Instadog - Tumblr Posts

Feliz día a ÉL !! @Homero siempre está dispuesto a hacer más divertidos los break de mi Home Office 🐶👨🏻💻 #dog #dog #puppy #instagood #dogs_of_instagram #pet #pets #animal #animals #petstagram #petsagram #dogsitting #photooftheday #dogsofinstagram #ilovemydog #instagramdogs #nature #dogstagram #dogoftheday #lovedogs #lovepuppies #hound #adorable #doglover #instapuppy #instadog (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)

These two love the beach #dogsofinstagram #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #newlife #rurallife #beach #instadog (at Monreith Beach)
Too soon... Its always too soon 😢😢


Abbiamo la pretesa di viaggiare per conoscere il mondo e cambiare vita , ma siamo troppo abituati a percorrere le strade nel solito senso , da non riuscire a vedere i percorsi alternativi che abbiamo già intorno. .. Si ok io e le belve abbiamo fatto arrampicata libera alla ricerca di nuovi sentieri ... #dogs #dogslife #dogstagram #wood #intothewood #intothewild #freespirit #dogtrekking #saturday #autumn #walk #trekking #earth #instadog #ilovemydogs #purplehair #girl #alternative #life #picoftheday

“Are pets really worth all the hassle? The barking, the meowing, the defecating, the urinating, the fleas, tickies… it all adds up my bros. But maybe, that one time when your doggy licks your face, smelling of genitals, makes it all worthwhile.” 😚 ..

Guys, I bet you didn’t know this, but doggies get lonely too. It is so true. Look at your dogs face next time. Why did you spay that dog! They need doggyfriend! C'mon guys.. But anyway, back to the comic. The two doggies in this comics are so lonely, but the one of the right is mean dog. Therefore, things do not work out. Such is life. Happy V Day! <3<3<3