If You Think It Was Good - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

srmthfg OC fanficish thing idk what i’m doing¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Background of OC: Name Petra (to be changed at some point maybe) she’s evil and in all reality a real threat but she’s very confused and is confusing because of stuff. So her potential is kind of inhibited cuz of it. Oh and she’s a creature of some kind; a little shorter than the monkeys kind of creature.

Setting of fic: middle of un-dead war. Shugazoom is kind of a hell hole at this point and everyone has seen some shit. Chiro and his team are becoming numb to some things.

so any hoo it is FOREVER long so if you wanna read ya can but i understand if yeah don’t. It is choppy and not a true story just like the bones of one. Just wanted to put this somewhere ya know:

Team and army are fighting Petra, mandarin, and army. Petra/mandarin has a weapon/ power/ amulet? That erases minds like makes them mush. Anyway fight, fight, fight; someone "disposable" gets hit *they gone forever*. Fight, fight, fight some more. Chiro gets backed on a cliff by Petra but somehow someway they both get hit by a single blast of the *thing* they are both sent down the cliff and both sides are way too occupied with the battle to do anything about it or possibly even notice. The battle is over and the monkeys regroup and realize Chiro must be found.

They search and search and all along the way they are still very distracted by battles. As things get desperate they go to a part of the planet that the skeleton kings doesn’t care to burn yet. Yet still the Hyperforce is not welcome:

 “The neutral undergrounds” *✧ a place where refugees of a crumbling society came together to make a makeshift settlement of the slum nature. ya know cuz apocalypse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Many of the people there have become sour over the war.

The monkeys keep a low profile cuz some jaded shugazoomians live there and they “just can’t deal with those ass holes right now” and wander its shadows with the sliver of hope that Antauri can sense that Chiro’s still alive somehow but a foggy mind from the war keeps him from doing anymore that. They get a break when they see a guy fly thru a wall (not an uncommon site in the underground) the passively look at the source to see a familiar teenager half drunk and laughing profanities at who was obviously his victim. Shock from multiple sources cause the monkeys to stare unmoving at this person who looks like but does not act like their leader. 

They eventually make contact when chiro is isolated enough from unwanted eyes for them to safe-ishly “inquire” about ya know... the weather. Chiro has no clue who they are and is kinda annoyed by them (something about them is unsettling) he tries to get out of the ever increasingly weird conversation but the monkeys keep pressing their case.

Chiro pulls some kind of douche-bag Houdini and loses them and they have to start looking all over again but with new vigor and information to go on: They find him semi easily a few hours later in another alley way. They confront him trying to ease his negativity directed at them and in all the tension. Petra shows up and it even takes a sec for all the everyone to realize it’s her (like Nova and Antauri are the ones to point it out). The evil features that distinguished her have softened and honestly she looks for lack of a better work “nice” but she is definitely a villain and the villain who largely caused this whole dang mess. They accuse her of this and of tricking chiro into trusting her. They semi fight but chiro intervenes to protect Petra and there is a stand still.

 Somehow by the blast hitting both of them they both only got half its affects giving them amnesia. They were apparently the first thing each other saw when they awoke and they just sort of imprinted on each other. The bond they formed is strong.

The monkeys tell chiro who Petra is, they repeat who they are, and who he is. in the heat of their speech something they say strikes chiro at his core and it causes chiro to go into some kind of panic attack and curl up in a ball. Petra rushes to him and keeps away the also concerned hyperforce. Seeing that they are truly hurting chiro: Antauri tells chiro that they will leave him be if he is honestly being pained by their presence. The monkeys retreat, the last thing they see is Petra nuzzling chiro with her snout to comfort him.

Later it’s either sprx, otto, or both who set out on their own to do some “soul searching”, “exploring” maybe? They by chance come across chiro and Petra and it is either Otto’s innocent friendliness or Sprx’s... sprx-ness that peaks their interests and the group ends up forming an acquaintance. This new/old bond somehow transfers to the rest of the team and the hyperforce witnesses’ parts of chiro’s personality that they never thought they’d see and in some cases never wanted to see. Through all the shenanigans (and there are many shenanigans like I could go 5 more days talking about those) the hyperforce realizes how broken chiro was even before this amnesia. They realize that war is hell and that if someone suddenly forgets about hell then they who’d want to remember that bs?!

They also see how Petra and chiro’s relationship is not a scheme Petra put together. it is in fact a relationship that is VERY UNHEALTHY and VERY CO-DEPENDENT! Like its completely platonic but they can’t sleep unless they’re in the same bed and have a lot separation anxiety stuff. OH, and things get violent between them A LOT but nothing too serious but chiro throws Petra out the window like twice. 

Anyway in the madness and misadventures the undead army ruins it all and shit goes down. The monkeys have built enough trust between the odd couple at this point and chiro gets his memories back cuz he does. Also during the battle Petra made an enemy of mandarin saying that she “does not want to remember a time where she sided with such a jerk!” So that bridge is eternally burned. More shit goes down and the good guys are victorious wooo! At the end of it all though: Petra is still without memories cuz she’s scared of what will happen but she means to much to chiro at this point even with his memories to just leave her like this. She tries to escape it but the memories do come back and they come back to her hard. She panics and attacks the hyperforce and runs off into the darkness.

Chiro final addresses his team and embarrassingly apologizes for all of his actions. They will raz him for a while with all the material he gave them during the amnesia. This adventure has brought something back to the hyperforce something that the war robbed them of. (Idk what it is but there’s a renewed something in there) 

I think there would be extra in there about like where Petra ends up and stuff and how chiro deals with the still present separation anxiety he has for Petra. (She has it too) how they reconnect and Petra is running a shady business and making $$$!!!! And she is like not an anti-hero or anything but she serves as somekind of new protection in “the neutral underground” now.

Anyways that is about where the story would end. It is FOREVER long so... yeah... if ya got to this point and liked it awesome!!!!!! If ya got to this point and it was crap.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Either way thank you for reading my whatever this is. 

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