Ikemen Revolution - Tumblr Posts
Cradlesona #1 LETS GO
edit: I FORGOT TO CREDIT @lovingsiriusoswald FOR THE AMAZING IDEA
Basic Knowledge
Name: Mousie Altas
Birthday: 4/20
Age: 27
Height: 5′2 or 158cm
Physical appearance :
Hair:short, curly in the ends, the hair in front is longer, has a ponytail in the back held by a big white bow.
Skin: pinky pale skin,with freckles spread out on her face, mostly on her nose, and a lot on her thighs,stomach, and back
An engagement ring on her finger and a white bow on her hair, doesnt really like accessories that much just cause it makes her appear a lot more younger then she already does.
personality: shes shy but if something needs to be done (like have to talk to someone) she ends up doing it to show her “adultly-ness” She gets flustered PRETTY EASILY meaning her relationship with both her bff and mousse are defiantly full of red cheeks, since mouse is pretty blunt so compliments everywhere and her friend loving how soft she is and complimenting her a whole bunch,
Affliction: no matter how many times mousse insists she can move in with him before there married,she stays with her best friend (roommates) until they are officially married.
Mousse altas: Her fiance, though he insists of her sharing his last name since the first time they met, she loves him to pieces but took like half a year for her to say her first “i love you” she stuttered a bunch, she wanted it to be super romantic when she first said it, but she ended up saying it out of the blue cause he did something cute
Kat Silver: BEST FRIEND, both cat lovers, she gives her more treats then she does mousse and that sometimes makes him jealous, Kat, and mousse, fight for mousies love and she doesnt know it, they could both be like “i dislike him/her” but they try to be friends for mousie cause they are both WEAK for her so, both mousie and kat were classmates but only started talking when mousie was 18 and kat 15, mousie was leaving when kat stopped her since she looked pale (she was cause she was basically starving) her dad randomly stops feeding her at random days depending on what grade she got or how nice she was, kat started feeding her everyday from that day forward after kat was done with training (working to be in the black army). soon actually becoming friends in college when they became roommates, kat dropped out though, mousie following behind, mousie eventually moves in with kat. (kat basically INSISTED since she wanted her out of that house with her father)
Jonah clemence: a customer at her cafe and visits quite often, though her fiance does try running him out
Harr silver: Only knows him cause of kat, was scared of him since she knows he is wanted, but eventually found out hes just a soft shy ball, would rather talk to him when kat is around though (just cause she cant hold a convo)
Father: doesnt hold a grudge against him (mousse does) kat lives her life as life has so much stuff going on why even both holding a life long grudge against someone, and her and mousie being best friends took on that as well, that DOES NOT mean she likes him, or care for him, she moved out as soon as she can to get out of the house
Mother: Died when she was young
because she sometimes wasn't fed when young, and when kat offered her food, food always made her happy, so when stressed she eventually just started eating, making her loves sweets a whole bunch, started making recipes and opened a cafe, shes also a stress eater. Though she is older then kat she is a lot smaller then she is making mousie feel as if she is the younger and kat the older one though she doesn't mind it that much only when kat starts talking like “come now child” but learned thats more of her personality then anything
Random facts: she really likes macaroons and peanutbutter, and cheese crackers! (kat making sure to stock up on these items a whole bunch) met mousse when mousie went with kat to blancs house for tea but blanc ended up doing work with mousse (he forgot that the tea party was today) and mousse fell in love at first sight, talks/meets her everyday after work (and sometimes a nap) at her cafe.
Sirius (formal attire) wip

This is actually a redraw of some old art back in October, Sirius in his formal attire!~
Tagging some (only ones i know of) sirius fans if you dont want to be tagged in the future please tell me!
@kashimalin @oswaldsirius @lovingsiriusoswald
Sirius Anniversary Card Redraw
These were all drawn on the same program “firealpaca” and drawn on the same canvas size 1000x1000 pixels

OK now for the og this was back in October

Tagging these people cause they said i can
- @lovingsiriusoswald
- @oswaldsirius
- @kashimalin
Happy Halloween!
one day ill learn to post at a decent time and not at almost 10pm

Day off

To finalize ths or keep it as a sketch is the real question-
An eclipse

random girl? alice maybe idk it was supposed to be an oc but psssh and ray

@lovingsiriusoswald said some poetic stuff that i have never heard of but it goes with the drawing so-
apperantly there is a legend where some people said that the moon and sun are a tragic love story where they can never meet but god lets eclipses happen to show that even the impossible can be possible cause of looOoooOove
Present (1/?)
Knock Knock @leychee have a gift my favorite chip bag (uwu) / ✨

there’s actually 8 cradlesonas in this drawing 👀 not counting adriana
and then like two regular boys cause i needed more space filled sksks
Gift for @lovingsiriusoswald-

some times drawing this trees hair is fine and then sometimes it sucks- that was one of these days lol
Gift for @snowflakekitty-133~

this looked better in my head but i still think he looks cute uwu
i have so many new friends i can give gifts to :0

gift for @5-of-spades!~
Alice Redraw
i knew i had this one drawing of me trying to draw “realistically” and wanted to redraw it~

she looks a little dead iuajsnfdijd but this is the new version^
and this is the old version- which was in october 2018

i wanna know how to draw semi realistic and the colors still be bright in a way cause thats what i like in art lol

wow whos idea was it to try a different type of shading
oh right
it was me
Kitty Cats
yknow like- nya

before i colored i did a little blotch color test? and i also liked how that came out so heres that its also without the overlay color so the color hues are a little different

anD oNe MOre i PromiSe
@lovingsiriusoswald asked how i did these eyes and so a little tutorial below

and then below is with me trying to explain with words what i do so if you wanna give that a read-
Step 1: Base colors i just color pick them off the image
Step 2: i like adding shading at the top and a yellowish color to the bottom for highlights- for ranmaru i noticed that it was darker on the bottom so i did a little ring? of a darker shade of gray keeping but still keeping the highlight, i also and changed his pupil to be more on the purple side since thats what it looked like in the picture which is a good example of how i dont shade eyes all the same since im usually drawing fanart if the artist drew the eyes with stars in them i would add those to just to make it fit with the character more
step 3: blendblend i like having it not fully blended so you can still sorta see the shapes/outline
step 4: ranmarus eyecolor is on the redish gray side and so i wouldnt call it secondary colors but around there, the one on the left i usually do for the small pop of color in the middle of the eye and the other color on the right for the little highlight on the top,which is just a white shape? outlined in said color, usually it would be more on the blueish purple side but because when i think of ranmaru i think of pink i did more of a pinkish color (i also put colored the eyelashes which is his haircolor a couple times darker and then shade in the corners)
step 4.5: Blend the eyelashes and grab the skincolor and airbrush it on the top and bottom
step 5:outline the pupil with a brighter more saturated color of the base color
and you are done!
New project/help!
Cough working on a semi big project including the main 5 boys of both black and red armies and also the rest of the choosen 13 which will be cradlesonas! though im having trouble picking what idea to stick with or if i should just make a completely new one so heres what im thinking- using fenrir as an example if you can tell -excuse my rough sketches

so either doing the drawings like the one on the left and having them using their weapon though that would be alot of swords unless i do lancelot using magic or somethin with their rank behind them in their color or like the one on the right with them in formal attire?idk i feel like it works better formal but since not all the guys/sonas have formal attire maybe just their uniforms? and holding a spade/heart
if you could comment which idea you prefer that would be greatly appreciated :D
Sketch dump
i got a bunch of cursed sketches and unfinished stuff and so why not show some to the public eye-

lineart + color blobs of harr from a yokai au

Crowley and grimm from twisted wonderland aka my favorites

them again but cursed

a friend and me as 2b and 9s from NeiR

goushi from b project and masamune from ikesen sengoku in their police outfits
Ace of Spades

i was supposed to post this on the seventh but i forgot but its fenrirs bday so now seems like a better time
(1/36) oh boy
edit cause i forgot idk if it looks better tho/adds anything

Ace Of Hearts

*kazoo noises* Zeros done, next is the kings~

the two drawings put together uvu
I should be finishing up ray in two days so 👀
King Of Spades
Im realizing that some of these drawings- theyre interacting with eachother and so when i only post one it looks pretty odd;; well i guess its just motivation to finish the other pair faster? anyways! here’s Ray!

I asked “ if ray and lancelot where taking a picture together how would ray mess with lance in a way like make him look less serious or smth “ on a server im on and @/lovingsiriusoswald i hate tagging ppl i feel like it annoys ppl smnfjusakd said pull on his cheeks to make him smile or mess his hair and so i did mess with his hair but it looks weird with just ray so i put the chibi cat lancelot for now 😂