't have to use his sword this much before. The adults always had his back. But now everything changed. Whenever Xingqiu had to draw his sword he prayed silently to Morax for it to be his last time.
Fontaine was full of infected hilichurls, people-shaped vessels that walked aimlessly and killed everything. Plants were blackish. The only way to victory was to find the cause and eliminate it as fast as possible.
Heizou and Xingqiu went scouting in the middle of night. They didn't expect to run into so many monsters. Heizou tried to defend the boy but he got terribly wounded. The micro device in his vaccine broke resulting in him getting infected. He told Xingqiu to immediately behead him. Heizou wanted to die as a human.
Xingqiu rose his sword with his hands trembling. Even though he closed his eyes he couldn't stop seeing memories. Fear got the best of him. He dropped his weapon then got on his knees and broke down as his companion turned into a brainless vessel. Suddenly Ayato appeared beside them. He immediately beheaded Heizou and took traumatized Xingqiu to their camp.
Poor boy couldn't fall asleep. He stared at the ground. No words could come out if his mouth but too many thoughts piled up in his mind. He didn't know why Heizou got infected. He had no idea the micro devices could break. He was afraid of his own existence. He was afraid of dying as he was afraid of living. He wanted to keep going but he also wanted to rest.
2 teams met up at the same place from where they were supposed to break into the capital. Xingqiu noticed something strange. The second team had only two members left. Keqing and Diluc. Diluc's face was covered in small scars and dried blood. He was expressionless but his eyes showed his true emotions. They were red. He was crying before he got here.
2 teams merged in one. They finally arrived at their destination. The capital of Fontaine. The place where it all started. Surprisingly there were no monsters or "humans". There was no one except for It was Raiden Shogun herself. She walked silently towards them. Basically she said that they were just test subjects. Utterly worthless test subjects. She intended to kill them when they'd arrive at the capital. She did not hesitate. For some reason everyone surrounded Xingqiu as a way to protect him. It was no use. They all got struck by an overwhelming electro wave that seemed to avoid Xingqiu. Raiden took him to the huge building before he could check if his companions are alright.
After some chitchat about becoming a servant of god Xingqiu decided not to give up. He used all of his power to defeat Raiden. When she was unconscious other archons that were trapped underground could finally break free. (they were sealed with Raiden's power). The cause of the pollution was a black seed that Raiden had planted. It made people obedient to her. Nahida cleansed it and Venti sealed it in the wind.
After some months Teyvat started to recover. Trees were green again, ground was able to grow beautiful flowers etc.
Guess what......everyone except Xingqiu died...almost. Heizou, Kaeya, Ayato, Diluc, Dehya, Keqing. Then there's Alhaitham who was in critical state with a little chance to live. (spoiler: he lived on)
Anyone know wtf is going on with wattpad? I live under a rock so I'm really confused.
Why did the logo change? Why are they removing private messages? Why is every masterpiece getting deleted?
Why are they massacring my boy?