If It Is It's Fucking Cute Because I Fucking Giggle Every Time I Think Of Them - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
hello i am watching the hobbit trilogy (and then lord of the rings) but i’ve been perusing and. the fact that legolas pulls out the locket of Gloin’s wife and son only to be like “who is this hideous thing” [in reference to Gimli] only to become Gimli's best friend and husband has me screaming. i’m losing it. i’ve never seen a better movie in my whole life.
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the moment legolas appeared i started SCREAMING legoland so
that's how my first hobbit: desolation of smaug is going
the hobbit
desolation of smaug
legolas greenleaf
gimli son of gloin
lotr gimli
lotr legolas
legolas x gimli
giggolas? is that the ship name
if it is it's fucking cute because i fucking giggle every time i think of them
i'm having a very good time if you couldn't tell