Isatober - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Welcome to the show!

Welcome To The Show!
Welcome To The Show!

Doing the Isatober challenges! Day one every body!

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5 months ago
apple-juice-boxes - Apple Juice Box

Welcome to the show!

I've never once done an inktober or anything like that because I ALWAYS forget by the time October rolls around, but I remembered this year!

It's not technically finished but I'm tired

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5 months ago

Two hat spoilers!!! (Kinda, I'm not really sure)

Two Hat Spoilers!!! (Kinda, I'm Not Really Sure)

Isatober day 2!

This took thirty minutes, but I don't hate it. I really like how Loop looks

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5 months ago
Day 4 Stars

Day 4 Stars

So I'm a little behind on ISATober but whatever lol

This took twenty minutes, and that would explain why I don't like it very much lol

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5 months ago
Day 4 Touch

Day 4 Touch

I am getting farther and farther behind on ISATober every day that goes by lol

Also, I think I mixed up plants liking when people talk to them with touch but whatever its 2 in the morning

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5 months ago

Thinking about doing this... idk yet.. kinda busy with school still but... fun.


more likely than you think!!!

isatober art/writing challenge. 

prompts written on this page:

2: Change
3: Stagnant 
4: Star
5: Touch
6: Blackhole/Collapse
7: Glass
8: Longing 
9: Memory 
10: Super Nova
11: Me, Myself, And I
12: Spiralling
13: Emptiness 
14: Snack/Food
15: Spotlight
16: Again and Again 
17: Exit Stage Left
18: Mask/Act
19: Picture/Smile
20: Waiting
21: Truth
22: Gone
23: Break
isatober art/writing challenge!!

prompts written on this page:

24: Going In Circles 
25: Something Missing
26: Help/Help Yourself
27: Bright/Dim
28: Follow
29: Stolen
30: Gratitude 
31: I Promise

(a doodle of a pleased loop is telling you to: “Have fun, stardust!”)

isatober thing!!!!!

(and here is your tag, tumblr user @radioroxx !!! )

here's all the prompts if my writing confuses you;


2: Change

3: Stagnant

4: Star

5: Touch

6: Blackhole/Collapse

7: Glass

8: Longing

9: Memory

10: Super Nova

11: Me, Myself, And I

12: Spiralling

13: Emptiness

14: Snack/Food

15: Spotlight

16: Again and Again

17: Exit Stage Left

18: Mask/Act

19: Picture/Smile

20: Waiting

21: Truth

22: Gone

23: Break

24: Going In Circles

25: Something Missing

26: Help/Help Yourself

27: Bright/Dim

28: Follow/Universe

29: Stolen

30: Gratitude

31: I Promise


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5 months ago


(Two hats/isat spoilers under the cut - be mindful )

Day 2+4 - Change & Star


Hi hi! decided i am going to do ISAT-tober but due to being busy(and because I came up with a ridiculous amount of good ideas like this) I'm merging prompts! (using @/darlnyan's ISAT prompt list)

Sooo expect me to upload multiple drawing prompts until I catch up properly, than ill switch to posting every other day.

On the other note, absolutely love how this one turned out?! don't think I've ever done colours and lighting so nicely?? And WOW monochrome lighting with monochrome colours plus that much white light against white colours was difficult!

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5 months ago


(Vague Act 5 spoilers under the cut - Play In Stars and Time, if you haven't yet! )

Day 7+8 - Glass & Longing


" The actors have left the stage, yet the play continues."

Hey! this prompt is mostly on time! would you look at that! I have both the sketches for days 1+3 and 5+6 ready-ish, just need a chance to complete them. This one took waaay longer than I thought it would but eh it turned out well in the end so it was well worth it. (think I should've outlined Odile's hair more tho)

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5 months ago
ISATober Day One - Welcome To The Show

ISATober day one - Welcome to the show

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