Im Worth It - Tumblr Posts

I'm more sad and hurt today. I did something and I knew it was stupid but I did it anyways. I lurked and saw something that caused me more pain and heart ache. I hate this feeling, I hate that another person caused me this pain and hurt. I hate that someone who was my best friend for years would be so cruel and cold towards me towards the end. They claimed to cared and they never wanted to hurt me but that was a lie. If you truly cared and didn't wanting to hurt someone than you should have been truthful. You should have kept your words and you should have been a man about it.

Gone! All those memories of us are now tainted and ugly to me. Maybe one day I can look back and find the good in it again. For the time being those memories just reminds me of the person whom I loved and cared for hurting me.

I'm broken 💔😢

But I'm not letting a POS ruined me or keep me down!! This shitty situation will make me stronger. I'm worthy of love. I'm worthy of having a partner that cares for me. I'm worthy of friendship. IM WORTHY.

From today on I choose to let go and forget. They acted like I didn't exist I'll return the favor. Those years are gone.

I didn't wish them the best because that would be a lie, I didn't wish them the worst either. I simple wished them what they deserve, whether it's good things or bad things, that's between them and karma.

I believe in karma. What you put out is what you'll get in return. I choose to let go and forget. But I'll never forget the feeling they put me through. That stays with you.

My person will come when it's the right time for me. I have faith my forever person will come. This event is only a short, brief chapter in my life.

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I'm greatful that the Lord have shown me who you are. I'm greatful that it was only 3 years instead of 30 years. I'm greatful that my true self and life can begin. I'm greatful that I was able to love and am capable of more love for my future partner. Most of all I'm greatful for the lessons I have and continue to learn moving on from this relationship. I'm greatful to be able to re-learn who I am. I'm greatful for being able to know what my strengths and weaknesses are. But most of all I've learned that I am resilient. I am capable of healing and I'm capable of being a strong person. I will be a better person for these experiences. I'm already good but I'll be greater.

I know my worth and I'm worth everything. I'm a high value woman with a good heart and soul. I deserve better than how you treated me. For that I will be able to forgive you one day but I will never forget.

You treat others how you want to be treated so it speaks volumes for how you see yourself and how you value yourself. For that I feel sorry for you. I'm going to continue praying for you. Pray for your soul and for your spirit.

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