Actually Incel - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

It's kind of shitty and borderline aphobic to claim most aspec people are just incels trying to get away from the label. You seem to miss that a lot of us don't want a relationship or are already in one. If an aspec person struggles to find a relationship more than most people, it's usually because of their aspec-ness, since it can be hard to find someone ok with that. Overall you clearly have a very warped perspective of aspec people and I'd love it if you took your nose out of our business

I don't have any problem into admiting I excluded a lot of people when I said "aro/ace people are nothing more than socially accepted incel", I was actually typing an smol apology about that since it wasn't supposed to get into actual aro/ace people and I communicated myself badly

except I'm still gonna point about actual incels who use it as a umbrella term to avoid being related with the stereotypes that people think about incels

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1 year ago

Reading again, I realize I was being unfair with the actual aro/ace ones~

I'm not trying to apologize and just unsay, does it even count as a word? it's pretty safe to say there's a ton of incels who use the aro/ace flag as a way to protect themselfs despite still wanting relationships and being sexually active and knowing we don't have any form of support from society, I can't blame them, all of us cope using our own methods and people still see us with the same "all incels thinks women have to fuck with them" stereotype and damn, I'm só tired of it

after reading this one post, it was more personal than most I did 'cause yknow, there's not a lot of people who I interact here and althought it's interesting to see differents perspectives it's also exhausting still seeing the same ones

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1 year ago there any incel, blackpill or even whitepill content creator here? This website really reminds me of design and freedom about the way we can make our posts and it's way more popular so yeah, dunno

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1 year ago

As an autistic male, I just don't see how a person would be able to truly love me romantically and the more I study about blackpill, the more I understand this is impossible to happen.

I'm unable of behaving like the male provider that women look for, I can't read all the lines they expect me to, I'm not visually attractive enough for a woman to feel genuine attraction for me and it's not enough to hold any of them even if I'd had anyone interested I'm being very carefully in this " attractive enough" 'cause even though I'm a normie-ish, I'm still stuck in this uncanny valley , I'm not even mentioning my most personal problems, let alone that

It's not a question of self development or improvement, I'm biologically UNABLE to be any of this or do any of this because I'm made this way, saying I'm not trying to improve pisses me off 'cause I've already tried my best for so long and it never gave me anything other than pain

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1 year ago

seeing people using the word incel as a synonym for sexist and being used by normies (sometimes even by chads) as a lifestyle would be infuriating if it weren't hilarious

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1 year ago

don't worry guys, the first 8 billion of rejections are just warm up

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1 year ago

do you really agree with it or are you just afraid of being cancelled?

if it's the latter option then you know exactly how shallow and manipulable people are

you're also aware about the social impact it has to not having exactly the same wavethought people have

there are no shame on it. In fact it's fully understandable. No one wants to be excluded. Yet I have one question: do you want to stay living this fake life forever?

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1 year ago

Yknow what? I was 'bout to say something really misogynistic but there's still a part of me who doesn't fully believe in my reasons to having this hatred

It's not that I care about what people would think, I just can't say something I don't fully agree even if it's 99%—

What the fuck? I was adding tags about mysogyny and for some damn reason there's a KINK about mysogyny???

Yknow What? I Was 'bout To Say Something Really Misogynistic But There's Still A Part Of Me Who Doesn't

Holy fucking fuck. Yknow what else does it reminds me? I was scrolling through and I found a post pointing out about a hella big subreddit about RAPE KINK and most of the posts I saw were about women fantasizing about being brutally raped. I-what the fuck is wrong with women?

Yknow what else it reminds me? Most violent porn is consumed by women. Goddamn it, sometimes I think I'm just overreacting or going too far whenever I think about blackpill but it only ends up being proved again and again

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1 year ago

Your looksmatch would never date you because she thinks she's a 10 even if she is barely a 6 and due to simps+feminism

water is wet

also I hate the fact that redpill and blackpill aren't common themes here

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1 year ago

I hate every single one of you who can't use your fucking brain to search a bit about inceldom and associate it purely with misogyny and rape

Nobody besides the mentally distorted (who are the most extremist and don't represent even half of the community) believes that "men are entitled to sex"

you think incel is a synonym for misogynistic and while there is some merit about this logic, there is also the halo effect which I'd be generous and unrealistic to think any of you would understand

everybody loves to talk about how incels have a distorted world vision even if at the deep every single fucking social movement uses by some extention the same points of view from blackpill

yknow what? We are the ones who actively rethink if we're wrong because it's such a dry pill to swallow because we have humans (shocking, I know) and we were taught the same "just be nice and you will eventually get a girlfriend" bluepill shit while all of fights by thinking "I still chase the same type of men who are leagues above me while me and my fellas gaslight ourselves we are actually 10/10 despite being mid, therefore all men sucks!" or the early abused girl who didn't had a good father

if you can't argue about it without thinking your worldview is the objectively right then don't hide you're just blatantly dishonest and biased

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5 months ago

I was thinking for a while and I thought that there are more polygamous women than polygamous men since from my pov it's way more common to see a woman with 2-3 guys than a guy with 2-3 women assuming they're the average cuck who doesn't have that much options besides practically having to pay someone aka betabuxxing unless he wants to be the simp from his "relationship" until I thought maybe that's not the full story

Assuming women have incomparably more options than men, I can't really conclude whether women or men are more polygamous

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5 months ago

nvm fuck it, I'll just go with "femcel" cause it fits me better, and I'll orient between incel and femcel as needed.

does anyone know what to call a nonbinary incel? I think I might be an incel but I don't identify as a girl or boy (well, i do identify as a boy, but i'm still nonbinary regardless)

I was thinking about calling them "excels" or "encels", but idk :p

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5 months ago


I hate how there's so many genuinely shitty people in the incel community to the point that if any non-celebate hears the word "incel" they automatically think we wanna rape little children and that we have this horrific views on women.


I hate moids so much I hate their stupid standards I hate when they call themselves incels and blame women for their issues when they dont put in effort

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5 months ago

I wish older men would give me attention so that I can actually feel better about myself :,]

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5 months ago


I know this is probably gonna result in me losing a lot of people I care about, but I've pretty much came to accept and acknowledge something that I'm finally understanding.

I'm a bad person who does bad things. 

I manipulate people into either staying with me or getting what I want, I make insensitive comments (even if I didn't mean it that way), I don't respect boundaries as much as I want to, I talk about how nobody loves me all the time even if there are people who do love me, I talk about sex and needless drama a lot (even when I'm not supposed to), I'm mean to people when I'm angry, I ignore people on purpose if I find them "boring", HELL, I even use to emotionally abuse my (now ex) boyfriend and then call him the abuser when he tried to speak up about it, knowing damn well that this was damaging his well-being (and I wish i never did fyi, the guilt from the abuse I had done haunts me to this day and I feel like neither me or him can recover from that).

Not to mention that I am an egotistical attention seeker and I like to exploit my own mental health struggles for clout online (and making them worse in the process), sometimes even going as far as over-exaggerating it just so people can give me attention.

I am a major fucking red flag, but for some dumbass reason, people just love to throw on the rose-colored glasses and not only ignore those red flags, but instead blame the victims for what happened and tell me that I am a good person regardless, even though they know the truth about me.

It pisses me off how nobody even understands that I will hurt them, and I have flaws that will affect them, and it also pisses me off how people want to blame the people being hurt by my actions. HELL, EVEN MY THERAPIST IS TELLING ME THIS IS OKAY, WHEN IT'S NOT!

And the fucked up part?

I was doomed to be like this from the start.

I can't change myself because of the fact that a lot of my behavior stems from both my mental illness/disability and the environment I had to grow up in, and also I can't handle criticism for shit. Anytime someone calls me out for my shitty behavior, I tell them that they're a piece of shit and then block them before going on a rant about about how "oh, i'm so misunderstood and I'm trying to be good! please pity me and feed my praise kink for me!!! :(" and then continue to do the shitty behavior in question with no consequences.

I know i'm repeating this a lot, but I am genuinely so upset how behavior like this is so normalized and encouraged. People are being harmed by my actions yet I'm being told it's okay for some reason. They don't even bother to try and address my flaws and hold me accountable for jack shit, and it makes me wonder how far they're willing to go just to defend my actions...

So overall, I'm just stuck in this limbo of being aware I'm a bad person yet never being held accountable for it, and it's basically driving me insane. 

But at the same time, I'm terrified of abandonment, and if I lose the people I genuinely care about over this I'll just go into another crisis and threaten myself again, so I just force myself to take in the praise just to keep me alive.

I wish I wasn't like this, and I wish I could stop hurting people, it's killing me atp..

I'm not even gonna bother to use tone tags for this because it'll just sound like I'm making this a joke (fuck the people who misuse the /srs tone tag btw), feel free to interpret this however you want. I just needed to get this out of my system before it fucks me over again.

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5 months ago

I identify as aromantic because I already gave up on trying to find a romantic relationship, it's my need for a sexual relationship but not being able to find anyone and how my relationships failed me in the past that makes me an incel (well, I actually identify as a femcel, but you get the idea)

I feel like aro/ace incels are valid because they are a celibate due to their lack of attraction (which is involuntary btw), and I think that should be more recognized in the incel community.

idk, that's just kinda my take.

(tagging as BPD because that's also why I identify as an incel)

Edit: forgot to mention that cupioromantic/cupiosexual can be used as an alternative label to describe celibacy due to attraction (as a former cupiosexual myself), and it's just as valid :>

It's kind of shitty and borderline aphobic to claim most aspec people are just incels trying to get away from the label. You seem to miss that a lot of us don't want a relationship or are already in one. If an aspec person struggles to find a relationship more than most people, it's usually because of their aspec-ness, since it can be hard to find someone ok with that. Overall you clearly have a very warped perspective of aspec people and I'd love it if you took your nose out of our business

I don't have any problem into admiting I excluded a lot of people when I said "aro/ace people are nothing more than socially accepted incel", I was actually typing an smol apology about that since it wasn't supposed to get into actual aro/ace people and I communicated myself badly

except I'm still gonna point about actual incels who use it as a umbrella term to avoid being related with the stereotypes that people think about incels

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5 months ago

10/11/2024 - 10/12/2024, 12:20 AM


You wanna know what's worse than being a sexual assault victim?

Having someone accuse you of being a sexual assault victim when you never had any sexual encounters with anyone in your lifetime (as least nothing physical)

Literally just a few minutes ago, I was getting ready for bed, and the cops came over to my house. At first I thought "oh shit, did a car crash happen" since it's pretty common for accidents to happen at the intersection near my house.

Turns out, someone saw my advertisement saying that I was looking for a relationship (I am still looking for a partner btw, please check out that post if anyone's interested), and got so mad at me wanting to be in a relationship that they reported me to the police telling them that I was assaulted.

I want to make it clear: I was never sexually assaulted, nor do I recall being groomed by any particular person. I am simply a very horny femcel who had unrestricted internet access as a kid. There is no need to call the fucking cops on my ass at 11pm on a friday night because you're mad that I actually want a partner.

I feel like the "anonymous" person who did this was an ex friend that I split from weeks ago because they got all pissy at my vent blog n shit.

So here's my little message to them since they seem to love stalking my account (very long read, sorry):


Gerard, just leave me the fuck alone Already.

You already ruined what we had when you not only ignored me for SEVERAL MONTHS on end and ignored my every attempt to try and communicate with you in the way I knew how to, but you then only came to me to complain that I was showing mentally ill traits that i can NOT control and traits you KNEW came from years of trauma that distorted my perception of relationships to where I would be willing to put myself in harm's way just to feel loved, and when you reported me to the fucking police, you basically killed any hope of me rebuilding a relationship with you.

Something I learned is that when you finally grow from being a child into being a teen, friendships and connections are very important for your development, and since I was your mostly stereotypical SPED kid with little to no social experience, I never got that, and therefore I idolized every friend I ever had up until I was about 14 years old (and even then I still had a lot of trust in them because I was so dependent on them to keep myself from being isolated forever.)

I believed that you loved me and cared about me for years, when we hung out, it felt like I was in one of those beautiful slice-of-life animes where the main character is having the best experience they could ever have. I was happy. The only exception to that was when I first developed a crush on Skyler and therefore developed homicidal thoughts against you (I didn't know it wasn't normal until years later), but even then, she got me to open up to you and love you again.

And guess what you did?

you took that trust, the trust of a venerable person with no social skills, and you just threw it out the window, like it was never important to anyone. And that fucking hurts honestly.

If i'll be honest, if I really was groomed like you are having everyone believe, then you are the groomer. You did this to me.

Just admit what has been exposed already and what everyone knows: you do not care about me or my wellbeing, you NEVER cared at all now that I think about it, and if you think that I still care for you after what you done, oh boy are you delusional (and not in the mentally ill way either). I wouldn't care if you died atp, you mean nothing to me anymore. I do not love you. If anything, I hate you.

I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind on me, but honestly, I fucking hate you, and I should've never trusted you.

I hope you fucking rot in hell you asshole. Thanks to your dumbass, my whole family now thinks that someone raped me or some shit, and it's probably on my legal record now too.

Just block me already and never try to contact me. I never want to see you again.


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