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"More often than not, when you listen to a new love song on the radio, you come across a few lines which you really like. Even when we listen to a love song we already know of, some lyrics of the song suddenly strike a different chord."💓 #benjiefede #zeropositivo #stezzano #leduetorrievent #instore #love #pic #benjimascolo #federossi #amorewifi (presso Centro commerciale Le due torri, Stezzano)

"Stay here and lay here right in my arms, it's only a moment before you're gone and I am keeping you warm, just act like you love me so I can go on" ♥️ #zeropositivo #music #lovequote #shawnmendes #handwritten #illuminate #illuminatetour #milan #italy #bergamo #stezzano #leduetorri #instore #love #amore #hug #pizza #music #benjimascolo #federicorossi #benjiefede #2005 (presso Centro Commerciale Le Due Torri)