I'm Not Sure I Draw His Build Consistently At All But Eh - Tumblr Posts
9 years ago

revisiting the lyrium roboarm idea with a slightly better design this time
cons: can no longer open holes in the fabric of reality and casually recreate one of mankind’s greatest sins on any given tuesday. green was a better color. always yanking hair out that gets stuck between the little plates of the prosthetic when trying to brush or tie it back.
pros: can totally stick your hand through shit I guess? it is probably very strong. can pick people up and stick your hand through them? still get to be the glowing boyfriend.
Tags :
dragon age
dragon age inquisition
trespasser spoilers
Keallagh Trevelyan
lyrium roboarm
gratuitous back because I love backs so much
I'm not sure I draw his build consistently at all but eh
he'd be a lot less of a wet noodle at this point tho
going with the longer hair from the other picture though I like that better for post-trespasser Kell
this was supposed to be quicker but I like backs too much not to do some shading
I really need to draw cassandra's back come to think of it mmm
I actually really really like roboarms too though I mean it is sure a thing
though in no small part because I have a thing for trauma to hands like most people have for trauma to eyes or teeth falling out
and given that most of my fandoms involve a lot of trauma to arms/hands especially on my faves hahahaha ha nope