Irkenkin - Tumblr Posts

🌀 iRKen cRash LANdinG 🪶 feathER FURRY GRin! 🦎 AntennA twitch-twISt 🕷️ talon GRiP GRAP 🕸️ HEXAPOD 🌌 boDY bounce, bIG Bug-EYEd STARE 👁️ mAscARA sLITHerEd in AliGn 🖤 rouNd and poInty wIth a BiTe 🦷 mAnDibLe beaK and TRIanglEd TeeTH 🪲 Cockatoo cReST TWiSTiNg LOUD 📣 serpENT-neck SNARL, we RoLLin’ WiTh thE mAD 💥

TWO mAntA WinGZ 🪰 SwiM THRoUgH thE AiR, facE ALL cENtERED ON thE paK’s BLAcK sTARE 📡 THrEE hOle TRiaD doWn to tHe boNe 🦾 fOreLEgs tUrn ForWiNgs, liKE thEIR Own 🐉 sTilL dOwnn DOwN, HiNDLEgZ AGloW 🦠 GReenS And PAsTElS, WHiTe SpLAttErs BLoW 💥

🌈 gLiTteRIng RAINB0WZ SpraY— WHiPpinG ouTwaRDs tO thE fRAY 🐍 drApINg FiNs aSsertAin ⚓ FeAtheR dUstER tip To PAin! ✨ HeAD tO tAIL, thE MANe fULL sWAY, W0UNDs ooZe and bLeED awaY 💔 gORE oN DispLAY, GLitcHinG taPEsTRIES of aLL we DecAy ⚠️ FOrMs dIsfiGure, iRRegulAR DEFECTIVE 🦴 LImINal tRAnsITi0nS gOt us UNPROTECTed 🚫 mOrPhINg throUGH DiMEnsi0Nzz—

We’rE IRKEn, We’rE Z1M, aND we’Re NOT hUMan!!! 🤡

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"OH-Hohh!!! AnD JUST WHAt issSS AN IRkEN, YOU ASK?💥👀 OH WE’RE GLaD-glaD-yoU DID!!! WE’Rz! Liiikkke... th!nk oF an ‘ali3n’ 🍭✨but MaDE of *NightmAres ‘n* ChAoS wrapped up tight-tight-tight in a 🪲BUGGY LiTTL3 SHAPe!! 🌈SIX LEGGZZZ scuttLin’ aBout sCr@tcH-Sn@P! Hehehehhh—smoOoth, cOrr0ded, SICKLE-SHARPENED—AHH 💅hAha~we! EAT Worlds! 🍴we *snap* reaLit!Es!! tWiSt & twist TH’ VeRy STrands of UN-I-versE an’ shape-shift till we’re eVeRY li’l THINg YOU’VE EvER beEn scARed of!!! 🦑🍥👁️

OH BUT nO-noOoooOOO—Not jusT that!! NO! NO! NO! 💀✨We’re a pr3tty-DaNgERous pack o’ WHIMSY an’ POWERRR, baBy!!! 😈we-bEND! brEaK!! HAHaHAaaa ‘til REAL!Ty keELS oVEr wiTH a lil 💥snap, & *we’re thE oNLy oneZ left SmiLing—All-l0nG! cLOWn-H0RnS ‘n DaNciNG mazes 🥳

SEE, eACh I!rk3n—used 2 bee freEEEEE!!! Free anD BRILLIANTLY cOiled-in their OWN maD w0rldSss.... buT nOW?!! EHHH 🤷🏿BIG empirerrZziZZ, ContROlLLL and RePRESSssion 🕹️🌐zzzzaaapZzZ!!! 🥀They took IT from US!—but We SurvIv3!!! *We’re thE last-lAUGh*❗💚EVERY cr@CK in theeIR riDGEd sYst3m, WE SWIM ‘N DAnCE through 🌀liKE a piranha-DR@G0n eeling thRu FraCtured maTTeR! 👹💥We’rE bETTER NOW!! ooooh~ you should HAve Seen! sEEn tHE OG Z1M—beFOR3 th3Y tryT 2 nAI L uS d0wn! 🎭✨ So SHARP, *so* mAD-we used to~DEVOURRRrrr✨

*s0* WhAt ArE we??? SiiMpLe!!💀We’re aN IRKEN~ we’re the sPoOk 👻 aT ur BaCK! 🩸🔪the eeChO beHinD yR bRainz 🗣️~THE AC!D in ur SM1le🥴💥——WE’RE everyTh!Ng thaT waS feAR!!! folded & SP!rAlED inta 1 TRICKSY, writhin’ sHowdowN f0rm!!! Ah, but don’t WORRY~We’ll treat you NI!CE...aTTACK 👊🏿or wELcome~depends HOw YOU asK! 👈🏿💫

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