Im So Excited To Write This - Tumblr Posts

I’m glad you liked my suggestions!

The amaryllis idea for Henry came from the fact that I’ve been given an amaryllis bulb as a gift before. They’re not native to the area I’m from so they’re sold as houseplants here during the fall and winter. It was extremely satisfying to watch it grow from bulb to long green leaves to tall thick stalk to big gorgeous blooms over the course of six weeks or so, and if you care for them well they’ll bloom again the next year! If I could send you an image I would, they’re so beautiful.

My headcanon for Gordon liking butterscotch specifically wasn’t pulled out of thin air either; butterscotch candy is believed to have been invented in Doncaster, where Gordon and his siblings were built!

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Gift Anon, you strike again and I’m thrilled! I will have to look up an amaryllis flower. I’m unfortunately horrible at drawing off the top of my head, like I can draw but I have to look at an image and draw that and then add my own personalizations, but maybe if I can find an image of someone with one I can tweak it to be Henry and the plant because gosh it’s in my head now and I want to draw it!

I am currently reading the Thomas books (I bought the full collection) so I’m enjoying gathering information about the characters more so than the show gives. When other fans piece things together like the butterscotch and Gordon I think it’s the coolest thing. I know, it’s a simple connection, but I’m like 😃🥰 in awe. I’m so excited to add all this to the fanfic! Thanks again, 🎁 gift anon 🎁!

Ugh! I wish I could draw because I would be drawing the snot out of these characters with these ideas. But writing I’m good at and written it will be.

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An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: Shadie leads a very domestic life in Spiral Hill. She enjoys waking up early and spending time with her friends at the mineral museum. It's like all her pain and suffering has come to an end and is nothing but an old scar. But sometimes old wounds can reopen. And who would've guessed a monster of the night was the one to heal her wounds for good?

Honestly, I don't advertise this story enough augh- So anyways, this is a Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Werehog story I'm currently dedicating all of my free time to I have written werehog stories in the past but I have never completed them, I intend for this to be the first one to be fully written and complete by next year

I honestly can't believe this is my first time writing a serious story for the Werehog, I have too much of a softspot for him, he's just a floofy puppy hgsdklsawioev

And anyways, I do hope everyone enjoys this fic and pray that i actually finish it for you all! I am making a promise this will be finished!

I would love to hear some feedback or just any comments you guys have for the story. It's only just started but I feel like a broken record I really do want it to go somewhere, I have plenty planned! This is really all I have today, so I'll see you folks around ^^

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