Im Sorry Tsumu - Tumblr Posts
Real Friends -m.atsumu
Ft. m.osamu

She always...always stood by me. And I didn't. So she found someone better.
She was there for me when some seventh graders were bullying me and my twin at the park we first met in. I was just in pre k that time as was she, but somehow I thought that she was way cooler than I could ever be.
She taught me that real friends always protect.
She was there for me when my dad stopped spending time with me, my brother and my mom. It was a pretty rough hit but she guided me through it. She played catch with me and my twin instead of my dad because he was never around anymore. But she was and I was so thankful to her for that.
She taught me that real friends always help.
She was there for me when I was nervous about the first day of middle school. She walked with me through the unfamiliar hallways of the new school we both joined. We were in the same class, so was my brother and I was so happy. Happy that I at least had them by my side, I wouldn't be alone now. She helped me get through the first day of my middle school and that was the first time that I saw her as someone more than just a friend.
She taught me that real friends are like pillars that you can rely on.
She was there for me when we were halfway through our first year in middle school and I had to go through some bullying, this time our very own classmates were the bullies. They made fun of me and my hair and my love for volleyball and how I always stuck by her side. I didn't tell her because I was irked by that one statement that they all kept on repeating, 'where's your little bodyguard huh?!' But she would always see through me and beat the bullies up and get in trouble for it later. I felt guilty that she had to go through that because of me but she'd just say, 'it's okay!'
She taught me that real friends always see through your lies.
She was there for me when I wanted to change myself. By that time I had developed some strong feelings for her and I didn't want her to go out with me while I was still an old fashioned dude. I knew she never cared about what was on the outside and focused more on the inside but I wanted to do this, look good for her. She was always the popular and talented one but she was still friends with me. She supported my decisions.
She taught me that real friends always support you.
She was there for me when I stuttered so bad while confessing to her. She said yes, agreed to date me and I felt like the happiest man alive. She told me that she wasn't very ecstatic about the changes I had brought upon my appearances but she also told me that as long as I was happy with the outcome, she was too.
She taught me that real friends tell you the truth.
She was there for me when I struggled with my studies and volleyball during the freshman year of high school. We went to the same high school, inarizaki and I was over the moon that my girlfriend and my bestfriend since forever was with gonna be with me for the next three years of hell along with my twin. She made my freshman year a lot better.
I met some new friends as well. She was the one who introduced me to them.
She taught me that real friends make things better.
She was there for me when I got in trouble with my new friends. She took the bullet for me and I shamelessly let her. She got suspended for a week but she said she didn't care. I believed her words. She also tended to the scratches I'd gotten during a practice match while scolding me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her that time, she looked so cute when she was angry. But she snapped at me when she noticed that I wasn't listening and told me that she wouldn't even care if I injured myself ever again. But yet she never stood by what she said.
She taught me that real friends always care.
She was there for me when I steered away from my path. My focus was more on impressing my new friends rather than my studies. I started caring more about my image and gave more importance to vollayball. And between all this I started paying a lot less attention to her. And the thing is that, she never complained.
She taught me that real friends endure.
She was there for me when in our sophomore year I finally came back on track. I still cared about my image but I gave a bit of importance to my grades as well. She helped me out with my studies and some stress about my volleyball once again. But at that time, somewhere in my mind I thought of her caring nature as annoying and clingy. I thought she was a bit invasive to my privacy. But I never told her that, I just plastered a fake smile and faked everything.
She taught me that real friends put up with peoples' shits.
She was there for me when I at some point stopped sticking by her side. I started ignoring her and behaved with her in a way I should never have. I treated her like she was some servant of mine. And the disgusting thing is that I found pleasure in it at that time. I also got into some bad things like drugs and bad company. When she and my twin asked about the one pouch of white powder that I accidentally left in her bag instead of mine, I told them that it was something for a project I was working on. When my grades dropped again I told her that it was because of an argument with my dad that was neverending and that I'd get them back up in no time, she believed me.
She taught me that real friends always believe.
She was there for me when my dad left me, my brother and my mom for some other woman. I was pretty upset and went seeking for not her comforting embrace but the intoxicating liquid that seemingly made me forget things. I made a big mistake that day as I went out of my house and to a bar where I got laid. I never told her that when she came looking for me at my place saying she was worried for me when she heard the news from 'samu. I didn't admit it back then but I was pretty glad that she did come for me as I bathed in the love and care she provided me with. I liked the attention she gave to me as I subconsciously ranted out about my dad. I guess there was still some alchohol in my system at the time because I didn't remember the love that I felt for her in the following days.
She taught me that real friends listen no matter what.
She was there for me even when I cheated behind her back with random girls I found in the bar I regularly went to, none of which she knew. What she knew was that I went to my friends' house for sleepovers and not the bar. I gradually distanced myself from her for another girl I found myself attracted to.
This is where I did things I wish I hadn't.
I soon ended things with her for the new girl that I had, not realizing that the moment I did that, I'd lost one of the most important treasures of my life. I lost the one true love for a fake. I lost the greatest listener in the world. I lost the most trustworthy person. I lost my anchor.
I lost her.
I lost my real friend.
And I also lost my one true love.
And it was all my fault, but by the time I'd realized that it was too late. She found someone way better than me. Someone who was a real friend to her all these years unlike me who only took advantage of her love and friendship.
She found 'Samu. My twin.
He was everything I wasn't and maybe that's why she fell for him.
Later on I'd gotten to know that she was having a hard time at home with her parents and the night that I had broken up with her was the night she came to me looking for some solace. It was the first time she asked me to be there for her. And I didn't even do that. I did something that made things worse for her.
I figured that 'Samu found her that night. And he gave her the solace that she seeked from me.
God, I now realise that she was always the real friend in our friendship.
She always...always stood by me. And I didn't. So she found someone better. Someone who'd probably treat her like she did me but I also knew that she would treat my twin just like she did me as well. She'd keep being who she is and was, no matter what or who she is with.
'Samu my brother, you are so lucky to have her in your life.
Please don't lose her like I did.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
The blonde volleyball player watched in awe as a woman clad in a beautiful white gown made her way down the aisle. He was looking at her but her eyes were fixated on someone else, her soon to be husband. Miya Osamu. And the said man was looking right back at her. They both had so much of love in their eyes for he other. It was evident that the couple had gone through tough times together but also had their fair share of happy memories. The woman was in a state of euphoria and so was the man, they'd been together for six years even more if you count their childhood days. They were so fucking happy. So much that 'Tsumu could basically feel it from where he was standing.
‘I guess they were just made for each other.’ That was the one thought that came to Atsumu's mind.
In the past 'Tsumu had often wondered how it would sound if Y/n actually became a Miya. Miya Y/n. He now knew how it'd sound and it was so melodious, but she wasn't marrying him. She was marrying his brother. If the professional player knew this was how things would end for them he'd have avoided losing her by knocking some sense into himself.
‘ 'Samu you lucky bastard.’ He thought as small tears cascaded down his cheeks while he watched you and Osamu kiss and seal the wedding. The crowd erupted in cheers and the whole atmosphere was so full and lively, but on the contrast Atsumu felt lonely and cold and dull. Call him a masochist if you will but even after that numbing pain that he felt in his chest he continued to clap for you and your now husband, forcing his eyes to look at the happy pair.
‘I brought this upon myself. I just wish I could rewind time and make myself not do what I did. All those stupid mistakes and all that hurt I brought upon her.
But even in the end, she taught me one last thing.
She taught me that real friends are to be treasured. Forever.
Because they are rare. And one is lucky to have them. I wasn't one of the lucky ones because I took her for granted and treated her like a rebound. But she was also human and humans have limits.
I didn't treasure her.
And this is how I lost my real friend.’
Atsumu sighed as he put on a smile. He wished you could see through it one last time.
Just one last time.

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