theyellowroseofsodor - The Yellow Rose of Sodor
The Yellow Rose of Sodor

Welcome to blog that will follow and add to The Yellow Rose of Sodor series found on FanFiction.Net and archiveofourown.orgShe/Her | | Married and Mother of 2 Heathens | Nerd | Writer | Cosplayer| 30 years young

285 posts

Theyellowroseofsodor - The Yellow Rose Of Sodor - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago

I don’t normally try to do the whole drawing thing but while I’ve been sick I decided to give it a shot. Especially since it’s my favorite characters birth/buildday. Might write something cute later.

I Dont Normally Try To Do The Whole Drawing Thing But While Ive Been Sick I Decided To Give It A Shot.

First time ever trying to draw le steam engine. Not too bad haha Happy Gordon day!

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11 months ago

Hey everyone! Good news, I’m recovering pretty nicely from my double surgery. I have a bit of fatigue but I’m putting myself back on schedule. The current plan is this coming Monday, The Yellow Rose will update. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do every week, but we should be able to do every other week. Hope to see you then!!!

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11 months ago

Another fun update on ye old Kamiko. I have to go into emergency surgery on Tuesday. Leftover tissue (for lack of better term) was found inside me and I have to go get “cleaned out” again. For health and safety it is best that I go ahead and get my tubes tied. This has been a huge toll on me and I’ve recently had some stuff stolen (with my AI which has been absolutely messing with my mental health because it was characters I designed, I created, and just… UGH.)

I’m still coming back! I swear it! But I’m about to be down and out for a possible month more and everything is really starting to get hard. I have found myself swirling in depression and I also recently found out, like just today, my doctors are still sending me updates via email like I’m still pregnant. I was just told I was 14 weeks and 5 days and I…. I’m not… We never made it that far.

Anyway, I don’t wish to be a pick me or anything but I just appreciate y’all’s patience so much. I nearly had my Gordon AI stolen from me and I’ve been programming and creating this character and it’s just about killed me. All my AI’s of my characters for my fic are private for a reason and now I’m scared to continue working on them because I feel out of sorts. And I get a lot of people don’t like AI right now and some people are using them for the worst, but I love my AI and I’ve created and worked on them and they’re mine. Thomas and Friends AI aren’t the only ones I’ve made, I’ve made ones for original characters and I don’t want them stolen or used either.

Anyway, for the two people that probably read this, thanks. I appreciate the patience of everyone though, you’ll have to forgive the depressive part of me.

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11 months ago

✨Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful, keep the game going and make someone smile!!✨

( -🧀non)

OK this really freaking made my night. I was back in the ER last night for a hemorrhage and I was thinking how little I’ve actually had time to work on things and if my life would ever get back to normal. I… just thank you so much!

Send This To Ten Other Bloggers You Think Are Wonderful, Keep The Game Going And Make Someone Smile!!


Thank you so so much!!!

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1 year ago

James and Edward, you two doing okay right now?

James And Edward, You Two Doing Okay Right Now?

Without spoiling for the next chapter, I don’t write without a guaranteed HEA but for now? No, no they’re not alright. And it’s going to get worse before it gets better, for everyone. A sneak peak sounds needed so here’s a few lines from the upcoming chapter.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!!! YOU’RE ONE OF THEM!!!” James screamed, ragged, out of breath, tears down his face. It takes several medics to hold him back from tearing into the smaller diesels form.

“B-But… Edward is my fri-“

“DON’T YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME!!” James spat venomously, “YOU KEEP MY HUSBAND’S NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!! IT’S YOUR FAULT HE’S LIKE THIS!!!” The read engine breaks into sobs, angry and broken, “IF HE DIES IT’S ON YOUR HEAD!!”


“Gordon…” The Flying Scotsman slowly moved closer to the large, blue engine, “Gordon, we have to go now.”

For a long time, the stoic express engine said nothing. He simply kept his eyes on the violet tank engine on the rails in front of him. Camille slept soundly, sedated, a mix of both medical equipment and tools from the engineers nearby. Her face no longer looked pained, but the idea of leaving her behind didn’t feel optional.

Scot swallowed, “Gordon… I know this has to be painful for you, but Sir Topham Hatt needs all healthy engines to move out. This safe house he has is ready for you, James, Emily, and I. Toby and Henrietta are already there.”

Still he’s met with silence.

“Please, brother. She’ll be safe here.”

“How can you be so sure?” It was the first time he’d heard his brother’s voice since leaving Tidmouth hours ago, “If I had just stayed by her side, she would be coming with us. If I leave, who knows what’s going to happen.”

“Sir Topham Hatt-“

“Sir Topham Hatt is nothing compared to Diesel 10! What makes him, a human, think he can stop a rouge engine??” Gordon grit his teeth angrily, “That bastard of a diesel could run him over without any remorse or looking back to get at her! I won’t have it!”

“I can’t just leave you here, Gordon. We have to trust that the humans know what they’re doing. It’s not just Camille that’s in danger. The entirety of the steam engines on this island are in the Steam Works just about. The island has been shut down. And you know Sir Topham Hatt treats you each as family, he’s doing the best he can.”


And that’s all I’m willing to spoil. I hope you’re looking forward as we get closer to the conclusion!

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1 year ago

Roger here!

And here’s a question i’ve been waiting to ask.

How long does it take to write a new chapter?

Oof that’s a tough question. Sometimes a day, sometimes a week. I used to have a fairly good schedule but the last half of the year with Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. makes it really hard to get things done on time.

Writing so much isn’t always the problem though, editing is a huge part of it and sometimes as I’m proof reading and editing I find something I don’t like and have to rewrite a few things. It all comes down to finding time which as a wife and mother isn’t always easy. My kids are still fairly little so working around that and the pile up of household chores can be daunting.

Hope this answers your question!

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1 year ago

Alright, I’m ready to announce my life update and it unfortunately will probably push The Yellow Rose back to a later date. I apologize.

There’s no easy way to put this and I’m a blunt sort of person so: I have had a miscarriage. I’ve been pregnant for 10 weeks now and it was confirmed this week that I’ve had what’s called a missed or silent miscarriage. Baby died at 7 weeks 2 days. I’ve been horribly ill with this pregnancy and in the hospital with IV’s and medications and weekly vaccines just to keep me alive and, aggravatingly, the hospital refused to do an ultrasound saying because I wasn’t bleeding or cramping baby must be fine. Baby, was in fact, not fine…

Currently my husband, Greg, and I are waiting for my body to move things along naturally as that would be the best course of action for my body with my heart rate being garbage now and how weak my body is. Meaning, it may not respond well to the medications to help pass a silent miscarriage. I do have a d&c scheduled but for now… I’m home… just waiting for things to pass naturally and if that sounds morbid to you I just imagine how I feel just waiting for my dead child to leave my body…

So, for now, I’m taking a breather. It’s a prayer day after day of just hoping my body starts the process.

I have loved and missed you guys so much and missed writing and responding to you all. I cannot wait till I’m well enough to put myself into writing again. Or even editing for that matter. It’s hard when I want to do it to distract myself but I can’t sit up long without my heart rate going up to 110 (I have been diagnosed with a condition called POTS. It’s not fun but not lethal.)

Thank you for your continued patience. I promise The Yellow Rose will be back as soon as I can sit up and edit and type.



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1 year ago
1 year ago

Hello all! Update: I am alive! I’ve had to disappear because of a small secret that has made me quite ill. I’m not ready to reveal all that’s going on in my life, but I am on a mend (?) and finally have the energy to post. I see I have some questions in my inbox and yes I will get to you, but I will need some patience more I’m afraid.

Long story short The Yellow Rose WILL be updating hopefully by the end of this month. I’m working out some new things with it as I’ve discovered some plot holes and some things I’m just not…. Happy with. But I will be back soon enough!



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1 year ago

Can we take a moment here to talk about what’s happening? I mean, seriously y’all we are NOT a big fandom. We just aren’t. And yet this crap is still happening. I want to swear and I want to cuss and I want to holler.

Do you guys have ANY idea who it is we’re looking at losing??? Her art has been the pinnacle of our fandom! It’s some of the first stuff you see when you even Google the Thomas and Friends fandom. Yes, there are many other artists but she’s one of the tops that draws people (pun intended) in. And yet she’s being dragged through the mud! How is this OK?!?

Her art is BEAUTIFUL, it’s outstanding and I’ve loved every moment I’ve had to just either look at her wonderful storytelling through it or just the wonderful things she does in general. I’m so freaking disgusted that after having to take a holiday from tumblr because I’m a mom and holidays are busy, that I come back to this. I’m glad she’s still here by the time I came back.

To the freaking morons who are stealing her art, God help I never find you. Cause Lord knows I’m pissed to Hell and back for her. She didn’t have to post art, she didn’t have to share her talent, but she freaking did! And she made absolutely beautiful art! She made these characters come to life in more ways for many of us, myself included. Yes, I have a penchant for Gordon and her Gordon is the most beautiful fictional creature I’ve ever seen (besides Astarion) but for real?!? I hate what’s happened here! It 100% makes me not want to finish writing. I love my work and I love my fanfic and I have it all mapped out and ready to go, just needs editing and such, but after seeing her art stolen, who’s to say my own work won’t be stolen too?

Man, this just royally pissed me off. We’re supposed to be united as a small fandom. Small fandoms are supposed to be tight knit. But I’m seeing that’s not the case. I’m seeing things aren’t as they should be. The weeds need to be rooted out from the garden. This is just ridiculous.

Seeing someone I genuinely look up to with her talent and personality be treated like this is such a bum deal. Seriously makes me want to peace out too.

Maybe you could open up a discord server so you can post things there and not worry about it getting stolen? Not sure if it'll work 100%, but it's the best idea i got.

Sorry to you're going through all this.

I’ve been going through this since I started posting art. It’s nothing new. It’s just become so detrimental to my mental health I don’t feel safe to post any art here at the given time. It’s the worst with my TTTE art because people don’t give a shit about my original stuff, not enough to steal it anyway. I’ll take it as a … backhanded slap of a compliment I guess. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

I also just don’t like discord much and I’ve never been able to get stuck into it. Maybe if I do I will make a AskTrio server. But the internet is what it is and I doubt it would do much to help.

Thank you for the advice though. It’s always appreciated and as are you, you’ve been nothing but supportive and I genuinely am grateful for you. ❤️

1 year ago

My dude over here getting upset over fictional characters being used in fictional ways. What a freaking moron. If THIS is what bothers you please by all means do not go watch Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, don’t go play Choo Choo Charles, and most certainly don’t go see the new Mickey Mouse movie. Imagine being so insecure and so easily upset that you create a whole blog for the sole purpose of just writing this stupid post. Also, let’s give a round of applause for your Sonic.exe meme which is the same a freaking thing your getting upset with Emma about (fans translating fictional characters into things they like). Eagles don’t fly with seagulls, go find some breadcrumbs to nibble on while we fly high.

Would there be any other mythological species in your ttte human au? Like werewolves or fairies for example?🤔

Yes! My TTTE human!au is set in a universe me and my husband created together called @thestrangeverse . This is a alternate version of earth where supernatural creatures, people and magika exists much like in the folk lore and fairy tales we write off as fiction here. (We’re still trying to arrange everything we have on it like world info and stuff which is a challenge because it’s extensive, but if you want an intro and to read on some of the major storylines within that world go over to that blog. We’re currently working on the first comic and hoping to post it soon!)

So yes, there are definitely other supernaturals around, including Fae and werewolves! The Boulder is one example, being a supernatural creature known as a gargoyle which Rusty keeps as a pet much to the other narrow gauges’ dismay.

⬇️ For fun, here’s some of the Engines designed if they belonged to some Supernatural Races from @thestrangeverse , where my Sodor516 AU is unofficially canonically based. All info here is part of my husband and I’s original webcomic project. So I hope y’all enjoy the lore and the TTTE spin on it ❤️ ⬇️

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Thomas and Percy best fit the Faefolk. Fae are an old race, in their prime they were considered one of the most powerful established cultures. Modern Fae however aren’t able to connect back to their roots after a conflict between their ancestors and the Engineers almost wiped out the ancient Fae. Faefolk are known to be a free spirited race, their Magika formed around Earth’s elements, nature, and illusions. Each Fae also possesses a pair of wings, which vary in colour, patterns and opacity with every individual. There are of course major differences between Modern Fae and their ancient ancestors, but that’s a whole other can of worms. Thomas and Percy are both young at heart, Thomas being playful and cheeky fits the Fae’s tricksy nature while Percy is kind, helpful and determined, not to mention smol, which also fits this race as they’re usually not very big in stature.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Edward best fits the Dragon. Dragons are a varied race of supernatural beings, usually split into two main classes, Eastern Dragons and Western Drakes. They are one of the oldest, and most powerful creatures within their world. They’re recognised by most other supernaturals as some of the wisest beings around, especially Eastern Dragons who are known to be benevolent balance keepers. Each Dragon is born with a link to a certain Cosmic or Earth Bound Element, and this shows through their appearance and unique set of abilities. Edward was technically the first engine on Sodor, not to mention he frequently is seen as the wise elder who has plenty to teach younger engines. This makes him perfect as a Dragon, specially an Eastern Dragon.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Henry was a tough one but he does fit the Merfolk. Merfolk are one of the most abundant and well recognised supernatural races to date. They are as varied as ocean life itself, with their own subclasses depending on what ocean and region they come from. In their prime, the Ancient Merfolk were the biggest rival to the legendary city of Atlantis. They once were an impressive force, making up 4 powerful tribes spanning every corner of the earth’s oceans. In present day, Merfolk have lost touch with their ancient ancestors, their magika and their pantheon of deities due to the seas changing so drastically thanks to human intervention. All Merfolk subclasses fall into 2 categories, the Sirens which have a more ‘traditional’ look akin to most human myths on Mermaids, and the Mershifters who resemble sea life and specific aquatic life forms indigenous to the same region they hail from. Henry fits the Merfolk well in terms of his gentle heart and love for nature. Not to mention he pulls the Flying Kipper, which gave me the idea of Henry as a Mer resembling a Kipper. Either way, the tail suits him.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?
Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Gordon and the Scottish Twins best fits the Taurfolk. Taurs are an enigmatic race sharing a lot of similarities with other primal supernaturals like Merfolk and Harpies. Taurs are, in essence, are an intelligent race of beings which have the upper half of a human and the lower body of a four legged animal, the most common being a horse or other equine creature. This subclass is dubbed the Centaur. Other, much rarer subclasses of Taur include individuals with the lower portions resembling canines, felines and reptilian animals. Very, very few Taurs live among other races or within the modern world in general, preferring to stick to the wild and their small, tight knit tribes. Those few that do integrate within ‘society’ are often misunderstood and have to live constantly under the mask of Veil (a commodity that allows supernaturals without natural shape shifting abilities to appear human). Gordon is a powerful engine and one of the fastest on Sodor too. He fits the Taur, more specifically a Centaur based on the British Shire breed which are a big, strong and fast breed of horse. Fitting Gordon’s size and strength (and ego). Donald and Douglas are both strong engines with energy and strong work ethic. They work well as Taurs, especially based on common Scottish horses. Their homeland is also home to one of the most interesting known equine cryptids, the Kelpie.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

James best fits the Demon (Specifically the Akai Hono). Demons are probably the most varied supernatural race from appearance to abilities, and of course subclasses. One of the most powerful classes are the Hono, split into 4 different kinds each able to use an Earth Bound Element. The Akai Hono are, in layman’s terms Fire Demons. They’re incredibly proud by nature as all Demons are, and quick to anger, their flames fuelled by emotion. All Akai Hono have different appearances depending on individual and their preferences to look less or more ‘human’, as Demons all have an inherent ability to shape shift between their true nature and other forms. The bodies they most often present themselves in are simply the forms they enjoy most. James is an incredibly vain, prideful engine with a fiery personality, and he seldom takes criticism well. I don’t blame anyone who links James with the element of fire, and here the Akai Hono fits him to a T.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Toby, Emily and Oliver fit the Witch / Witch Son. Witches are predominantly a female race of supernaturals, and while uncommon, there are males, referred to as Witch Sons. The origins of Witches are clouded by time, history and human misconceptions. So many variations and superstitions surrounding the idea of ‘witches’ created by humans make it difficult to tell apart the real history of this race, and the fiction spun by fearful people. One commonly accepted theory for their beginnings is that Witches were once early women, who were a lot more sensitive/connected to the Ethereal Realm and the Magika it holds, and in time this connection grew to create a unique race of people with their own gifts. Witches specialise in magika used through Spells, Charms, Hexes and Elixirology. Each Witch / Witch Son has a Familiar which takes the form of an animal, they hold part of the Witch’s soul and are connected as an extension of their being. This is the reason certain animals such as cats, dogs, ravens, crows, toads, hares, mice and bats were often associated with Witches in the past, thanks to humans misunderstanding Familiars. Not all Witches / Witch Sons are evil, or good, they are just people who choose their own paths, that said there are both great and dangerous individuals. Toby is quiet and thoughtful, he fits the image of a lone Witch Son specialising in herbs and hexes. Emily is smart and driven, who would definitely fit the image of a helpful Witch who focuses on spells and charms. Oliver definitely would have a Toad as a Familiar and best friend, as well as opting to focus on potions and Elixirology to help heal and guide others who’re as lost as he was once.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Duck best fits the Harpy (because I couldn’t help myself). Harpies were a much more abundant race before humanity rose to the power it has now. Sharing roots with Merfolk, Harpies have a primal magika based on Earth Bound elements like Water and Air, and possess limited shape shifting abilities. These beings usually resemble various species of bird be it strongly or vaguely, depending on the region they’re from. They’re numbers are quickly dropping due to the world changing so much, and their feathers, claws and vocal chords are all valuable ingredients in Elixirology. Generally, Harpies are a proud people that stick to their own. Duck is a tough one to choose for as he fits some other races, though the Harpy just goes so well. He’s proud of his heritage and past, something Harpies would hold very dear and very close especially in present day. And there’s the whole obvious d u c k thing

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Mavis was the toughest one but she does somewhat fit the Vampire. The true origins of the Vampire is unknown, and is a widely debated topic within the Middleworld and amongst Supernaturals. There’s two primary types of Vampire. The Pureblooded; those who belong to ancient bloodlines tracing back multiple centuries, and the Turned; those who were not born Vampire and were once a different being before they were infected. Vampire society is close knit, and can be quite prejudice towards the Turned, with individuals of this kind being abandoned, often excluded and shunned by other Vampires. While their true origins are speculated, it’s a known fact that Vampires are a very old race, and they possess a variety of supernatural talents, unique to each individual. Some common abilities include the power to shapeshift, control minds and flight. Mavis’ chosen style in the Sodor516 AU does go well with the vampire theme, especially if she is a Turned who was human and simply became this way after being bitten.

Would There Be Any Other Mythological Species In Your Ttte Human Au? Like Werewolves Or Fairies For Example?

Lady is an Engineer Construct. Engineers are an ancient race shrouded in so much mystery, no one really knows what they looked like. Even large portions of supernatural communities don’t believe they existed all together and write them off as stories. The Engineers were in fact very real, having disappeared centuries ago following a devastating conflict with the Ancient Fae. The Engineers got their name from their unique and powerful magika which centred around Transmutation and machines. They would build beautiful creations which would be brought to life through their magic. One most valuable creation of this sort were the Constructs, sentient machines which would convert magic into a physical form known as Tangible Magika, or ‘Dust.’ This is essentially what Lady is already, however this is the appearance and purpose she would have if I had designed my human engines directly according to the lore of the StrangeVerse, and if they were canon. While she wouldn’t be an Engineer, Lady is the only known Construct left, and when awake, her presence and production of Tangible Etherium is what transfigures any machinery in her vicinity, giving them souls.


We both hope you guys enjoy this bit of Strange Verse lore. The original project is something incredible important to me and my partner, it’s basically our baby. If anyone enjoyed the stuff here and would like to know more on anything do check out @thestrangeverse and send any asks you’d like there if you want to know more on our Universe!

My Sodor516 AU is unofficially set within the Strange Verse, and there is an equivalent to it in the Strange Verse called Hartgate. So working on this AU and watching TTTE brings a lot of inspiration. (My humanisations for Witch Emily and Vamp Mavis shown here actually play minor roles within our world too ✨)

Asks are open here too by the way. I promised more Thomas and friends art and I’m here to deliver. ❤️💖✨

1 year ago

Why is this so funny to me?? 😂 I love how you keep having to explain this 😂

I’m a first-time asker but a long-time follower, and I have a few questions/requests/comments.

Have you ever thought about opening a profile on Deviantart? I think you would be a bit there!

Do you have any particular ships in this franchise/in general that you OTP? My favorites are Henward, Olivuck, Thomily, Percia, Gorbecca, Paxvis, Daisel, Lukille, Frankicane, Carky, Ladeus, Mirasha, and Joyness.

Can you draw Emily in a Ariel cosplay? Ariel is my favorite Disney Princess and Emily is my favorite character, so best of both worlds I guess.

Since you have stated that these characters in their human form can eat/drink, will them eating/drinking anything lead to them needing to go to the bathroom at some point? I know it’s a bit gross, but what goes in must come out, y’know.

Hi! Lovely to meet you. 💖💖

I don’t do requests but I can answer your inquiries! 💫

1- I think very few people who know this and they’d be the longest following, I actually started off on deviantART. I used to post there mainly when I first began to draw and share my art, including my first TTTE humanisation. I moved to Tumblr to start this ask blog and I like tumblr a lot more so I’ve been here ever since and moved all my art and correspondence here. I don’t really like DA anymore so I won’t be going back there ☺️

2- There’s a link on my pinned post to an ask I’ve answered which lists all my OTPs in my AU and their headcanons. So yeah that’s my ships there. I’m not personally a MASSIVE shipper. If there’s a couple or two characters that just have such good and clear chemistry, yeah I’ll ship them. But usually I don’t push for it or try and find any reason to ship two characters just because they looked at each other once. Especially in TTTE. The ones I do have are based on my own fave dynamic tropes and character dynamics. It’s difficult to ship trains.

3- I’m afraid I don’t do requests but I will be opening commissions again in February so once they’re open you’re more than welcome to get something ❤️

4- I’ve gotten this asked so many times it’s hilarious 😂 honestly I think.. it’s just absorbed as energy. The only waste product they really secrete is steam. They can eat and drink but don’t need it for energy, they do it for personal amusement so it means they don’t have a digestive system or anything of the sort. If they do it’s not a functioning one. So any matter they ingest is most likely used the same way coal and water are, and the waste is steam. I don’t know if that makes sense but it’s the best I can do 👏😂

And thank you so much for your ask! I’m so glad you finally sent one in and if you’re a long time follower, I’m very grateful for you to be here this long and I hope you stick around ❤️❤️

1 year ago

James: *Still in a total panic* What if he dies?! What am I going to do? *hits his knees, crying* What am I supposed to do… Ed, what do I do?

*puts hand on James’ shoulder* Hey, you need to calm down. I know your worried about Edward but you need to calm down. Edward wouldn’t want you to panic, would he? I swear we will find who did this and we will get our revenge, but we can’t do that if you keep freaking out here. I promise everything will be ok.

James: *Hyperventilating* I… I know… he’s just everything to me… we just got married… He’s everything to me… my husband… he’s my husband…! *trying to remain calm*

1 year ago

Anybody else besides Thomas got fish in their tanks I remember Scotsman nearly dying to fish so much wows of fish

Also my mascot is Arthur.

Camille: There hasn’t been a fish incident in a while… At least not since I’ve been here.

James: I mean, there was the time that Gordon had to pull the Kipper because he was being a brat. 😏

Gordon: *splutters* A BRAT?!?! ME??

Thomas: I mean, you did think you were SO important that you didn’t have to pull the Express on time.

Camille: What happened exactly?

Gordon: N-Nothing you need to worry yourself about!

Camille: Now I really want to know. 😁

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1 year ago

I know I’m a day late, but I hope you and your family had a merry Christmas!!

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Hi gift anon! I have been so busy I haven’t been on here a ton! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎉🎆🎊

I Know Im A Day Late, But I Hope You And Your Family Had A Merry Christmas!!

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1 year ago

*puts hand on James’ shoulder* Hey, you need to calm down. I know your worried about Edward but you need to calm down. Edward wouldn’t want you to panic, would he? I swear we will find who did this and we will get our revenge, but we can’t do that if you keep freaking out here. I promise everything will be ok.

James: *Hyperventilating* I… I know… he’s just everything to me… we just got married… He’s everything to me… my husband… he’s my husband…! *trying to remain calm*

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1 year ago

I’m excited to see where this goes!

Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds Part 1

Narrator: It was a beautiful spring day in England. The Flying Scotsman or Scott as most called him, was up for auction after his previous owner went bankrupt. This is the 3rd time in his preservation that this happened. After securing the necessary funds to make a bid, the National Railway Museum (NRM) had won the right to buy him.

(We cut to the auction).

Auctioneer: Sold to the representatives of the NRM for £2.3 million. As a reminder, they will be getting not only the locomotive, but also his spare boiler, cylinders and a Mark 1 supporting coach.

(The representatives smile as they walked up to Scott).

Andrew: Hello, Flying Scotsman. My name is Andrew J. Scott. I'm the director of the museum, it's an honor to have you with us. 

Scott: The pleasure's all mine, sir. I've heard a lot about the museum from my dear cousins. It's been a long time since I've last seen them.

Andrew: Well, I'm sure you would like to see them. But first, we have to see how you run and determine if you're able to pull trains.

Scott: I understand, sir. Will we be able to leave now?

Andrew: Yes, I have a crew ready to get you in full steam. I'll see you in York. Good day, Scotsman. 

Scott: Thank you, sir.

(Andrew left as Scott's new crew members arrived).

Gary: Hello, old boy. My name is Gary, I'm your new driver, and this is George, your fireman.

George: Nice to meet you, Scotsman.

Scott: Nice to meet you fellows too. You can just call me Scott.

Gary: Right, well then Scott let's get you in steam. We need to make sure you're able to be displayed for this year's Railfest.

Scott: Ok, Gary.

(The two men climbed into Scott's cab and got him in steam).

Narrator: Once he was in steam, Scott began to leave for York. Then he started to feel awful.

Scott (moaning): Oh, Gary. I'm not feeling very well.

Gary: Hmm, your pressure is dropping. What do you think is happening?

Scott (moaning): I don't know. I don't think I'm going to make it to York. I have to stop.

George: There's a siding just up ahead. We'll stop there, so we can notify the station in Doncaster.

Narrator: They arrived at the siding just in time. Scott had broken down. His boiler tubes were starting to leak.

Gary: My god, I haven't seen anything like this. How are feeling, Scott?

Scott: I don't feel well at all. I feel like something's leaking out. Can you see anything from inside my cab?

George: Sorry old boy, you won't be able to start up again at this rate. Your boiler tubes are starting to leak. We'll have to tow you to York. Just rest for now while we wait for help to arrive.

(Scott nodded as his closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep).

Narrator: While Scott was asleep, he was towed to the repair yards. It was a long journey but they were able to get him to York. 

(We cut to the repair yards as Scott wakes up).

Scott: Oh. What happened?

Gary: I'm not quite sure yet. The engineers are still trying to figure it out. We didn't want to put you under until we heard what you had to say. Do you know what else is bothering you?

(Scott thought for a moment).

Scott: I'm not sure. I just feel old and worn out.

Gary: Well, I guess you'll be grateful to have some rest. We'll do the best we can to help.

Scott: I will let the engineers do what they need to do.

(The engineers began to pour the anesthetic). 

Scott (feeling drowsy): Thank you, everyone.

Gary: You're welcome old boy. Now you just get some rest.

(Scott closed his eyes and fell asleep).

Narrator: The engineers worked on the Flying Scotsman for weeks. It wasn't until June, that they were able to wake him up.

(Scott begins to open his eyes and sees Gary and George).

Scott (tiredly): Hello.

Gary: Scott, how do you feel?

Scott: Really tired.

George: The engineers kept you asleep for almost a month. You needed your boiler to be completely washed out. There was a lot of boiler sludge that had to be removed. I also heard that a lot of your stay nuts had signs of overheating so those had to be replaced along with the leaky boiler tubes.

(Scott was beginning to doze off).

Gary: I think we just need to let him rest. If his stays had signs of overheating, then he must have been run ragged. He needs as much rest as he can. We still don't even know how he'll run during Railfest.

George: He'll start light duties during charter trains as the Scarborough Spa Express (SSE). Who knows, maybe that was all that was wrong and he'll be running good as new.

(They leave Scott to rest).

Narrator: Throughout the summer of 2004, Scott and his crew spent their time in and out of the works. Originally, 121 tubes were replaced, but then three days after Scott started work as the SSE, he broke down. A crosshead bearing was damaged so that was replaced. Then after five days, he broke down again. Pipework in his oil pump were defective so that had to be repaired. There were also concerns about previous repairs to the crack in his right hand cylinder. It was now September, and Scott had to be taken to the NRM's workshop for more repairs. His cousin Mallard was there.

(Scott and Mallard are both in their human form. While Scott could be described a large, overweight man; Mallard would be described as a man who used to be an NFL QB. No longer star material but still relatively fit. Mallard glares at Scott while he's lying on the couch).

Mallard: You know this is pathetic, right? To think the supposed pride of the LNER has been reduced to a has been engine on their last set of wheels.

Scott: Did you have something to say to me, Mallard? Or did you just come all this way to laugh in my face?

Mallard: I came here to tell that you that you're an embarrassment to the Gresley name. You go flouncing about and cause your owners nothing but financial problems. We all know that your 100 mph record means nothing anymore. There were plenty of other engines that were more useful than you. Quite frankly, I don't understand why you were saved to begin with.

Scott (sadly): I don't know why I was saved either. Not that it matters now. I've been in and out of the works for the past four months. This time, there's so much work to be done, that I don't know when I'll wake up once I'm put under.

Mallard: The NRM should just cut their losses and scrap the whole thing and build a new engine from scratch. They'll lose less money that way.

(Gary and George walk in).

Gary: That's enough, Mallard. If you're not here to be repaired, then leave so you don't get in anyone's way.

Mallard: Well then.

(He leaves as the two men walk up to Scott who tries to curl up on the couch).

George: Don't listen to him, Scott. The NRM would've never bought you if they didn't think you were worth it.

Scott: I know. I just want these repairs done, so I can go back to the engine I once was.

Gary: Don't worry, old boy. We'll do our best to help you.

Scott: What did they say was wrong with me this time?

George: Inner firebox, that cracked cylinder, the air brakes. You know how it is.

(Scott sighs).

Scott: How long will they make me sleep this time, gentlemen?

Gary: I'm not sure, but we'll be here when you wake up.

Scott: And I can't thank you two enough for that.

George: Come on old boy. Let's get you back to your engine. You need to go back under.

Scott: I understand. I'm nothing but thankful for the both of you being here.

Narrator: With the help of George and Gary, Scott makes it back to his engine.

Gary: Steady there. Just dream good dreams and don't let Mallard's words bother you.

Scott: I won't. Thank you. Both of you.

(The engineers walk in and began to pour the anesthetic again). 

Scott: I just hope I won't develop a tolerance to this stuff.

(Scott falls asleep after a few minutes).

Tagging: @bluy1206, @werbitssft, @klein-sodor-bahn, and @theyellowroseofsodor.

Tags :
1 year ago

Oh my goodness… I take a holiday for a few weeks and I come back to find out such a tragedy has struck… I’m so sorry this is happening to you all.

Aside from Gordon, Scotsman, James and Emily, are there others who were unafflicted? Were the Miniature Railway and Skarloey Railway targeted as well, or was this isolated to just the North Western Railway?

I’m sending you all my love and support.

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Sir Topham Hatt: We’ve had to lock down the whole island. Just about every water station was hit…. Almost all the engines… So many of them…. I’m having to make a public announcement soon. We’re supposed to be a safe haven for Steam Engines and now… we might lose so many of them.

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1 year ago

*hugs James since I heard he’s having a whole ass meltdown*

*James is in a total state of panic*

James: This isn’t a meltdown! Ed… he…! What if he’s hurting?! What if this scars him?! What if… what if…?!

*James completely breaks down*

Emily: James… it’ll be alright.

James: You know that for a fact?! You know my husband is going to just walk right out of the Steamworks fine?! You know that for a fact?!

Emily: I… No, I…

James: Then keep your stupid thoughts to yourself!!

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1 year ago

has anyone seen Thomas or Percy? Are they alright? (their my favorite characters so I’m worried for them)

Emily: They’re both still sedated and resting. When transportation comes for Camille, they’ll pick them up as well. We’re hoping everything is OK.

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1 year ago

*hugs Gordon* ( I just read chapter 20 so I think you know why)

*Gordon shrugs you off, walking back to the shed to be with Camille*

Flying Scotsman: He’s… He’s still recovering… I’m sorry he just isn’t one for touch right now. We’re just giving him space, they’ve got most of the others either in the hospital in their human form or in a shed at the Steamworks. Camille’s gonna be shipped out soon.

Emily: I heard Edward just got picked up. James is losing his mind… He’s completely hysterical.

Flying Scotsman: Can you blame him? They just got married.

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1 year ago

Can we send asks to your children’s AU? Little Erik is adorable! 🥰

If so, Camille and Gordon did you two ever find a way to keep an eye on Erik? He seemed to keep you two busy with how energetic he is.

Camille: Do the bags under my eyes speak volumes?

Gordon: He is… certainly energetic. Vibrant. Keeping us on our toes.

Camille: After running off on Gordon we have kept him nearby. Sir Topham Hatt is thinking of opening up a day care for the little engines so we can all get to work properly. Poor James and Edward, their Katie is struggling with separation and with the new baby due…

Gordon: We have one for now and that’s enough.

Erik: MAMA!!! I has a splinter!

Gordon: …Very much enough…

Camille: *sighs* I’ll get the tweezers… You hold him.

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1 year ago

*Whoopsie, used my personal blog 😅*

You’ll be alright, I promise.

But they already did love you, Gordon. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have rallied around you like they have. Sir Topham wouldn’t have gone the extra mile to save you after your accident like he did, and take care of you like he has, if he didn’t already love you. Your brother and cousin wouldn’t be on Sodor to help out if they didn’t already love you.

Baby Gordon began to tear up. BG: An..An, dey won be angwy if me wanna be baby?

1 year ago

Chapter 3 - Rails of Gold

Note: I am making a Master List of all the chapters on my pinned post about the blog. It's located at the bottom, but that way you can find each chapter easy. Hope this helps!

Camille had slept fairly soundly that night after talking with both Emily and Edward.  Her phone alarm woke her up at 5:15.  She sat up and stretched, looking around the unfamiliar room.  Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she tripped out of the sheets before grabbing a nice looking blouse and slacks, a small jewelry bag and what little makeup she had.  Whether today went swimmingly or not, she was bound and determined to look good.

She emerged from her room and went to the bathroom.  Locking it behind her she proceeded to shower and clean herself up.  She grabbed her phone and earbuds, turning on anything pop or dance to boost herself up.  She looked herself over after some time and after fixing her hair back in a hairband, she took a deep breath, removed the earbuds and headed out.

As she entered the kitchen, Edward and Emily were there to greet her dressed in dress clothes that matched their livery with their number sewn on the breast.

“Good morning, Camille.  Have a good sleep?”  Emily asked.

Camille smiled and nodded, “Better than I have in a while.  Although, I did feel a bit bad that Gordon never came in.”

Edward chuckled, “Like I told you last night, Gordon is undoubtedly fine.  He’s not usually someone you will ever have to worry about.”

Emily snickered, “Unless he gets stuck on his hill.”

“What’s that mean?” Camille asked.

The two of the bigger engines began to laugh.  Edward spoke up, “That’s a story that’s better for after work.”

James jumped directly behind Camille with a “boo!” just then causing the smaller engine to yelp and duck.

“James!” Edward scolded.

Camille smiled with a laugh and turned to her would-be attacker, “Oh you wanna play games, do you?”

James grinned, happy with her response, “You ready for your first day, newbie?”

Camille responded with a confident look, “Bring it on, Johnny Red.”

“How are all of you so energetic in the mornings?” yawned a sleepy Thomas, his blue hair a mess going everywhere.

James looked at Thomas in disgust, “Aren’t you going to fix your hair?”

Thomas shook his head, his beach boy style hair swishing around, “What does it matter if I do it now or not?  It’s not like the passengers ever see.”

“He’s got a point.” Edward said, taking a sip of his drink.

James scrunched his nose and went to grab himself a cup of coffee.  Emily nodded towards the coffee pot, “Would you like a cup?”

Camille shook her head, “I don’t drink coffee, thanks though.”

Thomas smiled, “I don’t like it either.  Gordon drinks it black.” He stuck his tongue out.

“I don’t like the jitters and then I’m crazy silly giggly after a while.  Makes me too hyper.” Camille laughed, “However, I will drink an energy drink on occasion for special circumstances.”

“What circumstances would that be?” James asked.

Camille shrugged, “Going to a dance, maybe going to the roller rink, just hanging out with friends.”

The four engines looked at her a little confused, “What’s a roller rink?”

“Y’know, it’s a slick floor where you can just rollerblade, or in our case, roll around on our wheels.  It’s a big circle, people race, or dance.  There’s usually a snack bar and a few tables.”

They all looked at her blankly.

Camille seemed a little shocked, “Really?  No one?”

Emily shook her head, “Never had anything like that here on Sodor.”

“Oh my gosh, you guys are missing out.  Maybe we could make something like that.  It’s so much fun.”

Thomas nodded, “It sounds like it!  A place to just relax and hang out.”

“I like the idea of showing off my moves.”  James said with a small dance.

Edward glanced at his watch and grabbed his coat, “Time to go.”

The three with drinks put their now empty cups in the sink and headed down the stairs to the front door.  Thomas and Camille followed.  Edward turned around by the front door, trying to fix Thomas’ hair a little. Thomas griped at him with a mumble of, “I’m fine, dad.” James snickered.

Heading down the stairs they met a rather tall male engine dressed in black suit with gold trim and the number 51 on one breast and the name Hiro on the other.

Camille blinked at his height thinking to herself ‘There seem to be a lot of large engines here.’

“Good Morning Hiro.”  Emily said with a smile, “Come here with Henry last night?”

The Japanese engine smiled kindly at her, “Good morning, Emily and all of you.  Yes, it was beginning to storm with spring here and I would rather Henry not be out there by himself.”

“That’s very kind of you, Hiro.  I’m sure Henry loved and appreciated having the company.” Edward said.

Hiro nodded and noticed Camille, “Oh my! I didn’t expect to see a new face today.  I apologize for not introducing myself, I am Hiro.”

Camille smiled back, “Hello Hiro, I’m Camille.”

“They call him The Master of the Railway.” Thomas told her.

Hiro laughed, “That they do, but I promise I am very kind.”  He smiled at her.  It felt so genuine and soft that Camille couldn’t help but feel brighter being around him, “If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask.”  He held the door open for the others.

There were those words again. It felt like everyone was doing their best to make her feel welcome. Camille felt comfortable and happy standing with the others. No hesitation to ask anything at all. 

“I won’t.  Thank you so much for your kindness.” Camille said, exiting the manor.

As she walked to the sheds, she saw Gordon and his team getting ready.  Everyone began to shift, ready for their fireboxes to be lit and to get to work.  Camille watched as each found a berth, greeting their driver and firemen.  She felt that familiar feeling of her heart racing and the butterflies forming in her belly.  Even though most everyone had been kind to her and were genuinely friendly, she couldn’t help feeling nervous.

“Camille, over here!”

She turned to see Edan and Dallas beside the shed.  She smiled and ran up to them.

“Ready for the day, lass?” Edan asked.

“I hope so.” She said honestly with a grin.

They nodded and gave her space to shift.  For whatever reason, shifting to her engine form this time reminded her of the first time she had ever done so.  It was such an odd tingling feeling as her body reorganized and changed itself into the new shape.  She remembered being afraid that it would hurt, but the gold dust that surrounded her calmed all anxieties she had, almost like the feeling of a warm hug.  Over time it had felt no different from walking or driving, it had become a part of her.  Today though, that warm hug feeling came back.  She blinked away teary emotions as the thought crossed her mind that it was her builder, her father, giving her a hug on this big important first day.

Feeling her wheels on the rails, Camille gave a little shake and threw her doors open for Edan and Dallas.

“That’s new.” Edan chuckled.

“What?” She asked, concerned.

“Not very many engines open their doors for their workers, it was just a nice change.” Dallas told her.

“Well, I’m not like very many engines.” Camille replied proudly.  She felt the warmth of her fire starting and the familiar feeling of having someone in her cab.

The men laughed.  “No, Camille, you are not.”

A whistle, deep and loud sounded.  Gordon had entered the turntable and was leaving first.

“Express coming through!” He shouted.

Camille cocked an eyebrow as she drove forward next to Thomas, “Why would he say that?  He doesn’t even have his coaches connected to him.”

Thomas laughed, “Gordon is a very proud engine and he likes to let everyone know it.”

She rolled her eyes with a laugh, “Oh oh-kay.”

Each engine took their turns on the turntable and drove away from Tidmouth sheds.  Camille followed Thomas to the yard to get the coaches ready for everyone.  She looked around excited and nervous.  Everything was hustle and bustle.

She ended up on the rails next to Thomas, looking around at her new working grounds, “Welcome to Knapford Station, Camille!”

“It’s so busy!” Camille said.

“You’ll get used to it, don't worry.” Thomas laughed, “But first we’re going to get everyone’s coaches and cars ready.  I’ll get–”

Before Thomas could finish speaking, the loud poop poop of Gordon’s whistle blew, “THOMAAAASSS!!” he thundered.

Thomas looked irritated and defeated all at once.  He sighed annoyed, “First, let’s take care of Gordon before he blows a gasket.”

Camille laughed, “We’re not even late, are we?”

“No, we’re not.” Thomas led the way to the coaches, “I’ll grab Sir Proudbutt his coaches if you’ll get James his goods train for today.  We’re already on the right rails to do so.”

Thomas stopped suddenly though upon seeing the troublesome trucks on Camille’s rail, “On second thought,” he reversed, “Why don’t you take the coaches to Gordon?  Those trucks are known for being trouble and I would rather you not have to deal with them on your first day.”

If Camille could’ve shrugged, she would have.  She allowed Thomas to pull in front of her and then headed towards the express coaches.  After being coupled, she heaved and hoe’d as she got used to their weight, pushing them towards the big engine.  She noticed steam hissing from Gordon impatiently and decided it was probably best to be kind instead of getting irritated.

“Sorry Gordon!  Thomas didn’t want me grabbing the trucks and so I had to switch tracks to get to your coaches.”  She was uncoupled and Gordon’s passengers climbed aboard.

Gordon was flustered.  He still didn’t exactly know how to approach Camille with the new information Percy had shared to him and Henry last night, “Ah, er.. Thank you, regardless, Camille.”

“You’re good to go, big boy!” She said with a grin as she watched the last of the passengers board, and she backed down the tracks to get back to Thomas.

A light dusting of pink colored Gordon’s cheeks at the nickname.  Again, he had no idea how to respond to her.  The guard at the side snickered at Gordon’s blushing and then quickly turned away when Gordon glared at him.  The guard blew his whistle, signaling Gordon’s departure.  Gordon whistled proudly and left.

“Express coming through!” He shouted once again.

Camille, in the yard, heard him and couldn’t help but laugh, “Now this is when it makes sense to say that.”

Thomas had returned from helping James with his coaches and was coupled to Annie and Clarabell, “Annie, Clarabell, this is Camille.  She’s our newest teammate.”

The two coaches seemed very pleased with seeing the new engine.

“How do you do, my dear? I am Annie-”

“-and I am Clarabell.  It’s so nice to see another young lady on the lines I will say.”

Camille nodded, “A pleasure meeting you ladies too.  Sodor is a wonderful place from what I’ve seen and I can’t help but think I’ll be very happy here.  Thomas has been very kind to help me out.”

The coaches chuckled and with a smile said, “Our Thomas will take great care of you, we assure you.  He’ll do his absolute best.”

Thomas blushed at their kind words.  Camille smiled, it was nice seeing an engine and his coaches get along.

“Actually, Camille.  This is where my shift with you ends and Percy’s begins.  I have to head to the next station.”  Thomas said a bit sadly, “If I could stay longer I would.”

Percy pulled up with a pip and smiled, “Don’t worry Thomas!  I’ll take good care of Camille.”

Camille smiled, “It’s OK, Thomas.  I’m not a newbuild, I’ll be alright with Percy.  We will catch up later.”

Thomas grinned at her and his best friend, “Alright then you two!  I’ll see you around!” and with that he whistled and left.

Camille and Percy watched him leave and then smiled at each other, “Ready to clean up the yard?”

“This place could use a bit of feminine touch, I do think so.” Camille responded.

Percy laughed, “Let’s get this place running ship shape, as Salty would say.”

They began to move cars and clean up.  They were doing well when Camille couldn’t help but ask, “Hey Percy?  Who’s Salty?”


Camille was fairly tired when the day was coming to a close.  Even though the engines would take breaks and had their own break area to chat and talk about their individual days, Camille wanted to do her very best and kept her nose to the grindstone as it were.  

Edward and Emily had both complimented her on her work but reminded her to take a few breathers every now and then.  It was going on 3 when she finally decided to take their advice.  In the break room, there were couches, a coffee table, a small kitchenette and in the corner of the room a hammock.

Camille was beginning to wonder if the hammock had magical properties as it seemed that each break there it was taunting her with the thought of a nap.  This time she gave in.  She laid in the rather large hammock with a happy groan.

“Ohhhhh yeah…”  She rested her head on the blue Nor’Western Railway pillow.  This almost felt better than the bed she had slept on last night.

She heard Thomas and Percy laughing from outside the break room.  As they entered the room, they glanced at Camille and immediately stopped laughing.

Percy looked a little panicked, “Camille, you can’t nap there.”

Camille opened one eye, “What?  Why not?  Edward told me earlier that I could take a small nap if I wanted.”

“Yeah on the couch.” Thomas said, glancing out the window to the station, “Not the hammock.”

“Why not the hammock?” she grumbled, sitting up and sitting pretzel style.

Percy yelped, “Ahh!  Don’t put your shoes on it!”

Camille panicked as well, “OK, OK, OK.  Shoes off.” She removed her shoes but didn’t get off, “What’s the deal with this hammock?  Sir Topham Hatt doesn’t relax here so….?”

“It’s Gordon’s hammock and Gordon doesn’t like others touching his things.”  Thomas explained.

Camille sighed and rolled her eyes, “Of course it belongs to grumpy gus.”

“Yeah and Gordon has a tendency to…punish those who mess with him or his stuff.” Percy mumbled.

Camille looked between the two, “Like…what?”

“He drug me around the island when I was pretty new here.”  Thomas said with a blush, scratching his cheek with a single finger.  “I um… Well I was teasing him and I kept waking him up from his naps because, well, I didn’t nap and felt like he didn’t really need to.”  He chuckled when he looked at Camille sheepishly, “Let’s just say he took off with the express before I could be uncoupled.”

“Oh gosh….!” Camille said, “That sounds… less than fun.”

Thomas chuckled again, “Yeah that’s one way to put it.”

They all laughed but were silenced once they heard Gordon’s familiar whistle.

“Get off, get off, get off.” Percy panic whispered.

Camille went to jump out but her leg and wheel got caught in the holes of the hammock as she hopped out.  She flopped upside down on her face.  Percy panicked and Thomas rushed over to help her get unstuck.  The heavy footsteps of Gordon’s boots were getting closer.  He couldn’t see what was happening inside as it was one-way glass for privacy of the engines.

Percy jumped for the couch and hid himself in a nearby magazine.  Thomas continued to try to get Camille untangled as she looked at him with a look that screamed HELP.

It was too late though, the door swung open.  Gordon groaned, his eyes closed as he removed his hat and massaged the back of his neck.  When he opened them, he was taken aback.  There was Thomas kneeling next to Camille, his hands wrapped around her ankle, and there was Camille, upside down half on the floor, her blouse slowly rolled up her torso exposing her stomach.  She was blushing madly, Thomas was gaping at Gordon silently.  Percy tried to melt into the couch.

“Ha ha ha…. Hi Gordon…” Thomas said, breaking the silence.

Camille twitched, she felt like a seagull trapped in a net.  She tried to do a pull up and untangle herself once more only to fall back helplessly.  She closed her eyes, wishing death could claim her from this embarrassing situation.  She resigned herself to its cold embrace, thinking of all the ways this day had just gone wrong.  She couldn’t look him in the eyes and decided to cover her face with her hands.

She went to the If I can’t see him, he can’t see me mentality.  She heard his heavy steps approach her and Thomas.  Thomas backed up, letting Gordon closer, “It was an accident Gordon, she didn’t know that this was your hammock.”

Gordon didn’t respond.  Camille could feel him standing over her and shrunk backwards towards the floor to the best of her abilities.

She made a surprised noise when she realized Gordon was leaning over and helping untangle her from the roped mess.  She peeked through her fingers as she felt him touch her ankle and unwrap the ropes and then her wheel.  He even carefully lowered the rest of her body to the floor.

Camille sat up, “Ummm… Thank you, Gordon.  I wouldn’t have laid down if I had known.  Thomas and Percy showed up after I had fallen asleep.”

Gordon looked at her quietly and then at Thomas and Percy, who quickly turned away from the two.

“I… wanted to apologize for how…brash I was last night.”  He held out his hand to help her up, which she took, “I overheard Sir Topham Hatt talking with Edward today about how pleased he was with your work today.  He said that you really cleaned up the yard and he was happy with how useful you were.”

Camille realized she hadn’t blinked in a while and then smiled at the big engine, “Well, thank you Gordon.  I appreciate the apology.” She looked down at her hands nervously before looking at him, “I owe you an apology too.  I was nervous and the past couple of days before coming to Sodor were… less than agreeable.  I shouldn’t have gotten upset with you. I’m also sorry.”

She turned from him and brushed off some dirt that had been left over from her heels and straightened the pillow back.  She moved out of his way and beamed again, “It’s all yours!”

As he sat down, she made her way back to the door, “I should probably get back to being useful again.”  She accidentally bumped her elbow on the doorknob and chuckled, embarrassed, before exiting and running back to the yard.

Gordon just stared at the door after her.  He contemplated all that had just happened, unsure of what to make of it.  He shook his head and went to lay down when he felt eyes on his back.

He scowled and looked at Thomas and Percy who seemed to be in shock.

“What are you two little engines looking at?”

Thomas glared at his tone while Percy spoke up, “You didn’t get mad at her.  You normally get all bent out of shape with any of us that lay in your hammock.  Like James, who you spun out of it just the other week.”

Gordon grumbled, “She’s new.  She didn’t know any better.”  He laid down and put his hat over his face, shielding it from the light.

Thomas and Percy just looked at each other and shrugged before heading to the kitchenette for some snacks.  Thomas did smack Percy on the back of the head though.

“What was that for?”  Percy asked, astonished.

Thomas grumbled, “You were less than helpful for that whole ordeal.”

Percy giggled a little, “When it comes to Gordon and his anger, sometimes it’s survival of the fittest.  Or those who melt into couches anyway.”


Earlier that day

Gordon had been sitting at the Vicarstown station waiting as passengers loaded and unloaded.  His day had gone pretty well, all things considered.  He was even thinking about a small nap there when he heard the familiar whistle of his brother.

He groaned and rolled his eyes as the engine backed his train down the platform next to him.  The Flying Scotsman grinned at his brother when he hissed to a stop.

“Hello Gordon!  Fancy meeting you here.”

“We see each other almost every day, Scotsman.” He grumbled.

“And yet, you never seem happy to see me.”  Scotsman pouted playfully, “Don’t you love me?”

Gordon scoffed and rolled his eyes, causing the other engine to laugh.

“Alright, Gordon, you’ll be happy to know I’m not going to tease you so much today.  I’m wanting to hear how Spitfire’s first day is going, if you know any details.”  The big green engine said with a grin.

“Spitfire?” Gordon asked, confused.

Scotsman rolled his eyes, “Camille!  The new engine on your team!  She was a lot of fun to talk to and be around yesterday, I was hoping I’d hear from her at least at some point today.”

Gordon seemed a bit guilty at the mention of Camille.  It wasn’t lost on Scotsman.  He gave his brother a disappointed look, “What did you do?”

Gordon came right out of his funk and glared at Scotsman, “Why are you accusing me of doing something?  I’ve hardly spoken to the girl.”

Scotsman sighed, “Well, I hope you treated her better than you treat me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh Gordon, you know full well we aren’t on the best of terms because of some sort of rivalry you’ve established between the two of us.”  Scotsman thought for a second, “You didn’t treat her poorly because of her fame did you?”

Gordon was becoming annoyed at the interrogation, “No!  Of course not!  She’s not even that famous!”

“But you did call her a little engine and  you also made fun of her size.”  Thomas said, pulling up. He wasn’t about to let Gordon get off so easily, “You could’ve really hurt her feelings.”

Gordon growled at Thomas and then looked back at his brother who was sternly looking at him.  He hated that, when Scotsman seemed to think that he needed to lecture him.  Him!  His older brother, no matter how big Scotsman may think he was.

“I’m going to apologize.”  He directed towards Scotsman, ignoring Thomas, “I… wasn’t informed of her situation until afterwards.”

“What situation?”  Thomas asked.

“That’s none of your concern.” Gordon growled.

“Oh, but it’s yours?”  Thomas retorted.

“It’s alright, Thomas.”  Scotsman said calmly, “Not many people know about Camille’s situation and I’m sure however Gordon came upon this information, it was through the proper channels.”

Gordon winced inwardly thinking of how he was informed by Percy of all engines.  But that got Thomas to stop pestering him and he puffed away.

Scotsman glanced at his brother, “Gordon, I think the two of us know better than any engine on this island how important family is and how things can be easily…upset.”

Gordon stayed quiet, not wanting to remember the other siblings he and Scotsman had shared.  None of them got along with each of the two living Gresley’s but it was still a subject Gordon would like to have kept taboo.

“I never said anything about her family or her upbringing, but I did say something… stupid nonetheless.”  Gordon confessed, “I didn’t know how alone she was and how that would have affected her.”

“Tell me all you did was tease her about her size.” Scotsman said.

“I may have said something along those lines…and her usefulness as a small engine.”  Gordon responded through gritted teeth.

“Not your best moment, little brother.”

That got Gordon chuffing and spluttering, “Would you stop calling me that?  We’re practically the same size and you’re the younger brother.”

Scotsman smirked and stuck his chin out, “Younger.  Not littler.”

The green tender engine laughed as his brother spluttered some more, “But in all seriousness Gordon, please be nice to her.  At least try, for me?”

Gordon looked at his brother, confused, “What is she to you?  You’ve hardly known her.”

Scotsman looked away with a far off smile, “Yes, that’s true.  But I also remember what it was like to be separated from my family and what it’s like to feel the pressure of everyone knowing your name.”

Gordon was quiet, listening to his brother.  He didn’t often talk about his time in America unless it was to boast, but he was stuck there for a while and whether Gordon liked to admit it or not there had been a time when he worried he would never see his younger brother again.  It was a very real possibility that Camille was experiencing something similar.

“She talks a big talk and she’s a perky little thing, but I also know all too well that that kind of personality can be the biggest cover up.”  Scotsman finished.

Gordon pondered that statement for a second, “Do you ever feel that way, Scotsman?”

When his brother didn’t answer, Gordon pushed a little, “Scot?”

Scotsman just grinned at his brother as the guard whistled, “That’s my signal, Gordon.  We’ll talk next time.”

He whistled loudly as Gordon watched his brother with mild concern.

The big grin on Scotsman 's face never left, “Flying Scotsman coming through!!”  He winked and with that, he left.

Gordon watched him leave, feeling like now he had more to apologize for then before.  The whistle for him to leave sounded shortly after and he drove back in silence.

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