Genshin Au - Tumblr Posts
I just found your villainess otonome au idea and now i cant stop daydreaming of running away with loyal general xiao.(im just rambling don't mind me, i dont have anyone to ramble to ^_^ ).
-angst anon
eeee angst anon it’s one of my fav brainrot ideas!!! he’s ur childhood friend, went to the warfront so he could earn prestige for you, so he could be by your side and keep you safe!!! you could def run away with him, he would do anything for you. if you asked him to give up his title, his achievements and become an outlaw with you, he would do it in a heartbeat. though xiao knows you’re not the type to run from a challenge or your supposed destiny as a villainess and he will support whatever decision you make <3
also anon feel free to ramble as much as u want in my asks <333 i’m here to listen hehe.
In the villainess au what's childe's role? Is he a foreign general? Or a prince from an enemy kingdom or something?
-angst anon
oooh i forgot to add him into it!!! hmm childe strikes me as an impressively possessive foreign duke who acts as a ‘toy seller’ of sorts, monopolising war assets market thus being very important and a weapon of destruction <3 would he destroy the world for you? very much so. would he make every country’s military collapse if you said you don’t like war? done before you can even finish your sentence <3
like the duke in i stole the male lead’s first night or why are you doing this duke! the second one literally controls a kingdom just for his sweet lil cottage core lady <3
Ships: Zhongli x Nightmare, Terry x Venti, Xiao x Aether, Devil x Ash
[ocs: Nightmare, & Terry are twins, & Ash & Devil are their parents]
Zhongli & Nightmare are Xiao's adoptive parents.
Ages: G!Aether min 500, A!Xiao 2000, Arc!Venti 2500, D!Zhongli 6000, D!Nightmare: 7000, D!Terry: 7000, D!Ash 8000, D!Devil 8000
[D! = Dragon, A! = Adeptus, Arc! Archon, G! God from another realm]
TW: Swearing, mentions of Drugs, mentions of smoking, mentions of weapons, mentions of being stabbed, Ships you might not like, Weird/toxic family relations [Nightmare & Terry], mentions of Funerals, mentions of death, I think that's all-
Aether: You know what I’ve realized? Xiao: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Aether: Nice try, anyways-
Devil : *talking about Terry’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today! Zhongli [& Nightmare], shocked: Did someone else die?
Xiao: Can you cut me some slack, Aether? I’m sort of in love. Aether: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Xiao: I’m in love with you. Aether: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Terry: Pfft, you should meet Venti, they're such a tsundere. Aether: They… they just stabbed you. Terry: So cute.
Nightmare, in the background: wtf bro-
Xiao: How many children do you have? Nightmare: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
Terry: Something tells me Devil 's going to be a bit more unhinged today… Devil, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, Ash isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
Zhongli: Why are you late? Nightmare: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness. Zhongli: Overslept? Nightmare: Overslept.
Venti: Where are my fucking keys? Terry: Venti, Razor is around, can you say it a little nicer? Venti: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
PAST! [about 1000 years before the timeline we are at in the rest of the quotes, basically when Zhongli was trying to get Nightmare to marry him]
Terry, about Nightmare and Zhongli: My god, would you two just get a room already? Nightmare: Excuse me, Terry? Terry: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding? Zhongli : … Venti: I ship it! Xiao, who hasn't mentally prepared for both his Parental figures to actually be married: CAN YOU NOT?
Nightmare: You disgust me. Terry: *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.
[siblings lol-, oh btw Nightmare is based of me, Terry is based of my younger brother, Ash is based off my mom, & Devil is based off my dad]
Devil : I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
Aether: *eating a cinnamon roll* Xiao: Cannibalism. Aether: *confused chewing noises*
Ash, carrying a box: What would you say if- if I, hypothetically, came home with 7 kittens one day? Devil : … Devil : What’s in the box? Ash: What woul- Devil : Ash, what’s in the box? Ash: I think you know.
Zhongli: If God’s ever been mad at anything I’ve ever said, he hasn’t done shit about it. Zhongli: So he either doesn’t care or he’s a coward.
[boy you are a god- still added this tho bc it was fucking hilarious]
Devil: I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers. Ash: Devil, for the last time, we’re at a funeral.
[About when Zhongli was 100, Nightmare was 1100, & Ash was 2100]
Nightmare: I don’t remember that. Ash: Do you remember that night last week when you slept in a revolving door? Nightmare: …No. Ash: Okay, do you remember when you were chased by those wild dogs for two miles? Nightmare: Not especially, no. Ash: It was in between those two things.
Worried Baby Zhongli noises: ???
Aether: Okay! Let’s play Kiss Marry Kill! Aether: First who would you kill? *Ash points at Venti* *Zhongli points at Venti* *Devil points at Venti* Venti: *shrugs* I would kill me too.
Terry: ?????
Nightmare, laughing her ass off: HOLY ARCHONS-
Ash: Are you laughing at that video of Nightmare and Aether fighting? Venti: No. Venti: I'm laughing at the comments.
[Nightmare whooped Aethers ass btw, ain't no way he was gonna beat a psychotic 7000+ dragon lol-]
*Having a argument*
Venti : Go fuck yourself. Terry: Come over here and fuck me yourself you coward!
Nightmare: if you're gonna do that you both better go back to your house, there is no way I'm letting u two fuck each other in my kitchen.
[None of them canonly smoke in my au btw]
Nightmare, rubbing their temples: I am not proud of what I am about to say, but someone get me a cigarette. Ash: But Nightmare, we don't smoke. Nightmare: Cut the crap, Ash. I'm not an idiot. I know that one in five people smoke. Nightmare: *points at Zhongli* One!* points at Xiao* Two! *points at Devil* Three! *points at Venti* Four! *points at Ash* Five! Nightmare: Now, I am going to close my eyes, and when I open them, there better be a cigarette between these two fingers! Zhongli: *puts a cigarette in Nightmare's hand* Nightmare: Thank you Love. …Light? The Squad: *all simultaneously pull out lighters*
Aether: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're impressed. Xiao: But you do know better.
Xiao: Aether, why are you crying? Aether: This book is so sad!! Xiao, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Venti: Good news! I didn’t screw up! Terry: … Venti: I screwed up less badly than usual! Terry: … Venti: Screwed up with less immediate consequences than usual.
Ash: :) Nightmare: >:( Ash: Turn that frown upside down! Nightmare: ):< Ash: Not sure what I was expecting…
[this is way too accurate to me and my mom irl lol-]
Ash : Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat. Venti: I don’t usually eat with losers. Ash : Neither do I but I asked you, didn’t I?
[My mom hates Venti, But my Brother loves him lol-]
Zhongli : This can’t get any worse. Can it? Nightmare: Sure it can- just give me a minute.
Zhongli: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way. Terry: I almost died. Zhongli: That… was my favorite memory.
Nightmare, laughing her ass off: Agreed-
Terry: Heyyy Venti, how’s your… drink?? Venti: What do you mean drink? It’s coffee. Terry: You sure?? *Looks to coffee maker* Venti: *Looks to coffee maker* *Cement sitting beside the coffee maker* Venti:…I’m on my third fucking drink right now, I should be dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nightmare, looking at their watch: It has been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since I’ve been insulted. Nightmare: It’s been about 5 seconds since I’ve been assaulted, but let’s not talk about that.
Terry: Shut up, you’re messing with my train of thought! Nightmare: I thought you didn’t have a brain and now you say you have thoughts?
[Me & My brother irl:]
Venti: *slowly pushes a cannon into a 17th century bank* Okay everyone, be cool. This is a robbery.
Venti: Why don't we just call it, "M.C. Donald's?" Xiao: Because it just sounds like a stupid rapper's name. Aether: It'd just be like- "Eyo, it's ya boy, M.C. Donald!"
Venti: Look at the buns on that guy! Nightmare: *lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns* Fuck you. Terry: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny! Venti: I'm not going back to jail!
Zhongli: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Nightmare: *was the one who bought him it* ^^
*Terry is laying on the floor with their eyes closed* Nightmare: Hey, are they sleeping or dead? Zhongli: Hopefully dead, I hated them. Nightmare: Yeah, me too. Terry , sitting up: First of all, fuck you guys.
Venti: You call yourself my soulmate, but where were you when my meme only had four likes? Terry : Making four accounts. Venti, tearing up: Really…?
Zhongli: You wanna fight?! You got one! Venti : Okay! *raises fists* *Terry runs in, scoops Venti up in their arms, and runs away carrying them* Zhongli: Zhongli: What?
Xiao: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Terry: Did Aether say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Xiao: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
*The gang when they drop food on the floor* Ash: Aw man. *Throws it away* Terry: Five second rule! Devil : Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? Eats it off the floor Nightmare: *Sobs on the floor*
Ash: Hey, Joe said he's coming over this afternoon. Terry: Cool. Ash: Do you know who Joe is? Terry: JOE MAMA! Nightmare, not even looking up from their phone: Damn, that backfired.
Devil: Can I have some water? Terry: *starts chugging their water bottle* Terry: *chokes from drinking too fast* Terry: *spills water all over themself* Terry, coughing: I don't have any water.
Venti : As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Terry: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Nightmare has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them. Zhongli: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at? Terry: I knew you’d understand.
Zhongli: What's gone wrong, Aether? Aether: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis. Zhongli: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling? Aether: Well… There’s a crisis.
[lol Father-In-Law & Son-In-Law having a normal conversation]
Devil : Hey Zhongli, Nightmare just broke my seashell lamp. Zhongli: Neat. I’m gonna die alone. Devil : Okay, you win.
Terry: Hey, do you know the password to Nightmare’s computer? Zhongli: Fuck you, Terry. Terry: Hey!! Zhongli: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouTerry". Terry: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
[Not her password btw lol-]
Aether: A SPIDEEER!!!!!! Venti: KILL IT! SMASH IT! Terry : BURN IT! Nightmare: STAB IT! WITH A KNIFE! GET ME THE SHOTGUN! Ash: Awww, it’s so cute! Look at it!
Drunk! Aether: Babe, you're so funny! Nightmare: We have 1492 days until your tragic premature death. You will break my trust three times before that happens, but I forgive you. Drunk! Aether: Awwww, that's sweet of you!
Nightmare: Aether where is your Boyfriend even?
Drunk! Aether: idk-
Nightmare: Alright, listen up you little shits. Nightmare: Not you Aether. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Zhongli: Don’t be sad! Nightmare: Why not? Zhongli: Zhongli: I don’t have a good answer.
Xiao: Play to your strengths. Terry: I haven’t got any!
Terry: So what are your political beliefs? Venti, awkwardly trying to impress them: Well, I think Pikachu would be a lot more powerful if he had a gun.
Devil : I feel like the world would be better if I'd never been born. Ash: Aw… that's not true. Ash: It'd be exactly the same. Ash: You're not important.
Xiao: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it. Xiao: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Xiao: I know where you live. Devil : Where? Xiao: In a house.
Zhongli: Dearly Beloved, we are here today to remember Nightmare, taken from us in the prime of life; when they were crushed by a runaway semi, driven by the Incredible Hulk. Nightmare: Aww, you knew my favorite cause of death.
The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword Devil : Rude. Aether: That's fair. Zhongli: Not again. Nightmare: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
*At a dinner party, the guests converse while the host is away* Xiao: So how do you know the host? Venti: They were a former vegan, and they bought milk. Terry: That BITCH! Aether: I pulled them over for money laundering. Devil : I'm chaperoning their dinner party. Zhongli: They stole a baconator! Terry: That BITCH! Xiao: I tanked the store they were managing and they convinced me to quit from one of the only jobs I've ever had. Now I'm living off of unemployment checks and fear!
Venti: So what’s for dinner? Terry: I can’t tell you, it’s a soup-prise! Venti: … Venti: Is it soup? Terry: I soup-pose it could be! winks Venti: Please, enough with the soup puns! Terry: Wow, you’re soup-per mean. Venti: STOP! *one hour later* Venti: It’s fucking tacos?!?!?!
Zhongli, about a fight between Nightmare and Terry: It scares me how many knives were involved. Venti: There… weren’t any knives involved though? Zhongli: That’s what scares me.
*The squad is asked what they would do with 5 children with only 3 chairs.* Zhongli: Get two more chairs! Devil: They can get their own chairs. Terry: Make them fight for it. Nightmare: You only need one chair to beat them all with. Xiao : I would never be near children. Venti: Kill two.
Devil: Hey. Ash : Hey? Devil: I can't sleep. :/ Ash : I can. Goodnight.
Zhongli: Do you know the ABCs of first aid? Nightmare: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
Zhongli: I love hearing Nightmare shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
[She only yells at you when you do something stupid Zhongli-]
Devil: What is this!? Aether : That’s the weight of guilt. Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend. Devil: Ow! Make it stop! Aether : Surrender to your kindness, Devil. It’s nice to be nice. Devil: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness!
Xiao: I started school with straight A’s. Now I’m not even straight.
Venti, who was dared to flirt with Nightmare: Is this mistletoe? Nightmare: Uh, no, no, that is basil. Venti: Too bad cause if it was mistletoe I was gonna kiss you. Nightmare: Yeah, no, it’s still basil.
*Venti & Terry, in a room with Nightmare, Ash, and Zhongli*
Venti: It’s. . . calm in here. . .?
Nightmare: . . .
Ash: . . .
Zhongli: . . .
Terry: It scares me…
Venti: Would you slap Terry- Nightmare: Yes. Venti: I didn't even finish! Nightmare: Sorry, continue. Venti: Would you slap Terry for 10 dollars? Nightmare: I would do it for free. Terry: Rude…
Ash: You're violent. Aether: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Xiao: Can comfirm.
Nightmare, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Aether: Hey. Venti: Hi. Ash: Hello. Devil : Hey! Nightmare: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Zhongli: They were out of Doritos, 爱. [爱 means Love]
Nightmare: At Least Terry isn't here. . .
[He actually wasn't there lol-]
Venti : They made Terry cry! Nightmare: Terry always cries! Terry: That's not true! *cries*
Ash: Tired of just deserving better. Gonna start taking it by force.
Zhongli: Dude, I will never forgive Craigslist for banning me after I wrote a post seeking a sworn nemesis. Whoever reported that is obviously my nemesis but I was so pissed.
Venti: My friends say I'm the most charismatic out of the group. Devil : Well, you always have a smile on your face. Venti: Thank you. Devil : Devil : What drugs do you take?
Zhongli: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Venti: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Zhongli: … Zhongli: You mean ring bearER, right? Venti: … Zhongli: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to MY & NIGHTMARE's wedding.Whispering: I just got her to agree to marry me too-
*after discussing a plan* Nightmare: Does anyone have any questions? Xiao: Is this legal? Nightmare: Does anyone have any relevant questions?
Nightmare: What do you want for breakfast? Venti: I WISH TO DEVOUR THE UNBORN. Terry: Terry: They want eggs.
Nightmare: why are u two even at my house again?
Terry: We were hungry and in the area-
Xiao: Relationships should be 50/50. Aether cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
[Xiao can't cook in my au, tho he and Aether do still live with Nightmare & Zhongli-]
Ash: Venti, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong? Venti: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before? Ash: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
Zhongli: Blue M&Ms are the best. Terry: WHAT IS THIS SLANDER? Zhongli: What about it? They are. Terry: I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH LIES ON MY MINECRAFT SERVER! Terry: THE RED ONES ARE THE BEST! Zhongli: YEAH? WELL YOUR MOM'S A HOE! Venti: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything. Devil: I like the yellow ones. Also why'd you call my wife a Hoe? Zhongli and Terry: SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!
Terry: Thank you for not saying "I told you so." Xiao: When you’re as right as I am, you don’t have to say it.
that's all for today, I think I went a little overboard so sorry about that! Hope you enjoyed it tho!
okay so basically itzy genshin impact au
vision: pyro
weapon: bow (rust or raven bow)
region: current - liyue, origin - inazuma
position: elemental dps
•Yeji is an inazuman dancer who channels her fiery passion into all of her performances as well as taking care of those that she holds closest to her.
one fun fact: Yeji is close friends with Yoimiya and learned how to make fireworks from her
vision: hydro
weapon: catalyst (skyward atlas or mappa mare)
region: current - liyue, origin - monstadt
position: healer/sub dps
•Lia, a friendly and talented idol who longs to help all those in need and whose voice, figuratively and literally, heals all those that hear her sing.
one fun fact: she loves spicy foods but can’t eat them very often because they hurt her voice
vision: electro
weapon: sword (amenoma kageuchi or festering desire)
region: current - liyue, origin - inazuma
position: main dps
•Ryujin, a cunning and ambitious dancer, who, along with her best friend, Yeji, creates electrifyingly stunning performances.
one fun fact: despite the fact that she looks quite intimidating, she’s really good with children
vision: anemo
weapon: polearm (lithic spear, vortex vanquisher, or primordial jadewing spear)
region: current - liyue, origin - liyue
position: shields/sub dps
•Chaeryeong, a sweet and mature adeptus who, just like those before her, vows to protect not only the people of liyue, but all those who she loves.
one fun fact: her older sister, Chaeyeon, was also an adeptus
vision: pyro
weapon: polearm (blackcliff pole or deathmatch)
region: current - liyue, origin - monstadt
position: crowd control/sub dps
•Yuna, an optimistic and energetic prodigy, who’s well-versed in everything from athletics to art, and won’t hesitate to come to the aid of anyone who needs her help.
one fun fact: before she and Lia moved to liyue, Yuna was an outrider in the knights of favonious
Heikazu but Tokyo Ghoul??? Dont mind if i do
Kazuha - Ghoul, lives on the run and generally doesnt stay in one place for too long. His friend (tomo) was also a ghoul killed by investigators, and since then kazuha has been much more secluded and tries to avoid suspicion. But he ends up meeting a certain someone oh boy
Heizou - Ghoul investigator, likes to work alone (he used to have a partner in Sango but they went seperate ways). Viewing himself as evils natural enemy and ghouls as inherently evil, he has no remorse in exterminating ghouls. Nothing like a night of killing man eating monsters then having lunch the next day with ur very normal human friend Kazuha! Who is not suspicious at all totally ♡
Theres more in my brain but its almost 12am so uhh thats it for now methinks
Barbatos' Envoys
Genshin au idea:
Barbatos' envoys. Lookalikes, appearing every now and then, meant to help the people when the archon couldn't. Reintroducing old songs to remind them of any forgotten pasts, and crafting new songs to tell them of the future. They often take it upon themselves to also keep people from putting words into barbatos' mouth, and debunking any false information. Just like any citizen, an envoy is free to do as they please. It would be weird to chain down a symbol of freedom with unnecessary duties if they do not wish to do it. They may look human, but so does barbatos. The people have decided envoys are basically spirits. No one has ever seen an envoy look younger or older. No one has ever seen one be born or die. They simply appear and disappear with the wind.
The origin of this is that people long ago (before cannon/ in-game time) noticed that venti is practically identical to barbatos. Rumors started to spread, and to keep people from guessing his true identity, Venti came up with the envoy idea. He didn't want to make the people feel stifled by the presence of their archon, to walk on eggshells around him and offer their first born when he trips.
hold on! I'm putting my two brainrots, genshin and lu, in a blender! bthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthpbthp 👁👁
k now imagine this as some sort of book given to the chain:

Ancient Teyvat History
Long ago the kingdom known as Hyrule broke into the seven nations we know today. The three goddesses who rule over Celestia– Din, Nayru, and Farore– created the Archons. Semi-immortal beings granted a seat on the elemental thrones, and a Gnosis to rule their nations with.
Anemo, Geo Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, and Cryo. Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and Snezhnaya.
Now, the Triforce is still present in our current world, but it has faded. Perhaps been hidden, if you will. Gannon is no longer a threat. The sacred name of Zelda is not passed down, as the royal family is no longer about. The Hero needs not arise. We unfortunately do not have much information on The Heros, no names, no mention of family or home have been mentioned in the records. But it is undeniable the link they have to the Triforce of courage, their adventures forever remembered.

My cintiq aint working so I'm working on my ipad for now. Anyway, have Genshin Gojohime AU. Satoru is the Electro Archon and Utahime is his priestess. Together they've been guiding Inazuma to eternity for 2000 years.
Exta hc's and rambles
Gojo used to be quite a selfish being, wanting eternity for only himself, until Utahime came into his life and acted as a bridge to humanity for him during the Archon war
Utahime is a sword user. Her weapon is the boobasword that's pulled out of Baal's chest. She even summons it the same way. She pulls her sword out of her god's chest

Gojo has asked Utahime to marry him many, many times. After the Archon war, before they go to sleep, during the Lunar New Years Festival. And every time, Utahime has refused. Gojo has remained undeterred after two thousand years of rejection.
Utahime has a lot of battle scars from the Archon War and beyond. She isn't ashamed of them and wears them proudly. However, the sight causes Gojo's protective instincts act up and as a result, when Gojo isn't acting as leader of thee country, he can be seen clinging to Utahime at the Grand Narukami Temple while she's working.
Utahime has been kept alive by Gojo's power through the years, as she is the one person he never wishes to part with.
They're actually grandparents. Their son, Yuta, before his death, was noted to have a bleeding heart for children in distress and has adopted many children
Currently, as the Traveller, Yuji, heads over to Inazuma, the country is in a state of lock down after the failed assassination attempt on the Electro Archon that resulted in the coma of the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine (Utahime). In addition, the Electro Archon has put forth the Vision Hunt Decree where all Vision wielders must surrender their visions to him. A rebellion is now brewing not only amongst the country's citizens, but also in the royal family where its members are torn between their love for their patriarch and frustration at his paranoia and control.
Gojo's actually a p chill dude. He wasn't always a control freak, but multiple events have pushed him to this point. Utahime, being comatosed, isn't around to tell him no, and their grandchildren's attempts to calm him down aren't working
oh yeah I should probably talk about who the grandkids are. It's most of the Kyoto and Tokyo students. Blame Yuta. He's the one who adopted them all and left all the raising to his parents when he kicked the bucket.
Should Nobara be Goro? Idk bro, but I think she'd look really good with fox ears and tail.
oh yeah Yuji's the traveller. Sukuna is the Abyss Prince. Idk who Paimon is. Maybe there isn't even a Paimon in this au.
oh god i need to catch up to inazuma in game jfc i dont want spoilers
genshin guys as figure skaters (& more) at the rink part 1:
characters: aether, albedo, alhaitham, ayato (& ayaka), baizhu, bennett, chongyun, cyno, dain, diluc, heizou, itto
disclaimer: all headcanons inspired by my own experiences as a former figure skater! honestly this started as just a "genshin tall guys as figure skaters" hc but then I added xiao and it just snowballed from there. there will be headcanons for the girls if there's interest!!
part 2:
dain's student. late starter but seems to have a knack for skating. moving up pretty fast. just started nilou's ballet classes. actually pretty good at spins & quite flexible too.
former competitive figure skater but mostly coaches now. does both Learn to Skate & private coaching. v patient & understanding. great with encouraging the more shy & hesitant kids.
skating judge. only around for competitions & testing. hella intimidating. leaves v terse comments on tests. somehow, they're not as blunt as he looks. probably went to Worlds in his time.
ayato & ayaka:
extremely good pair skaters. everyone is in awe & lowkey fear of them whenever they're on the ice bc they're so focused & extremely fast. ayaka is super sweet off ice tho & besties with nilou. ayato has all the beginner skaters hanging over the boards wishing he was their partner instead.
medic. often gone on sick leave but always around for competitions. always has a cardigan on bc the building is hella cold, even in the lobby outside the rink. v kind but hopes no one will get injured so that there would be no need for him.
in Learn to Skate. honestly probably shouldn't be on the ice but is trying his best. kaeya especially looks out for him. always encouraging the little kids & keeps a positive attitude.
just graduated to the freestyle ice!! unfortunately everyone there is extremely fast and scary. hugs the wall for dear life every time one (or two, in the case of our pair skaters) speeds by. actually started skating bc of his aunt shenhe, who used to figure skate. also takes nilou's classes.
one of the guys working at the rink stores. usually the hockey store but occasionally the figure skating one as well. sharpens skates. will yell his bad dad jokes at people from across the lobby just to embarrass them (or maybe himself). also the guy jokingly twirling around & copying the ballet class outside their open door while they're practicing. actually surprisingly good at it.
serious af coach from Scandinavia or Russia or somewhere in Eastern Europe (no one knows). coached multiple Olympians in the past but has no current ones. scary af. only the really intense parents (the ones living vicariously through their kid) attempt to recruit as their child's coach. best of luck to them, since he only invites his students.
arrives later & leaves earlier than kaeya (they drive separately). doesn't skate as often as his brother but has impeccable technique nevertheless. v consistent jumps. puts his waterbottle on whichever side of the boards that kaeya's isn't on. kaeya will move his own waterbottle over just to mess with him. iconic move is a beautiful spread eagle.
that one guy from another rink who randomly shows up whenever his rink is closed for maintenance. still knows everyone despite not being a regular. super fun programs & does a lot of showcases.
hockey player. duh. did you think this guy figure skates. the little kids love him tho. probably the guy they call in for birthday parties.
genshin guys as figure skaters (& more) at the rink part 2:
characters: kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, tartaglia, thoma, tighnari, venti, wanderer, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
disclaimer: all based on my own experiences & hc's as a former figure skater!
part 1:
another of dain's students. practically lives at the rink. that one guy everyone has a crush on. one of the best singles skaters. menace on the ice in both senses of the term (v fast) (& teases everyone). stunning programs. teaches Learn to Skate classes on the side & is v good with the kids (klee's in his class). iconic move is his no-hands hydroblade & sassy high kick after landing his triple axel (no this is definitely not inspired by yuzuru hanyu haha what are you talking abt).
complains about the fading artistry from figure skating. v beautiful programs & extremely good at expressing emotion. the one who breaks down after his ending position in competition. unfortunately broke, so skates for a few weeks & then disappears for months on end. religiously takes nilou's ballet classes (does not help with the broke aspect but at least nilou loves him). iconic move is his stunning spiral.
from the same rink as heizou, but shows up even less frequently. still, his grace & flow is the envy of all. beidou's student (she commutes back & forth between the two rinks).
menace. clown. also practically lives at the rink. doesn't actually skate much during practice, but is somehow still v good. teases everyone. the reckless guy sprinting around the ice instead of skating. iconic moves are his high af Russian split jump & gravity-defying cantilever. occasionally helps out with Learn to Skate. god help the class who gets him & kaeya paired as teachers bc they are chaos incarnate.
front desk guy. brings his dog to work. friendly af. everyone lowkey has a crush on him. will let regulars in for free when they run out of passes & forget money to pay for more. drives the zamboni.
the substitute medic when baizhu is on sick leave. kind but has little tolerance for stupid people. yells at the public skaters walking around on the unpadded areas & kids who kick their rental skates against the bleachers (damages the blades).
local musician. popular choice for program music; but everyone either hates or loves him since his songs are rather overplayed. shows up to all the competitions in horrible incognito (literally just a pair of sunglasses & the occasional fake mustache).
the kid who hates being there. grumpy af abt being forced to skate. is actually not bad tho, just really hard on himself. the person who keeps restarting his program music bc he messed up, even if it was small. secretly likes showing off. iconic move is his dramatic af spider lunge.
zhongli's student. v v good & v fast. jumping machine, probably has quads. doesn't talk or smile much. rarely helps with the Learn to Skate program bc the kids are scared of him. iconic move is his biellmann spin since he's actually flexible enough for it.
the supportive friend who comes to watch chongyun skate. always carries a book with him. chongyun is a little embarrassed but always glad to have xingqiu & the rest of the liyue squad cheering for him when he steps onto the ice for competition.
cool af older coach. probably won multiple Olympics & Worlds in his time but no one has any idea until they look him up online. everyone & their parent want him as a coach. fully booked tho so rather difficult to get lessons with him as a new student. rarely gets on the ice, mostly stands behind the boards & coaches from there. however, every time he does step onto the ice, everyone can immediately see the old Olympian in him.
Because Genshin doesn't have enough representation, here's what Diluc is like in my AU.
His hair is still red, but it has a streak of white from using the Delusion
He's still banned from Snezhnaya XD
Dark, slightly golden toned skin
He is beauty he is grace he will claymore you in the face
More than a touch of the 'tism (mood)
His hands have gone pitch black from using the delusion (think Eclipsa in SVTFOE)
There are some cracks on his chest from using the delusion (Like Pink Pearl from SU)
Crippling depression, anxiety and PTSD
A fucking dragon (less important but still there)
Transmasc (Yass king slay)
Whore (Childe, Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, Albedo, Baizhu, Itto, the list goes on)
Low-key fashion icon
Any adult who looks at him is suddenly both horny and scared

Ah yes my modern AU
POV you're an uncle of two (sometimes three) mischievous kids

Should I draw ballister like this?
If Ballister was a genshin character, what element would he be?
Nimona-genshin au?
Ok now hear me out…

Legally blonde AU????? Debating on having Cyno be Warner and making Tighnari better him.
Please I’ve been listening to the musical for 3 days.
100 notes and I write it.
i actually made a lot of AUs to my own oc universe but just a few to my fav media. i guess the time has come -w- (I'm listening to soooo while typing this, i love their music)
note: in this au xingqiu is 14/15^^
note note: sry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language
Teyvat is on the verge of life. The world is dying due to pollution that started in Fontaine. It's not a normal pollution, obviously. It's like a virus and it infects human body and causes abnormal pain. In the late stages of it the limbs are going numb resulting in one dying.
Those with a Vision were given a chance to fight the plague. Scientists modified the vaccines so that they could be injected into one's body. Vaccines contain a sample of the virus and a micro device that neutralizes powers that one gains after the injection.
Four archons had a meeting to discuss the whole situation. Ei, Zhongli, Nahida and Venti.
Snezhnayan archon rejected the idea and decided not to get involved. Natlan was too busy with cleaning up after an unexpected volcanos' eruption.
The four archons decided that they'll deploy strong and promising Vision holders.
There were two teams:
Xingqiu, Ayato, Alhaitham, Heizou
Keqing, Diluc, Dehya, Kaeya
No one really knew what they were supposed to fight. what is the cause of world's collapse? a monster? other nations have lost contact with Fontaine so the only way in was to illegally cross the border. Thus the teams began to prepare. For Xingqiu, it was his first big mission. He wanted to prove his worth in the name of chivalry. When he first met up with his companions after saying farewell to his friends and family, he realized that he's all alone. Xingqiu was the youngest, the most inexperienced, fooled by his childish visions of justice. He didn't know or he didn't want to know the true face of the plague. He's never seen this many corpse in his life. Ayato and Heizou seemed less disturbed. Alhaitham looked at the deceased with close to none emotions. Xingqiu felt as if he was being oversensitive.
Team 1 finally arrived at Fontaine. Xingqiu didn't have to use his sword this much before. The adults always had his back. But now everything changed. Whenever Xingqiu had to draw his sword he prayed silently to Morax for it to be his last time.
Fontaine was full of infected hilichurls, people-shaped vessels that walked aimlessly and killed everything. Plants were blackish. The only way to victory was to find the cause and eliminate it as fast as possible.
Heizou and Xingqiu went scouting in the middle of night. They didn't expect to run into so many monsters. Heizou tried to defend the boy but he got terribly wounded. The micro device in his vaccine broke resulting in him getting infected. He told Xingqiu to immediately behead him. Heizou wanted to die as a human.
Xingqiu rose his sword with his hands trembling. Even though he closed his eyes he couldn't stop seeing memories. Fear got the best of him. He dropped his weapon then got on his knees and broke down as his companion turned into a brainless vessel. Suddenly Ayato appeared beside them. He immediately beheaded Heizou and took traumatized Xingqiu to their camp.
Poor boy couldn't fall asleep. He stared at the ground. No words could come out if his mouth but too many thoughts piled up in his mind. He didn't know why Heizou got infected. He had no idea the micro devices could break. He was afraid of his own existence. He was afraid of dying as he was afraid of living. He wanted to keep going but he also wanted to rest.
2 teams met up at the same place from where they were supposed to break into the capital. Xingqiu noticed something strange. The second team had only two members left. Keqing and Diluc. Diluc's face was covered in small scars and dried blood. He was expressionless but his eyes showed his true emotions. They were red. He was crying before he got here.
2 teams merged in one. They finally arrived at their destination. The capital of Fontaine. The place where it all started. Surprisingly there were no monsters or "humans". There was no one except for It was Raiden Shogun herself. She walked silently towards them. Basically she said that they were just test subjects. Utterly worthless test subjects. She intended to kill them when they'd arrive at the capital. She did not hesitate. For some reason everyone surrounded Xingqiu as a way to protect him. It was no use. They all got struck by an overwhelming electro wave that seemed to avoid Xingqiu. Raiden took him to the huge building before he could check if his companions are alright.
After some chitchat about becoming a servant of god Xingqiu decided not to give up. He used all of his power to defeat Raiden. When she was unconscious other archons that were trapped underground could finally break free. (they were sealed with Raiden's power). The cause of the pollution was a black seed that Raiden had planted. It made people obedient to her. Nahida cleansed it and Venti sealed it in the wind.
After some months Teyvat started to recover. Trees were green again, ground was able to grow beautiful flowers etc.
Guess what......everyone except Xingqiu died...almost. Heizou, Kaeya, Ayato, Diluc, Dehya, Keqing. Then there's Alhaitham who was in critical state with a little chance to live. (spoiler: he lived on)
everyone wants to date the traveler…’s parent (hcs)
~5.6k words; fluff, humor
ft. diluc, zhongli, yae, al-haitham, tighnari; aether is the traveler
this contains: themes of family, parenthood, solitude; reader is the only parent of the twins, reader is unnaturally tall (around 8ft tall) like a tolkien elf
apologies for reposting this, i managed to get past the block limit
Many are shocked that the famous Traveler has a parent, especially when they see you in person. Rumors run wild about a serene celestial being that has descended from the stars, with infinite wisdom and compassion. Some even say that you are a lost Archon, come to reclaim your throne – a misconception that Aether quickly dispels, else you become a target of the Fatui.
Indeed, the Fatui are his biggest concern, to the point that Aether even delays introducing you to Tartaglia. Little does he know that his true concern should have been his allies liking you… perhaps a little too much.
One day, as Aether watches you socialize with one of his friends, he notices the subtle blushes and shy glances that you receive – and he suddenly remembers all the other times he’s noticed the same thing. The gifts delivered to the Serenitea Pot, the sudden interest in his parent’s whereabouts, the skittishness…
‘Wait, is everyone flirting with my parent?!’
Keep reading
a cunning contract (ayato)
2.2k words, Modern Teyvat + Demon AU, slight humor/slice of life urban fantasy
tw: demons (custom-built fantasy ones, not meant to refer to any particular folklore irl), implications / mentions of reader having some financial difficulties, slight mention reader neglecting their health for academics, blood mention, mention of reader getting death threats... i swear this is still a comedy just wanna be careful
Out of all the iterations of Teyvat, there is one where you exist. In your Teyvat, seven nations are ruled not by Archons, but by humans. Vision-bearers are little more than mythology. The elemental power structure that ruled every other Teyvat exists here as this Teyvat's spiritual underbelly. A Vision is not a gift from the gods, but is the heart of every demon's power.
Tonight, it is quiet. Students of the Akademiya tend to stay up late to study, but even this hour is too late for them. You're the only one awake in the dorm building – of this, you are confident that you don't bother hiding the materials laid before you.
A pattern drawn in chalk. A bag of various materials. Three circles to place them in. Which materials you place would determine — if successful — what you summon.
You check the time. The moon is about to reach its peak; there is no time to waste. You pick out the core material, an ancient gem, then the satellite three.
You were very careful with the entire process, even going so far as to decorate your room in relaxing, light blue finery – well, as much finery as an Akademiya student can afford on loan. After all, you wanted nothing but the best for the demon known as Kamisato.
You gulp. There are stories, mostly from your Inazuman colleagues, about Kamisato: a gentle demon with a smile as pure as springwater and eyes like the reflection of the moon. A demon proficient in arts, culture, and Inazuman history will be invaluable to your thesis on the genealogy of Inazuman nobility. You can only hope that the tea you've prepared would compensate for the demon's work… even if it is store-bought boba tea from a buy-one take-one discount.
Before you can take it back, you place the three materials around the circle, then recite the ancient language that you've so closely studied in the months leading up to this moment.
"...come forth, Grus Nivis!"
The room trembles. Blue mist swirls up from the circle and envelops you, so thick that you can't even see the ends of your narrow dormitory. It is cold, just as you were warned, and while the air isn't icy, the dread that fills you chills your blood.
Despite the cold, you make sure to keep your head bowed in respect, even as you feel the presence of the demon materializing before you.
With a solemn voice, you say, "Greetings, Grus Nivis. Thank you for hearing out my humble request."
The demon remains silent, but you feel urged to continue.
"Ancient records note you as a master of Inazuman culture," you explain. "Your grace lets you dance across a pond's surface without even a ripple. Your beauty outshines the sparkling snow and stars. You are peerless in the arts and a guardian of festivities. Kamisato Ayaka, I humbly request–"
"Oh, dear…" The demon cuts in. "You seem to have been expecting someone other than me."
"Huh?" You look up on instinct. "Wait, you are–"
You were expecting a demon maiden: the Crane Princess, with hair of summer skies and the beauty of fresh snow. The gentle Kamisato Ayaka, a lady from days of Inazuman past that had transformed into a demon from her desire to share the joys of the Inazuman festivals.
This demon before you… is not Kamisato Ayaka. He is as tall and slender as the lilies with the elegance of the mountain stream. He is dressed in fine white and purple silks and has the bearing of a prince. His keen, unreadable gaze rests on you.
Your mouth dries. You tremble. "Who… who are you?"
The demon smiles: pretty, yes, but eerie too.
"You may know me as Cypressus Custos."
Fear rushes through your veins. You've been warned numerous times by your colleagues against contacting Cypressus Custos. No demon has been more cunning and ruthlessly charming as him, except maybe Divina Vulpes, and he is known to have left broken kingdoms in his wake.
"I- I don't understand," you say. "I was trying to summon Grus Nivis. I did everything right. How–"
The demon shakes his head, his smile never fading. "Ah, ah, ah. Look at your circle again."
You dare to look away from him and glance down at your circle. Sakura blossoms, shivada jade, and repudiation dew, just as the book said.
As if he can tell what you're thinking, he says, "That is lazurite, bloodling. And my dear sister Ayaka prefers machine parts to repudiation dew, though I know not what she uses those things for."
You curse. Maybe those all-nighters are affecting you more than you think. But you realize something about what the demon just said.
"Did… did you just call me a 'bloodling'?"
He waves it off. "You mortal creatures are uniquely dependent on flesh. Not like us demons that exist outside the material realm."
"I have a name, you know." You glare up at the demon. "It's–"
You bite your tongue. Never give your name to a demon.
There's a cunning glint in his eyes just as you silence yourself. He rests an elegant finger on his chin. He was definitely tricking you into giving him your name.
You shake your head. "Whatever, demon, you can call me a bloodling."
This time, it's his turn to frown. "Did I not tell you that I am called Cypressus Custos?"
"Unlike your sister's, your name is a mouthful. I'm not using that."
He laughs; sparkling and bright, but chilling all the same. "I suppose it's fair. The human languages have evolved too quickly from the Original Tongue. Very well, allow me to reintroduce myself."
He gives a flourishing bow. "I am the one they call Cypressus Custos, demon of Azure Elegance. My whispers have ruined the greatest of humans. I can make a feather bring a palace to ruin. In my waking life, I was Kamisato Ayato of Inazuma, Yashiro Lord and master of the Shuumatsuban. You may call me 'Ayato.'"
When he straightens up, he regards you with a foxlike smirk. "What shall it be, bloodling? Do you wish to ruin the tyrants of your age? Or relish above your peers as you puppeteer their every move, clashing them against each other until you stand alone at the top? I assure you, even the heavens have crumbled at my touch. Or do you have more typical desires, like wealth and beauty?"
He briefly glances you over. "Though I believe that you are already wealthy in good looks."
You sigh as you rub the exhaustion out of your eyes. Great, so other than being a dangerously cunning demon, he's also chatty.
"Just… can you help me with my paper?"
For once, Ayato is thrown for a loop. He blinks.
"Excuse me?" He asks.
"It's on analyzing the genealogical background of the current Inazuman prime minister and the underlying aristocracy that plagues our democratic government as a possible reflection of the overarching oligarchy. I've gotten death threats already and people are calling my research 'unpatriotic,' but I'm more afraid of my thesis advisor than them or an actual demon."
Without thinking, you hand him a manuscript of your work so far, and to his credit, Ayato looks it over as you elaborate on the details of your thesis.
"If you refer to this related study, for example, this scholar argues that historical nepotism carries on in our government because of the concept of family alliances that remains strong in Inazuma. I personally disagree with that explanation, but many other studies have argued for the same result, just with slightly different angles."
Ayato hums. "The argument has its merits, but it doesn't quite capture my personal experience with Inazuman politics."
You nod enthusiastically. "Exactly! Every single article has something right, but the topic is sorely lacking in a comprehensive analysis that brings all those somethings together. But because of the Tenshukaku Fire after the third civil war–"
"Most knowledge on medieval Inazuman politics was lost," Ayato fills in.
"Which is why I need you–"
"To be your source?"
You pause. "No, I can't have just one source. But I need your help in pointing me towards multiple sources. You've watched Inazuma for a long time. Surely you know where everything goes."
"I am a demon, you know. I could simply grant you infinite knowledge, or call down a revelation from Celestia."
"Divine knowledge isn't peer-reviewed."
Ayato looks at your manuscript for a long and silent minute, his expression unreadable. He sips the boba tea you got him with little more than a pleased hum.
You almost forget that you're talking to a demon until you notice the Hydro sigil in his irises. Then you wonder why you can see his irises, and you realize that he's sitting on the floor with you, close enough that you can smell his camellia perfume.
You're smart enough to admit that Ayato is beautiful, even for a demon that is, as a species, expected to attract foolish mortals to their doom. The beauty mark is cute. So is the stubborn lock of hair that hangs over his face. Not to mention that you've always secretly adored the unusual hair colors that demons can wear.
At last, Ayato stops reading and turns to you. "Many have attempted to summon me. The few that I bothered with always asked for the very luxuries that I offered you: grand requests, burning with ambition, but I always made fools of them in the end. Never have I heard such a request as foolishly plain as yours before."
You wince. It's not as if you intended to call upon the wrong demon. Grus Nivis wouldn't have treated you like this. She'd be cuter, too.
He flashes you a razor-sharp smile. "Very well. Here is my offer: I will work with you by directing you towards sources that I find most helpful for this specific paper. Our contract ends when your paper is published, a process that I will do my utmost to make as swift as possible while improving the quality of your work. I will not harm you, so long as you do not knowingly attempt to harm me. I will not attempt to deceive or lie to you, and present only what I believe to be the truth."
A sparkle of light appears in his hands, which forms into a flowing contract. You take the contract and inspect it closely for any tricks, and find none.
"Oh," Ayato interrupts you. "One more thing. I would like more of this strange tea."
He wiggles the empty boba cup in his hand. Well, it only costs ten Mora – not like you'll tell the ex-aristocrat demon.
"Sure. Do I sign this with my blood or…?"
"If you can't sign with blood, red pen is fine."
You take out your red Stobilo pen and screw your eyes shut. To think that you'll cast your lot with a demon over a thesis, of all things.
You force yourself to sign the contract, then it disappears with a flash of light.
Ayato claps his hands together once. "And that is that. I look forward to working with you, strange bloodling."
He is smiling, as always, but there's something less demonic about his expression now. Undeniably mischievous, but without the foreboding and otherworldly malice. You might dare see him as just a weird human.
Even without signing your name in blood, you start to feel woozy. "Uh… sure. I'll just go now. Are… are you using demon magic on me?"
"Are you lying?" You need to lie down.
"I am sworn to not lie. I believe, however, that you are in sore need of sleep. There's dust collecting on your… bed."
He says the last word with pity and sighs.
"Allow me." He snaps his fingers.
Suddenly, your bedsheets are perfectly-arranged and clean. When you look around, you realize that the rest of your room is completely tidy.
You turn back to Ayato, who looks a little too pleased with himself.
"Thoma has taught me well. I should even be able to cook you dinner now," he says.
"Demons can cook?"
"Have you not heard of Trulla, or Mao Xiangling? My servant, Thoma, can also cook wonderful dishes from the human realm. He has been teaching my sister and I how to cook."
Something tells you that if there's anything else you shouldn't trust Ayato with, it's the kitchen. But you shrug anyways.
"Suit yourself."
You climb into bed, starting to ignore the fact that a reputably dangerous demon is in your home, and snuggle into the magically-laundered sheets. There's a faint floral scent to the pillows that lull you further into sleep. Somewhere across your tiny dormitory, Ayato is poking through your pitiful fridge for anything other than energy drinks and snacks.
Sometimes, you hear him snap his fingers. You'll later learn that Ayato has taken the liberty of stocking your fridge with impossibly expensive ingredients. You will also come to learn how to quickly consume five bottles of top-shelf rice wine, and how to dress up "to intimidate your rivals," as Ayato helpfully suggests. Soon, you will embark on an academic adventure across Teyvat, tracing back long-gone years of Inazuman history alongside a mischeivous and frustratingly charming demon.
For now, however, you've got a couple weeks' worth of sleep to catch up on. You hear Ayato humming a gentle melody that evokes the cry of a heron ringing across the mountains. It's an unusually sweet song coming from someone like him, and it finally pulls you off to the land of dreams.
1. The demon names are just the constellation names. A quick rundown: Grus Nivis is Ayaka, Cypressus Custos is Ayato, Divina Vulpes is Yae Miko, and Trulla is Xiangling (according to the Wiki, her full name is Mao Xiangling).
2. Modern times in an alternate Teyvat, or at least, modern enough to have a fridge. I personally imagined that your dormitory still has some medieval fantasy Sumeru vibes because the Akademiya is fancy, but you also have some beat-up secondhand electronics. Even the Stobilo pen is my Teyvat-knockoff Stabilo.
3. You can either interpret Reader as genuinely having a bit of a difficulty with money or just really frugal. I've met both kinds of people in real life.
4. Yeah, the summoning materials are just the ascension mats. How Reader acquired those materials in a supposedly modern Teyvat? I'll leave that to your interpretation.
5. If I follow through with sequels (not for Ayato, but just expanding the AU concept), then I'll inject some worldbuilding for this AU.
6. Ayato was humming the Ayaka/Kamisato estate theme.

Kaveh and Haitham but make them kiddos lol
(idea started with this drawing that i will eventually finish hopefully)

Kaveh is yelling at the other kids to shut the fuck up cause they’re hurting Haitham’s ears.
Can I get more volleyball au? Anything goes.
I have neglected the Volleyball AU for a while hahahaha!!! I can tell cause so many of you are asking for a Volleyball AU update oh gosh XD
This is a response to the 3-4 anons who requested a Volleyball AU update. One of you said something about the Olympics but I wasn’t quite sure if I read your ask correctly but anyway, here it is.
Scenarios: Olympic Genshin Volleyball team getting asked interview questions about you, their S/O, after winning a game + chaotic commentary of the teammates
Warning: some of the questions might be a little personal but journalists always try to get a good story anyway, so, it’s still in the realm of possibility. Not proofread. Please tell me if there are any pronoun slips.
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Thoma, Ayato and gn!reader
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Tries to keep his relationship with you private. He knows the media is super daunting at times.
Interviewer: “Did your S/O fly in to support you today?”
Zhongli: “No, they’re at home. Though, I’m sure Y/N’s supporting me, even from home,”
Interviewer: “There’s talks on the forum that your performance is better when your S/O is watching on the stands, and that your spikes are stellar.”
*Tartaglia and Kaeya starts cackling. Thoma laughs behind his hand. Ayato is grinning ear to ear. They’re aware of that rumor.*
Zhongli: *clears his throat* “Well... I... suppose it gives a little energy boost, seeing my significant other attend...”
Kaeya: *leans in forward to his mic and butts in* “Our strict captain just likes to show off in front of Y/N,”
Tartaglia: *also butts in* “Our coach and managers have joked that we should have a cardboard cutout of Y/N and just get it up there on the stands for every game,”
Ayato: “Our captain might seem serious on court but he’s the type to have a picture of his S/O as his phone screen. Isn’t that right, captain?” Passes the question along to Zhongli again
Zhongli: *incredibly embarrassed and has covered his loopy, embarrassed smile with his hand. Plotting the demise of Ayato, Kaeya and Tartaglia. Reporters are having a field day that his teammates are ratting him out* “...Let’s move on to the next question please,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Zhongli: *hesitates, but thinks that you might watch this so answers* “I’ll be home soon. Take care of yourself for me while I’m away,” *gives a small smile and a wave*
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Does not like personal questions. But will still answer them just so he doesn’t come off as too rude.
He doesn’t want his team’s reputation to be tarnished because of him.
Gives straightforward answers. Doesn’t give any chance for reporters to brew up a rumor or gossip that would hurt his relationship with you.
Interviewer: “How are you and your S/O doing?”
Diluc: “Good, nothing to complain about. Everything’s perfectly great with Y/N,”
Interviewer: “I heard that your S/O has been supporting your volleyball career ever since high school. That’s a long time!”
Diluc: *smiles the slightest bit* “It is, isn’t it? It wasn’t an easy road...and I owe a lot to Y/N for staying through all of it,”
Interviewer: “What do you miss most about your S/O when you two are apart?”
Diluc: *thinks that it’s too personal of a question and isn’t related to volleyball at all, so he answers awkwardly* “Err... Well... Everything, really,”
Kaeya: “So, funny thing,” *all the cameras turn to him and Diluc kind of heaves a sigh of relief but he does that too early* “I share a room with my brother while we’re out here and he does these nightly calls with Y/N,”
Diluc: “Kaeya--”
Kaeya: “I can list aaaaallllll the things he misses about 'em cause he says it every damn night. I miss your smi--”
Diluc: *completely talks over Kaeya* “NEXT QUESTION!”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Diluc: *sort of bashful, small smile* “Thanks for everything.” *and just to spite Kaeya and make light of the situation earlier* “I’ll make sure Kaeya’s asleep before I call you tonight,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
Thriving during an interview.
Probably all the interviewer’s favourite cause he doesn’t have much of a filter yet manages to be charming all the same.
Will show you off but not too much, just enough so that it isn’t too tacky.
Interviewer: “In the last interview you shared an interesting tidbit about your love life. You shared the story of how you met your S/O.”
Kaeya: “Oh you wanna hear that story again? Good story right? It was in high school! I was practicing my serves and accidentally hit the back of Y/N’s head. I walked ‘em to the clinic like the gentleman I was and it started from there,”
Interviewer: “So would you say that you made the first move?”
Kaeya: “No, Y/N was head over heels for me the moment I offered to walk them to the clinic! Totally their idea to get together,” *laughs* “I kid, I’ll admit I was the one smitten from the get go,”
Interviewer: “Does having Y/N’s support change anything?”
Kaeya: *totally joking but not joking* “It does! I don’t say it often or too much cause I’m usually confident in myself but there’s always going to be a time where you don’t feel good enough, and it’s great to have someone there to say and shout *tries to imitate your voice* “Kaeya you’re the best!!!””
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Kaeya: “Miss you snowflake! Keep cheering for me there, I promise my heart can hear you!” *winks*
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The quiet, thinks for too long type
Kind of blunt
Does not mind any question, he’s mostly just thinking too much about his answer and wants to give an accurate one.
Interviewer: “Did your S/O fly in to support you today?”
Albedo: “No, but they’ll fly in for the last game...We’ll spend a few days looking around here then fly back together...Thankfully the schedule allows for that,”
Interviewer: “What places do you plan to visit?”
Albedo: “...It wouldn’t be too smart of me to reveal that. If I tell you, then everyone will know where we’re going...”
Interviewer: “We heard that your jersey number has a significant meaning. Can you talk about that a little?”
Albedo: “...Oh, yes...back when we were in high school...#4 was Y/N’s class number. That’s all there is to it really...”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Albedo: “...Thanks for believing in me and for pushing me to try volleyball. I still think everything I have right now is because of you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Thriving number 2
Loves interviews, so the interviewers love him too.
Tends to go off track and talks too much.
Interviewer: “Last time you went off on a tangent talking about your S/O’s cooking,”
Tartaglia: “Yeah! I can’t help it. Your food here is really great guys, but it’s just nothing compared to home food, you know? It’s been nearly a month of not having a home-cooked meal. You gotta understand!”
Interviewer: “If you could, would you fly home right now just to have some of your S/O’s food?”
Tartaglia: “Hell yeah! That’s not even a question! Course I would. Then I can get some much needed hugs and kisses too,”
Kaeya and Ayato at the same time:
Ayato: “Little too much information there,”
Kaeya “TMI, TMI,”
Tartaglia: “Jealousssss?”
Interviewer: “If you could fly back now, but you could only get ONE thing from your S/O, would it be a home-cooked meal or a hug?”
Tartaglia: “Oh man, why d’you have to do this?” *seriously thinks about it* “Oh gosh, I’ll definitely go for a hug though. Hugs are more important than food,”
Kaeya: “On which planet?”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Tartaglia: “Hey you! Can’t wait to be back home! Need my hugs ASAP!”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Polite, quiet but will decline to answer if it goes over his personal threshold.
Still very polite though
Interviewer: “So you and S/O were childhood friends?”
Kazuha: “We were indeed.” *laughs at the memories* “I’ve known Y/N for a long time. Our parents were acquainted with each other,”
Interviewer: “What made you guys cross over to a relationship, after being friends for so long?”
Kazuha: “Mm, that’s a good question...I find that I don’t quite know the answer myself, sometimes. But ultimately it’s because I’d rather not see Y/N with someone else. I suppose that’s how I knew my feelings was past friendship,”
Interviewer: “Did S/O play a significant part in your volleyball career?”
Kazuha: “Absolutely. Training takes up a lot of time. I’m lucky that Y/N understands that, and I’m slightly apologetic because of that too.”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Kazuha: “Thank you for being my pillar. I really am fortunate that it’s you by my side,”
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tries really hard to answer but is the type to stutter over his words out of nervousness. Probably just not used to the media yet.
The type to practice interview questions with Tartaglia and Kaeya (the two are really just giving him a hard time, but Xiao thinks that’s great practice)
Interviewer: “Your S/O posted on their social media today about supporting you and it was a photo of you during your high school libero days! *shows the picture*”
*Everyone in the team shares a smile knowing that Xiao will be flustered*
Xiao: “O-Oh, uh... Hm, that’s a really old picture... What were they thinking posting that...? I-I mean! Y/N...has always been supportive!”
Interviewer: “High school was a really long time ago, any secret to keeping the romance alive?”
Xiao: *thinks why in the hell are these kinds of questions asked in press conferences about volleyball????*
Xiao: “ yourself. I guess. Or at least be with someone who doesn’t mind and understands all of you... The good and the bad...” *gets too engrossed in his feelings*
Tartaglia: “Aweeee our little Xiao’s all grown up,”
Kaeya: “He used to be a real bumbling fool in high school. Took him forever to ask Y/N out,”
Xiao: *threatening glare* “You guys...”
Zhongli: “He’s grown a lot,”
Xiao: “Captain, you too?!”
Interviewer: “When you say the good and the bad... Do you mean that S/O has seen the bad sides of you? What do you think are the “bad sides”?”
Xiao: “Of course...! What are the bad sides...?” *hesitates to answer*
Kaeya: “Stubborn,”
Tartaglia: “Too hardworking,”
Thoma: “Blames himself too much for a bad play,”
Ayato: “Tsunde--”
Xiao: “Three examples is enough!!”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Xiao: *thinks for a moment* “Thank you... I don’t have to say much right? Cause I know you know what I mean already,” *small smile*
#8 Thoma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Polite number 2
Super pleasant and wholesome answers.
The type to never take all the credit for himself and will tell reporters that “It’s all thanks to my team,”
Interviewer: “You’re voted as “best husband material” on the poll today. Any words about that?”
Thoma: “Oh really? *laughs* It’s an honour! Well, I suppose I do like to take care of the house chores. I feel really sorry Y/N has to handle everything on their own right now,”
Interviewer: “Do you think you’re the better cook or your S/O?”
Thoma: “Gosh that’s a tough one! *waves at camera* Sorry honey, I’m gunna have to take this one. *laughs* You are better at organizing things though!”
Interviewer: “The team voted that you’re “most likely to be married first”. Any plans?”
Thoma: “Oh wow! And I thought the previous question was hard! Haha! Ah well... it’s no secret. Y/N knows that I cherish my relationship with them. We’ve casually talked about it for a bit, but we aren’t in a hurry at the moment. Just having each other is a real blessing already,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Thoma: “Hey sweetie! I love you, be back soon!”
#9 Ayato (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Is he the interviewee or the interviewer? Sometimes you can’t really tell.
Is great at explaining himself but doesn’t actually like interviews.
Reporters try not to cross him cause he’s known to bite back if the question is about a rumor/gossip that isn’t true.
Interviewer: “We heard that you met your S/O in your last year of high school. Did you only notice each other in your senior year?”
Ayato: *chuckles* “Not exactly. I was a transfer student. Y/N was tasked to make sure my transition into the new school was seamless. They did a great job, so great, that I couldn’t let them slip away,”
Interviewer: “Your sister and your S/O are quite close to each other, your S/O even used a picture of the two of them as their profile picture instead of a picture with you. Are you ok with that?”
Ayato: “Why wouldn’t I be?” *half-grin, half-smile* I rest easy knowing that the two of them get along well. Y/N will be a constant part of my life, after all, and they treat my sister just as their own sibling,”
Interviewer: “Does your S/O play a big part in your volleyball career?”
Ayato: “Y/N is part of the reason I’m able to enjoy volleyball as a professional player. There were certain situations which made it difficult for me to go into professional volleyball, but Y/N managed to push me through it,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Ayato: “I’m certain that being without me is starting to be unbearable, hm? Not to worry, I promise I’ll be back soon,”
🎮 behind the lens !
a social media streamer au | scaramouche x gender neutral reader

synopsis - you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
genre - enemies/rivals to lovers, streamer and youtuber au, college setting, crack, slight angst
status ongoing, chapters tba, no update schedule
warnings time stamps don’t matter, characters including y/n are portrayed as young adults, mentions of alcohol
taglist- CLOSED! don’t ask to be squeezed in, lmk if u wanna be removed or if you change your username
↳ playlist

↳ stardust and friends | balladeer and friends
ACT ONE: raiding your heart !
01. kicking my feet and giggling
02. beat my ass
03. get out of my notifications
04. id donate for nudes
05. pls be ugly
06. now wait a damn minute
07. throwing up and crying
08. do you get deja vu
09. would you love me if i was bald
10. passenger princess
11. would you bark for me
12. breaking my silence
13. caught in 4k
ACT TWO: you’re live !
14. he’s cheating on us?!
15. damage control
16. chat going crazy
17. breaking character
19. drowned cat core
bonus — heizou’s theory
20. twitch con
21. city of love
22. he who must not be named
23. best of both worlds
24. and there’s only one bed
25. room service
26. gatekeeping the sexy
27. show yourself!
28. hold on i’m processing
ACT THREE: cut the camera !
29. please leave a message after the tone
30. you’re so fucking stupid
31. co-op irl! that’s called hanging out
32. plot twist we’re dating
33. that should be ME!
bonus — fuck me like i’m famous 🔞