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7 months ago

What the knife (might) be

What The Knife (might) Be

I love the website and all, but this subtle rainbow effect on the knife/sword/dagger thing is annoying me. I'm by no means a knife expert but I have a couple theories as to how this blade could be getting this effect.

Maybe it's heat colored titanium?

What The Knife (might) Be

Heat colored titanium usually looks something like the picture above, which lines up ok with the knife in the website, but it has a lot of drawbacks for a practical knife.

Titanium knives don't hold a long lasting cutting edge, and are much more brittle than steel, making it not the best blade for cutting. Which (as the blood + being stabbed into the book) shows that it's not that likely to be titanium.

It might have a neochrome coating?

What The Knife (might) Be

Neochrome coatings are usually used for cars and car parts, but it is pretty commonly used on knives and silverware.

What The Knife (might) Be

The problem with the neochrome possibility is that most neochrome knives are a lot less subtle as the one on the website, so I think it's a lot less likely that it's a neochrome coating.

It's a knife finish?

What The Knife (might) Be

The last possibility I thought of was that it's just an extremely reflective knife finish (maybe a mirror finish?) and it's reflecting light from the room.

This seems the most plausible, but I'm probably gonna stick to the thought that it's titanium bc I personally love how heat treated titanium looks.

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8 months ago

The other day I was looking at old school projects and homework documents I had saved on my drive, out of curiosity mainly, and I stumbled across my old lotf homework.

For context, when I was fourteen in class I had to read each week a chapter of the lord of the flies, then make a summary of the chapter and answer some questions that the teacher asked that were related to the chapter. Things like "how would you feel if you were in that situation" or "Why do you think ralph didn't read topsy and mopsy" (I read the book in Spanish so I did the literal English translation, don't know if that's it's name in the english version).

But there's one question that actually made me stop and reflect. The question was "if you were there, who would you side with Jack or Ralph?" and to my surprise the younger me had chosen Jack without much explanation really.

At first I did not understand and thought it was a mistake, if you know me you know I'm completely against what jack leadership resembles and I'm known to be a person that usually uses logic to solve problems, but that's seventeen year old Ari.

Looking back, what I mistook earlier for a decision I made without much thought I now see as an ability to think honestly cause in a situation like being stranded on an island with fear of a beast, constant hunger, having to face hot days and cold nights, not access to any source of really clean water or medical supplies and a tense environment we all like to think we would stay civil, but more than likely we would surrender and choose Jack. Not only cause he can provide food and a sense of safety, but because it's either that or being forced out of fear, not of the beast, but of the rage of the hunters.

Or that's just my opinion anyways.

Now in all honesty and taking everything into account. If you were there, who would you side with Jack or Ralph? Why?

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6 months ago
I'm Way To Autistic To Talk To People In My Fandom, Let Alone Ask Them For Things.

I'm way to autistic to talk to people in my fandom, let alone ask them for things.🥸

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