Itneverbegun - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Yknow what? I was 'bout to say something really misogynistic but there's still a part of me who doesn't fully believe in my reasons to having this hatred

It's not that I care about what people would think, I just can't say something I don't fully agree even if it's 99%—

What the fuck? I was adding tags about mysogyny and for some damn reason there's a KINK about mysogyny???

Yknow What? I Was 'bout To Say Something Really Misogynistic But There's Still A Part Of Me Who Doesn't

Holy fucking fuck. Yknow what else does it reminds me? I was scrolling through and I found a post pointing out about a hella big subreddit about RAPE KINK and most of the posts I saw were about women fantasizing about being brutally raped. I-what the fuck is wrong with women?

Yknow what else it reminds me? Most violent porn is consumed by women. Goddamn it, sometimes I think I'm just overreacting or going too far whenever I think about blackpill but it only ends up being proved again and again

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