Steve Rodgers And Bucky Barnes - Tumblr Posts

Part 3
(You and Bucky had finally made it to Peppers dance club in Brooklyn, New York. The place was packed. There was long lines of people who was anxious to get in. But you didn’t have to worry. Bucky had some connections since he was in the Army.)
( Pepper’s was like a dream. As you and Bucky enter Peppers, a waiter seated you and Bucky in a booth by the bar. You take a look at the people on the dance floor. They were happy. Like they didn’t have a care in the world. With all the stuff going in the 1940′s such as War world 2, Racism etc, It was great being place where everyone was welcomed and happy. You couldn’t help but to smile.)
(Y/n): I can’t believe that we are finally here at Peppers. It’s like being in a dream. ( You were in awe.)
(Bucky looked at you with a small smile)
Bucky: It is, isn’t it? ( He too takes a look at the people and the scenery of Peppers.)
(Y/n): (Looking at the band now) Is that Duke Ellington with his band up on stage? ( you were a little starstruck)
Bucky:( Turning in the same direction as you) yes it is. (Turning back to you, with a slightly bigger smile)
( Duke Ellington and his band start to play, ”It don’t mean a thing”)
(Y/n): I love this song.
Bucky: ( standing up from the booth that you was seated at, offers you his hand) Dance with me, (Y/n).
(You nodded and he pulled you from the booth and you followed him onto the dance floor with the crowd of people . Bucky pulls you close to him. He wrapped one arm around your waist and brought his other hand to yours.)
Bucky: Just watch me, okay.
(You thought it was sweet that he tries to teach you swing/ jive dancing. When you knew it all along. As the beat of the music picks up, the dancing starts to pick up. Bucky starts tripping up and you couldn’t help but laugh.)
(Y/n): Having trouble? ( you yell enough for Bucky to hear you)
Bucky: Just a little ( notices that you know how to dance) wait! you know how to dance?
(Y/n): My dad has been teaching me ever since I was a little girl. ( You notice Bucky trying to keep up) Want me to teach you?
Bucky: ( looking at you, trying not to blush in embarrassment) Would you teach me?
(Y/n): ( You smile at him) I’d be happy to. Just watch me, okay. (you say as he smiles at you)
(You began with a simple dance step and Bucky followed in your lead. He begins to keep up with you and the music. As the music keeps changing tempo, Bucky started understanding the dance. After all he had the best teacher to show him, You and Bucky were having a good old time dancing along with everyone else.) (As soon as the song ended, you and Bucky went back to your booth. Bucky couldn’t keep his eyes off of you)
Bucky: You are so beautiful, (y/n).
(You blush at his response)
(Y/n): I don’t this night to end.
Bucky: It doesn’t have to end?
(You look at Bucky confused)
Bucky: (Taking your hands into his) I have been nuts for you ever since the first time I saw you at Olly’s. Will you make the luckiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?
(You were shocked. Bucky had asked you to be his girlfriend. You wanted to say yes, but you knew he would be leaving for the war)
Bucky: (With hope field eyes) So what do you say?
(Y/n): I…. I would to be your girlfriend but I don’t know?
(His hopeful eyes had turned into confusion)
Bucky: Wha… What? I’m confused.
(Y/n): It’s not that I don’t to be with you, Bucky. in fact, I really like you. It’s just……..
Bucky: It’s just?
(Y/n): In a week, you and Steve are going to deploy over seas with other soldiers to fight the second world war. And I don’t know if i will be able to see you.
Bucky: Is that what your worried about? Look, I promise that i would only be gone for a eight - nine months. And I promised that I will be alright.
(Y/N): How do you know that, Bucky? A lot can happen in the war.
Bucky: Yes that is true.
(Y/n):And sometimes, the people who survive the war don’t come back the same.
Bucky: ( Still holding on to your hands) I promise when we win this war, I would come back to you the same as I left you, (Y/n). Just give me a chance to prove you wrong.
(Y/n): let me think about it, okay
(You thought for a few minuets about Bucky’s offer. You had finally came to a decision)
(Y/n): Yes.
Bucky: Yes?
(Y/n): Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.
(Bucky smiled before leaning over the table to kiss you
Bucky: I promise you that I will be the best boyfriend you ever had.
(Y/n): You better. ( You smiled back at him)
(Another band came on stage. They started to play a slow song.)
Bucky: You wanna get back on the dance floor? Or are you too tired?
(Y/n): Yeah, sure why not? I’m not too tired.
(Bucky standing up from the booth once more, offering you his hand again. You take it and follow him to the dance floor. Bucky pulls you closer to him. He wrapped one arm around your waist and brought his other hand to yours. )
(Y/n): Thanks for making this a wonderful first date, Buck.
Bucky: If you think that this is wonderful, just wait till you see what i have planned for tomorrow.
(Y/n): You already have tomorrow date planned?
Bucky: (Looking into your eyes now) Like I said, I am nuts for you, (Y/n).
(You both laugh. Bucky kisses you once more. this time with a little more passion.)
The end.

“I don’t know why your so upset with me, Bucky. I made it back in one piece.” You pleaded with him.
“Look at you (Y/n). You are in a hospital bed at New York Presbyterian hospital. With a giant gash on your forehead and stomach. If the Avengers and I haven’t stopped Hydra. You would have been killed.” Bucky was practically yelling now.
“I was so scared of losing you (Y/ n).” Bucky was on a verge of tears as he sat down on your bedside.
“ Well… I’m not going anywhere. Hydra has to do alot worse in order to get rid of me.“ You put a hand to his face. Bucky relaxed at your touch. His arms reached around as he held you close to his body and the stubble on his neck made you giggle a bit.
“You’re so crazy, (Y/N). Going on that crazy mission by yourself. If you’d died at the hands of Hydra. I would have lost it.
"You have nothing worry about Bucky. I promise.” You say.
“I hope so.” Bucky says, still holding on to you. Kisses you on the forehead.
The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
This is not your fault, Bucky

word count: 1790
“What the hell…“ you croaked out. You were struggling to regain conciseness. The last thing you remember was monitoring Bucky’s interrogation and next thing you knew, you were in the interrogation room with Bucky and your wrist and ankle was tied to a chair. The room was somewhat dark. The only light you to see was the emergency light.
You heard someone call out your name,
“Bucky?” You called out thinking it was him. Still trying struggling to regain conciseness.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked.
Before you could reply, A man appeared from behind you
“Dr. Broussard?” You asked.
“Actually it is Zemo.” The man said.
“Where is the real Dr. Broussard then?” you asked.
“Oh, I killed him back at his hotel where he was staying at.” he said he touched your cheek, make you flinch. Bucky tense up.
“Don’t touch her” Bucky growled. Zemo chuckled.
“Why did you kill Dr. Broussard?” you asked again,
“I needed a way to sneak in without being detected by Shield and the Avengers.
Zemo backed away from you and up to Bucky who was still restrained in the glass box. “Asset, soldier. Do you like that I brought your pretty little girlfriend here?”
Bucky, struggling to get free. “What do you want from us?”
“I want you and your girlfriend to suffer along with the rest of the Avengers. I want you to kill her and complete the mission: December 16, 1991.” Zemo said.
You tense up at the fact that Zemo wants Bucky to kill you.
“What makes you think I’m going to do what you want?” Bucky said.
“With this.” Zemo pulled out a red book with a black star on it, making Bucky tense up even more.
“Where did you get that?” Bucky asked.
“I have my ways..” Zemo said going through the pages. Bucky Looked back at you.
“What ever happens, just know that this wasn’t me and that i love you, (Y/N).”
“I know James, I love you too.” you say
“She doesn’t love you. ” Zemo said, slowly making Bucky mad with rage.
“Shut up” Bucky growled, now struggling on his restrains .
“Like I said, she doesn’t love you. Never has and never will. Don’t trick your yourself into thinking that young (Y/N) could ever love a monster like you.” Zemo said as he was going through the pages of the book.
“Don’t listen to him Bucky. You are not a monster. You are a sweet, lovable man that I fell in love with. You are not the winter soldier.” You say, trying to convince Bucky.
“Stupid girl. Lets see what you think when Bucky rings out your pretty neck” Zemo said as he starts reading from the book,
“Longing.” he started saying.
“No….” Bucky muttered, shaking his head.
You realize that Zemo has the book that can activate the winter soldier. You start trying to break free from the chair, Zemo couldn’t help but to laugh.
“Stop….” Bucky pleaded, closing his eyes tight and trying to block out the words. He can’t, though. The restrains were holding him back.
“Stop it!”
Bucky tossed his head back harshly. You did your best to escape the chair but it was no use.
Bucky managed to look at you. Tears falling from his eyes. “You’ll find to stop me. I know you will. I love you (Y/N).
Tears were falling from your eyes, “ I love you too, Bucky.” You said almost sobbing.
“Freight car.”
Bucky’s Bionic arm broke free from the restrains.
You couldn’t help but to gasped and in horror as Bucky broke his other wrist from the hold. You were still trying to break free from the chair.
Bucky screamed as he clutched his head. He started banging on the glass door until finally he broke the glass door off the handles shattering and hitting you in the process and knocking you on to the ground impaling you with peaces of glass in the side of your stomach, breaking the chair in the process.
You were a little dizzy do to the door hitting you and glass impaling you, but that didn’t stop you from trying to break free. Once you realize the chair was broken you managed to wiggle your way out of the rope that was formally tied around your wrist and ankle. You looked over Bucky.
Zemo shut the notebook. He walked over to Bucky cage. “Soldier?”
Bucky blinks, and exhales heavily.
“Ready to comply.”
Tears were streaming down your face. The man in front of you wasn’t Bucky, The man you fell in love with, It was the winter soldier. And it was all Zemo’s fault.
“You Bastard” you said as you were stumbling on the ground.
Zemo smirked, looking back at the soldier again.
“Your mission is to kill (Y/N) and retrieve mission report. December 16,1991.” he said.
The Winter Soldier’s gaze to you, and you froze in fear. Zemo walked out of the interrogation room. Leaving you with the winter soldier.
“Bucky, Don’t do this! This isn’t you!” you yelled as you finally stood up and slowly started backing away.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” The Winter Soldier growled and started walking towards you.
“Please remember, Bucky.” You said as you continued to back away. The winter soldier attempt to swing a punch at you. You managed to doge it. You turned around to run but the winter soldiers metal arm grabbed your arm. Pulling you back and pinned you against the wall “You are my mission.” he said. You looked into his eyes. they were cold.
“I am not your mission, Bucky.” You continued pleading trying to push him off, but nothing was working. “This ends now.” said The Winter Soldier. You looked at him in horror as he grabbed your neck and pinned you back against the wall. You tried to pry his metal hand off your neck, gasping and choking in the process.
You started to feeling lightheaded and your vision slowly started to blur. Tears were pouring from your eyes as the winter soldiers grip on your neck began to squeeze harder and harder. ” please.. abort mission….” you managed to choke out. The Winter Soldier’s eyes met your, but the expression didn’t change. You weakly reached out and gently caressed his cheek. causing the winter soldier to stiffen, “Come back….” she whispered before blacking out.
The grip on your neck loosened, and you had dropped to the ground. The winter soldier started remembering who he was and became Bucky again. Once Bucky had regained his senses, he saw you on the ground.Bucky knelt down in front of you and gently held your face, wiping her cheek.
“(Y/N)?” Bucky called out as he was still wiping your cheek. You had no response.
“(Y/N)?” He called out again. waiting for you to respond but nothing. Bucky realize that you were bleeding out on the side of your stomach. Bucky held you in his arms as he tried to slow down the bleeding and started calling out for help.
“No-no-no! NO!!! (Y/n)!!! SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE!” His heart was breaking, knowing that he was the cause of this, “(Y/N)” please!! Open your eyes! (Y/n) please,please I’m begging you. Come back. Please. I’m so sorry.”
Zemo walked back into the room and laughed at Bucky.
“How adorable.” He clapped his hands as he came into view again. “I must say, you’ve grown soft, Soldier. But your not done yet. You still have a mission to do.”
Bucky glared and growled. Zemo started to read through the book again when someone had bust through the door. Agents started to fill in the place surrounded Zemo. Steve, with his stealth suit, came in the view, followed by a Tony with his Iron Man suit on and Sam who was in his Falcon suit.
Steve breathed out a sigh of relief and jogged towards (Y/N) and Bucky. “Are you two alright?” he asked, looking for injuries and wounds.
”I am but she needs help.” Bucky said still holding you in his arms.
“Don’t worry the paramedics are and they are going to save her” Tony said.
“Everything is going to be alright now. I promised.” Bucky said still cradling you in his arms…..
Immediately you start to feel an overwhelming pain in your head and the side of your stomach. You felt someone holding tight onto your hand, but your eyes are to heavy to open and see.
“(Y/N)?” A quiet voice speaks up. You did your best to speak but the exhaustion spring upon you as you attempt to speak.
“(Y/N), you awake?” The voice asked again.
“Yeah,” You rasp.
“Oh,God (Y/N),” The voice sighs in relief, “I thought I had lost you. I’m so sorry” Your mind is a bit of a haze but as the voice becomes clearer you suddenly realize it was Bucky himself.
“Well I’m still here aren’t I?” Your voice is quiet but laud enough for Bucky to hear you. He chuckled as he gave your hand is given a small squeeze.
“I almost killed you (Y/N)” he said as tears fall from his eyes.
“No the Winter Soldier almost killed me, not you Buck.” you pleaded.
“I thought you weren’t gonna wake up,” He murmurs. “I thought one of these days someone was going to come by and tell me you had finally died.” One of these days? You couldn’t have been out of it that long.
“How many days I been out?” You ask as your mouth finally begins to regain it’s moisture.
“Two weeks, (Y/N).”
“ It’s okay Buck, I’m okay now. And the important thing is that Zemo is locked up and you are not under his control.” you said.
Bucky looked up at you as
“Is there anything I can do for you (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, can you stay with me?” you asked.
“Yes I can do that” Bucky said as you scooted over on the hospital bed.Making room on the bed for Bucky. Bucky lays beside you, his weight making the bed dip a little. Immediately Bucky softly wraps his arms around your shoulders, making sure not to cause you any form of pain. You nuzzled your nose against his cheek and you can practically feel the smile on his face.
“God, I love you so much (Y/N),I can’t live without you” Bucky whispers as presses a tender kiss to your temple. You can’t help but smile, even though exhaustion has overtaken your body you still feel elated.
“I love you too Bucky, promise you’ll stay here, with me?”
“I’ll stay with you until you want me to leave.”
“Good because I never want you to leave.” Bucky presses one last kiss to your forehead and then the both of you fall asleep together.