I'm Trying To Understand Why Death Eaters Exist - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

My Speculations on Death Eaters

I feel like people kind of forget how old Voldemort is. At the time that he died he was 81, he attended school a good 70 years beforehand. Most of the parents of current students are in their 30s to 50s and their grandparents were in their 60s to 80s. 

The Death Eaters began when Voldemort was in school.

Therefore, it is likely that the Death Eaters of Marauder’s Era were 2nd generation Death Eaters that grew up much like Draco did, although with a living Dark Lord. So all the arguments of Draco Malfoy being “the boy who didn’t have a choice”, could also be applied to Lucius Malfoy and possibly other Death Eaters.

In fact, it’s likely that most pure-bloods in Marauders Era were heavily brain-washed into believing pureblood propaganda and given the Dark Mark before they were even out of school or just barely. And once you are in the Death Eaters there is really no way out except death. 

I feel like it’s possible that once the Dark Lord had been dead for a while some of the Death Eaters may have come to the conclusion that life was more peaceful without a homicidal maniac or the brain-washing had time to wear off and they began to realize exactly what they’d done because when Voldemort returned it was even pointed out that none of the Death Eaters had attempted to bring him back.

IMO, some of the Death Eaters probably didn’t want the Dark Lord back and only continued to be on his side out of fear and self-preservation.

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