It's Hard To Write In English - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Soooo I just ened watching 1st season of tlovm. And I love it. I need second season. Please! And this was one of the very few shows I watched with my family. And they watched it because of me!!! Yay, finally we have something to talk about.

I have some thoughts about the show but they contain some spoilers so if you don't want any then don't read. (btw, It was hard not to tell anything to my family about what was going to happen. They hate me because of that.) thoughts below the cut.

And sorry about my english. It can be bad. It's not my first language.

-First scene I was like "and there a great evil came... oh come on, it always starts like this".... but when I saw the fellowshop of the ring getting killed like this and changed my mind. (Please, don't tell me I'm the only one who noticed the similarities.)

-The Tavern brawl scene was just... *chef's kiss*. Especially Vax teasing Agar. -And Percy drinking wine when the rest is playing drinking? And soon after that just taking his gun and pointing it at someone who just attacked him with... whatever it was, a knife? Some weird sword? And smiling? I already knew I loved this guy. But I didn't expect him to be so fucked up later.

-I knew there would be some dragon there. It was quite obvious. And I thought something like this "what if this dragon can change into human?". Then, BAM!! It changed.

-There was Grog, big dummy. But big dummy that can switch between raging goliath and sweet big boi. I know I don't want to mess up with him. Sometimes he doesn't think, like when he entered Anders' house and went right into a trap. But man... when he is raging he's great.

-And his relationship with Pike. It's just awww. Also, Pike is super. Even when he doubted herself, I mean, when she thought she lost her connection to everlight, she was great, but it was also so sad. I love how she want's to help people. And her astral form in the last episodes? it was... WHOA! I loved it. And her healing everyone. Or at least trying. because when she tried to heal that boy, or Kayleth, and wasn't able to do so... it got me. She's too kind.

-Vex and Vax are awesome. -I want to have same bond with my siblings as they have. Even drunk they somehow know what the other one is going to do. -And how they are like "we can run away from you guys... but we won't", because actually they really like their companions. -I already know Vax is bi, and I love his relationships both with Gilmore and Keyleth. -I need more Vax x Gilmore context. -And how he picked that lock and said "Amateurs". I want him as brother too. Please. -On the other hand, Vex seemed to be more... or maybe less, chaotic? I don't know how to name that. -She cares about her brother, Percy and the others. And her reaction at Keyleth getting hurt? It was so sad. -She knows what to do, and is great fighter. The only thing I don't understand is how she gets those headaches when there is a dragon nearby. -Daddy issiues. Great. Family drama. Well, not exactly.

-Kayleth is so sweet. And strong, she just needs more faith in herself. Her powers are wonderfull. That light she created at the end to defeat Sylas? Or made portal back home. And she has some family issues again? That she may not be able to go back home? -Kayleth creating de Rolos crest at the sky. It was amazing!!!!!!

-Scanlan... I like this guy, but at the same time I want to keep some distance from him. I mean, he would fuck everything... everyone? (Is he Pan or something?) - I like, sometimes, his songs. - Casting spells with music? I would definietly do that if I was him, and he is doing this. And how he can use him being annoying for his advance. Also he's the funniest person there. For me at least. And, is there a thing between him and Pike? Please, tell me there is. -Sometimes he reminds me about my friend, loves singing, is short and loves to... ya know.

-Last one is Percy. I love ths guy. I don't know too much about the others pasts, but I think his is the saddest one. Damn, he lost everything. He was tortured. -And then made this weird pact with demon? I don't blame him. And his sister betrayed him, and he lost his will to do anything. -Vex, take care of this man because he wi'll get killed without you. She's his voice of reason sometimes. -No Mercy Percy is hot. But this man Is fucked up. Totally. But when he fight's to not kill Cassandra, he deeply cares about her. And when the demon later takes control over him, but he finally resists. And his reaction when he hears about Briarwoods at the party. He's sad anime boi. -But, was he going to kill himself when his vangeance was done? I guess so.

-Percy and Archie friendship. When he risked everything to get his friend out of jail. -And Archie telling Percy he is not the last de Rolo- I was like- Wtf? So sad Archie later was killed. -Somehow it's hard for me to imagine Percy making pranks. Though when he talked about this I immediately thought about Fred and George Wesley. And Percy looked alive for a while. Without all this bad memories and vengeance.

-And Trinket. I mean the bear. Vex is totally his mommy. And he is her little boi. And that little moment in 2nd episode with the guards, it was soooo cute. I want more of this bear.

-"Darling, take the mask off"- made my day.

-Same about "You fool, now your soul is forfeit"

-The moment when the party changed their minds after seing destroyed village, and not being able to help the dying boy... it was so sad.

-Percy's smile is sooo cute.

-"and ther I thought you were practising your resting bitch face." "Excuse me. My bitch face?" (bla bla bla) "And for the record, I have magnificent bitch face." "You do, now?" "Yes I do. Lots of practice" I love this.

-He's the smart guy, but sometimes his an idiot.

-"DId you just Hiah me?!"- don't tell me guys you didn't laugh.

-Why did they let Vax go to Briarwoods room alone?!

-Grog saying Percy is a bit too small to be a leader.- How does the height counts?! -Just agree that Vex is the leader and Percy is second in command.

-Percy's reaction when Scanlan destroyed his pepperbox was hillarious. I had to play it again.

-So, in the second season we are having dragons again?

-Please, tell me Allura is going to survive this attack cause I love her.

-Who the fuck is Whispered one?!????!!!??

-Were the guards playing DnD in ep 7?

-Vox Machina is just one, quite big, family. Change my mind. With Vex as a Mom. -They care about each other. -And they are worried when something happens to one of them. -They all deserve this. After what they've been through.

-I started watching campaign 1 because of this show. Unfortunately I don't have much time for it. :(

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