Its 5am Im Way Too Smooth Brain For This Rn - Tumblr Posts
[900+ words]
Description: You're a pirate and while you're plundering some loot, you come across a mermaid.
[Read the rest under the cut]
Since you can remember, all you've known is the sea. You were born on a pirate ship during the worst storm your parents have ever sailed through. Cradled roughly in its waves, you never cried even when the saltwater mist burned everyone's eyes.
Your mothers said that your third mother was the sea, just as she was the mother to every pirate who sought refuge in her tides. When your mothers retired from their captain and first-mate position, they left the ship and crew to you and your first mate, Wilbur.
You are the youngest pirate, and especially the youngest captain, to ever grace the sea, and you bear that title with pride. You spend as little time on land as possible, finding it as unsettling as sea-sick people find the sea.
That's why it's almost ironic that the first time you met a mermaid face-to-face was on land. Somehow, two sea creatures (you proudly claim that title, thank you very much) managed to meet on land before in the sea, funny innit?
You had to stay on land longer than you'd've liked to get some ship repairs, which luckily your first mate was handaling for you, so you had lots of free time. Deciding for no real reason to explore, you had managed to wonder into a rather seedy looking nerighbourhood.
While walking you passed a certain house with expensive drapery framing the windows and you can instantly tell that whoever lives there is richer than they seem. And that in itself is a sign for some illegal happenins and it just so happens that your favourite people to steal from are fellow criminals.
You managed to pick the lock to the front door and within minutes you've managed to pick a good number of prime sellers to pocket. Someone opens up the door when you're heading down their basement so you take the opportunity to book it further down and that's when you come face to face with a mermaid.
"Do you need help?" Those were the first words you'd said to her after finding her locked in a fish tank in some poacher's home. The question was admittedly stupid, but you had just been caught mid-robbery and you're known to be "fish-brained" as Wilbur calls it.
She can't answer, or maybe you just can't hear her, but you pry the tank open anyways because you wouldn't be able to live with yourself it you left a fellow child of the sea to die. When the lid pops off, she uses impressive upper arm strength to pull herself up and knock the tank on its side. She looks at it and smacks her tail into it, shattering the class instnatly and leaving her with a curled lip, proudly smirking like she had won some battle.
You have only about three seconds to admire her very pretty coral-pink scales ad even more impressive arm muscles before the owner of the house you're robbing bursts through the door.
You're still holding the fish tank lid and waste no time in smacking him in the face with it, spreading the shattered glass across the floor.
The mermaids obvious strength is brought back to attention as she handstands her way towards the man. They groan, trying to gather their strength and sit up. Immediately her tails slams down on his back with a crack and she starts smacking the shit out of him with her tail until some of his teeth fall loose and you're sure he won't be able to walk the same again.
The mermaid looks over at you and thankfully recognizes an ally when she seas one. You prop the door open and offer a hand, unsure whether she'd like help going up the stairs or if she's capable of that too.
She accepts your help after a moment, though she doesn't seem the least bit threatened by you which us slightly insulting. You're out the house and standing by the ocean is a process that feels way too long. Although by your standards, any time away from the ocean is too long.
The mermaids slips into the sea and you waver her away with a smile.
Niki, the mermaid, ends up following your ship. She declined to talk to most of your crew but Wilbur did have some more luck, managing to learn her name even before you.
It's weird how quickly all of you had gotten used to her presence. Shexfelt a bit like a good luck charm too, since storms settled easier when she was around.
Today she swims circles around your boat, where you're stuck aimlessly floating as there's no air to guide the ship. Only very, very extreme heat.
"It's sweltering today," Niki says, fins creating a little wake in the water as they swished back and forth along the side of the ship. "The sun must really beat down up there. Especially when you're at the helm steering all day."
You prop one boot heavily atop the bulkhead, leaning one elbow on your knee to peer over the edge and into her sea foam eye's. "You know if you want me to go swimming with you and Wil, you really need to confirm whether or not you plan to drown me. Again."
"I never drowned you," Niki protests, elbowing Wilbur to agree with her. "But I would like you to swim with us, yes."
"Yeah, Cap," Wilbur nods, smiling mischievously. "Unless you're too chicken."
You narrow your eyes at Wilbur, "I know what you're doing and it won't work on me."
"I can't believe our darling Captain was such a scaredy cat," Wilbur taunts while staring you directly in the eyes, "Afraid of a little water."
"Alright that's it," You rip your shirt off, barely remembering to take your shoes off, before diving into the ocean. Wilbur cheers the entire time you fall and catches a mouthful of salt water.
"C'mon you little shit, I'll drown you and we'll see how you like it," You're smiling the entire time though. It's so much more natural being in the sea than even being on a boat. And it does help that you're with two of your favourite people.
[I hate life it is so late I ruined my sleep schedule and my computer died halfway through writing this but damnit I finished anyways. Anyways I'm going to sleep before I critically murder myself further, thanks for reading.]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Monster Week Prompt List
Taglist: @creatorofstars