theyellowroseofsodor - The Yellow Rose of Sodor
The Yellow Rose of Sodor

Welcome to blog that will follow and add to The Yellow Rose of Sodor series found on FanFiction.Net and archiveofourown.orgShe/Her | | Married and Mother of 2 Heathens | Nerd | Writer | Cosplayer| 30 years young

285 posts

Im Glad You Liked My Suggestions!

I’m glad you liked my suggestions!

The amaryllis idea for Henry came from the fact that I’ve been given an amaryllis bulb as a gift before. They’re not native to the area I’m from so they’re sold as houseplants here during the fall and winter. It was extremely satisfying to watch it grow from bulb to long green leaves to tall thick stalk to big gorgeous blooms over the course of six weeks or so, and if you care for them well they’ll bloom again the next year! If I could send you an image I would, they’re so beautiful.

My headcanon for Gordon liking butterscotch specifically wasn’t pulled out of thin air either; butterscotch candy is believed to have been invented in Doncaster, where Gordon and his siblings were built!

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Gift Anon, you strike again and I’m thrilled! I will have to look up an amaryllis flower. I’m unfortunately horrible at drawing off the top of my head, like I can draw but I have to look at an image and draw that and then add my own personalizations, but maybe if I can find an image of someone with one I can tweak it to be Henry and the plant because gosh it’s in my head now and I want to draw it!

I am currently reading the Thomas books (I bought the full collection) so I’m enjoying gathering information about the characters more so than the show gives. When other fans piece things together like the butterscotch and Gordon I think it’s the coolest thing. I know, it’s a simple connection, but I’m like 😃🥰 in awe. I’m so excited to add all this to the fanfic! Thanks again, 🎁 gift anon 🎁!

Ugh! I wish I could draw because I would be drawing the snot out of these characters with these ideas. But writing I’m good at and written it will be.

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More Posts from Theyellowroseofsodor

FanFiction Help

If you could buy your favorite engine anything for Christmas, whether romantically or not, what would you buy them?

Also, what do you think they would gift one another? Let's stick with the numbers #1-6 plus Emily for now.

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🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Gift Anon!!! To my rescue!!! What would I do without you???

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Rain Will Make the Flowers Grow

Summary: Henry and Hiro have a nice picnic, it’s too bad that it had to rain.

Rated G

Henry let a sad sigh escape his lips.  He watched the rain drizzle down ruining the beauty of the day.  Everything quickly became wet and dreary.  He had pulled the blanket and picnic basket into the gazebo where he now stood trapped, Hiro next to him.

“I hate the rain.” He mumbled.

Hiro chuckled lightly and squeezed Henry’s shoulder, pulling him closer, “It’s only a little water, my love, and it won’t last forever.”

“But we’ve planned this for days now!  The weather forecast said it wasn’t going to rain and I worked hard to make sure everything was perfect.” Henry said, growing frustrated.

Hiro gently stroked at a stray curl on Henry’s forehead, his knuckle gently touching him, their signal that Hiro was going to kiss him there, and Hiro placed his lips on his forehead gently.  Henry blushed but still pouted at the rain.  Hiro smiled against his lover's forehead, “We can still have the picnic here in the gazebo.  It’s beautiful here all the same, they planted lovely flowers all around.  Our afternoon date can still be successful.”

Henry looked down at the brown basket in his hand and the blanket that had fallen to the ground.  He smiled as Hiro nuzzled closer to him, another kiss gracing his forehead, “You’re right.  We can still eat and it would be a shame to waste the food.”

“That’s my flower.”  Hiro said, looking into Henry’s eyes with a soft smile.  He picked up the blanket, “Let me lay this down and then we can eat.”

Henry watched as Hiro flipped the blanket, letting it fall gracefully down, and then straightened out the edges.  Henry placed the picnic basket in the middle and started setting out the plates and food.

Despite the rain, the picnic was enjoyable.  Henry did his best to tune everything out, but when the rain got heavier he began to panic.  Hiro gently pulled him against his body and stroked his hair, something that Henry enjoyed despite his mysophobia.

“You know, I saw Camille and some of the others dancing in the rain a few days ago.”  Hiro said, “They looked like they were having fun.”

“I don’t know how they do it.  It’s scary.”  Henry said, eyeing the downpour.

“Thomas told me that he was able to get you out in the rain one time.  He reminded you that it’s just like the water in your boiler.”  Hiro recalled with a smile, “I was very impressed.  That was very brave of you, my flower.”

Henry blushed, “Th-that was just one time and it was to get a job done.  Not for fun.”

“Hmm.”  Hiro said thoughtfully, “The plants sure enjoy the rain though.  They become more vibrant, I think, when it does.”

“Well, they’re thirsty and it’s great when everyone gets a drink.”  Henry said with a smile, “Every leaf on every tree, every flower, every blade of grass gets a drink and it makes them grow so much.  It makes them happy.”

“Does it make you happy when they’re happy like this?”  Hiro asked.

“Of course!  I love it when the plants are taken care of, whether by myself or nature.”  Henry beamed, “I bet my garden is loving this right about now.”

“One less thing off your mind, dear?”  Hiro smiled, kissing the top of Henry’s head.

Henry leaned into him and chuckled, “Yeah.  I’ll have more time for you today.”

“So, the rain isn’t so bad.”  Hiro stated.

“No, I guess it’s not.”  Henry said looking out at the rain, “The plants are happy, so I’m happy, and we will get more time together today.”

“Hmm.”  Hiro hummed thoughtfully, looking a bit troubled.

Henry glanced up, “What is it, Hiro?  Is something the matter?”

“Well, there is one plant that I’m a bit concerned about.”  Hiro said.

“In my garden?  No, you shouldn’t be.  I’ve made sure each flower and plant is properly taken care of, planted in the right spot, placed in the right soil and right pot, down to the very details.”  Henry said a bit proudly.

Hiro stood, taking Henry’s gloved hand and helping him to his feet, “No, not in your garden, but in my own.”

Henry looked at him with a gasp, “You never told me you started a garden!  Hiro!  I would’ve helped you!”

Hiro chuckled, “It’s not much of a garden, I will say.  I have only one flower that I’m trying to take care of.”

“What species?  Did it not come with instructions?  It drives me insane when I find out that some of these stores sell the plants without a name or any inclination on how to take care of them.”

Henry was so preoccupied by his thoughts of nurturing a possibly dying plant that he hadn’t realized that Hiro had led him to the edge of the gazebo until Hiro reached his hand out to touch the falling rain.

Henry looked out nervously, “Hiro?  What are you-?  What are we doing?”

Hiro simply smiled at Henry, letting the rain gently fall on and in between his fingers, “You say, as a gardener, that when your plants are well taken care of, that you are happy, Henry.  I’ve seen you do so many things for your vegetation even when said that the plant may not necessarily be too happy with the decisions you had to make for them.”  He turned and looked at his lover with a soft smile, “I think sometimes, my love, that you forget how compassionate and brave you truly are.”

Henry looked at Hiro and then out at the rain, “I’m not that brave.  I…”

“I will not force you, Henry, but I won’t deny the tad bit of jealousy I felt when I heard that you even laughed in the rain when he took you out.”  Hiro smiled, taking a step out into the rain, leaving the hand that held Henry’s hand inside the gazebo nice and dry.

Henry looked both scared and surprised at his partner’s bold move.  His heart began to race at the thought of stepping out into the rain.  Anxiety and embarrassed thoughts clouded his mind.  He pulled his gloved hand out of Hiro’s, bringing it to his arm and looking down ashamed.

“Once an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain…” He repeated, just as he had heard many others in the past.

Hiro left his hand stretched out, a genuine and compassionate smile on his face, “I’m not asking for an engine to come out into the rain.”  Henry looked up at him, a few embarrassed tears threatening to spill out.  Hiro’s smile never faltered, “I’m asking my flower if he’ll let me take care of him.  I’d like to give him water and see him glow, if he’ll only let me.”

Henry’s heart fluttered and felt like it was going to burst at the analogy.  His mind raced at what Hiro had said.  Hiro almost always called Henry his flower.  Flowers need water and sunshine to grow.  Water is like rain.  Rain is like the water in his boiler.  A little rain helps the flowers grow.

Hesitantly, but trying to be more confident, Henry took Hiro’s hand again.  Hiro very slowly and at Henry’s pace brought him out into the rain.  It was no longer raining hard, but it was still coming down.  Henry gasped when the cold droplets hit his gloved hand and then touched his arm.  He whimpered a bit and flinched, but Hiro kept him steady.  Slowly but surely Henry made it out into the rain.

Hiro took both his hands in his and smiled, flicking his wet hair out of his face, and gently removing Henry’s bangs from his eyes.  He smiled down at the smaller engine, pressing his forehead against his.

“Well done, my brave flower.”

Henry leaned against Hiro, Hiro pulling him to a hug, and he began to giggle.

“It’s… It’s not so bad.”  He snuggled against Hiro’s wet frame.

“And look at you.”  Hiro said, beginning to sway with him, “You’re absolutely vibrant, Henry.”

Henry beamed, blushing into Hiro’s chest.  At that moment, they heard two familiar whistles.  Looking up they saw Emily and Camille passing by, both grinning at them.

“Well done, Henry!”  Emily called, “You’re so brave!”

“Look at you go!  You’re awesome!”  Camille shouted, whistling again.

Henry blushed all the more but laughed and waved at his friends.  Hiro as well.  Once the two engines had passed, Hiro twirled Henry in a spin and swayed with him some more.

“I’m so proud of you, flower.”  He said, kissing his head again, “You’re far braver than that engine in your story.  I don’t think you need to pay him any mind at all.”

Henry snuggled into Hiro bashfully, “I… I want to do one more brave thing tonight.  If that’s OK.”

“It’s always OK, flower.”  Hiro pulled back looking down at him.

Henry swallowed and leaned up, kissing Hiro on the lips.  Normally, with all of Henry’s anxieties they have to take their time with intimacies.  However, with their time at the gazebo tonight Henry seemed to have a bit of a brave streak and he figured he better take his chance while he had it.  Hiro was indeed surprised but kissed him back ever so softly, their lips locked for a few seconds.

Henry pulled back with a gasp, cheeks absolutely pink, “I… I wanted to do that before… well, you know.”

Hiro smiled at his beloved, “You are amazing, Henry.  I am so glad to have you by my side.”  He cupped the green engine’s face in his hand, “You have grown so much.  I’m glad I have been able to be here to watch that growth.”

Henry curled into his hand, “I’m glad too, Hiro.  I’m glad you decided to stay on Sodor.”

“For my flower, of course.  I couldn’t leave you.”  Hiro smiled a bit mischievously and then picked up the big engine bridal style, earning a yelp that dissolved into giggles as Henry wrapped his arms around Hiro’s neck.


Hiro only chuckled as he took Henry back into the gazebo.  The two spent the rest of the afternoon there until the rain passed, warming up using their heating ability and snuggling next to each other, finishing the food Henry prepared.  Hiro kept his arm wrapped around Henry the rest of the night, proud of the steps that Henry took with him that day and Henry snuggled close, never having imagined he’d do something he considered so terrifying and stressful as swaying in the rain.  The smiles on their faces never faltered once.

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Headcanon’s Part 3!!!!!! Gordon x Camille (OC)

💙 Gordon likes to sing in the shower. Camille once walked in on him before they were an item. He sings beautifully and she found herself unable to leave.

- Was she tempted to take a peek? Yes. Did she want to live to see another day? Also yes. So she snuck out quietly.

- He still doesn’t know.

💜 Camille has shortwoman syndrome and it’s gotten her in trouble before with bigger engines from the mainland and diesel. More than once Gordon has had to wheesh steam or stand nearby to make sure others back off.

💙 When they snuggle on the couch under a blanket, Gordon is almost always holding her abdomen, his arm pulling her into him. When she’s ready to sleep, she curls into his neck.

💜 Camille’s favorite non-facial part of Gordon’s body is his butt and biceps. She calls them Gordon’s B&B.

-She has slapped his butt in public before, when he was getting ready to shift and take the express, and ran away laughing maniacally knowing he couldn’t come after her.

💙 Gordon’s favorite movies are westerns and action/adventure and so are Camille’s. It was a pleasant surprise for both of them.

💜 Camille loves playing scary games and forces Gordon to watch

💙 Gordon loves outdoor activities hiking, running, etc. Camille is not a sporty person but follows along anyway.

💜 When Gordon wanted to make his relationship permanent with Camille, he asked each of her brothers for her hand. Three of them put him through a task with them to see just how the engine would hold up. One brother took him fishing, another hunting, and one took him out to eat and basically interrogated him. The last was like “she’s a grown woman and can make her own decisions”

💙 They love doing escape rooms with Flying Scotsman, James, and Edward

💜 During Scot’s less busy season the three of them get together and play board and card games

💙 Camille loves to read outloud to Gordon. On days where he has to stay out late for holidays he stays in his engine form and she comes out and lays on his buffer and reads to him.

💜 She loves those nights where he has to stay in the sheds because she likes to come out and tease him. Sometimes she showers him with kisses, other times she tickles him and teases him with nibbles. She loves leaving him breathless and laughing, especially from kisses. He repays her tenfold when he gets back to Tidmouth that night, usually waking her up.

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So earlier today @anonymouse55555 asked me about my OC Camille and her model. Camille is an SR USA class tank engine, like Rosie. And something I’m realizing as the fanfic continues is just exactly how small Camille is compared to Gordon. For example this is a SR USA class tank engine:

So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class

And this is an LNER Gresley Class A1 aka Gordon

So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class

If that doesn’t sink it in, here are some stat differences in size. Camille’s locomotive weight is roughly 46 long tons (47.2 tons or 94,400 lbs.) vs Gordon who is 91.35 long tons (92.82 tons or 185,640 lbs.). He is MASSIVE compared to her!! Like I feel like I didn’t think this through when I thought up Camille and how cute Gordon would be with smol mate. Not only that but the length difference is Camille at 29 ft. 8 in. and Gordon’s at a whopping 70 ft. 5 in.

Like there is a significant difference but they’re adorable and this is canon in The Yellow Rose AU soooooooooo…. Smol girl with BIG BOI.

Also here’s some more stats to look at between the two, you can find them on their models wiki pages as well.

So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class
So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class
So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class

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