Its Getting On My Nerves How Every Damage Control Essay Just Mentions Sam And Thats P Much It - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

god, yeah. idk if they even have any basic chat bots in there to moderate and catch profanity/slurs. i don't see any in the initial users, so unless they're stuffed under the basic user category (which is miles long and i can't even scroll through it) then i don't think they do. that'd be the first thing i'd be doing after this, considering a lot of the issues were also due to letting slurs and phobia run rampant the least you could do is get a chat filter bot (unless discord has a built in feature you can do this with, but i wouldn't know for sure).

but yeah i think you pin pointed something that was bothering me but i didn't know how to word, they're saying a lot of damage control but aside from locking channels and banning the most egregious members, there isn't much going on. it feels very "ok we got rid of sam ([quietly] and also that other guy after sam..) so we're all good now and we're all good people i swear guys" only for someone else to be outed as phobic in some way, and then they do another "yeah but sam's gone so we're fine this time".

Being LGBTQ+ Is Not A Fuckin Ideology??? ""think Of The Children""??? You Could Have Easily Just Said
Being LGBTQ+ Is Not A Fuckin Ideology??? ""think Of The Children""??? You Could Have Easily Just Said
Being LGBTQ+ Is Not A Fuckin Ideology??? ""think Of The Children""??? You Could Have Easily Just Said

being LGBTQ+ is not a fuckin ideology??? ""think of the children""??? you could have easily just said "We would prefer to keep heated topics out of our server" and left it at that but instead we have mr "being LGBTQ+ and mentioning it is inappropriate for children!!".

that kind of wording or thinking is NOT "tolerance"

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