I'll Give These Two - Tumblr Posts
My brain: ....
Me: *looks at clock; it’s 5 mins to 3am* I already know where this is going, so fire away, idgaf anymore *slumps onto bed*
My brain: Ok so like- what if- mafia beluga whale girl and mafia killer whale dude??!!?!

The girl’s name is Viviane Corentin, and the guy’s name is Leviotan Corentin. If their last names aren’t too obvious enough, then, I’ll say it out loud: THEY’RE SIBLINGS!!!! ... well, not blood-related.
Viv is Lev’s adopted younger sister. Viviane lost her parents when she was fairly young and as a result, was taken in to be raised as Levio’s younger sibling; her old name was “Lorelei”.
Levi’s a 3rd-year while Vivi is a 2nd-year; their ages are 19 and 17 respectively. The former is based on a killer whale, while the latter is based on a beluga whale.
Viv gets along with seemingly nearly every one of the entire student body, though despite her genki and carefree attitude, she’s actually pretty scarily competent and can and WILL do ANYTHING to accomplish her task.
Oh, and did I forget that this albino-pinkish hue babby CAN lie as easily as she fucking breaths? She would make a great con artist had it not been for the fact that she IS a genuinely nice and caring if a somewhat airheaded and playful girl.
Levi, despite his seemingly delinquent and rough look, is actually pretty smart and has a deep-seated curiosity towards anything that piques his interest, and will stop at nothing in order to satiate his thirst.
That and the fact that he likes to purposefully rile up others in order to gauge and toy with their reactions; in a way, it’s sort of a “game” to him. The more easily reactive the person is, the more he’ll “play along” with them-- it doesn’t matter if you don’t even give him reactions since he’ll just take it as a “challenge” or a “puzzle”.
They both come from, “a shady family”, with Lev being the heir to the Seat. Viv is pretty much free to do whatever she wants to, and she even listed down on her “What I want to be when I grow up” section of her profile paper when she was young was, “singer”. She kind of got that wish to come true when Azul let her sing on certain events/occasions in Cafe Mostro.
Lev WILL fuck you up if you so much as harm even a single strand on Viv’s hair-- he’s overprotective over his adoptive younger sister. So much so that he doesn’t even realize that Viviane already has him wrapped around her pretty little finger.... subverted in that he KNOWS how fucking whipped he is, but clearly doesn’t give a shit; he just wants to make sure NO ONE would harm her and wants her to be happy above all else.