Lotr Gimli - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Hey does somebody wanna do a Gigolas RPG?

Feel free to hit me up, I'ld love to have one.

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4 years ago
Gimli & Legolas Sketch That Went Too Far

Gimli & Legolas sketch that went too far

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2 years ago

What I want to know is how they clean their teeth in Middle Earth. Considering all the ale they drink the acid damage alone must be horrendous.

Do they even have dentists? If they do I bet they are dwarves and everyone is terrified of them.

Bearded, easily agitated dwarf in full armor coming at you with pliers. I bet there's a clinic in Dale, and parents use it to threaten their kids when they misbehave.

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3 years ago

hello i am watching the hobbit trilogy (and then lord of the rings) but i’ve been perusing and. the fact that legolas pulls out the locket of Gloin’s wife and son only to be like “who is this hideous thing” [in reference to Gimli] only to become Gimli's best friend and husband has me screaming. i’m losing it. i’ve never seen a better movie in my whole life.

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3 years ago

I started to read the Hobbit, and so I enter the LOTR fandom. But I wasn't ready to fall in the Legolas Greenleaf fandom.

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2 years ago

Incorrect quotes #2

Boromir: One does not simply walk into Mordor. It's black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep.

Incorrect Quotes #2

Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn: Neither does Y/N, what's your point.

Incorrect Quotes #2

Y/N: *Sarcastically* Oh no you got me!!

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2 years ago

Imagine Y/N sitting at the council of Rivendell while everyone is arguing

Y/N: *quietly singing the McDonald's theme song*

Gandalf: I don't suppose you want to break this up for us?

Y/N *whispers* Nah, you and I both know that's Frodo's thing. Don't ruin his big moment.

Gandalf: Very well

20 seconds later

Frodo: I will take it!!


Gandalf: I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.

Aragorn: If by my life or death I can protect you.. I will. You have my sword. *turns to Y/N*


Y/N: *whispers* Do I have to? Can't I stay here with the pretty elv-

Aragorn: *shoulders Y/N* Yes.

Y/N: *sighs* And I will follow, but only if I get to call Legolas and Gimli, Elsa and Anna.

Legolas: Again the young maiden speaks words that I do not understand. *Turns to Frodo* You have my bow.


Gimli: And my axe.


Boromir: You carry the fate of us all little one-


Y/N: *interrupts* Alright yadda yadda can we go? I didn't eat breakfast.

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2 years ago

Imagine Y/N giving the answer to the riddle at the doors of Moria

Imagine Y/N Giving The Answer To The Riddle At The Doors Of Moria

Gandalf: *muttering spells at the door*

Frodo: Can Gandalf open the door?

Legolas: If not Gandalf then who? Surely the dwarf knows the key to his kin's door.

Gimli: *grumbles*

Merry and Pippin: *throwing rocks into the water*

Aragorn: *hurriedly* Do not disturb the water.

Imagine Y/N Giving The Answer To The Riddle At The Doors Of Moria

The Hobbits: *turns to Y/N*

Y/N: Don't touch the water little ones. You need not disturb it. You know not what the depths of the abyss holds.

The hobbits: *surprised to see Y/N serious*

Imagine Y/N Giving The Answer To The Riddle At The Doors Of Moria

Frodo: It's a riddle is it not?

Y/N: Correct my dear.

Legolas: Then pray tell what is the answer.

Y/N: *grins* Mellon

Legolas: *frowns* Are you talking to me-

Imagine Y/N Giving The Answer To The Riddle At The Doors Of Moria

The doors open

Y/N: Try to be more obvious about how you feel hm? *smirks*

Legolas: I know not of what you spea-

Boromir: *interrupts* Enough of the flirting. Quickly, I am not eager to find out what the waters of this cursed place holds.

All quickly walk inside

Legolas: *grins at Y/N's back*

Imagine Y/N Giving The Answer To The Riddle At The Doors Of Moria

Gandalf: *Shakes his head* Young fools.

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2 years ago

Imagine being in the mines of Moria with the fellowship.

Pippin: Are we lost?

Imagine Being In The Mines Of Moria With The Fellowship.

Merry: No 

Pippin: I think we are 

Merry: *shushes him* 

Y/N: Gandalf's thinking. 

Frodo: *notices Gollum* Y/N, Gandalf! There's something down there. 

Y/N: *turns to Gandalf* You wanna take this one?

Gandalf: *mutters* Not unless you wish to tell me the way.

Y/N: *grins* When in doubt Gandalf, when in doubt.

Turns to Frodo

Y/N: My dear, that would be Gollum. 

Frodo: Gollum?

Y/N: Yes, I think he’s been following us for three days now. Probably set free from the dungeons of Barad-dûr. He wants what you carry upon your neck. 

Frodo: The Ring?

Y/N: Yes, he will spend the rest of his life following where the ring goes, for he loves and hates the ring. Just as he loves and hates himself.

Gandalf: Sméagol’s story is quite a sad one.

Frodo:  Sméagol?

Y/N: Yes, that was what he was called. Before the Ring found him, and drove him mad.

Frodo: Pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance.

Y/N: Pity? No my dear boy.

Gandalf: It was pity that stilled Bilbo’s hand.

Y/N: *grits her teeth* Many that live deserve death

Legolas and Gimli : *both look at Y/N and frown*

Imagine Being In The Mines Of Moria With The Fellowship.

Gandalf: And some that that die, deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo?

Y/N: Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement dear one. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.

Gandalf: *narrows his eyes at Y/N before turning back to Frodo* My heart tells me there is still some part for Gollum to play whether for ill or for good.

Y/N: The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.

Frodo: I wish the ring never came to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Imagine Being In The Mines Of Moria With The Fellowship.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not up to them to decide.

Y/N: All we can do, is to decide what to do with the time that was given to us.

Gandalf: There are other forces at work in this world and out of it Frodo, *glances at Y/N* besides the will of evil.

Y/N: Bilbo was meant to find the ring, and therefore you were meant to carry it. *grins down at Frodo* Now isn't that an encouraging thought?

Gandalf: Ah its that way!

Merry: He’s remembered!

Gandalf and Y/N: No.

Gandalf: But the air doesn’t smell so foul down here.

Y/N: *grins at Gandalf* When in doubt my friends, follow your nose.

Legolas: I thought it was follow your heart.

Aragorn: As did I

Imagine Being In The Mines Of Moria With The Fellowship.

Y/N: Now now my dear friends, your heart goes third and your nose goes second!

Legolas: *puzzled* Then what goes first?

Both grin and look at each other

Aragorn: Her stomach.

Y/N: My stomach.

Sam: Quite wise of you miss Y/N.

Y/N: Thank you Sam.

All walk through the tunnel.

Legolas: *to Aragorn* Do you know what Y/N likes to eat?

Aragorn: Anything that she can get her hands on. Why so curious Legolas.

Imagine Being In The Mines Of Moria With The Fellowship.

Legolas: *hurriedly* Just want to know what fuels such a dwarf sized human.

Imagine Being In The Mines Of Moria With The Fellowship.

Y/N: I heard that.

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2 years ago

Imagine Y/N being there when Gandalf gets captured by the Balrog in the mines of Moria and Legolas comforts you.


Y/N: Gandalf they're running.

The goblins disperse

Boromir: What is this new evil.

Y/N: I fear that it is something worse is upon us.

Footsteps approach

Y/N and Gandalf: A Balrog.

Gandalf: A demon of the ancient world.

Y/N: And not a hot one either *mutters*

The fellowship: What?


Y/N: This foe is beyond any of you.

Gandalf: Run! Quickly!

The fellowship comes to a cliff and all stop before it.

Aragorn: Gandalf... Can you continue.

Gandalf: *looks at you and Aragorn* You must lead them on. The bridge is near.

Y/N: But I-

Gandalf: Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here.

They all climb down the stairs hurriedly but find a gap.

Legolas: Y/N! *gestures for you to jump*

Y/N: Gandalf first, then the little ones. Hurry!

One by one they get across while Gimli pauses.

Gimli: Nobody tosses a dwarf!

Y/N: I don't think you want to jump.

Gimli: *jumps and is caught by his beard* NOT THE BEARD.

Y/N: *smirks* Told you so.

Legolas pulls him up.

Y/N: Hurry Frodo! *throws Frodo to Legolas*

Y/N and Aragorn slide down the stairs as it collapses.

Gandalf: Over the bridge! Fly!

Y/N: Gandalf quickly! The bridge!

They reach the bridge and Gandalf stops.


Gandalf: You cannot pass!

Frodo: Gandalf!

Y/N: No! *runs back to Gandalf*

Gandalf: Pethryn STAY.

Y/N reluctantly halts.

Gandalf: I am a servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you flame of Udûn!

The Balrog strikes Gandalf.


Gandalf: Go back to the shadows.

Balrog brings forth it's whip.



Y/N: Gandalf do not linger! You must come!

Gandalf Stares into the abyss as the creature falls.

Y/N: NO! *she rushes forwards grasped by Aragorn and Legolas* Let me go. UNHAND ME. *struggles* GANDALF.

Boromir: No!

Frodo: GANDALF *Boromir holds him back*


Gandalf: Fly you fools!

Gandalf falls.


Frodo: No!

Boromir: Aragorn! We must move.

Aragorn and Legolas drag Y/N and they all exit the mines.

Y/N: I could have saved him. I could have pulled him up! Why did you stop me? Why didn't you let me-

Legolas pulls Y/N to his chest.

Legolas: We could not have you fall into fire and shadow too. Gandalf sacrificed for us so we must honour him by living.


Y/N: *shakes in anger* I could have helped him.

Aragorn: Then you know it was the path he had to take.

Y/N: *grits their teeth* But I do not have to like it.

Aragorn: Get them up.

Boromir: Give them a moment for pity's sake.

Y/N: *quietly* There is no time for pity.


Aragorn: By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlórien.

Y/N: Quickly, get them up Boromir. Legolas help me.


Legolas: I'm sorry, I only wanted to make sure you were safe.

Y/N: It was not your fault. I bare you no ill will. Thank you Mellon nîn. For keeping me safe.


Pethryn still means narrator!! hope u guys enjoy this, I haven't posted a LOTR one in a bit so ENJOYYY <3

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Imagine you enter the woods of Lothlorien with the Fellowship.

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

Gimli: Stay close, young hobbits! They say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-Witch.

Y/N: *Smirks* Of terrible power?

Gimli: Tis no joke m'lady. All who look upon her fall under her spell.

Galadriel: *Telepathically* Frodo..

Gimli: And are never seen again.

Y/N: Do not fear little ones. We will keep you from harm.

Samwise: We should be saying that to you Y/N.

Galadriel: You're coming to us, is as the footsteps of doom.

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

Galadriel: *Telepathically* You bring great evil here. Ring bearer.

Sam: Mr Frodo?

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

Gimli: Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox.

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

The elves of the Lothlórien woods appears with bows.

Y/N: *Unsurprised* Is that right?

Haldir: The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark.

Y/N: *Stifles a chuckle*

They walk to Lórien

Haldir: *In elvish* Well met, Legolas son of Thranduil.

Legolas: Our Fellowship stands in your debt. Haldir of Lórien.

Y/N: Yep, I love it when he speaks elvish. *She smiles down at the hobbits.*

Haldir: Ah, Aragorn of the Dúnedain. You are known to us.

Aragorn: Haldir..

Haldir: Pethryn.

Y/N: *Nods silently.*

Gimli: So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves. Speak words we can all understand.

Y/N: *Grins* They are greeting eachother. Be patient my friend.

Haldir: *In the common tongue* We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the Dark Days.

Gimli: And you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai duru- (I spit upon your gra-)

Y/N: *Stops Gimli with her hand and gentle taps his shoulder.* Now now Gimli.

Aragorn: That was not so courteous.

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

Haldir: *Turns to look at Frodo.* You bring great evil with you. You can go no further.

Aragorn: *In elvish* We need your protection, the road is fell. Please we need your support.

Legolas: Y/N, you understand Sindarin?

Y/N: What, me solving the riddle wasn't enough for you? *She grins*

Aragorn: *In Elvish* I wish we may come with you. The road is very dangerous Haldir.

Boromir: Gandalf's death was not in vain. Nor would he have you give up hope. You carry a heavy burden Frodo. Don't carry the weight of the dead.

Haldir: You will follow me.

They travel to Caras Galadhon.

Haldir: Caras Galadhon.

Y/N: The heart of Elvendom on earth.

Haldir: Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light.

Y/N: *Smirks to Aragorn.* I get to see the pretty elves again.

Aragorn: *Rolls his eyes*

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

Legolas: *Mutters* Am I not a pretty elf?

Y/N: *Laughs* You are the prettiest of all elves Miluir ("Lovely one" in Sindarin)

Legolas: *Gapes in surprise.*

Imagine You Enter The Woods Of Lothlorien With The Fellowship.

Y/N: *Chuckles and walks away.*

Legolas: Wait! What did you just call me? Say it again!

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