It Is Beautiful - Tumblr Posts

Thank you so much Ash!! I love it! It's Completely different from how I thought this would turn out and probably 500x better than how I would have written it!!

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


Merlin knows from the heart-stopping moment that the fallen branch impales and rips his tent almost in half, that he hates, nay loathes camping and to his horror, it’s the annoyingly posh rich bloke with the top-of-the-range camping gear who comes to his rescue.

However, it soon becomes clear that there’s a reason that the two of them ended up at the camping ground next to what is rumoured to be one of the most haunted and powerful forests in Britain on the last day of October, and it’s far bigger than either of them could have ever imagined.

Written for the lovely @das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh who wanted to see Merlin and Arthur camping in a storm. Hope you enjoy it :)

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7 years ago

Separation of Powers

I haven’t written consistently since June. Consider this a warm-up stretch. (Original fiction, Adam and Emily.)


The inevitable happened, as inevitable things are wont to do, one chilly November afternoon.

Her anger got the best of her. She did not get angry often, and never at him, but it made no difference to the powers at war inside of them. The light saw an opportunity. With a flash like the sun reflected off a mirror, it lashed out at him.

A wall of shadows burst from the ground half a heartbeat too late. White hot pain lanced through the skin of his cheek.

It couldn’t have taken more than a second. One moment they stood on one side of someday, the next they were waist-deep in the aftermath. 

His left eye watered. A held breath escaped her lungs. Horror crept into her face like a hideous blush.

Then he crossed the space between them and pulled her into his arms.

He held her against him, ignoring his bleeding cheek and the darkness that howled at him to rip her apart. His desire for revenge threatened to overwhelm his sanity. But he tethered himself to everything he could: his feet on the floor, the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the little whimpers that left her lips to chip fragments off his heart.

“It’s all right,” he said. “You didn’t mean to. It’s all right.” He wrapped his arms around her. Tighter. Tighter. “Don’t cry. Please. I’m not angry. I know it wasn’t you.” Her hands clutched feebly at his back. “This isn’t you,” he whispered, not only to her, but to himself as well. “This isn’t you.”

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3 years ago

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2 years ago

Happy Birthday Breaking Bad!

Happy Birthday Breaking Bad!

Look, I won't say much on this post. That is because their is nothing that I can say to summarize this shows greatness. It is beautiful. It is flamboyant. It is one of the best things I have ever watched. I am done now.

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6 years ago
Its Time For Another Giveaway! I Think I Last Did One When I Hit 10k. I Like The Number 13 And I Want
Its Time For Another Giveaway! I Think I Last Did One When I Hit 10k. I Like The Number 13 And I Want

It’s time for another giveaway!  I think I last did one when I hit 10k.  I like the number 13 and I want to thank you all for following me so excuse for another one.  I’ll be giving away one full body like the pieces below:

Its Time For Another Giveaway! I Think I Last Did One When I Hit 10k. I Like The Number 13 And I Want

The rules are simple!  

You must be following me

One like = one entry and one reblog = one entry

You can reblog as many times are you want for more entries

I only have time for one piece, so unfortunately there will only be one winner, sorry!  The giveaway will close Friday April 20 at midnight GMT, as I have some diploma deadlines before then that I’ll need to get out of the way.  The winner will be chosen randomly.

Thank you all so much for following me!  You guys don’t know how much I appreciate every follow, like, and reblog, especially since 99% of my content is original.

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