Barnes - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Best Day Ever

So I went Markiplier's You're Welcome Tour on January 13th I went to the 8pm show, I also had VIP. Let me just say I had the best day ever. I got to meet my favorite YouTuber ever which is @crankgameplays!!! He was the first one I took a picture with. I also got a picture with Kathryn. But literally I'm so happy I was shaking when I met him. I also got to ask him a question. I asked him if he had any advice for someone starting a YouTube channel. The first thing he said was start because that's the hardest part. But the part that really stuck with me was your videos won't be perfect right away. I've tried making videos and I would always delete them because they weren't perfect and I thought they had to be. So I just wanna say thank you Ethan for your advice it will help me so much.

Also I just wanted to tell you all another reason it was the best day ever. It's because of everyone I met. As I said I met Ethan and Kathryn but I also met Mark, Amy, Molly, Wade, Bob and Tyler. I'll post the pics down below. But seriously thank you so much to all of them. I love you all so much!

Real quick though about the pics Wade was leaving so he said he would smile so I could take a selfie quickly and Tyler said he really couldn't take a picture but he would pose so I could take pics with him.

(I have another pic with Tyler but there's a limit to how many pics i can post)

But again I want to thank then all for stopping and taking a pic with me it really means the world to me.

So thank you to @crankgameplays, Kathryn (idk her Tumblr), @markiplier, Amy (idk her Tumblr), Molly (idk her Tumblr), @lordminion, Bob (idk his twitter) and Tyler.

I can't believe it still. But Ethan is you ever see this, you have helped me throguh so much do it really meant a lot that I got to meet you and get a hug and pic with you. It meant a lot from all of them but it really meant a lot from Ethan. If you see this don't ever stop being the amazing person you are and I love you.

Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever

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7 years ago
Here's A Collage I Made Of The Pics I Took With Them From Markiplier's You're Welcome Tour. I Went To

Here's a collage I made of the pics I took with them from Markiplier's You're Welcome Tour. I went to the January 13th show at 8pm. Again thank you to @crankgameplays, Kathryn, @markiplier, Amy, Molly, @lordminion, Bob, and Tyler for stopping and taking these pics with me. It really means a lot. Again thank you @crankgameplays for making me the happiest person ever by taking a picture with me and giving me a hug and talking to me. You are my favorite YouTuber ever and thanks for answering my question about staring a YouTube channel. If you see this Ethan you are amazing and I love you.

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8 years ago
And Here's An Attempt At A Western-style Comic Character, For My Concepts

And here's an attempt at a western-style comic character, for my concepts

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6 months ago


Someone had to do this :D

Series: Lockwood & Co, source: Brooklyn 9-9

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5 years ago

Are You Tired? - Bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 968

Summary: “are you tired? Here I’ll carry you the rest of the way” after a long mission

*not my gif* (from gify)




“How far is the ship?” y/n asked frustratedly

“Still aways away.” Bucky answered trying not to smile at the y/h/c-ed girl beside him

“Ugh, why did Clint and Steve have to land so far away?” y/n groaned as they kept trudging up the steep hill.

“I don’t know doll.” he chuckled. Bucky looked over to check on her noticing that she had stopped. Seeing her hold her side bent over trying to catch her breath. He saw how many agents she took down and how many hits she took. “Are you tired? Here I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”

“You don’t have to carry me Bucky.” y/n laughed lightly, shaking her head but her face looked more nervous than anything. Which Bucky could tell from the way her smile didn’t light up her whole face.

“I want to Doll, plus you took out more Hydra agents than me and took more hits.” he pushed trying to get her to see he’s not just doing it to make the trip to the jet faster or anything. Knowing she would feel bad or uncomfortable if she thought he was.

She shook her head not wanting to give in “still you’ve got to be tired to and hurting-”

“Doll, I told you. I want to carry you.” Bucky stated looking her in the eyes with a somewhat serious face, but also with the hint of a smile which she can never say no to.

With that Y/n gave in, letting Bucky help her onto his back. Glad that the blood and dirt on her face is covering her cheek’s so he wouldn’t be able to see her blush. Having a crush on the person you are paired with most for missions, can have its downfalls. Y/n and Bucky have clicked since the moment they were introduced by Steve. Little does y/n know a certain super soldier with a metal arm feels the same way.

^      ^      ^

“What took you two so long?” Steve stood at the top of the ramp up in the Quinn Jet. Looking down on the two as they got closer.

“Maybe next time don’t land our getaway so damn far.” y/n sassed Steve as she ducked so her head wouldn’t hit the roof. Since being on Bucky’s back puts her up high in the air.

“So, did you force  the poor man to carry you y/n/n/?” Clint joked as he saw the two before heading over to the pilot's seat.

“No, Clint I did not.” she said back, getting down from Bucky’s back with a slight blush on both of there cheek at Clint's comment.

“I offered and she tried refusing but she was tired. I wanted to. She eventually gave up arguing with me about it and let me.” Bucky added to y/ns defense. Nodding to her with a small smile before moving over to stand next to Steve where he pushed the button for the ramp to come up so they can head back to the Avengers compound.

“You just gave in? Since when do you just give in?” Clint teased once y/n sat down in the co-pilot seat for the ride back.

“Since he made a good point and I am tired.” y/n told him hoping to dismiss the conversation

“Or is it that you gave in because you like super soldier number two?” Clint asked with a cocky smile. Loving to tease her about her crush on the ex-winter soldier.

“Clint, quite. They might hear.” she tried to shush the archer, looking back really quick to see how close the two men are to her and Barton only to lock eyes with Bucky.

“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Clint asked quieter after seeing how anxious y/n got. Feeling a little bad, but just a little.

“You know why.” y/n looked down playing with her torn suit

“Yeah, I do. If it helps, I’m rooting for you.” Clint smiled at her, just trying to cheer her up and show he supports her.

If only the two piloting knew what was being said in the other conversation going on.

“So, was she really tired or did you just want to carry her Buck?” Steve coughed trying not to smile too big

“She was and is tired. She took down more agents and took more hits than me. . . and maybe I thought it was a good excuse to carry her.” Bucky nodded looking back at her when she sits next to Clint and locked eyes with her. When she turned back to continue talking to Clint Bucky turned back to Steve.

“Buck you haven’t been this into a girl since before you joined the army. And after everything that's happened you deserve someone like y/n.” Steve couldn’t be happier for his best friend. Well, when the two actually get together he will be even happier, if there even is a happier.

“Steve I’m not exactly the ladies man I  use to be.” Bucky sighed messing with his metal hand.

“There's no doubt in my mind or any one of the others that she would say anything but yes.” Steve stated hoping it reassures him. Every single one of the Avengers agree that they would be good together and for eachother. Plus its obvious that they both like eachother.

“Really?” Bucky said quickly turning his head to look at y/n really quick before looking back at Steve.

“Yeah. You need to go for it Buck.” Steve placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Giving it a tight squeeze and a smile that said go for it.

“I think I will.” Bucky nodded returning the smile before setting his sights on y/n. Repeating under his breath ‘I will’.

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3 years ago

Miss You - Bucky Barnes

Bucky x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 295

Summary: Lack of time together lead Bucky to make the time.

Authors Note: short but sweet


Avengers Masterlist


Miss You - Bucky Barnes

“Will you put me down!” Y/n screamed out laughing as Bucky threw her over his shoulder. Y/n guessed that he was taking her to either his or her room. He’d been gone on a mission for way longer than planned, and while on said mission all Bucky could think about was coming back to his girl.

“Nope.” he smirked, avoiding all the others watching his actions in the common room. Just completely focused on having Y/n in arms reach. Or closer.

“Why not!” she exclaimed, still laughing.

“Because.” Bucky shrugged, not really caring to give an answer as he adjusted her weight.

“I want an answer solider.” Y/n grunted at the shifting of her body Bucky had done. But she just started giggling again. “Bucky!”

“You’ve been busy.” he grumbled as he tried to open the door without losing his hold on her. Bucky knew he should’ve put her over his metal arms shoulder.

Y/n scoffed, amused with his answer. She wasn’t the only one. “So have you!”

“I know.” Bucky nodded, setting her down gently on his bed. He knew that the lack of time together wasn’t just on her. But being honest he mostly blamed Fury and Tony. For giving each of them so many missions. “I just- I want to spend time with you. That's all.”

Y/n smiled up at him standing before her at the end of his bed. Y/n reached out to pull him closer. “Well, good news for you. I want to spend time with you as well. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.” Bucky mirrored her smile, reaching out to hold her as well. Now they had time together, alone. And they're not going to waste a minute of it.

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3 years ago

Midnight Kiss - Bucky Barnes

Bucky x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,189

Summary: Bucky hasn’t had a New Years Eve kiss since before he left for the War in the 40’s.Y/n plans to change that.

Authors Note: Happy New Year!!!


Avengers Masterlist

Holiday Masterlist


Midnight Kiss - Bucky Barnes

“Think you got enough fireworks Stark?” Steve asked upon entering the living room at the compound, seeing it filled with large boxes labled TNT Highly Explosive.

“Nope.” Tony shook his head before smirking. “That's why another truck load is coming by at noon.” 

Y/n squealed excited at what she saw peeking into the boxes around them. “This is gonna be fun!”

Tony held a huge smile upon his face at Y/n’s words. Y/n is known by her fellow Avengers as an explosion lover. Doesn’t matter what it is fireworks, bombs, etc… Whether it’s on missions or holidays she loves them. There pretty.

“Like fireworks much, Doll?” Bucky asked coming up beside her, also peeking a look into the boxes. Y/n nodd’s very excited Bucky let out a soft laugh moving to wrap his arms around her waist as they turned to face the others in the room.

Steve shook his head with a small smile on his face looking towards his friend. “Oh you don’t know the half of it.”

“Y/n got Stark to rent a canon a couple of years back.” Nat told the ex-winter soldier with a raise of her brows and a mischievous look in her eyes.

“You got to admit though. It was Awesome.” Y/n gave a wide smile to the redhead knowing that they did share a love for pyrotechnics.

“It was.” Natasha agreed with s smirk thinking back on that day.

Bucky smiled at the exchange, and here he thought Y/n only loved fireworks on the 4th of July. Buck let out a breath. “New Year’s Eve. Haven’t celebrated one of those in forever.”

“Don’t worry merchant candidate. They haven’t changed much.” tony stated teasing in his own way. The crude comment from Tony earned a few glares from the others.

Steve looked towards Bucky and shrugged. “Ball drop. Fireworks. Toast to the new year.”

“And kisses at the stroke of midnight.” Nat added with a smug smile towards Steve and they all laughed remembering how Steve reacted a few years ago not remembering that part and getting surprised kissed by a couple of women.

Well everyone laughed but Bucky. His mind was still on what Natasha had just said and it made him stiffen. Y/n noticed that he had freezed up and wanted to get him out of the room in case something was bothering him.

“Hey, Buck. Could you help me with something?” She asked him knowing this could get them out of the room without questions.

“Sure doll.” he nodded following her out and down the hall to their shared room. Wondering what she needed help with.

Once they were inside Y/n shut the door behind them, turning to face the metal-armed man. “You ok? When Nat mentioned kissing on New Years you tensed up.”

y/n was worried about him Bucky didn’t tense often anymore. So the fact he did around the people they both consider family was concerning, and she just wanted to make sure he was ok.

Bucky moved to sit on the foot of the bed, he tilted his head letting out a laugh of embarrassment. “Yeah, I um, I haven’t done that since before I joined the Army. Since way before… everything.”

Y/n smiled adoringly at her sweet, adorable boyfriend. Y/n worked forward a few steps, standing between Bucky’s legs reaching up to cup his cheeks in between her hands. “Nothing to be embarrassed about Bucky.”

“I know it’s just. I remember now and I remember I use to be a ladies’ man and I’m not anymore. Don’t get me wrong I have you and I don’t want anyone else. It’s just-” Bucky moved his hands to rest on her hips, rubbing his thumbs in circles across her skin. It’s not that he still wanted to be a ladies’ man like he was back then, he had Y/n and that’s all he wanted. It’s just sometimes he felt like that’s how he should be since that who he was.

“An you don’t have to be. You’ve changed, and from what you’ve confided in me maybe that’s not a bad thing.” She spoke running a comforting hand through his short hair.

“I love you.” Bucky smiled admiring how much she truly cared about him. He couldn’t have asked for someone better. She truly understands him.

“I love you too, Buck.” Y/n smiled at him. No matter what Bucky went through or would go through in that head of his she would be there and help him out in any way she can. That’s what you do for the ones you love.

In this case, one, since we all know there’s only Bucky.

Later on, that day in the Avengers hung around, played party games, watched a couple of movies, and drinking. Soon enough it was nearly midnight and the team all headed outside. Tony had set up a large projection of the ball drop so they could watch that and see the fireworks all outside.

“Tony’s setting up the fireworks.” Steve said as he came over to where Y/n, Nat, and Bucky were standing.

“Nat nodded “good.”

“You to?” Steve asked looking at Nat, not all that shocked but amused.

Nat shrugged with a smile on her lips. “Y/n’s not wrong in her love for explosives.”

Y/n nodded smiling proudly. “No, I am not.”

Bucky laughed coming up beside her as they both agreed on their love for TNT. Buck handed Y/n a flute with some champagne inside, once he came back from the refreshments table.

“Thank you.” Y/n thanked him, grabbing the flute.

“No problem Doll.” Bucky nodded before engaging in conversation with Steve and Sam.

“So are you gonna do what we talked about?” Nat leaned in closer whispering to Y/n while the boys chatted.

“Yup” Y/n smiled blushing thinking about what she plans on doing tonight.

“Just keep it down tonight.” Natasha smirked mischievously just to tease her best friend.

“No promises” Y/n winked smirking back at the redhead just as mischievous.

About an hour later the count down started. Everyone was counting along and Tony was ready with the armored hand of his suit and aiming towards the fireworks. Ever the dramatic one.

They all were smiling and cheering joining in on counting down from ten. As it reached one and it turned midnight. Y/n turned her whole body to face Bucky’s, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks turning his head to look at her. Grabbing onto her lower back and hip, Bucky was about to ask her what she was doing. But she shook her head lightly singling to him to not ask and just go with it. Pulling him in for a kiss. His first New Year’s Eve Midnight kiss since the ’40s.

Y/n pulled out of the kiss, resting her forehead against Bucky’s. A huge smile on her face. “Happy New Year Bucky.”

“Happy New Year Doll.” Bucky stated, mirroring her expression. He couldn’t have asked for a better Midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve.

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3 years ago

I am so in love with this man🥵🥺

I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out
I Like His Cardboard Cut Out

I like his cardboard cut out

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1 year ago

Home Again - Bucky Barnes

Description: You have a plan to save Bucky from Hydra 

Authors Note: I wrote something like this on my old Tumblr and I rewrote it! I’m actually super proud of this one! I have a Multiverse event coming up for when the movie comes out so feel free to send in some requests for Wanda and Stephen! 

Warnings: Hydra 

Word Count: 1,553


Keep reading

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2 years ago



You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course, as one of the most successful lawyers in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.


Chapter 5:

“26 year-old Jessica Chaply. She was found dead in an alley. The three men were taken in as suspects, but no action was taken forward because it was a simple girl in an alley” I take a look at the pictures and see what Tony means. She was a girl trying to work and do her best, can’t judge anybody.

“What did we figure out anything about her tie in all of this?” I move papers around but see nothing.

“Her biological father is the one and only Dr. Monday” Top surgeon of NYP Hospital. “Now we don’t think he is directly linked with the murders but I will bet you my whole money that he is paying for all of it.” On the big screen there are newspapers where he was kidnapped then released a couple days later. “We know he wasn’t in his daughter's life but that doesn’t stop the old man from caring about his kid.” Only kid.

“So what do we think? Doctor got kidnapped and those people threten to kill his daughter if he didn’t support them financially?”

“Bingo. Atleast that is a string to follow. I have an appointment with said doctor and will offer my own protection since now his daughter is dead I am guess he will want to cut all ties and be free of there hands”

“Be careful Tony. He might seem like the deer in all of this but he might just turn out to be the one behind the gun” With the sly smirk and wink he walks out.

“I wouldn’t send him alone,” Pepper remarks as she gathers up her stuff. One thing about Pepper is she is never wrong. She is the older sister with the right head in everything. I turn over to Natasha who nods and follows behind Tony. “Lunch will be served in 30 minutes” She smiles at Steve, Bucky and I.

“Thanks Pepper” I get up following behind her on my way to find Wanda. Bingo. “What's cooking?” Her little jump made a chuckle come from my lips. Wanda was a warm touch to this place, especially as many people call it, my heart.

“Steak, potatoes, greenbeans, and brossuel sprouts.”  I scrunch my nose at the last greens. “You need to eat your greens” she gives me a stare which I just ignore taking a seat at one of the stools in the island. “I thought I could try something easy tonight.”

“And you decided to go with steak? You know I am not a cook so something easy for me is eggs.” She laughs and places the slices of steak infront of me, next to the other cooked ingredients. Perfection.

“Thank you” I go over and start helping her clean up. “So enlighten me on the last couple of days here” I sigh. We have this thing where she knows I hate talking about my feelings and things that have happened to me. So she said I could press rewind to my memories and it would be like a transfer of date to hers. “ I hope everything gets cleared up. Not only for Mr. Miller but for the young girl and all the victims around all of this” I only nod in agreement. I grab the sponge and soap and begin to wash the pots and pans.  “Oh honey don’t. I can do that is 2 seconds”

“No. It's fine. It's therapeutic to me.” it wasn’t a lie. Also I felt bad being here for almost 2 whole days and having everything done for me without helping out around here.

“Talking about therapy” Shit I know where she was going with this. “I don’t get into your mind because I trust you and I know its inversion of privacy but, you told me your were going every week!”

“I was until 2 weeks ago. You know” I flop my hands to the side. “ I promise after I don’t have a target on my head I will go back daily, I promise” She smiles and continues cleaning. She knows I never break my promise and you can take my word for that because I never make promises.

“So you got Bucky’s mandatory therapy session cancelled” I nod giving her a quiet ‘yep’ “You like Bucky?” I focus on my breathing as soon as I notice myself stop everything I was doing. She couldn’t know this. I mean I do like him but its not like its anything else other than physical. I barely know this guy.

“He is cute. But that's it”

“Is it?” oh god.. I avoid her gaze not knowing what to say. She laughs a little as she takes her attention to Jarvis. “Can you tell everyone Lunch is ready?” Jarvis announces to everyone as we take the plates to the dining room. “I think Bucky and you would have a lot to talk about, but only if you stop being mean to him” with that she left me with my mouth wide open. I didn’t do anything. Yes I mess around with him but at the end it's just a game no gets hurt from. I didn’t relize the whole team except Nat and Tony were already sitting down until Steve spoke.

“Are you joining us or are you only going to stand there?” I roll my eyes taking a seat next to him. There is no time to focus on whatever Bucky is. I have no time for that. I have to figure out Miller, and after that I will go back home and back to my normal routine. Wake up. Go into the office. Fight some cases. Maybe do some research if need be. Hang out with Matt, Foggy, and Karen then go back home and do it all over again. Wake up, office, cases, research, friends, sleep. I was going to begin eating until I feel buzzing in my pocket. I excuse myself and I go to the other room to answer the phone.

“Miss. Y/L/N?”


“Good afternoon, I am Trisha Collins.” I remember her name. “I am the social worker assign to Lydia Millers case”

“Yes. What can I do for you?”

“Well I know it has been a hard couple of days but as you know you are one of Lydias caretakers.” Yeah. Mr. Miller didn’t have any family near. We worked weeks together and before he was sent into custody he asked me if I would take care of Lydia while I figured out a way to take him out. So for a week or so I was her guardian.  The little one year old was coming to the office and going home with me for those couple of days. “Being so young I don’t want to put her in a foster home or a foster parent when she knows who you are. That is until Mr. Miller's parents come to pick her up.” I don’t know if I should be relieved or not. Of course I don’t want the little girl to go to some strangers. She doesn’t know it but she lost her father and for now she has no one. If I take her in I would be putting her in danger, but what if I don’t do anything and those people find a way to put her in danger. I already fell attached to her so what if I don’t want to give her up? I am not ready to take care of a baby long term. I don’t know how old the grandparents are or even if they are capable of taking her in and raising her. What is-

“What if that little girl is what you need right now?” my heart almost jumped out my chest. Why is she even reading my mind?

“I saw you were disturbed by something. You need to go get the little girl, you know your heart wouldn’t handle letting her spend another night with a stranger” Technically I am a stranger too.

“Send me the address, I will be on my way” I hang up the phone waiting for the message to come through. I need to calm down. I just need to take care of the little girl until her grandparents come and get her. If anything happens it will happen then, right now I need to focus on now. “Don’t tell Bucky” I whisper towards Wanda. I rush down stairs getting into the car and driving away. The location states a foster home office about 25 minutes from the tower. In my mind I am making a list of what I need now. Milk. Diapers. Clothes and blankets?. Toys and maybe a couple of books, right?. My mind was going in different directions and at a pace that was driving me crazy. I park on the side of the street and rush up the stairs. I see a blonde lady with a bright smile on her face.

“You must be Y/N.” I extend my hand for us to shake.

“Mrs. Collins?” She shakes her head laughing

“No. My name is Anna. Trisha had to leave but she told me everything” She motions for me to follow her. We walk into the office and beside the desk is a playpen where you can see little Lydia sleeping. “Thank you for doing this. Her grandparents are an older couple and need to make sure they are safe to fly. It should just be no more than a week.”

“Okay” I grab the diaper bag she handed to me and place it over my shoulder. She moved the car seat next to me about that time I almost dropped her bag and ran.

“I will be waiting outside” With a gentle smile she walks off back to the main entrance where she could still see me through the glass wall. I clean my hands, grabbing the baby and placing her inside. Shit. I don’t know how to put a car seat in a car. Whatever, I can do this. I lift her seat in one hand with her bag on my shoulder and the thing you hook up on the seat on the same arm. I walk out and I kid you not, I almost threw the thing and this guy. I didn’t think her smile could be bigger. She was a shy thing but that didn’t mean her body language was. She was leaning in. Playing with her hair and there he was just enjoying what she had to say. It took 5 minutes before I just rolled my eyes and walked past them.

“Oh no. Don’t worry about me. Go back to talking to Blondie” I tell him, still holding on to the baby seat.

“Don’t be a brat and let me help you” I roll my eyes again opening the door for him to walk out with Lydia. I can feel the tension in the air. I know he wanted to say something. I see him strap in the bottom of the car seat while I place the diaper bag in the passenger seat. Once I move around the car he places Lydia in. I was just about to thank him when he opened his big loud mouth. “Why did you leave without telling anyone?! Something could have happen” oh he makes it too easy. With a smirk on my face I say,


“Wanda knew” I simply shrugged moving towards the drivers door but was turned around and pressed against the car.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” He was whispering in my ear. His voice was so soft while both hands around my arms were pinning me to the car. What was happening? I was supposed to be messing around with him, not him messing around with my head. I was starting to feel a sensation and I know I had to stop this. “I can’t protect you if you don’t allow me too” his hands caress down my body until they are wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. I always know what to say but right now its like I ran out of words. His mouth ghost over to my neck just breathing but god damn, I could pass away right now. “You are just a dumb baby, you can’t protect yourself right? You need me to do so” One kiss. I could have fallen in his arms but those few words made me have enough. Who did he think he was? A knight in shining armour? And I am a damsel in distress who needed his protection? With all my strength I push him aside.

“Don’t treat me like a child” With that, I got into the car and began to drive away. “Who did he think he was? Huh. I mean yeah I might be in danger and now that I think about it since you would be around I should have probably brought him along to make sure nothing happens to you” I look through the rearview mirror as she babbles along and kicks her tiny legs. “But that still doesn’t give him the right to talk to me like a child and more to do whatever he was trying to do” I think the whole ride I was speaking to Lydia. While people driving beside me stared at me thinking I was crazy because I was definitely moving my arms like crazy. I know Bucky was following behind at a distance. So when we got to the tower I was thankful Wanda and Steve were outside waiting.

“Can I get her out?” I nod towards Wanda who was so giddy about it. I grab the diaper bag and close the door. Lydia was wide awake and looking around to her surroundings. “Isn’t she cute?” Not really a question for us but we both nod.

“Where’s Bucky?” 

“Hopefully in a ditch” That's when they both stare at me and I give a look at Wanda rewinding what happened about 30 minutes ago.

“Oh god” She whispers, holding Lydia a bit closer like if we had done a sin. Well I guess you can say having a baby inside the car we were against was probably wrong. Well she wouldn’t remember anything but the lady inside would have taken Lydia away if things escalated.


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