Imsebastianstan - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Having Sebastian Stan as your boyfriend would include:

forehead kisses


-Sebastian trying to snapchat the two of you

-He having an epic fail at snapchat

-Teaching him how to use snapchat properly

-He kisses you all the time even when your teaching him about snapchat

-when Life gets tough,  he does everything get you through them

- Sebastian always looking after you

- giving you some space but being close enough to hold you when you need him to

-You thinking its cute that he mispronouncing memes

-Explaining memes to him

-Going for walks in New York

- Some PDA 

-Sebastian being very protective of you

-You being friends with his  costars on Captain America

-Geeking out because you were friends with his costars of Captain America

-Going to events with him

-Defending him from the haters

-”You are so beautiful, Y/N”

- watching you sleep

-Him saying that he was made for hugging

-“Y/N, you know that I love you, right?”

-“Yes Seb, I know. I love you too.”

-Sebastian being an amazing Kisser.

-Amazing sex

-Taking him to meet your family.

- Him being nervous to meet your family

“There going to love you Seb”

“You think so”

“I know so”

-Your family loving Sebastian

-Your father pulling out the DVD of ‘The Bronze’

-You and Sebastian being completely shocked that they want to watch the movie

-Both of you being nervous about the sex scene.

-You and Seb doing everything you can to stop your family from watching ‘The Bronze’

-“ NO! lets not watch it”

 -“YES! Its already in the DVD player.” say your  dad.

-Watching ‘The Bronze’ with Sebastian and your family.

-You and Seb trying to hide your faces in embarrassment  when watching ‘The Bronze’

-“Ohhhhhhhhhh  are we about to witness the famous sex scene everybody on Tumblr was talking about?” says your  older brother.

-“Sex scene?” says your father.

-“No were not.  There is no sex scene in this. Can we turn it off now?” you say.

-Your other sibling spilling soda all  over the DVD player causing it to mess up.

-You thanking your sibling for stopping the movie.

-“Well, I think that Sebastian and I are going to leave now “

-You and Sebastian making a random excuse to leave your parents house in a rush.

-He driving you home


-“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Y/N”

-“But Seb, you look so good”

-“Please stop”

-“ And your ass.”


-“I didn’t know that you can do that.”

-” When we get back,  maybe we can recreate the ‘Famous sex scene’?”

-” Ohhhh I very much like to recreate the ‘famous sex scene.’

- Sebastian stepping on the gas petal and running a few red lights trying to get you guys homes

-You two recreating the sex scene.

-Sebastian constantly doing random things to make you laugh

-more cuddling

-”I love you, Y/N”

-forehead kisses

- Doing karaoke with Sebastian

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8 years ago
Part 3
Part 3

Part 3

(You and Bucky had finally made it to Peppers dance club in Brooklyn, New York. The place was packed. There was long lines of people who was anxious to get in. But you didn’t have to worry. Bucky had some connections since he was in the Army.)

( Pepper’s was like a dream. As you and Bucky enter Peppers, a waiter seated you and Bucky in a booth by the bar. You take a look at the people on the dance floor. They were happy. Like they didn’t have a care in the world. With all the stuff going in the 1940′s such as War world 2, Racism etc, It was great being place where everyone was welcomed and happy. You couldn’t help but to smile.)

(Y/n): I can’t believe that we are finally here at Peppers. It’s like being in a dream. ( You were in awe.)

(Bucky looked at you with a small smile)

Bucky: It is, isn’t it? ( He too takes a look at the people and the scenery of Peppers.)

(Y/n): (Looking at the band now) Is that Duke Ellington with his band up on stage? ( you were a little starstruck)

Bucky:( Turning in the same direction as you) yes it is. (Turning back to you, with a slightly bigger smile)

( Duke Ellington and his band start to play, ”It don’t mean a thing”)

(Y/n): I love this song.

Bucky: ( standing up from the booth that you was seated at, offers you his hand)  Dance with me, (Y/n).

(You nodded and he pulled you from the booth and you followed him onto the dance floor with the crowd of people . Bucky pulls you close to him. He wrapped one arm around your waist and brought his other hand to yours.)

Bucky: Just watch me, okay.

(You thought it was sweet that he tries to teach you swing/ jive dancing. When you knew it all along. As the beat of the music picks up, the dancing starts to pick up. Bucky starts tripping up and you couldn’t help but laugh.)

(Y/n):  Having trouble? ( you yell  enough for Bucky to hear you)

Bucky: Just a little ( notices that you know how to dance) wait! you know how to dance?

(Y/n): My dad has been teaching me ever since I was a little girl. ( You notice Bucky trying to keep up) Want me to teach you?

Bucky: ( looking at you, trying not to blush in embarrassment)  Would you teach me?

(Y/n): ( You smile at him) I’d be happy to. Just watch me, okay. (you say as he smiles at you)

(You began with a simple dance step and Bucky followed in your lead. He begins to keep up with you and the music. As the music keeps changing tempo, Bucky started understanding the dance. After all he had the best teacher to show him, You and Bucky were having a good old time dancing along with everyone else.) (As soon as the song ended, you and Bucky went back to your booth. Bucky couldn’t keep his eyes off of you)

Bucky: You are so beautiful, (y/n).

(You blush at his response)

(Y/n): I don’t this night to end.

Bucky:  It doesn’t have to end?

(You look at Bucky confused)

Bucky: (Taking your hands into his) I have been nuts for you ever since the first time I saw you at Olly’s. Will you make the luckiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?

(You were shocked. Bucky had asked you to be his girlfriend. You wanted to say yes, but you knew he would be leaving for the war)

Bucky: (With hope field eyes) So what do you say?

(Y/n): I…. I  would to be your girlfriend  but I don’t know?

(His hopeful eyes had turned into confusion)

Bucky: Wha… What? I’m confused.

(Y/n): It’s not that I don’t to be with you, Bucky. in fact, I really like you. It’s just……..

Bucky: It’s just?

(Y/n):  In a week, you  and Steve are going to deploy over seas with other soldiers to fight  the second world war. And I don’t know if i will be able to see you.

Bucky: Is that what your worried about? Look, I promise that i would only be gone for a eight - nine months. And I promised that I will be alright.

(Y/N): How do you know that, Bucky? A lot can happen in the war.

Bucky: Yes that is true.

(Y/n):And sometimes, the people who survive the war don’t come back the same.

Bucky: ( Still holding on to your hands)  I promise when we win this war, I would come back to you the same as I left you, (Y/n). Just give me a chance to prove you wrong.

(Y/n):  let me think about it, okay

(You thought for a few minuets about Bucky’s offer. You had finally came to a decision)

(Y/n): Yes.

Bucky: Yes?

(Y/n): Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.

(Bucky smiled before leaning over the table to kiss you

Bucky: I promise you that I will be the best boyfriend you ever had.

(Y/n): You better. ( You smiled back at him)

(Another band came on stage. They started to play a slow song.)

Bucky: You wanna get back on the dance floor? Or are you too tired?

(Y/n): Yeah, sure why not? I’m not too tired.

(Bucky standing up from the booth once more, offering you his hand again. You take it and follow him to  the dance floor. Bucky pulls you closer to him. He wrapped one arm around your waist and brought his other hand to yours. )

(Y/n): Thanks for making this a wonderful first date, Buck.

Bucky: If you think that this is wonderful, just wait till you see what i have planned for tomorrow.

(Y/n): You already have tomorrow date planned?

Bucky: (Looking into your eyes now) Like I said, I am nuts for you, (Y/n).

(You both laugh. Bucky kisses you once more. this time with a little more passion.)

The end.

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8 years ago
*Requested* Hey, Hey. I Love Your Blog. I Was Wondering If You Could Do An Imagine Where The Reader Is
*Requested* Hey, Hey. I Love Your Blog. I Was Wondering If You Could Do An Imagine Where The Reader Is

*Requested* Hey, hey. I love your blog. I was wondering if you could do an imagine where the reader is engaged to Sebastian Stan. He has been away from the reader because he was filming Captain America Civil War and he is scared that he going to do a bad job and the reader comforts him.

(Here you go. I hope you like it.)

(It has been a few months since you last seen your fiancee, Sebastian in person. Sebastian has been away filming the new movie, Captain America civil war. To make it as if he was  still here and nothing has changed, you two kept in touch by phone calls and Skype.

“I’m terrified that I’m going to mess up, (Y/ n).”

You smile at him.

“I know that you are going to do an amazing job on civil war. You are an amazing actor.” you say to him.

He smiles now,

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Sebastian”

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7 years ago
ImsebastianstanNow On The Set Of Independence Day 3 #littletroubleinatlanta

imsebastianstan Now on the set of Independence Day 3 #littletroubleinatlanta

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